
Tower (6)

<Another protector has died!>

Vicente laid on his back on the belly of a protector, stretching, he looked intently at the marble in his hand, It was shining. This marble could be exchanged at his leisure after he kills the 6 remaining protectors.

He was trying to train his body's survival instinct as well, his mind wandered to Tygre or whatever it was, from Madan ou Vanadis something.

'It's been such a long time since I've watched anime, those fantasy like things can be used as references here I suppose.'

The red haired bowman with the exaggerated range and aim, could wake up immediately while acting, upon sensing an killing intent directed towards him in his slumber, he wanted to achieve similar awesome passive skills.

The Iure of this world was quite great as with other, well, in other anime like world's you didn't know that you could get stronger you just did. A lot of his views changed in watching anime, he matured as a villain type protagonist fan. Of the greats, Tokyo Ghoul was his favourite but even it wasn't perfect as he didn't make it.

With this world, he'd live his own anime and the first step was forgetting the past and moving forward in the future.


He gauged the 'wearability' of the cape. Thankfully it wasn't too tacky and was more of a black well designed cape with golden stripes, he tied it to his upper arm right over his armpit and pinned it there.

Obviously, it didn't match a kimono so this was its fashion fix, imagine a kimono with a cape on the back. Cringe worthy.

He also didn't think much of superman's cape. Some novels described three times the strength of a human as superman. He hoped that was a mis type or something as DC's hero was wayyyy stronger than that. His final form was even galaxy level or universe level strong who could blow up planets.

But this was his story, no other story mattered, he left the room and found himself outside at the islands which were the beginning of the third floor of the tower.

He walked on the path and headed towards the outside.

His target was the entrance to another island.

The crossroad that lead towards the starting point of the third floor was connected to the end of the 2nd floor but it was also connected to other islands.

If you follow the paths then you will reach the tunnels that are connected to the other islands.

As he expected he saw a door that had light coming out from the gaps after a bit of walking and he saw a long bridge along with a giant island beyond it.

He gazed up at it to the sky where it ended from his angle which was a bit close, it took a day to climb for Hansoo, he'd probably be in a similar situation.

He scanned his body, Two katanas on his left hip, a black belt like sash with a snake's head, 8 short daggers strapped down under his kimono, stepping stone, seven stripe and inkaron's cape tied to his right upper arm hanging down just above his waist. Silver earrings. Nine additional rings, some other partial defensive equipment, circlet, tacky helm, and three bracelets.

Demonic Jade Crystal and Philosophers Stone.

Nurmaha's ring.

These were the optimum set of equipment he could manage, he had no idea if they were the best in their category like what Hansoo did as his brain wasn't stuffed with knowledge like he was. Thankfully he also didn't have the cracked soul he had. He should be able to handle one or maybe even two Skills of Annihilation (Zero numbering).

Selfish Wealthy Man's pouch was also restocked with two months food supply.

Sufficient preparations were made.

Oh. His thoughts came to stop as a change happened in his surroundings.

His sixth sense warned him.


His hand reached behind him to stop a flying dagger than aimed for his head. He turned around to see a handsome black haired, black eyed man smiling at him. He rushed towards him weapons in hand.

He drew a katana in response.


Their blades clashed.

His opponents hand shook from the pressure he was exerting on his weapon through his Wrath of Juto. But suddenly his opponent stopped shaking and released an even greater force causing him to utilize the full extent of his strength to send him flying backwards.

However he didn't land on his back or behind as he flipped in the air a few times and landed on one foot and knee with his hand as a cushioning device.

He rushed at Vicente once more.

They exchanged more than a hundred blows within minutes. Vicente had his interest piqued by this new comer, his stats were obviously superior but he still managed to exchange so many blows with him. If Hansoo was here he'd notice this man's peculiarities in an instant.

This man, was Minato. He was walking towards the third floor rooms when he caught glimpse of someone, With his years of experience, he knew that this man while younger looking than him was stronger, with his battle sight trait, he also found to what extent he was stronger.

'Finally someone strong, but I might have gotten more than I bargained far, His runes are more than mine, even with Enchance I haven't caught up, usually that'd be enough even if he was stronger but he's different.'

Minato watched as his strike was redirected by his katana with ease, he hadn't even drawn his other katana and from his Battle sight he knew everything Vicente possessed so he knew he couldn't beat him especially with those shoes that allowed him momentarily to step on air.

'I can't let such a chance slip away even if he's that much stronger than me.'

Minato was hungry for a powerful foe and he finally found one. He definitely couldn't let him go. And, he sensed a kindred spirit within him.


He stopped his slash. His opponent had jumped back with a smile while saying.

