

If the only prayer you say in your whole life is "Thank You," that would suffice--- Meister Eckhart.


"Benedicta, I heard you made first place in the Day of Words?" One of the girls asked. The fair lady obviously paid no attention to her question.

"Benedicta, we are talking to you"

"I will always get first place" She replied and stood up.

"Did she just say that? I swear she's so proud."

"She's a spoilt kid."

"Who talks like that! I mean"

The girls were saying.

Benedicta walked over to where her mum parked and entered the car.

"Congratulations darling" Her mum said immediately she got in.

"Thank you mum. Please can you drive? I am famished"

"Sure. Your coach is at home already."

"Mum? Coach Henry or Coach Scott?"

"Both. You really did well darling"

"I don't need so much praises. I just need to sleep" She said to the surprise of her mother who didn't answer her.

They parked and Benedicta got down clutching her sweater and school bag and got into the house ahead of her mum. As she got in, her jaw dropped open, she was surprised at the number of people that were around. She turned to look at her mum with the eyes that seemed to ask why the number of people.

The truth was they were not so many. But 10 people for Benedicta was way too much. She offered polite greetings and went to her room. She dropped her bag, undressed and headed for the shower.

She laid on her bed and was about to start reading a novel when her mum appeared in the doorway.


"Mum, I am not coming out. Just tell them something, I developed a fever, I have a bad tooth, something." She replied.


"Exactly mum. What am I coming downstairs to do?"

"Are you kidding? Your dad wants you downstairs this minute"

"I don't understand the noise you all are making!" She replied in annoyance and stood up from the bed.

"What did you just say?"

"Nothing" She replied and walked towards the sitting room.

"Benedicta! You're doing really great" Julie started. Benedicta rolled her eyes. She had obvious dislike for the older woman who called herself her aunt.

"You should thank my coaches ma'am" She replied her and sat down.

"That's what we do for a living" Coach Scott replied as he attempted to reduce the tension in the air as a result of her response.

"Would you coach my daughter?"

"I don't think Bianca will be interested in things like this" her father replied laughing.

"Martin Shut up! I wasn't talking to you" The woman responded and turned back to Scott.

"This is my business card, you can call the number" Scott replied handing it over to her.

They continued the conversation but all was boring to Benedicta who slipped away unnoticed. She went out, mounted her bicycle and rode to her friend's house.

"Hi Benedicta!" Joan thin voice rang out as soon as she entered.

"Joan, what's good? I am famished and all what they were discussing at home is Day of Words!"

"Well, you can't avoid that. If you didn't want them to talk about that, you would have taken last"

"I couldn't help it." Benedicta said as Joan went to serve her.

"I don't understand, why's everyone talking about the prize as if that's all"

"Well, we know you will win again at the finals"

"You need to see Arya today in school. She acted as though she wanted me to win. She came to meet me. Hi Benedicta! I heard you won the Day of Words contest"

"What did you tell her?" Joan replied laughing.

"Unfortunately my mum texted that she was around and I couldn't waste my precious time by replying!"

"Well, your food is here. I saw Mike the other day."

"How does that concern the food?"

"I don't understand you, I mean I saw your friend."

"Can we talk about something else?" She asked between mouthfuls.

Joan shook her head. They watched film afterwards till it was past 7pm. By the time Benedicta was back, the house was empty except for her parents who sat in the sitting room.

"What were you doing outside? Curfew is by 6pm, young lady." Her father said immediately she entered.

"Dad! I was just in the neighborhood"

" That doesn't change anything. I don't understand what's wrong? You leave the house without telling anyone!"

"It's not compulsory. Can't I have some privacy in my life? Must you know everything about me? She replied and went upstairs. Her parents stared in shock.