
Sage of Enlightenment (Part-2)

In an Endless blank space, both Okami and Hagoromo stood opposite of each other.

"Who are you Old man?"

The Old man very gently smiled, "My Name is Hagoromo Ōtsutsuki... It's nice to meet you"

Okami gently smiled as well, "My Name is Okami, orphan, no surname"

The Old man smiled, "Ah, It's nice to meet you young Okami"

"It's nice to meet you too, can you please tell me where is this place?"

The Old man shrugged, "I don't know, I was hoping you would tell me?"

"Are you like me? who came here recently"

The Old man shrugged again.

"Are you dead Old man"


"In my Children's eyes... yes, I am considered dead"

"I died recently as well, I guess this must be the place where people go after they died"


"Old man"

"Yes Young One"

"Can I ask you a question?"

"Go ahead, child"

why do you have those eyes?"

The Old man smiled cheerfully, "I was born with these"

"You were born with those?"

The Old man smiled and nodded.

"Are you a descendent of Senju and Uchiha Clan?"


"I can be considered related to them"

"That explains, what about the horns?"

The old man smiled, "Genetics defect"

"Ah, sorry for asking"

"No worries, Now can you answer my questions?"


"Are you the one who used Order of Time?"

"You know about the order"

The Old man nodded, "My Best friend created that technique as a last resort"

"Best friend?"

"Kan Korimachi"

"That's... Impossible, According to the legends, he died in the era of Sage of the six paths"

"Oh, we played a lot when we were little, me, my brother and our best friend Kan... Pity, he died quite young"

"How is this possible?", Okami muttered

"Must be rumors then? I mean I am here, right?"


"Sigh... you just can't trust the rumors"

The Old man smiled, "Now, can you tell me now?"

"Ah Yes, I am his successor"


"You are the one the last descendant of Fenrir chose?"

"I... guess so?"

Hagoromo sighed, "Pity, Just like him, You died at such a young age"

"Na, It's Alright"

The Old man smiled, "Kan told me that this would happen, That his successor will die in order to save the world's teacher"

"World's teacher?"

The Old man shrugged, "I don't know what it means either"

Okami sighed, "So, there was already a prophecy that I would Die?"

The old man smiled, "Yes"

Okami sighed again.

"Want to take a walk with this old man?"

"Take a walk to where?"

"I don't know, Just a walk... in this endless dark space, come on keep this old man company, I have been alone for quite some time already"


"I will tell you an interesting story"

Okami chuckled, "Sure Old man, Please take the lead"

The old man chuckled as they started the walk, "So, my Story starts with a young girl name Kaguya, and a tree that one day fall into our world"


-1 Month Later- (Konoha)

Upon reaching Konoha, Pain discussed the battle plans for the invasion. The Asura Path, Preta Path, and new Animal Path will act as diversions while the Deva Path, Naraka Path, Human Path, and Konan interrogated villagers on the whereabouts of Naruto Uzumaki, the jinchūriki of the Nine-Tailed Demon Fox either through mind-reading or threat of death.

"It looks like he is not here, what do you think we should do?", asked Konon

"We can attack the villagers to bring the jinchiruki out, But the problem is, Dark Wolf and Jiraiya", Deva path pain said.

"None of them exit Amegakure"

"Exactly, they are there for an entire month, why?"

"Do you think it's a trap?"

"Let's take our time, and prepare well. we will destroy Konoha once and for all"



(100 Years Later)


(T/N: Time in void flows differently than in real-world) (1 month is 100 years)

"Every human body is divided into three types of energies, which are expressed in the form of rhythms. The harmony of these invisible rhythms, these energies, determines the individuals' harmony with nature and one's own balance or chaos within oneself", The Old man's soul who was flying cross-legged, taught Okami.

While Okami's soul was just sitting cross-legged on the plane.

"These are the cycle of physical, emotional, and intellectual well-being within a person. Every individual's life is affected by these cycles. The personal ease of carrying out tasks related to these cycles can be affected by the manipulation of these rhythms within both the user's and the opponent's body...."


"This is the most basic concept of my Ninshu"


"Concentrate young one, Right now, your soul is free of any rhythm or kind of energy. Concentrate"

Okami closed his eyes. As he concentrates.

"Everything, and every person, contains the two Elements or Principles, or this great Principle, within it, him or her"

Okami sits there listening to everything.

