
Darling zero dawn

An orphan is thrown out of his home during a revolution which leads to his undiscovered talent getting revealed after a series of unfortunate events. He sadly dies after finally escaping chaos and finding his happiness when this chaos causes his life to literally crash down. Reincarnated with the earth as his only mother he will explore the mysterious new world before him and conquer any challenges he may face. If you want to see how he survives in a strange primitive postapocalypse then come along in this adventure. This is not a Darling in the Franxx or Horizon zero dawn fanfic but a sweet original story mixing a few concepts. As this is my first time writing, please feel free to either praise or insult my work as it makes me want to improve. The MC will be smart but not in a boring way, has a lot of powers but won't start as OP since his abilities will slowly improve and have limitations on them. I am planning a LOT of different genras which I haven't tagged : #kingdombuilding #yandere #harem #shapeshifter. PS: I do not own the cover or any images i may use, if the original author wishes for it to be removed please tell me in the comments.

Crak · Sci-fi
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50 Chs



I'll just be explaining a little bit of what I have in mind for this story.

Until now you had the entire "training arc" that took place and will still continue for a few chapters, after that we will have some exploration and history and all that to discover more about my beautifull world :p

I wont cut ties with Valhalla as I will make it into a little kingdom building that will progress along with the story, the history books that Matt found are the beginning of it.

I will probably make multiple girls interested in him but he certainly won't have more than four (and he won't neglect them).

I must also say that I have made some changes to my first few chapters, I simply upgraded a few spelling mistakes and upgaded my writing.

The one important thing that I changed however was the 'power' Matt received, instead of 'telekinesis' he now has 'fast travel', this is so that he doesn't become to OP and since I already find it hard to track and use all his abilities efficiently. (His 'monster' powers will be more than enough)

Don't worry as I will make 'fast travel' more than just a handy power.

Once again I ask of you for some feedback and please give me some powa stones, even though I don't know what their use is.

Have a nice day and see you soon :p