

-Winning starts with beginning---Robert Schuller.


Mr Mark Gomes sat in his big spacious office awaiting the arrival of his assistant who held the results of those who had won the writing competition. They were selecting the first 20 who would come for the grand finale.

His assistant, Hillary came in and as she presented the results to him, he looked through it as if to test the validity of it's claims

"South Africa took third place, that's surprising." He said looking up at her.

"Of course it is, I am surprised too." She replied.

"The write up was outstanding. I have never seen such a touching story before." Hillary said further.

"Well call the head of the schools and inform them about the good news.It's high time, their students starts preparing to come over."

"Noted Sir" Hillary responded and went out of the office.

She was about to make the call to Helen's school when her boss called her to give another assignment. When she was done, she tried to call again but the number didn't go through. She wondered what was wrong and decided to send a message through the E-mail that they sent the story.


Immediately Mr Ben received the news, he was overjoyed, he wondered why the principal didn't call him, perhaps it was best to keep quiet to see how matters would unfold itself. He felt like rushing to Helen's apartment to tell her the big news but he decided to calm himself. The girl in question wasn't even in school, there was no means for her to participate in the finals and he wasn't ready to lose his job.


Helen walked through the streets and was surprised when she came face to face with her uncle. She tried to escape but Chris had already spotted her.

"Helen" he called amused. She straightened up and approached him.

"Why aren't you in school? Are you a traunt?" He asked with anger on his face.

She was surprised at the question. Didn't he know about the withdrawal? Mrs Haniel spoke as though her husband was the one who gave the judgment.

"My scholarship has been withdrawn Sir"

"What?When was that? By who?" Chris was surprised.

"Your wife Sir.She said you told her to do that"

"I don't understand you. How long has this been?"

"One month ago"

"Christ! So you haven't attended school for the past one month. Why didn't anyone tell me?" He was pained.

"I thought you knew, Sir"

"You're resuming school tomorrow morning. I will personally drive you to school."

Helen was ecstatic and hugged him happily. He drove her home. Immediately she got home, after telling Aunty Eva, she dashed in to give Mr Ben a call.

The man was surprised but glad. He wanted to tell her but he decided to keep it till the next day.

Helen entered school the next day to receive hearty congratulations with everyone singing her praise. Mr Ben had published her name on the notice board. She was carried shoulder high with students chanting her name.

Helen was shocked, she never expected to be honoured like this, Mrs Haniel called her into the office.

"Get prepared, you're to give a speech before the whole school"

"Me? Why?"

"You just won an award, you need to deliver a speech"

"I don't know how to..."

"Really? And you're representing us for the finals. What has your dumb teacher been teaching you? I bet he wrote the story. You're presenting that speech in 10 minutes"

Helen stood up in a daze. The woman had a way of shortcircuiting her happiness. She didn't even know how to say a decent speech. She faltered at the beginning when 500 eyes stared at her. She paused, dropped the microphone and ran out of the podium. She ran to the restroom only to find Brett and Mina in a very intimate position.

"This is too much." She thought as she ran out again with Brett calling and offering his apologies. She ran to the field and sat on the benches to pour her heart out. Mr Ben came looking for her.

"You did well at the speech"

"Don't try to make me feel good" She replied turning to face him.

"I am serious" He replied and sat on the bench.

"I don't know how to make a speech, and I am about to represent the school in the finals!"

"That's true" He said and she looked up at him shocked. Mr Ben had never acknowledged her failure before.

"That's true. But that's not all. There's another truth. You came third among the twenty countries selected for the finals."

"Of what use is that if I can't present a speech?"

"See, this incident is meant to bring out the best in you. You're supposed to be saying- I will never run out of the stage anymore, I will so much learn public speaking that I won't be embarrassed in the future." He said grinning.


"No buts...You seem to me like someone who has forgotten her name."

"I haven't forgotten... but.."

"No buts.. What's your name?"

"My name is Helen Adams."

"What did you win?"

"The Star prize of the day of words"

"Shout it out loud!"

"The Star Prize of the Day of words!!!"

The echo came back and she smiled.

"That's all that matters dear. That's all that matters" Mr Ben replied as they stood up.

" Mr Ben why do you believe in me? "

He seemed to pause for a second, then he replied "....Because you're Helen Adams"