"Let's make this a bit more interesting, no weapons and the winner becomes the loser's follower, How bout it? You up for a challenge."

"Why not? You're awfully cocky. We're both predators Let's see who stands at the top."


They stripped their weapons and placed them to one side.

Abruptly while Vicente was getting ready, Minato jumped in with a quick speed with a kick, he raised one arm and blocked. Minato smirked ,

'Good he isn't the type to lower his guard, a true fighter worthy of my effort.'

Vicente could sense two strange auras while fighting him through his Sixth Sense, he eventually noticed the truth.

'Ah, Two traits both battle related Hm. This should be fun.'

He faced off against him with his Tai Chi and Sixth Sense alone while his foe responded with a mixed martial art fighting style supported by two traits. He'd definitely met his match.

Minato was also smirking, this was what he truly enjoyed, his passion. Ever since he was little he loved to fight but like most children his toy was taken away from him as the other kids parents complained to his. Even when his parents died after, like a curse no one was his match.

Some of them used guns and sharp weapons too. He studied the sharp weapons aspect to deal with them and was confident he could handle a crowd of them but even he couldn't dodge a hailstorm of bullets so he avoided certain groups of gangsters. But in this world.

'I can do as I please.'

He kicked with a low blow which was stopped by Vicente's foot, Minato twisted his body and attacked with his elbow whilst enhancing its strength, which was blocked by Vicente who covered his palm in colorless energy.

Vicente tensed his leg muscles as he swung a kick at Minato's chest, he blocked with both hands.

'Not good, without enhance my hands would have been broken. I haven't got any special moves either in a battle of attrition, I'll lose but so what I'll fight to my hearts extent.'

He pushed his enhance trait to the limit as he channeled it throughout his body to fight on equal ground with Vicente whose runes were all closing in on 70% from his murderous shenanigans with his Sixth Sense.

His Sixth Sense kept warning him each time Minato attacked, he wanted to enjoy the battle more but sadly he couldn't turn off his any sense at all much less this one. He couldn't stop feeling because he wanted to, stopping his sight was impossible as well, he could only block it with his eyelids but that wasn't turning it off.

This put him on equal ground with his foe but his Tai Chi hadn't been completely pushed to its limits. He noticed that his opponent was grasping the weaknesses within his Tai Chi forms. Weaknesses he didn't even Notice! He kept his use of Tai Chi constant and used him to work out it's kinks.

'Hm. Less and Less openings are occurring, when I create one he reacts rapidly as well and returns to that impregnable state, He's...actually improved while fighting me. How monstrous.'

Vicente abruptly stopped attacking.

"I have my fighting style and my intuition and you have two battle traits which even things out a bit but my runes are superior and I will eventually win. Let's stop. You can't continue using those traits of yours constantly right?"

"I refuse"


How unreasonable. Vicente had a headache with this guy who hadn't heeded his words and continued attacking him. His mind raced with thoughts as he decided to finish things by fully utilizing his Tai Chi.



Several sounds echoed from Minato's joints. His wrists, his ankles, his shoulders and several joints have been abruptly paralyzed.

'How.....I see, he wasn't going all out before.'

Vicente calmed his rushed breathing as even he had a hard time fighting this person despite his superior stats. He was truly a prodigy. He pondered what to do with this new follower of his. Meanwhile, Minato's thoughts were racing.

'I lost. I actually lost. Hahahaa. How satisfying i can't wait for a rematch between us, wait I haven't even asked him his name.'

The usually calm, collected and unsociable Minato had no idea what to say to Vicente, he was of an 'extreme' type personality. One who excelled in one aspect and wasn't adept in other aspects similar to a genius with low EQ but high IQ.


Hm. Minato was caught off guard by t

what Vicente extended towards him in his hand. A peculiar rune. He had seen it before so he knew what it was.

'Regeneration rune'

It was a life saving rune that healed severe injuries. But why was he giving it to him?

"We are one family now. I won the bet so now you're my pesky little minion."

Vicente chuckled as he put his arm familiarly around his neck like they were the oldest of friends.


What he said was true as those were the stakes but what was with the pesky part. Minato's face darkened. Usually he'd be a lot more stubborn and challenge him even now despite his injuries but he acknowledged his loss. He just needed to become even stronger and defeat him!

"Hey i just had a fun idea. There was once this Mafia Family with my last name, It's Tenth Generation Boss had a guardian similar to you in looks and behaviour. I mean just look at those trouble making eyes. Let's make our own Vongola Family. You'll be my right hand. You've lost anyway right."

Minato got up and flashed off Vicente's hand. He dusted himself off before looking back at the smiling Vicente.

"I have no interest in such an absurd thing. But, a loss is a loss. So I'll oblige."