"Every Yang has Yin, also; every Yin contains Yang. If you want to understand the philosophy of Mental and Spiritual Creation, Generation, and Re-generation, you must understand and study this Hermetic Principle"


"It contains the solution of mysteries of Life. Yin creates, Yang gives life to these creations"


"A faint pure golden aura gradually formed around Okami's body. Okami's face was peaceful, and it looked incredibly holy.

Okami's consciousness is blurred, and it feels that at this moment he understands a lot of things, he involuntarily clapped his hands and mutters holistic Chants, and suddenly Three faint little lotuses appeared above his head floating there.

At this moment and he is giving a pure holistic vibe.

"Knowing others is wisdom; Knowing self is enlightenment... Be wise, Kan's successor, Be Enlighten my child"


-2 Months Later-

Jiraiya made himself the walking stick, as he painfully walks and sits in the cave while gritting his teeth.

It's been 2 months since he opened his eyes, He can't use his chakra this entire time, since his entire Chakra was used, He doesn't know how Okami saved him. It's impossible with all the wounds he had. Even someone of the Tsunade level would have a hard time.

Not to mention, he actually used all of his Chakra. That's, practically death in itself.

But somehow that Brat was able to save him, This must be the first-ever case in the entire history of the shinobi world. No matter what, he can't leave or contact anyone since his Body and chakra is taking its time to recover. And he doesn't even know how much time it will take to recover.

But, Okami created a formation at the start of the cave and actually left a year's worth of food for him, before disappearing all throughout.

He just hopes that the boy didn't do anything reckless to save him.



Once the preparations were complete, the Asura Path threw the Animal Path into the village where it summoned the other Six Paths of Pain and the invasion began.

Because Konoha only expected one invader, the multiple points of the attack made it difficult for Konoha to react.

The Fifth Hokage called for Naruto to return to the village to aid in its defense, but the messenger toad Kōsuke was killed by Danzō before he could leave, to prevent Akatsuki a chance at capturing the Nine-Tails, as well as in the hope that Tsunade would lose her position in the attack.

[T/N: Fucking Danzo]

Meanwhile, Tsunade remained at the Ninja Academy to summon and use Katsuyu to heal any villager who was injured during the attack.

Kakashi Hatake engaged the Deva Path, who was quickly backed up by the Asura Path. Chōza and his team of shinobi along with his son, Chōji Akimichi came to Kakashi's aid and discovered the Deva Path's unique gravity manipulation has a five-second window.

Despite discovering this secret and the Asura Path defeated, Chōza along with his team were critically wounded and Kakashi incapacitated, leaving only Chōji to deliver the information to Tsunade. Konohamaru Sarutobi engaged and defeated the Naraka Path, while Tsume and Kiba Inuzuka engaged the Preta Path.

As the invasion continued, Konan interrogated several Konoha shinobi on Naruto's whereabouts.

However, by this time; Naruto had earned the respect of every single Konoha shinobi to the point that not one shinobi was willing to give away Naruto's location and would rather be killed.

One such shinobi told Konan to "go to hell" with a smile on his face, despite the hopeless situation he was in. As the Deva Path confronted Tsunade to question her about Naruto, Shizune, Inoichi and Ino Yamanaka discovered the secret of Pain's Six Paths.

The black receivers planted in the body of the body Jiraiya sent back revealed that each body was merely an animated corpse powered by chakra and that Pain's real body was elsewhere.

As Shizune summarised their analysis, the Human Path found and read her mind discovering Naruto was at Mount Myōboku. Upon finding out and angered by Tsunade's perceived lack of pain, the Deva Path recalled Konan and the other five Paths out of the village where he detonated a powerful Shinra Tensei, destroying most of the village.

Having caught word of Pain's attack, the toads at Mount Myōboku prepared for the counter-attack. Shima, who was at Konoha at the time, was told to prepare a reverse summoning to bring Naruto, Fukasaku, Gamabunta, Gamaken, Gamahiro, and Gamakichi to Konoha, moments after the Shinra Tensei leveled the village.

After using the Naraka Path to repair the destroyed Asura Path, the Beast was launched back into the village and re-summoned the rest of the paths back into the village to fight the jinchūriki.

Using his newly learned Senjutsu techniques and a perfected Wind Release: Rasenshuriken, Naruto saved Tsunade and handily defeated the Asura, Human, Animal, and Naraka Paths, before the Deva Path regained enough strength to fight on its own again.

