
Days of my Life

"Forbidden Demon Art: the big bang" Kenshin said as he activate his technique. Everyone was shocked. Tens of thousands giant rock came falling from the sky. Who is he?, who is the special class demon who was able to defeat Yaze and Gojo, the two strongest. Who is he?, and what will he achieve if he distroy the world?. the creation of the world. Most of the gods decides to live as human on their creation. Although, they are human, they still possess their god-like power. Some of the gods lived normal life, got married and produce more. These children produce from them are call SUPERNATURAL. Modern civilization see them as weapon but after continuous refusal to the plan, it started a war between humans and the supernatural. Forcing humans to use other human being for experiments to produce god-like being powerful enough to maybe kill a god, results from such inhuman act are called EXPERIMENTAL. Kakashi Yami was a victim of this, leading him to a life trying to find his sister and why people are used for experiments lead him to know what should have been kept unknown. This book might contain bloodshed and sometimes erotic moments, so please beware.

imposter_demon · Action
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21 Chs


I stood at the other side of the lake, it wasn't too deep, but it was wide, creating a distance far enough for me not to see her face, but I knew that was my mom.

"Mom" I called and attempted to swim to the other side to meet her. "I'm coming, wait for me"

"Don't come here" my mother shocked me with her words. "Stay back, don't come any closer"

"Mom, what's wrong?, It's your son, Kakashi"

"You are not my son!!" I was shocked, I stood there without moving, my body became frozen all of a sudden. "No son of mine will live happily forgetting about his sister, WHERE IS YOUR SISTER, KAKASHI?, WHERE IS TOKAH?" That was the first time my mother yelled at me, she was usually sweet and caring.

"I don't know where she is, I tried to stop them, but I just couldn't, I was not strong enough"

"Stop with all the complaining, you are not my son, that is until you find your sister" tears rolled down my cheeks, I felt a pain on my chest and I placed my hand on my chest, holding my shirt tightly.

"I promise you this, I WILL FIND TOKAH"

"Brother, are you looking for me?I hope I'm not in trouble?" I turned my head slowly and saw her not far from me, she was wearing a tattered dirty white gown and her long white hair was rough covering her face.

"Come Tokah, you got me worried. Were you out playing in the dirt again?, remember what mom said, you're a girl, so act like one"

All of a sudden, she started running the other way from where my mother was.

"Catch me Brother, if you want me to come you'll have to catch me first" I ran after her desperately, I needed to get back to my mother.

"Come Tokah, you are going the other way. Come please!!!" I called her desperately. I woke up, so it was a dream. Is mom trying to make me find my sister?.

"Kakashi, why are you crying?" Natski's daughter asked, and she looked worried. I touched my cheeks and noticed tears on my face.

"I was crying?" I said to no one in particular

"You were also saying a bunch of weird stuff too" she brought her handkerchief, wiped my tears and put it back in her pocket.

"You should come with us, the doctor said you're free to go"

"What did I say when I was sleeping?"

"Just forget about it, let's go!!" She said pulling my hand "How rude of me, my name is Mira, Mira Tokoyami"

"I'm Kakashi Yami"

"Nice to meet you, Kakashi. Now let's get going" I followed her, we met her mother and another guy with her, maybe he was her son.

"Kakashi, meet Yaze. Yaze met Kakashi" Mira happily introduced us to each other.

"It looks like someone is happy to get a boyfriend" Yaze teased

"It not like that" Mira protested

"Then it's like what?, I'm just jumping to conclusions or are you clinging to him?" Yaze asked. I expected Mira to let go of me and deny, but instead she pushed her body closer to mine and shyly asked.

"Is anything wrong with what I'm doing?"

"Mira, you don't have to..." I was cut short of words as Natski announced that she's done with the preparation.

"What preparation?" I asked curiously.

"Just come closer" she ordered, we all came closer together with Mira still clinging on to me. For a moment, it was like my view became dark then lit up again, the sound of the hospital became low and loud again but this time the sound of a busy school, the chattering of the students, some students training and some just walking around aimlessly.

The school was too big to be a junior high and high school together, I was made up of six different buildings connected to each other with hallways on each floor, all the buildings were three storey buildings, the entire school was painted white. We all walked into the high school and went to Natski's office.

Apparently, she was the principal of the academy. She gave me the admission form and told me to fill it and bring it back tomorrow morning. I followed Mira as she took me to the dorms and showed me a room. She unlocked the room and turned on the light. It was messy. There were clothes on the beds, books on the table and even a half-eaten sandwich was there.

"It's already late, why don't you clear up that bed, it looks less messy" Mira advised

"Who was staying here?" I asked

"Someone, it is not important. The person left, she is not in school," she replied. "Just maintain it, I'll come by tomorrow so we can both clean up. I'll buy some clothes tomorrow since you only have one" with that she left. I walked into the room and looked around, there was a wall clock hanging up, just beside the kitchen which was behind the door, walked to the other door I saw opposite the kitchen, it was the bathroom, there was some shampoo and stuff, but I didn't mind, there were girls clothes hanging everywhere but still I didn't mind, there was food in the kitchen but still I didn't mind, the girl could have left it when she left, Mira said she left the school.

Not only that, but I filled the form, they were some trick questions that I didn't fully understand, so I skipped it, with that I packed the clothes that was on the bed close to the window, so I can have a view of the school at night, it was less busy, but they were still some students who were around, I took of my clothes leave my underwear, I wanted to throw it away but decided to keep it, took my bath and lie down on the bed, it was the first time in four years that I slept on a bed.

Usually, we lie on a blanket in the big hall, so everybody sleeps together. It is always hot at night, especially in the summer, so I took off my clothes even though megumin always tried to stop me. I sat up on the bed, with the window close to me, I felt the night air, it was cool and gentle. I stayed by the window just looking at the sky until I dozed off.

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