
Days of my Life

"Forbidden Demon Art: the big bang" Kenshin said as he activate his technique. Everyone was shocked. Tens of thousands giant rock came falling from the sky. Who is he?, who is the special class demon who was able to defeat Yaze and Gojo, the two strongest. Who is he?, and what will he achieve if he distroy the world?. the creation of the world. Most of the gods decides to live as human on their creation. Although, they are human, they still possess their god-like power. Some of the gods lived normal life, got married and produce more. These children produce from them are call SUPERNATURAL. Modern civilization see them as weapon but after continuous refusal to the plan, it started a war between humans and the supernatural. Forcing humans to use other human being for experiments to produce god-like being powerful enough to maybe kill a god, results from such inhuman act are called EXPERIMENTAL. Kakashi Yami was a victim of this, leading him to a life trying to find his sister and why people are used for experiments lead him to know what should have been kept unknown. This book might contain bloodshed and sometimes erotic moments, so please beware.

imposter_demon · Action
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21 Chs


Usually, we lie on a blanket in the big hall, so everybody sleeps together. It is always hot at night, especially in the summer, so I took off my clothes even though megumin always tried to stop me. I sat up on the bed, with the window close to me, I felt the night air, it was cool and gentle. I stayed by the window just looking at the sky until I dozed off.

I woke up feeling refreshed and hungry. I didn't eat anything throughout yesterday. I was thinking of what to eat when I noticed a girl sleeping beside me. She was in a transparent night gown and I could see her panties. Oh no, sights like this are what makes my nose bleed. I stood up quickly before she woke up, I thought Mira said there was no one living in this room, are they trying to set me up or wait, I now know, this is a test, that's the only explanation. She woke up and looked at me.

"Wha..... what... what are you doing in my room?" She asked surprisingly, now this is bad, if someone sees us now they will think differently because I'm wearing nothing but my boxers while she's wearing a sexy night gown.

"Please, don't panic" I pleaded, trying to calm her down. "This is just a misunderstanding"

"Wha.... what did you..... what did you do to me?"

"WHAT???!!!!!!" I shouted, I know what she is referring to. "No, I'll never do that"

"Then, why are you naked? Why am I need? What were you trying to do? huh?"

Just then, Yaze opened the door. "Kakashi, I got some clothes you can wear for the t..." Oh my goodness, Yaze saw us, I tried to explain to him, but he refused to listen. "I get it"

"Oh, you mean you understand, right?" I asked.

"Of course, they are nothing bad about trying to have fun but with her, I didn't know you were this bad"

"No, please try to understand" Yaze just smiled and left. I will explain to him later. With her, what does he mean by that?I bow my head to her.

"I'm not trying to do anything. Please, I'll leave then" I took my clothes and tried to put on my trousers, but she held my hand.

"Where do you think you're going? You can't just leave me you have to take responsibility"

"Responsibility??!!!!!!, For what exactly?"

"For our child, you can't just leave me after we had fun"

"Please let go of me, I'm just 14 years old, there is no way you are pregnant" I pushed her away and took a red shirt and a black trouser with a pair of shoes and took my admission form before running out of the room.

* * *

"Natski, please you have to consider" I plead with Natski. "Can't I change my roommate"

"No, we can't, Kakashi. Your roommate is your teammate, and we can't just change your teammate because you asked.

Except, both parties asked, "Do you want to change your teammate?" She asked her, and she shook her head in disagreement. "You see, so we can't just change the rules because you don't want her as your roommate. You can only be in same room with your teammates, that's the rule"

"Does that mean I'm stuck with her until I leave this school?" I was disappointed.

"There is another way around it"

"There is?"

"As a matter of fact, there is. But you have to work hard to be made an executioner, that way you can have a new teammate or, you can work hard and be promoted to 1st class mage then you won't need a teammate"

"Okay, how do I get started?" I asked hurriedly.

"Just submit the form, and I'll have a senior student explain everything to you"

I handed the form to her, and she assured me that she's going to fill the rest. She asked Mira to accompany me back to my room and explain to the girl in my room. On our way back, I asked Mira about what her mom said.

"The school is the result of the alliance the Supernatural made with the humans. The school is located all over the world and accept all kinds of people, including witches and alchemist"

"Wait, you mean witches exist?, I thought they were wiped out decades ago, at least that was what we were told us at the lab"

"Yes, they were killed back then, but after the alliance, it stopped. As I was saying, since we grow slower than humans, we use the exchange program so we can graduate from school at the appropriate age. The exchange program is a tournament held between all ACE academy around the world, it helps to check ability of students and offer admission into other ACE academy around the world, but you have to be chosen"

"But, what is it for the school?"

"Well, you being there helps the school to get more jobs from the government, which increases the school revenue. But, the student gets an increase of salary and maybe a promotion, but it's based on your skills"

"You mean the more exchange programs I participate in the more I can get promoted?" I asked.

"Yes, and don't forget the salary. If you get promoted, you can get access to authorized information and can change your teammate"

"What do you mean by authorized information?"

"Information no one can access" she answered,

"That means I can find my sister?" I said to myself happily

"Did you say something, Kakashi"

"No, nothing. I know what to do" I said seriously.

I remembered the American FBI agent that came yesterday, they were supposed to come back today.

"Mira, I'm going back to your mom's office" I informed her, and she asked me why.

"I got someone to meet, and I'm going to inform her that I will be in the next exchange program"


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