
Days with a super star

She lost her husband and son in an accident.No hope to live.But one day he came to her life, a handsome superstar.How the fate binds the two.Did he fall in love with this average looking girl?. Is it possible for her to love a new person other than her husband and son.

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29 Chs

Life changes -6

Soft touch of her body made sensation throughout his body.He wanted more of her.He started kissed her more intimately.

Aleena felt something on her lips and a touch on her breasts.Her heart beat increased instantly.She came to her senses. She suddenly opened her eyes and tried to produce sound.

She saw Shawn's face in front of her.He is kissing her hardly.She tried to push him away.But her strength is not compatible with his.He continued kissing her.At a point she also loses her senses. Last one year she didn't get the touch of any men.Also his touches are passing sensation all over her body.

Shawn saw she is awake.He suddenly carry her in his arm.She tried to protest.But he carry her to his room and place her in his bed and leaned over her body.He again started kissing her.His kissing skills are very good. Her strength of protest weakens and she unconsciously opened her mouth for him to kiss her.

She felt the taste of his mouth and its sweet. She started forgetting everything. She slowly responded to his kisses.His kisses trailed down her lips to her collarbone. She felt a ticklish sensation there and she suddenly hold his hair.He liked her touch and continued kissing her.

He gently removed her top.He removed his clothes too.He can feel her bare skin. His hands touched her soft breast.He started kneading the two.Then his mouth touches her nibbles and sucked it continuously. She can't control her feelings. She tightly hold her hands on his hair.

She felt pain on her nibbles because of his vigorous sucking.But at the same time it created an immense pleasure. He again kissed her lips and then moved downwards.He removed her remaining clothing.She wanted to stop him from go further. But she don't have the courage to break from this pleasure.

She responded his kisses with soft moans.He took it as a yes to continue. His soft lips touched her vagina and he started kissing her. A moan escaped from her mouth. This aroused him more.His tongue tasted her sweetness. He continuously sucked her and gave pleasure. She moved like a snake by his touches.

She reached orgasm. He then moved upwards and kissed on her lips.

She never had this complete orgasm.She coiled her hands around his head.Both of them kissed passionately. She called him through her moans.It felt like a rain shower to his mind.He started to enter into her.She can felt him inside her completely.He started thrusting her slowly and his pace increased. Soft pleasure cries escaped from her mouth. This drive him more and both of them reached the climax.He filled his sweetness inside her.

Both of them panted heavily and hugged tightly.After that he slowly lie down to the side and placed her head on his shoulder and then slowly touched her hair.He gave her a soft kiss on her cheek.At that time he felt blissful and he hold her tightly to his chest.She sense the comfort of the man and she fell asleep soon in that position.