Vicente started grinning.

"Great, Let-"

"However, I refuse to be the underling of anyone weaker than me or anyone at all. I will defeat you one day."

Vicente chuckled once more while finding his stiff personality interesting, he was truly like Hibari.

"I wouldn't have it any other way."

"Vicente Von Vongola"


"Minato Sayahara"

Minato responded with his own name but some regretted it. Vicente clutched onto this opportunity to bid him with a nickname which he hated.

"Ohhhh our little Min"

Black lines descended upon his face.

"Be quiet. Discard that foolish nickname."

"Aw. Don't be like that."

They argued a little before Vicente abruptly grew serious.


He leaned against Minato's back.

"Hm. I decided to bring you after all"


"To the top of the tower."


Minato grabbed one rough protruded rock after the other. He accompanied Vicente to the outer edges of the tower where they began to climb. He was told to recover a bit more as it wasn't a huge opportunity. He remembered asking why they were climbing a tower.

"It's simple really. To this point you've noticed the fairies give a suitable reward for a difficult task, yes."

"At the top of this tower lies the greatest opportunity of this stage."

He struggled to climb the tower with his bare hands as he hadn't any suitable equipment unlike that supposed boss of his who had stored away some tough steel like rope and other climbing equipment. They started at the same point and the same time but when Minato looked up, he was nowhere in sight and this was two days ago.




There were also these annoying birds that wouldn't stop bothering forcing him to halt at his position to deal with each one that got too close. This place was definitely at a higher difficulty.

He slashed at a talon while thinking of Vicente's words.

"Remember Min, Don't enter the third gateway. If it's you I think you can make it up to the second but even I wouldn't dare enter the third gateway without my preparations. But even though its you, you'll probably have a hard time. Don't die on me now."

That irritating boss of his was especially serious with his last words, as his playful tone completely changed to a steady one while looking him straight in the eye, showing him that he wasn't joking.

"Oh. Don't use your traits while climbing. Save it for the gateways."

As such, Despite his well above average strength among those of the tutorial ranking second, he was struggling with these flying pests.


A beastly scream was heard from beneath him. He looked down at this human like beast, before looking back up and returning to his climbing. His mind wandered to back when they first met.


Vicente had started walking towards a different direction whilst heading to the tower wall saying some nonsense that his intuition had told him a friend was near. He didn't bother to say anything as he was already sick of the teasing and decided to keep silent to the best of his ability.

They made their way to an island where loud sounds were coming from an oasis like landmark.




They exited the path to find a clan of adventurers numbering 50, fighting a 4 metre tall muscle man with a bald head with an indent in his skull.



He howled like a beast while talking simply.

"You. make. me. angry. stopping. Figh. from. finding."

It was muttering atrocious vocabularies as it smashed the crowd with an oversized spiky club.

"Damnit! Retreat!"

"It's club is coming again!"

"Keep pouring out long range skills!"

"Circle around back and surround him again."

Theirs was a clan that was moderately strong amongst those in the tower, they had met a few superior clans and had to bow their heads but that was only a few incidents. They'd get stronger and all those c*nts in their place. They had to endure for now but when some big ass lone giant decides to randomly charge in their camp for food!

What must they do? Obviously kill the bitch. They were no match against it one and one but why were they a clan in the first place? It was to avoid such situations.

He had bronze skin decorating his monstrous muscles that were more than five times their own. This place couldn't change your body s initial state so he was obviously like that to begin with. Most likely a body builder of some sort. If he was smart it'd be a problem thankfully he was a retarded f*ck.

They gloated at their luck in finding such a beast and decided to capture him as a hound initially but he went and killed 5 of them in his resistance so they were determined to kill this b*tch.

They came up with intelligence oriented tactics against him but they had forget a

He was stupid and slow not crippled. He became like an enraged beast once they attacked and madly swung the club it had put down behind a boulder which had obstructed their sight. Killing 5 in one go.

"F*ck! Those with charging skills surround it and attack."

"Let's drain the bastard and kill him instantly when his stamina is depleted."

Thus they kept their distance while surrounding him to attack ever so often, forming a wide circle and attacking from random points while retreating to confuse him.

Vicente stood on the air to gaze over at the commotion, he stopped the mana flowing to his feet and fell from the air headwards deep in thought.

'That's definitely Figh, can't believe I forgot about the fellow, he was right outside when I was brought here, he must have been excluded as from my group of 100 as the numbers were already a bit over.'

'That strange feeling he's giving off reminds me of Minato, he didn't have it before so it's definitely a trait. It's also obvious what it does. A Giganticfication trait.'

He was obviously not 4 metres take before.