
Days with a super star

She lost her husband and son in an accident.No hope to live.But one day he came to her life, a handsome superstar.How the fate binds the two.Did he fall in love with this average looking girl?. Is it possible for her to love a new person other than her husband and son.

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29 Chs

Life changes-5

By the time Shawn reached the party venue,it was already started.He can see so many known faces.Lot of people greeted him.

He made a few talks with some of the seniors.There are plenty of liquor available and Shawn took few glasses.His head feel dizzy. He don't want to stay there anymore. He called one of his friend and give his car key.He said.

"I will pickp the car tomorrow".

Then he called a taxi and told the driver to send him to his house. He felt his thoughts are wandering. Traffic on the road is very high.It took few time to reach the home.

He gave money to the driver and walked towards the villa.Lights are still on.He wondered whether Leena is awake or not.He tried to steady his steps.

He entered the house and he saw Leena lying on the couch. Still film is playing on the television.

He slowly walked towards her.She is not aware of his presence. She is sleeping soundly.

"How cute??..Her lips gave him the attraction to kiss her.He caressed her face with his soft hands.He lowered his face and his lips touched hers.He can smell the scent of her body.

Her body smell rushes the adrenaline in his body.He gently kissed her lips.Its too sweet.He want her more.He kissed her again while caressing her hair.

May be because of the touch,Leena turn towards Shawn.She is now lying on her side.He can see the creamy skin underneath through her low cut top.He loses his control.

"I want her fully.. "

He again kissed her mouth and then her earlobes.His soft lips reached her collarbone. His hands slowly moved towards the front of her top.He can feel the soft skin.