
Dawn of the Guardian

'HELLO MASTER' (The words Faded into the blank page) I screamed and let go of the book 'PLEASE, DO NOT BE FRIGHTEN, I COME TO SERVE WHOEVER THE BOOK CHOOSES' "Wow, I'm now going crazy, what's more weird, the fact that words are magically being written on the page or the fact it just turns itself" 'THE ANCIENT BOOK HAS HELPED PEOPLE GET THEIR DESIRED ONCE UPON A TIME AND HAPPY ENDINGS. BUT ARE YOU READY TO ENBARK ON THIS JOURNEY' She had a perfect life, a perfect family, perfect friends, perfect grades she had everything she could ever want But all that is about to go up in flames. What happens when a teenage girl is chosen not only to save our world but dimensions that have only ever existed in books She has to remember: What you want doesn't matter until it matters where it's needed the most.

Tae_Spiffy02 · Fantasy
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33 Chs

Character 31


Even after I got home, I still wasn't at rest. I got home really late that night, thankfully I had my keys if not I would have to climb in through the window.

"...You Jessica are that lost princess of Sorania, next in line to the throne, my half sister and also the guardian of the book."

Those words kept replaying in my head as much as I didn't want them to, I mean, this was the only family I knew, they couldn't have just picked me up. Right?!?

I twisted and turned all night, I was so tired that every hour I would check the clock to see if it was morning yet.

By 6am I got around to finishing a book I started months ago, at least it took my mind off things for a second.

"Kids, it's time for school!" I heard mom call from downstairs.

I dragged my legs across the room, took a shower and got ready for school. I took one last look at the mirror to see what I had done with myself.

I was in a brown long sleeve turtle neck, dark blue jeans with a pair of black all stars and also pulled my hair into a high ponytail. I looked closely at the mirror seeing the giant bag and dark circles under them, so I took my concealer and concealed the dark circles under my eyes.

I looked dead but it was far better than when I got up. I picked up my bag pack and sluggishly made my way down stairs.

"Sweetheart, you look terrible. Is something wrong?" My mom asked immediately I got to the table.

"I'm fine mom, just had a rough night." I said sitting down ready to have breakfast.

"You sure you don't want to skip school today cupcake, you don't look so good." Dad added.

"And your concealer is everywhere, you look like a white Koala and not the cute type." Zoe added.

I watched my family worry about me and there was no way I could have been adopted, sure we were Abit different but this was definitely my family.

I smiled "Well... I wasn't able to get a wink of sleep yesterday but I really have a lot of catching up on at school."

"Nonsense, you can always catch up with school, your health comes first. You're staying home and that's final." I nodded and continued with breakfast.

Soon after everyone left the house leaving only me and Tyler at home who claimed to be working from home. I did help him with the dishes before going to the living room to binge Ginny and Georgia on Netflix.

Tyler groaned a few times but settled to watch it with me on the bases that we would play a video game of his choice after.

Watching the show, I couldn't relate with the main character at all because she made alot of avoidable mistakes and I actually had a perfect life but then I realized that I could never be normal again.

I looked at Tyler, reluctant to ask him anything but I needed answers.

"Hey Tyler... You know how Ginny and her little brother don't share the same Dad but are really close,... If... Mm.. we were in that sort of situation, would we still be cool?" I asked indirectly.

"Err sure,I don't see how we can ever be in that kind of situation since we have the same Mom and Dad but if that ever happened, I'd still look out for you." Tyler answered with a smile before returning his attention to the show.

I felt at ease with his answer especially when he said we had the same Mom and Dad. Who was Robert anyway, he knows nothing about me, he had no right to make me doubt my family.

After watching 5 episodes of Ginny and Georgia, I got tired and decided to play Tyler's games which he protested to saying the show was getting to the good part.

After 12 rounds with a ratio win of 10:2 with Tyler winning with a landslide, he offered to buy me McDonald's as a losing prize.

