
Team 8 (Part-5)

(3 Days Later) (4:30 A.M.)

Gai, Kurenai, and everyone else was sleeping in their tent along with their client.

"I have not lost yet"

A yell came from outside.


Hearing the Yell, everyone's eyes were wide opened.

As they ran outside, in case an enemy attacked.


Lee was standing with his arms crossed in X position, being totally beaten up and breathing heavily. While, opposite him, was a totally fine Okami.

Besides them, there were two small craters, where Lee's weight lies.

While two phantom and mirage looking and side rotating Swords, rotates beside Okami

Smirk formed on Okami's face, "It's too early for you to try and touch me, let alone hit me in a fight"

"I told you I have not lost yet", Lee releases a mouthful of air

"Forgive me Gai Sensei", as he starts to remove the bandages on his arm.

"Go for it Lee", Gai shouted in a nice guy pose.


Tears formed in Lee's eyes, "Gai Sensei"

"Go, Show your Eternal Rival the power of Youth"

"Yes, Gai Sensei", Lee saluted

"First Gate, The Gate of Opening... AAAGGGHHH"

Making the 'wolf' sign.

"Blade Rift: Impregnable Defence"

Side Rotating Blade appears beside him.

Another Side spinning blade.

Another side spinning Blade.

In Just a moment, the entire area was covered with side rotating swords. Castling Okami in their protection.

"Get ready, here I come... Primary Lotus", Muttered Lee


Lee disappeared

'Damn he is so fast'

Lee's figure appeared again.

This time he stopped to dodge the Sword in his way.

Okami smirked.

As Lee backflipped and sidestepped to dodge the Mirage and phantom looking swords Blocking his path and completely overwhelming him.

"Tch", Lee clicked his teeth, He has fought with Okami way too many times, to know that these Swords can never be blocked, and if one forcefully goes through them, they will have a huge amount of their chakra cut by these swords. It's a perfect Lockdown defense.

Maybe Neji's palm could scatter the Phantom swords formation with the winds produce from his Gentle Palm.

But there are Variations in this Technique.

A smile occurred on Lee's face.

He disappeared.


Okami looked in the air, to watch the incoming spinning Lee and his drop-down kick.


Two Fancy looking black daggers came in his hands.

As Lee drop-down Kick falls on his head.

"Soul Synch"

The Kick cleaved him from upside down


The middle part of Okami becomes gaseous, causing the attack to pass through him while leaving him entirely unharmed before dissolving like a phantom.

And Just like that, he and the swords dissolved into the thin air.

Like a Void, he dissolved into the thin air.

"Your End is nigh", came a voice from everywhere.

A mirage silently de-formed behind Lee and tried to backstab him up with the black fancy dagger.

Lee Blurred as he jumped away.

The Clone dissolved into the thin air.

Lee landed someplace else.

Only to be side stabbed by another feeble looking Phantom.


The Stab didn't even leave a single mark.

But taking out a huge chunk of chakra from Lee.

The Phantom dissolved again.

As another Phantom clone came from another side.

Gritting his teeth, Lee Instinctly back-punched him.

The punch passed through the clone as the Mirage disappears.

Taking another huge chunk of Chakra.

"Damn it", Lee muttered as he falls forward

Only to be hugged by Okami who just de-formed in front of him.

Ten-ten: "Damn, that technique, is there a way to even beat it, and what are those... Clones?"

Neji who had his Bakugan opened the entire time, "Those clones must be from his bloodline, besides he didn't go anywhere, he was just invisible"

Gai nodded, "True, Lee does not know any area of effect techniques yet. He will be able to beat this technique very soon", But looking at his pupil Lee, he frowned

'That is, only if Lee narrows the gap between them with hard work... but from what lee told me, this Okami works just as hard as Lee, their starting point is very different as well, It will be hard for him to be able to catch up to Okami'

Carrying the unconscious Lee in a bridal style, Okami came to their campsite.

Ten-Ten: "Hey, is he ok?"

Okami nodded, "Do not worry, This idiot is tougher than he looks, I fought with him many times already, I know, and besides, His Chakra Level is very low, It will replenish to the brim till Noon"

Ten-ten Nodded

"Since, we are not doing anything till noon, come to the river-side, We will continue your Genjutsu training", Kurenai said as she went ahead

"Yes Sensei", As he moved inside the camps to put Lee onto the traveling sleeping bag.

"Yosh, Let's not waste these youthful moments and prepare for future to our wonderful youthful heart's content"

The Client that was just standing there watching the entire scene was confused as hell, "What did he just say?"

Ten-Ten sighed, "He means let's train"

"When did he say so?"


