
Darkness Adore

Shin's life takes a perilous turn when he stumbles upon the 'Mystic Emporium,' a mysterious store hidden away in the shadows. The encounter binds him to a powerful entity of darkness, making him the chosen one to combat the malevolent organization known as 'The Order.' Little does he know that his newfound role as a contractor will lead him into a world of dungeons to raid and evil creatures to face. As Shin embarks on his critical quest, he must navigate through treacherous dungeons, each guarded by wicked creatures serving The Order. These dungeons hold the key to the organization's dark plans, and Shin must overcome numerous challenges, puzzles, and battles to progress towards his ultimate goal. Along his journey, Shin will also seek out powerful artifacts, hidden in the most dangerous corners of the realm. These ancient relics possess incredible magical abilities that could aid him in his battle against The Order and The Veil Syndicate. However, obtaining these artifacts won't be easy, as they are protected by guardians of great strength and cunning, who will stop at nothing to prevent them from falling into the hands of the righteous. Amidst the chaos, another notorious and enigmatic organization emerges, known as 'The Veil Syndicate.' They seek to exploit the chaos created by The Order and possess ancient artifacts capable of unraveling the very fabric of reality. The Veil Syndicate becomes a significant obstacle on Shin's path, operating from a hidden fortress deep within a cursed forest, where they conduct sinister rituals to augment their dark powers. With both The Order and The Veil Syndicate plotting malevolently, Shin's faith and beliefs are put to the test. He faces moral dilemmas, questioning whether he should sacrifice his friends and loved ones or the realm itself to stop the sinister plans of these evil organizations. The burden of innocent lives at stake becomes an immense source of turmoil for him. As the epic saga unfolds, Shin grapples with the complexities of faith, battling internal conflicts and doubts. Each encounter with evil challenges him to reaffirm his convictions and forge a new understanding of his faith. Along his journey, he forms unexpected alliances with diverse characters who each teach him valuable lessons about bravery, self-discovery, and the true meaning of courage. The fate of the realm and its people hangs in the balance, and Shin's decisions will shape its future. Can he find a way to save both his loved ones and the realm, or will he ultimately face a heartbreaking sacrifice that will change him forever? The tale of Shin's extraordinary journey becomes a testament to the indomitable spirit of humanity, as he confronts the malevolence of The Order and The Veil Syndicate, preserving the light of hope and faith in a world shrouded in darkness.

Nemisofdoo · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
13 Chs

Shadow of Redemption

The air crackled with tension as we faced this enigmatic young boy. His eyes, like pools of swirling darkness, it's like an ancient power that seemed to pierce through our very souls.

In an instant, he moved with a terrifying speed, and before we could react, one of us lay lifeless on the ground, torn apart with eerie precision.

Fear gripped my heart as I tried to make sense of the power he holds. "How could a mere child possess such overwhelming strength?". Panic surged through my veins, urging me to flee, but my legs refused to obey.

Trembling with terror, I could only watch as the boy's aura intensified with each step he took, pushing me further into the depths of dread.

"Please spare me" I managed to shout, my voice quivering with fear, hoping that somehow, reason or mercy would find its way to this terrifying being. But there was no response, only a relentless advance towards me.


Despair enveloped me, and my legs buckled beneath me. I fell to my knees, feeling utterly helpless against this force of nature. And as the boy drew closer, I couldn't shake the sensation that time itself was unraveling before my eyes, showing me fragments of forgotten memories, flashing like lightning in my mind.

"What is happening to me?... Memories flooding back?... I'm scared that I'm going to die," I whispered, my heart pounding in my chest, sorrow etched across my face. It was as if the boy's presence had unlocked hidden corridors of my past, "my name, Kobayashi Satoshi, yes, that's right."

I was just an ordinary man, burdened with powers that allowed me to manifest and control energy. At first, I thought it was a blessing, hoping to use my abilities to bring light to the world, to help others, and protect those in need. Only to cross my path into this organization.