When he was finally caught and held by the energy-absorbing Preta Path, Naruto used the Senjutsu chakra to disrupt the Preta Path's chakra flow, turning it into a frog statue, before finally facing the Deva Path, Pain's last and most often used body.

Pain quickly dispatched the giant toads and gained the upper hand, killing Fukasaku in the process.

Using another gravity manipulation technique to grab and immobilize Naruto, Pain then pinned him to the ground with his Chakra Disruption Blades in order to take him away.

Before departing, Naruto asked Pain why he had done everything, to which Pain replied that the world could never have the peace Jiraiya fought for because the world was too full of hatred, and, therefore, the only way to create world peace was through force.

By using the tailed beasts, Pain planned on making a weapon strong enough to destroy a country, and the fear of that weapon would prevent more fighting.

Shikamaru Nara, having survived the destruction of Konoha, met with the Yamanaka group carrying Shizune's body.

When they were told what information she knew, Shikamaru concluded that Pain's real body was somewhere close to the village, at a high enough place that he could send his chakra across a large enough distance to control the Six Paths with no difficulty.

As Pain was describing his quest for world peace, his true body, Nagato, emaciated and with several chakra blades sticking out of his back, was shown in his and Konan's hiding place, a makeshift tree on a high mountain close to the village.


-Void- (200 Years Later)

Okami slowly opened his eyes from his prayers, there was Lotus Images on his eyes, the Holy chakra spread everywhere.

Auspicious and pure chanting resounded out, from nowhere. Bringing peace to all who listened, and gave them the urge of holistic and Purity.

"Ninshu principles embodies the truth that "everything is in motion"; "everything vibrates"; "nothing is at rest"


"From THE ALL, which is Pure Spirit, down to the grossest form of Matter, all is in vibration — the higher the vibration, the higher the position in the scale. The vibration of our spirit is at such an infinite rate of intensity and rapidity that it is practically at rest — just as a rapidly moving wheel seems to be motionless. And at the other end of the scale, there are gross forms of matter whose vibrations are so low as to seem at rest. Between these poles, there are millions upon millions of varying degrees of vibration"


"Concentrate, my child"

Okami who just woke up from his slumber of 100 years closed his eyes yet again.

"From Beings to atoms and molecules, to worlds and universes, everything and everyone is in vibratory motion. This is also held true in Yin and Yang. I first started creating Ninshu based on this sole principle"



Jiraiya sat in a meditative stance and concentrate. Trying to enter the sage mode even a little energy would do, he needs to send the message that he is alive somehow, and Okami is missing in Action.

He grits his teeth feeling all the pain of Natural energy.


He coughed and vomited blood after blood.

"Tch, I need to rest before I can do anything", Jiraiya muttered



Hinata Hyūga came to Naturo's rescue. But was quickly struck down after being battered down repeatedly.


"Naruto Kun", she said in the midst of blood coming out of her forehead


"I used to always cry and give up... I made many wrong turns... But you - You helped me find the right path. I always chased after you... I wanted to catch up with you... I wanted to walk beside you all the time. I just wanted to be with you. You changed me! Your smile is what saved me! That is why I'm not afraid to die protecting you! Because... I love you"

Naruto's eyes widened when he saw Pain striking her down.


"Naruto Kun... I love you... always did--

She lost her consciousness.

She is dying.

Naruto lost control of his anger and slipped into his six-tailed transformation. The First Hokage's necklace reacted to this and tried to suppress the Nine-Tails' chakra, but was removed and destroyed.

With the Nine-Tails in control of Naruto's body, it fought and overwhelmed Pain, causing him to retreat from the village in order to get close enough to Nagato to use Chibaku Tensei.

With the Nine-Tails controlling Naruto, and Pain out of the village, Sakura Haruno ordered all who could help to tend to the wounded and for a team, including herself, to help the critically wounded Hinata.

Team Guy, who was returning from a mission, passed the injured Gamabunta, who informed them that Konoha was in danger.

Elsewhere, Yamato, who was with Sai and Anko Mitarashi on a mission hunting Kabuto Yakushi, sensed that Naruto had released six tails of the Nine-Tails, and headed back to find and stop Naruto.

