
Darkness Adore

Shin's life takes a perilous turn when he stumbles upon the 'Mystic Emporium,' a mysterious store hidden away in the shadows. The encounter binds him to a powerful entity of darkness, making him the chosen one to combat the malevolent organization known as 'The Order.' Little does he know that his newfound role as a contractor will lead him into a world of dungeons to raid and evil creatures to face. As Shin embarks on his critical quest, he must navigate through treacherous dungeons, each guarded by wicked creatures serving The Order. These dungeons hold the key to the organization's dark plans, and Shin must overcome numerous challenges, puzzles, and battles to progress towards his ultimate goal. Along his journey, Shin will also seek out powerful artifacts, hidden in the most dangerous corners of the realm. These ancient relics possess incredible magical abilities that could aid him in his battle against The Order and The Veil Syndicate. However, obtaining these artifacts won't be easy, as they are protected by guardians of great strength and cunning, who will stop at nothing to prevent them from falling into the hands of the righteous. Amidst the chaos, another notorious and enigmatic organization emerges, known as 'The Veil Syndicate.' They seek to exploit the chaos created by The Order and possess ancient artifacts capable of unraveling the very fabric of reality. The Veil Syndicate becomes a significant obstacle on Shin's path, operating from a hidden fortress deep within a cursed forest, where they conduct sinister rituals to augment their dark powers. With both The Order and The Veil Syndicate plotting malevolently, Shin's faith and beliefs are put to the test. He faces moral dilemmas, questioning whether he should sacrifice his friends and loved ones or the realm itself to stop the sinister plans of these evil organizations. The burden of innocent lives at stake becomes an immense source of turmoil for him. As the epic saga unfolds, Shin grapples with the complexities of faith, battling internal conflicts and doubts. Each encounter with evil challenges him to reaffirm his convictions and forge a new understanding of his faith. Along his journey, he forms unexpected alliances with diverse characters who each teach him valuable lessons about bravery, self-discovery, and the true meaning of courage. The fate of the realm and its people hangs in the balance, and Shin's decisions will shape its future. Can he find a way to save both his loved ones and the realm, or will he ultimately face a heartbreaking sacrifice that will change him forever? The tale of Shin's extraordinary journey becomes a testament to the indomitable spirit of humanity, as he confronts the malevolence of The Order and The Veil Syndicate, preserving the light of hope and faith in a world shrouded in darkness.

Nemisofdoo · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
13 Chs

Unleashed Power: Shin's Awakening

Ava and Ken rushed to the location where the Mystic store was supposed to be, their hearts pounding with anticipation. But as they arrived at the designated spot, they found nothing but an empty street. Ken furrowed his brow, frustration building within him. "It's supposed to be here," he muttered, trying to make sense of the invisible veil concealing the store from sight.

Ava's anxiety grew, knowing they were vulnerable without Malachi's protection. Suddenly, three Order members emerged from the shadows, their sinister grins confirming their sinister intent.

"Well, well, what do we have here?" sneered one of the Order members. "Seems like you've stumbled upon a dead end."

Fear gripped Ava and Ken as they realized they were caught in a trap. Desperation coursed through their veins, but they had no magical abilities to defend themselves.

"Any last words?" another member taunted as they closed in on Ava and Ken.

Summoning every ounce of courage they had, Ava and Ken attempted to fight back, but it was futile.

The Order members smirked maliciously, reveling in the despair evident on Ava and Ken's faces. "Such pitiful resistance," one of them taunted, his voice dripping with scorn. "You really thought you could stand against the might of the Order?"

"Yeah, this is almost too easy," sneered another, his eyes gleaming with sadistic delight. "Pathetic little children playing heroes."

Ava and Ken gritted their teeth, refusing to let the Order break their spirits. But the mocking laughter of the Order members echoed in their ears, and it felt like salt rubbed into their wounds.

"Go ahead, struggle all you want," the third member mocked, his voice low and threatening. "It won't change the fact that your fate is sealed."

Despite their fear, Ava and Ken exchanged a determined glance, finding strength in each other's presence. They refused to give the Order the satisfaction of witnessing their defeat without a fight.

They exchanged mocking glances, savoring the moment as if relishing a bitter victory. "Oh, how adorable," another jeered, his tone dripping with sarcasm. "Such bravery, it's almost amusing."