Their motives were shrouded in secrecy, they move in the shadow offering helping hand in innocent lives. At last i found myself not alone, though skeptical of their intentions, I found myself teaming up with them

The more missions we undertook together, the more I learned about the complexities of The Order. It wasn't just a shadowy cabal; it was a diverse group with various beliefs, some genuinely seeking to make the world a better place, while others were tainted by ambition and power.

In time, I discovered that The Order had its own dark history, and some members sought my abilities for purposes far from noble. Nevertheless, I held steadfast to my vow of redemption, believing that my actions within the organization could make a difference, steering them toward a more compassionate path.

However, as I delved deeper into the shroud of their secrecy, I uncovered their sinister motives. On that fateful day, they assigned me an elimination task - one that was perilous and fraught with danger, as they coldly instructed.

Upon arriving at the scene, little did I know that it was a well-orchestrated setup, designed to test my loyalty. As if the hands of fate had cruelly woven their threads, my own family, concealed behind masks mingled amidst a sea of criminals, waiting for my arrival. Unaware of their identities, I was blinded by their deception and unwittingly plunged into a killing spree, my heart heavy with the weight of the impending tragedy.

With tears streaming down my face, and a heart shattered by regret, I beg forgiveness from the depths of my soul. "Oh, dear family, if only I had known the truth before it was too late, I would have shielded you from this dark path". Please believe me when I say that I never wanted this fate for any of us, and I would trade my life a thousand times over to undo the pain I have caused. Forgive me, for I carry the burden of your loss forevermore.

Fuelled by an indomitable mix of rage and sadness, seeking revenge against the organization was an avenue closed to me.

Their web of power and influence was impenetrable, and I knew that direct retribution would only lead to my own death and potentially harm others I cared about. Instead, I harnessed the darkness within me, channeling every ounce of emotion into fulfilling their sinister tasks.

As I took on one mission after another, my ruthless efficiency and cold demeanor allowed me to ascend through the ranks gaining the title of "The Black Sakura".

Concealing my true intentions behind a facade of loyalty. With each life I took, a fragment of my soul crumbled, but I knew that playing this dangerous game was the only way to reach the heart of the organization.

Their nefarious schemes now became my tools for vengeance, and with every assignment I completed. The weight of the lives I had taken is the price I am willing to pay in my every very step.

With the memory of my family's faces etched into my mind, I knew that the only closure I could find would be in bringing down the leader who had torn them from my arms.

My heart ached for the forgiveness I had pleaded for, but I knew that true redemption could only come from dismantling the very source of this malevolence.

"Please, I beg of you! Spare me!" My voice trembled, desperation and fear evident in every syllable. "I swear, even if I have to wager my very soul, I'll find a way to repay you!"

The menacing blade of Shin came to a halt just millimeters away from severing my neck.

"You think you can bargain with me" Shin's voice was low and menacing.

"You don't know the whole story," I began, my voice shaking, but resolute. "I'm not who I once was. I was once a man with a family, a man who believed in the light and the good in the world."

"Do not put your trust in him, Shin," echoed the voice of an old man.

Shin's head turned toward the source of the voice. "Malachi, finally, they are safe," he murmured. With a sudden motion, he sheathed his sword, which then crumbled into dust as he collapsed to the ground.

Malachi rush prioritizing Shin over the order member, "Shin, are you okay" with out response Malachi check his pulse.

The Order sensed an opportunity, and started to rise, preparing to flee.

"This is grave, he needs immediate treatment," Malachi muttered under his breath.

Exchanging a deadly gaze with the member, signaling that he had no time to deal with him.

Carrying Shin, Malachi, he pressed forward, pausing only briefly at the fallen Order member. With a soft kick, just to clear a path, the corpse pierced through the buildings with a tremendous impact, leaving a trail of destruction in its wake. The surrounding area shook as the debris scattered.

"Their brute strength is beyond comprehension," the last Order member breathed heavily, his voice trembling with fear.

"If they spare my life, I vow to repay it, no matter the cost, even if it means tenfold!" he declared with fierce determination.

With those words of honor, he vanished into the darkness.