"You have been training in Genjtusu from me for a while now, You have already mastered the basics of it, That's why, I think, it's time I teach you the advance Genjutsus."


"Do you know the difference between Byakugaan and Sharingan?"

"Yes, Byakugaan sees through Chakra, and since everything and everyone has the Chakra, Byakugan is known as All-seeing eyes, this allows them to see through walls and objects as well. As long as one has chakra, even a minuscular amount of it, Byakugan can see them."

"They also immediately know when they are being Trapped in Genjutsu because they can see it, and Byakugaan also purifies their Chakra of any impurity, including implanted Chakra... While Sharingan sees the minuscular movements with an extremely clear vision, Sharingan is also known as Demonic eyes because they can do many things"

Kurenai nodded, "That's right, In terms of Visual Abilities, Bykugaan is better, while, in terms of other things, Sharingan is far better... that's why I am going to teach you how to fool those eyes"


"The two eyes can be trapped in Genjutsu?"

She nodded, "It depends what you are trying to do"


"Hyuuga and their All-seeing eyes can not be put into traditional Genjutsu, because they can see the chakra, that's why, After much experimenting and testing, I have come to a conclusion that we can't hide our chakra in any way, this makes it almost impossible to put them into Genjutsu... But if we put too much information for them to handle they will get confused"


"The new Genjutsu I am going to teach you today is my Self Made Jutsu, called Illusion of Darkness"


"This Jutsu penetrates into the area around you. Creating a Dome of full darkness with a certain area of effect. This Jutsu is difficult to put into action in a battle, and require too much chakra, But, once successful, due to the darkness being created with the user's chakra, Byakugaan users will see the darkness colored by their opponent's chakra, which will effectively hide the user"

"So, it blinds them"

"Yes, But this technique isn't perfect yet, I am trying to perfect it by making the Dark Dome cuts the inner world from the outer world. They can still fight... Blindly though"

"Won't we be fighting blindly as well?"

"No, I will tell you the way to see through all that Darkness"

"Can't they just break the Genjutsu?"

Kurenai nodded, "Yes, they can try, but I made the Genjutsu Structure as complex as possible. Even the most brilliant of the minds can not break it till I tell them how to"

"And do you know the best thing about this Genjutsu? it can even fool Sensors and anyone else that's very proficient in breaking the Illusions"

"Can't we use it on Sharingan users as well?"

Kurenai nodded again, "Absolutely we can do it, but the action won't be the same, Sharingan can see the minuscular movements, Meaning, they will see the structure of Genjtusu right away, and counter it immediately"


(2 Days Later)

"T-This is the cave of those Bandits that looted and burned my Entire Village, Please let me kill them personally, Those bastards that raped my wife and daughter, before brutally murdering them. I wanna kill those bastards personally. Do it, and I will give you everything I have", the Client said.



Gai broke the silence in an Authority of Jonin, the highest-ranking officer as well as the strongest here.

"Is this where the source is?", Gai asked in a very rare and very serious manner.

Kurenai nodded, "According to our information, She should be a Civilian and captured by the bandits while running out of Kiri"

"Neji, what do you see?"

Veins formed on Neji's eyes, as he saw inside the cave, "10 Guys are drinking alcohol, while there is a girl in prison, I can't say who is the leader, I can't see the difference between those guys"

"Is she alive?", asked Okami

Neji nodded, "Yes"

"All right everyone, listen up, Our task is very simple, Defeat the bandits, Do not kill them, and let the Client take them out himself, and also, rescue the girl, she is important and must be retrieved with absolutely no harm done... Everyone clear", Gai sensei said.

"Crystal Sensei"

"The Girl is the priority, Kurenai, can you put them into sleep, Once, you rescue the prisoner, My team will go in and finish the sleeping Bandits.

Kurenai nodded, as she picked the leaf from the ground... and cast the sound genjutsu made by whistling through a leaf infused with chakra.

Soon, after she finished whistling through the Chakra leaf. Everyone inside the cave was sleeping.

And their client was sleeping as well.

Soon, both teams did their job and return to Konoha.



"Very well done, We will get much information after we are done with her", Hokage said after reading the report from Kurenai

"Get ready for some extra missions, You and Okami chan might be deployed to Kiri, as the reconnaissance team"

"Yes Hokage sama"



A few minutes later, Okami found himself walking through the streets of Konoha, looking left and right for a shop that sold shinobi equipment of good quality.

He saw a few of them but didn't bother to go inside. From the looks of it, those were shops designated for Jounins and maybe even ANBU.

He may have some money of his own, but there was no way he could afford anything that those shops offered.

'Come on, there's gotta be someplace where I can actually buy something.'

He suddenly noticed a shop smaller than the ones he saw earlier.