While still being pursued by the Nine-Tails, Pain, through the great strain of Nagato, used the Chibaku Tensei to create a giant miniature moon in an attempt to capture the Nine-Tails. During this time, Naruto, locked in his own subconscious and lost in despair, called out for help to a response of Pain's visions of peace.

In the end, while the apparently evil Pain had a plan to deal with the hatred in the world, Naruto did not.

Taking advantage of his pain, the Nine-Tails convinced Naruto to destroy everything in the world by releasing the seal. This caused the seal to distort. Despite the strength of the miniature moon, the distorted seal allowed the eighth-tail to grow, partially breaking free of the sphere.

In his mind, just as he was about to remove the seal to release the ninth tail, Minato Namikaze, the Fourth Hokage, appeared, and spoke with Naruto. Minato revealed to Naruto that he was his father, and he sealed the Nine-Tails into him because he too felt that the Nine-Tails was forced to come to Konoha, and believed a masked being within Akatsuki was behind the attack.

After easing Naruto's fears that he couldn't change the world, Minato repaired the seal and sent Naruto back to finish his battle with Pain.

With the Nine-Tails' chakra suppressed, Naruto and Pain resumed their battle, with Naruto tricking Pain into using a Shinra Tensei on dozens of shadow clones, giving Naruto enough time to strike him with a Rasengan during the five-second window. The last body of Pain was defeated, and Naruto used its black receivers to track down and confront Nagato himself.


-Void- (20 Years Later)

"Principle of Living Light brings the individual into a harmonic balance with all aspects of his / her destiny field, which is not a set pattern"

With his eyes that contain a single lotus in each eye, Okami sits there motionlessly.

"Principle of Living Light is the start of every single Space- time technique you ever know; and it requires very little chakra and self-application is what some would consider, this breeze, however, requires a very long session of deep meditation... Concentrate my boy"

"This mystical technique can be used for inter-dimensional travel, and there are innumerable locations in various dimensions one could visit for, insight, knowledge, or training... It was created by mother, learned by brother, and he taught me... Concentrate kan's successor, Concentrate my boy"

"Okami who woke from the meditation after 20 years, went deep inside the meditation once again, right after waking up"


Having reached the makeshift tree, Naruto asked Nagato why he hated Konoha, and what had made him the way he was.

Nagato, still wanting to know Naruto's reply to his question, answered with two stories. The first was how his parents were killed during the Second Shinobi World War, which led to the activation of his Rinnegan.

The second he began with how he met his friends Konan and Yahiko, the boy whose body would later become the Deva Path. Yahiko had revealed to the small makeshift family that he wanted to rule the world, to stop the world's wars.

After their dog, Chibi was killed by an explosive tag as collateral damage from the Sannin's battle with Salamander Hanzō, Yahiko declared he wouldn't just rule the world but would become a god, a dream that sparked the same desire in Nagato.

Nagato then revealed how Yahiko approached Jiraiya to ask him to train himself, Nagato and Konan to be a ninja. During their training, Nagato had used the Rinnegan to save Yahiko. Seeing this, Jiraiya told Nagato about the time of never-ending wars, when a "messiah", the Sage of the Six Paths, appeared and spread his religion across the world, which came to be the ninja techniques that the shinobi used today.

Jiraiya thought the Sage had been "reborn" as Nagato and entrusted him to find the "answer" and spread peace in the world, before leaving the three orphans.

Years later, the three formed a gang in Amegakure, led by Yahiko, to abolish wars and bring peace to the world. Their fame captured the attention of Hanzō, who approached Yahiko to join hands and work together to bring peace among the war-torn countries of Earth, Fire, and Wind.

But this association turned out to be a trap laid by Hanzō, as he feared that Yahiko's group would take over the leadership of Amegakure. He lured Yahiko and Nagato to an area that was surrounded by many Konoha's Anbu Root shinobi, with Danzō leading them.

[T/N: Again Danzo]

Hanzō had kidnapped Konan and then proposed for Yahiko to die to save Konan's life. He threw a kunai in Nagato's direction and ordered him to kill Yahiko.

Yahiko agreed to die, but Nagato refused to kill him. Seeing this, Yahiko forcibly held Nagato's hand with the kunai and slit his own throat with it.

A dying Yahiko told Nagato that he had to live, as he was the "messiah". Nagato told Naruto that Yahiko's death was the second great source of pain for him. This incident led Nagato to go berserk, as he used his Rinnegan's abilities to subdue and backfire all attacks on him by Hanzō's men. But in the midst of all this, Nagato's legs were horribly burnt by Hanzō's Fire Release technique while he was saving Konan.

