
Dawn of the Guardian

'HELLO MASTER' (The words Faded into the blank page) I screamed and let go of the book 'PLEASE, DO NOT BE FRIGHTEN, I COME TO SERVE WHOEVER THE BOOK CHOOSES' "Wow, I'm now going crazy, what's more weird, the fact that words are magically being written on the page or the fact it just turns itself" 'THE ANCIENT BOOK HAS HELPED PEOPLE GET THEIR DESIRED ONCE UPON A TIME AND HAPPY ENDINGS. BUT ARE YOU READY TO ENBARK ON THIS JOURNEY' She had a perfect life, a perfect family, perfect friends, perfect grades she had everything she could ever want But all that is about to go up in flames. What happens when a teenage girl is chosen not only to save our world but dimensions that have only ever existed in books She has to remember: What you want doesn't matter until it matters where it's needed the most.

Tae_Spiffy02 · Fantasy
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33 Chs

Chapter 15


Things hasn't been the same for a few days now, to be exact It's been 3 days since we had that sleepover and also three day since I've been looking for a way to get out of this world and back to mine, funny thing that, since confession night I was never left on my own or out of sight from the girls and my family.

At this point I definitely fell asnif I was being watched, my every move, my very location and even the people I mingled with, everywhere I turned, they were always there. They were more like Danny's Zombies than my friends, always keeping watch and reporting back to her, at least to my understanding.

It's a Tuesday morning today and as usual Zoe and Mom were keeping a close eye on me, for reason best unknown to me, and I wouldn't want to be the girl that suspects her family for no valid reason. But it was definitely getting to me, like what in God's name did Danny do to everyone, why was everyone so wrapped around her finger and just after one night...

And as if that was not enough, Ethan kept checking on me 24/7 and I mean every minute. He's already sent like 50 message and 35 missed calls and video calls this morning, it was as if they knew I wanted to leave this place.

I knew I needed time away from them, from all this drama and all this thinking, I needed to clear my head, but where. I need somewhere that only I could go without being found...

"Sweetheart, I heard there's a new coffee place in town, the reviews say they sell the best cheesecake in Southern Virginia, maybe we should check it out sometime. What do you think cupcake??" I was so lost in thought that I didn't realize Dad was talking to me...

"Gumdrop.... Cupcake... Princess... JESSICA!!!" Dad shouted my name

"Hmm, yeah, sure" I dabbled out unsure of what I was agreeing to...

"Are you alright Princess" Dad asked looking concerned

"I'm fine Dad, just tired" I lied

"Are you sure, you could skip school today if you're not feeling well enough" Dad said

I smiled "Thanks Dad, I really needed that. I'll be in my room" I said excusing myself

As I was leaving up the stairs Dad continued what he was talking about "So honey, mind if we drop by the Cafe"

"What's the name of this new cafe" Mom asked from the sink

"It's called Big Joe's Coffee, just down town. So what do you say me and you go catch some coffee later" immediately Dad said that name I stopped in my track...

I always knew I was missing something, something I needed to remember and I just realized that this was it, the place I needed to hideaway, the place I would definitely maybe find answers...

I ran down the stairs to my Dad "Dad, could you take me to this new coffee shop too, I'd love a cheesecake right now" I asked a little out of breath

"Sure gumdrop, but I thought you wanted to get a little rest" Dad asked looking suspicious

"I do but, I'll feel better after eating a cheesecake, besides we need to know if those reviews are correct or not" I said with a smile

"Then I wanna go too, Jess can't be the only one allowed to skip classes, Mom, I wanna stay home too" Zoe whined

"I think it's a good idea too Tom, let the kids all stay home today, what do you think dear?" Mom asked whipping the dishes

"NO!!!" I shouted before Dad could even get a chance to answer, now everyone's eyes were on me

"I mean, you wouldn't want to ruin their perfect attendance strick this year now would you Mom" I said calmly folding my arms

"But it's just one day, besides I could pay them off like I always do" Mom's voice quieted down then I knew that, that was the statement I needed to win this agrument

"You pay??" I asked as Zoe looked at everywhere except at me and Dad

"Dad, I love you but you've spoiled us a little too much for our own good, that we don't even care about what's wrong anymore. (Sigh) I'll just have to go to school today, to set a right example for the younger ones" I said as I tried to walk away

I also noticed Zack had a smirk on his face as if he knew the game I was playing at

"No Jessica, it's not your fault, you don't have to go to school but Zoe and Zack, I'm personally dropping you off at school, while I have a little chat with your principal, Jess, here's some money, you can go on your own" Dad said giving me some money

"Mom!!!" Zoe screamed

"But honey..." Mom tried to intercept

"No, Stella, you will not intervain this time around, this is your fault too" Dad said walking away

"Aren't you gonna say something Zack" Zoe screamed at Zack

"Nop, I've got no problem with school, beats being here the whole day, sucks to be you big Sis" Zack said walking to the door but immediately stopped by my side

"You know I caught up to what you're playing at" He whispered

I looked at him wide eyed, I didn't expect him to be up front and it "And?" I asked so I could weight my options

"I get 20% if the money Dad have cause it's obviously more than it takes to pay for a cheesecake and that's weird drink of your and secondly I get special privilaged too"

"Like?" I felt like I was going to regret this but, I guess it's worth it if I'm able to get out of here

"I'll send you a list later, see you later dream master" I turned around and he was already out of the house, it's been a long while since Zack called me that and it definitely felt good

"Catch up later shark boy" I said with a smile as Zoe too stormed by giving a dirty look

I didn't like the idea that I had to cause a fight between my family but it looked there was no other way around, although it saddens me, it had to be done...