When we got back, Tyler said he actually had to get his work done and was going to do that in Dad's study.

I took my bag and went to to my room, probably going to finish Ginny and Georgia in there.

I changes and got comfortable in my sweat pants and one of Tyler's big t-shirt, I was coming out of the bathroom tying my hair into a pony tail when I noticed the shadow close to my curtains.

I inched closer since it was to big to assume it was a bird, I drew the curtains and there he was Robert in a black suit.

He looked at me with sad eyes, I felt pity in them and I needed none of it, I wanted to leave him standing out there but I wasn't that heartless, it was winter after all.

I opened the door and got comfortable on my bed, ignoring Robert's very existence. He sighed.

"Look Jessica, I know you're angry with me for telling you the truth but I had to and you would have found out much sooner than you think." He said.

I took out my double cheese burger and turned up the volume of the tv, I didn't want any part of what he had to say.

"Look Jessica, you don't have to believe me but I'm here to warn you," he sighed one more and continued.

"It's almost time for your birthday, in other words your coming of age ceremony is supposed to take place. Your people don't know you're alive but nevertheless that ceremony is going to take place in respect of your mother." He paused.

"I don't know the details, you should probably ask Standulf about this, but from what I know, it's the night you gain your full power, not as the guardian but as a royal child of Sorania, everyone will find that you're alive and will want to take you home by any means possible." He finished.

I looked at him to see if this was a trick to make me abandon my family but it was not there, still the look of pity.

"You should talk to Standulf and prepare, I'll be waiting but I'm always with you. Here I got you this, I do hope you can forgive me if I overstepped my bounds." He walked towards the window and again have me a sad smile before disappearing into the tree.

I looked into the bad and saw my infamous ice tea and sprinkles and I'm sure chocolate cupcake with chocolate icing, my favorite, something only Robert knew.

I dropped my cheese burger and took a sip from the ice tea Robert got me, that's when I realized that Robert has always been looking out for me and I'm sure he wouldn't lie to hurt me.

I thought for a long while and the only person who could give me answers was Standulf. But since I couldn't leave Tyler at home without a good enough reason, I had to make it a date to see Mr Jonathan tomorrow.

While I pondered on my bed, I heard another knock on my balcony window, didn't he just leave, I mean what else did he have to say. I walked over to the window...

"You just left, did you want the food back beca-"

"Was someone else here, do you want me to leave?" Ethan said immediately I opened the window.

I stared at him in shock since I wasn't expecting anyone right now, school was still on.

"Earth to Jessica... Hello?" Ethan said putting me out of my brief trance.

"Sorry... My bad, come in." I moved out of the way so Ethan could come in.

"Thank you." He said walking past me.

"Mm, call me weird but why aren't you at school and why didn't you use the front door?" I asked looking out to make sure there were no more window visitors.

"Ah, very good questions, first of all, school's boring and secondly, you weren't around so I figured something was up." He answered reaching for the half eaten cheese burger on my bed.

"Err... Why didn't you just asked AJ, you know she always knows what's up with me?" I asked folding my arms

"And where's the fun in that? Shouldn't you be overjoyed that I graced your room with my awesome presences?" Ethan said wiggling his eyebrows at me.

I shook my head and laughed at his silliness, for a moment I totally forget everything Robert said and allowed myself to have fun with Ethan.

"I thought I head more than one voice up here, I just hoped it was AJ." Tyler said standing by the door.

"When did you get in here!" I jumped out of my bed while Ethan stayed unfased.

"Shouldn't that question be directed to the young man eating the cheese burger that I bought you, hmm." He asked looking back at Ethan who by the way did nothing to help the situation.

I don't know what I'm going to do with the boys in my life, I love them but I also feel like sending them off to an animal circus, except Ace, he's cool.

Hi Lovelies, it's been a while. I'm sorry I haven't been posting as often as I should, I had some issues I needed to take care of.

Anyways, don't forget to like, share and comment. it encourages me to do more and better. Have a great day ahead.

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