
Sage of Enlightement (Part-1)

"Hey, baa-chan," the whiskered blonde greeted as he pushed his way into the Hokage's office without so much as a knock for warning.

His voice was the same light, blasé tone that he always spoke with but even after three drinks, Tsunade could hear the low disenchantment he tried to keep from leaking into his speech.

"Have a seat, Naruto," she said wearily, waving her hand at the single chair across from her. Naruto complied with the simple demand, thinking it weird that she had a chair set out in front of the desk at all.

The Toad on Tsunade's desk took in a big breath and let it out slowly, he had to tell him "Naruto ... Jiraiya-Boy has died in battle".

The spiky-haired blonde just looked dumbstruck 'he has not realized what the old toad have just told him'.

"Huh ... wh..what are you talking about" he quickly looked around the room and saw the solemn and grieved faces of his friends and mentors.

"Naruto, I know this is all sudden, I don't blame you if you do not believe me" he took another deep breath, "Jiraiya-Boy went to Hidden Rain to verify the truth some Questions that I do not know of"

Naruto was not ... or could not listen to what they were saying, his mind was in turmoil and he felt weak at the knees. "what is going on, this can't be real ... this .. this is Jiraiya ... this is Pervy sage we are talking about here. No ... no this must be Genjutsu or a dream or something..!"

Naruto's mind was fixated on the fact he was gone, His fist curled into a rage, he looked up and fixed his eyes on Tsunade " You ... you let Pervy-sage go didn't you !" he shouted so loud his head flared. Tsunade only stared back at him in utter sorrow "Well !? ... How could you let him go like that if you knew how dangerous it was !" the lines on his face widened and his eyes began taking on a red tinge.

Kakashi turned towards him "Naruto! that's enough, you should know how Tsunade-sama feels"

Naruto whirred around and headed straight for the door, over his shoulder he called out "If Pervy-Sage was the Fifth he would not of let her go ..." he slammed the door and began running towards ... where ? not even he knew, he just needed to move and get out of this place.

He leaped to the nearest rooftop and increased his speed with each step his sorrow increased "Baka ... Baka .. Baka .. BAKA !" he screamed at himself, if only he were stronger he could have been there to help Jiraiya.

At that moment the tears fell, they flowed endlessly and ran down his cheek, and off his chin, they landed quietly on the road beneath him. Had Hinata not been walking home from Kurenai-Sensei's house, Naruto would have delved deeper into the personal darkness ... of Depression.

Hinata was walking back from her morning visit with Kurenai-Sensei, her mind was obviously occupied with Naruto, 'he has grown so strong the few years he was away, he has become more handsome too', that brought a fresh flush to her cheeks.

'Oh but what is the use ... he has not realized I love him, I might as well spend the rest of my life following in his shadow... No, this was the depressing Hinata speaking and she cannot keep bringing me down like this. I will keep supporting Naruto-Kun and hopefully, he would accept me'

she smiled at the thought of being with Naruto. A stray droplet hit the concrete in front of her, 'is it going to rain? no, that cant be ... today was the typical warm dry day in Konoha' she looked ahead and saw a figure running along the roofs, curiously she activated Byakugan and saw the figure was Naruto. She looked down at the droplet and saw the tiny microbes of Chakra flowing throughout the droplet.

"Naruto-Kun ... crying?" the words brought tears to her own eyes. The thought of Naruto, Her idol, was running away crying made her buckle at the knees which caused her to fall against the wall.

She regained her composure and began sprinting as she had never done before 'I must find Naruto-Kun, I must help and comfort him in his time of need' she leaped into the forest and headed for the training ground which she guessed, was where Naruto ran too. she felt Naruto's pain as her own seeing him as such made her want to die, no one should ever see their idol cry. She would not stop searching until she found Naruto, even if it took her a thousand years.

Naruto reached the training ground and sank to his knees "P..P...Pervy-sage" fresh streams of tears rode down his cheeks and made his eyes as red. He looked over at the training dummies with pure anger and hatred, as if they were the members of the Akatsuki "I need to get stronger so I can defeat the Akatsuki and avenge Pervy-Sage if I can't do that ... I'll kill myself" he began hitting away at the dummies with his already bloodied fists.

He felt like someone was watching him, but his mind was too occupied to even take notice.

"Fuck...Fuck...fuck! just when things were going great this just went and happened" he began hitting the tree with Rasengan after Rasengan into the wooden polls, with each blow he began to lose control of his emotions. "Rasen ..." he finally collapsed in a burst of pain and depression. his screams of sad agony pierced the skies...

Hinata who was watching all of this cried herself, as she ran back to get the only person who can help him right now. Iruka sensei.

"Naruto Kun... please don't cry"

She ran as fast as she could to find Iruka sensei.