'Blacksmith Shop? What happened here?'

He approached it, and next to the door was a sign that read 'Hirotoko's Weapon Shop'. Okami stared at the sign for a couple of seconds, and then shrugged his shoulders.

The doorbell rang as he entered the shop. It wasn't large, or at least not compared to the other stores he visited earlier. Still, the room was simple, clean, and tidy and displayed a fair share of ninja tools hanging in the walls as well as inside the glass display cases. Okami identified immediately every weapon inside the shop and was glad to see that the store not only sold weapons but accessories like holsters, medical kits, weapon sealing scrolls, Kenjutsu guides, sharpening tools, smoke bombs and explosive tags as well. If anything, the shop was well-equipped.

As he observed a beautifully crafted katana that was being displayed in one of the wooden shelves, Okami heard a feminine voice shout from upstairs. "Coming!"

He turned around to see Ten-Ten reach the cash register of the store. She was wearing a pink, sleeveless Chinese shirt and blue shinobi pants. Her brunet hair was done in two buns. They had about the same skin color, and her brown eyes complemented her hair. Her headband was proof of her status as a kunoichi. The girl offered him a smile.

"Hello, welcome to Hirotoko's Weapon Shop. Is there anything I can help you with?"


Dumbfounded, he pointed to himself, "I am Okami, We just finished a mission together"

She giggled, "I know idiot"


She shrugged, "Bussiness is business buddy"

"Sigh... what happened here, I remember it used to be a blacksmith shop a few months back"

"Oh, Blacksmithing alone wasn't earning much, so we changed a little bit", she giggled, "Do you like it, I personally did the decoration"

Okami smiled back. "It's very nice, I just wanted to know what's the price for a new set of Senbons. The ones I have right now are pretty much beyond use," he said, taking out a Needle of his own.

The girl briefly examined the weapon Okami was holding and smiled slightly. "I can tell. The price for a set of Senbon is 300 ryos"

Inside his mind, Okami groaned. That is roughly twice the price he used to pay for his second-hand Senbon set.

Still, he was able to keep the smile on his face, acting like nothing was wrong. 'Besides, that price is lower than the ones of the other stores. I doubt I'll find a better one.' "Do you mind if I take a look at them first?"

"Sure. I'll be right back," she said as she left the room, coming back a minute later holding a cushioned box with six Senbons inside.

"These were sharpened just yesterday."

"Well, Your father sure knows how to make the quality materials. I'll take them"

"I know right?", She smiled, with a hint of pride in it.

Okami smiled

"Do you have light inner armor, A black one"

"That's the last one we have for sale." Ten-Ten Pointed to a certain direction and commented, her tone indicating that she was rather amused.

Okami was taken aback by the girl's casual comment, "Come again?"

"That inner armor is light and also of black color and It's the last one we have for sale."

Okami gritted his teeth, "How much"

The girl pursed her lips in a thoughtful manner. "Since we are friends, you get the 15% special store discount, leaving the price at... 550 ryos"

This time, Okami didn't bother to hide his conflicted facial expression.

He had about 565 ryos left inside his wallet after buying the senbon set. He would go near-bankrupt should he buy that Armor. Part of growing up in a slum and independent without any adult else by your side is learning how to manage your expenses.

He didn't want to spend almost all of the money he had left.

He didn't want to go back home with an almost empty wallet.

No money was equal to no Food, and living on Ramen for days.

He didn't want to starve.

But neither did he want to miss the opportunity to have his very own Inner armor.

"All of the armors from next week's batch are already pre-ordered. I'm not trying to pressure you or anything like that, but I honestly don't know how much longer the Armor will stay here."

And that sly vixen wasn't making things easier!

"How do I know if it fits me?"

"Don't worry, All the armors in our shop are made from special materials, It would definitely fit you"

'Screw it, Ramen for a week then'

"Alright, hand that over," he said as he emptied his wallet and gritted his teeth.

The girl smiled in triumph and sealed both the Senbon set and the Inner armor inside of a sealing scroll.

According to the store policy, all purchases over 800 ryos included a small, basic sealing scroll to carry the things easier.

Once the weapons were inside the scroll, Ten-Ten couldn't help but ask. "You know, I don't recall seeing in you back at the Academy"

"Because I was given a special permission from Hokage sama and Become a Genin directly"

She Blinked, "Really? I didn't know that can happen"

"Yea, It's a very long story"

"I am free", she smiled and put her chin above her hands.

He smiled back, "You can't really expect me to tell you everything while standing on the store right?"

"We can go out for dinner if you like that"

He shrugged his shoulders, "I don't have enough money"

She smiled, "I can pay"

He shrugged, "It's a date", and went out.