As the Order members raised their weapons, ready to deliver the fatal blow, a blur of motion appeared, and the heads of the three enemies were swiftly severed. Shocked and disbelieving, Ava and Ken looked up to see Malachi standing before them, his expression as unforgiving as the abyss.

"You're safe now," Malachi said, his voice colder than ice. "Where's Shin?"

Meanwhile. Shin's heart pounded in his chest as he darted through the narrow alleys, Shin could feel the Order members closely behind him, never giving up the chase. He ran with all his strength, desperate to protect his friends' lives by avoiding capture.

As he ran, Shin's mind raced with worry and fear for Ava and Ken. He knew they were in grave danger, and the thought of the Order's sinister intentions filled him with dread. He couldn't afford to lose focus, not when his friends' lives were at stake.

Suddenly, as Shin glanced back to assess his pursuers, his eyes widened in terror. There were only two of them. Confused and shaken, he muttered to himself, "It was supposed to be five of them, not just two. Where are the others?"

The realization sent chills down his spine. Something was amiss, and he couldn't comprehend why the full force of the Order wasn't pursuing them. Doubt and uncertainty clouded his thoughts, making him question their intentions.

Just then, the two Order members caught up to him, their sinister grins etched into his memory. "Dead end?" one of them taunted, amusement dancing in their eyes. "Seems like you've lost hope already."

"Why stop running?" the other jeered, stepping closer with an unsettling confidence. "Your friends can't escape their fate. Surrender, and maybe we'll spare your life."

Shin's face tightened with seriousness, but his mind was a whirlwind of emotions. The unsettling absence of the other Order members gnawed at him, filling him with fear and uncertainty.

"Do you really think you can outrun us forever?" the first Order member sneered, reveling in Shin's moment of vulnerability.

Shin's eyes locked onto the two pursuers, his thoughts racing, but his focus wavered as he tried to make sense of the situation. The Order members noticed his internal struggle and sensed an opportunity to unnerve him further.

"Lost your resolve?" the second member taunted, taking a step closer with a wicked grin. "You can't protect your friends. You're all alone."

As the two Order members closed in on Shin, their cruel laughter echoing in the narrow alley, he felt a deep sense of hopelessness engulf him. His mind was clouded with fear and doubt, unsure of what to do next.

But then, amidst his desperation, a whisper emerged in his thoughts, "Use the mark, Shin," the whisper echoed in his mind, its voice both soothing and commanding. "Embrace the power within you and manifest it. You are stronger than you realize."

Urging him to use the mark on his hand. The mark emitted a mysterious blackish-red light, almost as if it was encouraging him to take action.

Shin hesitated, not fully understanding how to use the mark. "How?" he questioned, feeling overwhelmed by the situation.

The whisper retorted, "What do you mean how? You've always known the answer, Shin!"

Lost in his thoughts, he struggled to grasp the meaning of the mysterious mark. Meanwhile, the Order members taunted him, their intentions clear – to break his spirit and render him powerless.

One of the Order members lunged at Shin with a sinister grin, aiming to deliver a fatal blow and strip him of any remaining strength. However, to their surprise, as the attack struck Shin's arm, it was reflected back at them, enveloping the area in a thick cloud of smoke.

Confused, the Order members staggered back, unsure of what had just transpired. "Huh?" one of them muttered in bewilderment.

From the dissipating smoke emerged Shin, and as he did, the mysterious mark on his arm took on a tangible form, adorning his skin like a striking and intricate tattoo. With each passing moment, the mark glowed with an intense blackish-red light, exuding an aura of power.

With fierce determination, Shin pulled a sword from its sheath on his back, its blade dark and adorned with ancient symbols that emitted a captivating red glow. As he gripped the hilt firmly, the sword's aura expanded, growing larger and more imposing, filling the air with an overwhelming sense of foreboding and dread.

His eyes remained closed as he pulled the sword, but when he finally opened them, an intense rage burned within them. His gaze sent shivers down the spines of the Order members, causing his hair to stand on end with the raw power.

Shin's stance was unwavering, his foot firmly planted at the back for a solid foundation. With the sword held above his head, the tip of the blade," pointed back, and the edge faced upward, ready to strike. The sword's dark blade glinted in the dim light, reflecting the intensity of his determination.

The Order members, so confident, were now paralyzed with fear, dropping to their knees under the weight of Shin's overwhelming power. Their expressions twisted in terror as they mumbled, "What have we done? Monster! Run!"

As they fled, Shin's voice rang out, his words a chilling retort, "You underestimated me."