In Tsunade's office, Fukasaku reveals the chakra-encrypted code that Jiraiya wrote on his back and the Animal Path body from the Six Paths of Pain that Jiraiya managed to defeat.

Immediately, Tsunade orders an autopsy to be performed on the body.

Naruto is perturbed and thinks about his past times with Jiraiya while crying.

His former sensei, Iruka Umino greets and tries to perk him up, but to no avail.

Hinata who was watching this from behind the tree felt her chest tighten... He is sad. And it makes her sad as well.



It hurts.

That was the main thing that occupied Jiraiya's thoughts as he lay in a disjointed haze of pain in some kind of a cave.

A small army of Okami clones was currently working over him in a fevered swarm of barely controlled chaos - pushing, prodding, sticking him with needles and tubes, calling for blood and more units of drugs Jiraiya had never heard of before or could ever hope to understand how they were supposed to drive back the encroaching darkness or patch the gaping hole in his vital organs that were steadily draining him of life...

"Stay with me Old man, We don't have the luxury to call Tsuande or go to any hospital, Aren't you glad that I trained under her for some time"

Jiraiya coughed more and more blood.

"Dangit... Keep up with me Old man, aren't you going to write your new novel?"

"I... I have thought the next novel... name", Jiraiya said hoarsely.

One Clone moved forward to press a square of gauze to his shredded stomach. As he made Jiraiya leaned back to give one of the clone access to the seeping wound. Jiraiya saw that Okami's latex-gloved hand was now painted a disturbingly vivid shade of red all the way up to his wrist.

It was cold.

"What's the name of it, Old man", He asked

"Pervy adventures... Naruto Uzumaki... You complete it... for me"

Jiraiya vomited more and more blood.

"I am not going to write a Porn, Do it yourself... I NEED MORE BLOOD"

"This is the last bottle we have"

"Then get more"

"This is all Amegakure hospital have in store, we stole as much as we can"



"He is not in a position to move"

"Then we get her"

"You already have created so many... One more and your chakra will be nearly exhausted, not to mention to use Physical path you need abundant amo--

Okami didn't care as he made a cross sign.

"Shadow clone jutsu"

With a Poof..!! of smoke, a clone appeared beside them. As the clone nodded and disappeared from the sight.

One of the clones on Jiraiya's left swore as he threw a blood-soaked rag to the floor and snatched a new one from one of Clone assisting him and pressed it to Jiraiya's stomach. "He is bleeding out. GET MORE BLOOD"

"We don't much blood left"

"You have to... very illustrative when you write sex... scene... You have to... research... a lo--


"Old man, Old man, Listen to me, Listen to me Old man"

"Huh?", Jiraiya opened his eyes a little

"I will only edit the porns that you write, I will not write it for you. So, just stay up and write those filthy books by yourself"

He is closing his eyes again.


"He is dying... Let's use the order of time"

"But... That technique is the last resort. It will take all of your Chakra, and Spiritual energy, You will lose every bit of your powers and vitality... You will die and become sand of time"

"Don't care, we need to keep him alive"

"If you do that, what about the people you swear to protect... what about Tenten"


Jiraiya vomited another chunk of blood.

"There is no other way... He will not live till Tsunade reaches here. As for us, I think the true measure of a shinobi is not how he lives, but how he dies... I am sure tenten will Understand"

Jiraiya vomited another chunk of blood. He is nearly dead.

"I have made a decision"

All the clones agreed, and with a poof..!! of smoke, they disappeared.


"Live Old man, I am sacrificing a hell lot for you"

He clapped his hands, stood straight, and closed his eyes.

He was in the praying motion.


Taking a deep breath, He finally revolves his spiritual and chakra energy to the max.

"Sage Arts: Seven Orders: Order of Time"





A huge amount of natural energy flows in the area as it rush towards Okami.

The natural energy guided by Spiritual energy and Chakra flows from him and altered time...

His bleeding suddenly stopped. The Birds in the area stopped moving.

Time stopped moving forward...

Suddenly, It started moving backward.

It was like a rewind button was pressed altogether.

The Birds were moving back. Jiraiya's wounds started healing at the naked eye pace.

The entire world rotated other side for a few seconds.

While Okami was aging every second.

In just a few minutes, He was an Old man, who was staying in praying motion while closing his eyes.

In another few seconds, He becomes sand to drift apart.

After he was gone, the time started moving once again... as Jiraiya opened his eyes. Feeling confused.


-Unknown Place-

In the blank space with no start or end, Okami just wondered for some time.

"Hello, Young One, Are you the one that used one of the seven orders, the order of time?"


Okami shocked turned back.

There he saw an old man with two horns and the eyes of the sage of the six paths sitting there crossed legs. The old man looks kind of nice.

"who are you Old man"

The Old man very gently smiled, "My Name is Hagoromo Ōtsutsuki... It's nice to meet you"

This is not end. So, don't ask silly questions like is this end. Also, please comment and review

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