He ultimately summoned a large, animated statue for battle, which imbued several chakra rods from its body into Nagato's back in order to use the latter's chakra. The statue then released a soul removing dragon which killed many of Hanzō's men, but as Nagato was about to target Hanzō himself, he fled the scene with the Body Flicker Technique.

Nagato told Naruto that he had become the leader of their gang, and had carried on Yahiko's agenda to bring peace to the world.

After hearing Nagato's story, Naruto reflected on everything he had heard. Naruto agreed that some of the things Nagato mentioned were true, but he also said that Jiraiya had believed in him and that he would believe in what Jiraiya had believed in, and that was why he would not kill Nagato.

Nagato questioned this, and Naruto pulled out the book that Jiraiya had written. He began reading from it and told Nagato the main character's name was Naruto.

Naruto then said that he would become Hokage, and he promised peace for Amegakure as well. Nagato then stated that Naruto was like him when he was younger. He said that he would believe in Naruto, and prepared to use a technique.

Upon using the technique, Nagato used his Outer Path to release all the souls that had been captured and used it to also revive those who had died, including Kakashi, Fukasaku, and Shizune.

At Mount Myōboku, the Great Toad Sage told Gamabunta that everyone had been revived and that he found it surprising that it was two of Jiraiya's pupils that would bring about the revolution to the Ninja World.

Nagato then entrusted his will to Naruto and passed away. Konan decided to leave the Akatsuki, and took both Nagato and Yahiko's bodies, telling Naruto that she would believe in him.

She then used her paper to create a bouquet of flowers as a sign of peace and gave them to Naruto.


-Void- 30 Years Later-

Okami who was deep in the concentration flinched a little.

"Oho? Look Like, Ashura has done something great", The Old man smiled, "And this young man actually felt it"

The Old man gently smiled once more.

"A very extensive meditation is necessary in order to gain the eye of Knowledge. As we take a further look into Yin and Yang elements, we start to realize their true purpose in the world, what we can't quite see just yet."


"With these two elements, One can create anything, and give life to anything as well, But it requires the patience and discipline of an enlightened body... Concentrate my child"


Naruto erected a shrine in the forest in honor of his sensei and started to make his way back to the ruins of Konoha.

He almost succumbed to exhaustion but was caught by a newly revived Kakashi, who carried Naruto on his back to the border of the village.

Awaiting them were his friends and companions. As the villagers congratulated Naruto, Ebisu and Iruka thought about how their opinion of Naruto had undergone an immense change over the years; he was once considered a nuisance and a demon, but as his deeds were recognized he became a true hero through the eyes of many.

Naruto's ultimate dream of acknowledgment had come true at last. Tsunade was left in a comatose state after using almost all of her chakra to protect the villagers...

[T/N: Jiraiya used all of his chakra and is still conscious because Okami reversed the time for him, But he still could not do anything right now. While Tsunade has to suffer a full blow from almost using her entire chakra. Again, using the entire chakra results in death. Almost exhausting entire chakra results in Comastate... Hope you get the difference]

Meanwhile, during the council meeting after the invasion, Danzō was able to persuade the Fire Daimyō to make him the acting Sixth Hokage.

Having finally acquired the title, he labeled Sasuke Uchiha a missing-nin and ordered his assassination.

Team Samui of Kumogakure arrived in Konoha with news that Sasuke's team had kidnapped Killer B, and was looking for whatever information Konoha had on Sasuke.

Meanwhile, on their way to Konoha, Taka, having abandoned Akatsuki after capturing the Eight-Tails, was stopped by Tobi.

[T/N: Taka is Sasuke's team that was previously under Orochimaru]

Tobi was angry that Taka had failed to actually capture the Eight-Tails, assigned Taka a new mission: to kill Danzō, the new Hokage, at the summit.

Zetsu's white half left to lead the way. Tobi told Black Zetsu that Pain's defeat was a major hindrance to his plans and that Sasuke would be of no use to him if he couldn't be controlled properly. Tobi decided to finally step out of the shadows and commence with his Eye of the Moon Plan.


-Void- 700 Years Later- (7 Months Later)

Okami slowly opened his eyes...

He looked around...


He was in the cave that he left countless centuries ago.


"I am back?"


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