
3 Years Later (Part-2)

Three weeks later, Okami stood on the roof as he watched Naruto and Jiraiya bring their fifth Hokage.

ANBU General Sparrow, Jonin Commander Shikaku Nara, Elders... everyone acknowledges Tsunade as the Fifth Hokage.

Root was disbanded already, since, Hokage is back, and their Leader Danzo is not in charge anymore. Sparrow thoroughly suppressed them.

Tsunade Senju took care of internal conflicts and the roaming threats on Konoha. She even took in charge of Konoha's medical department.

Hospital's recovery rate increased by a lot because of her.

Peace finally returned to the leaf.


1 Week Later, Okami helped put Hirokoto tenten's father in a wheelchair as they went to their house.

It was damaged by the battle. Tenten sighed.

They didn't have much money, Naruto's apartment was destroyed as well, He is currently staying with Jiraiya. As for Okami, he was staying in the hospital these few days, Tenten's family is not so well off, Neither Okami is rich. but they manage to rent a small house for the time being.

Konoha right now is being repaired without cost to civilians or Shinobis by the order of Fifth Hokage Tsunade...


Okami sat in the kitchen, cooking and reading an old dusty book. It wasn't any particularly special book, but it was interesting just the same.

Hirokoto sat in his wheelchair as he looked at Okami who was smiling gently while setting the table. Tenten was helping him with the same enthusiasm.

The old man's eyes softened. It would have been so good if tenten's mother was alive today.

Hirokoto smiled and laughed eating the food made by the boy.

The old man was moved to tears after eating such delicacy. His daughter is a terrible cook, and he is not a good cook either.

Even if it's to eat such food daily, Hirokoto decided not to let the boy leave. He will not go back to eat that garbage ever again.


The rest of the days were spent just like these. Okami decided to live here till Old man was alright.

Since he was no blacksmith and none of the present was rich enough to live their days leisurely without working, Tenten decided to keep on working the weapon/Blacksmith shop that somehow survived. She has to leave for Genin missions as well. Okami could work as well, But he decided against it. He couldn't take care of Grandpa at that time... He wants to do it now for this big man.

She sighed a huge sigh of relief when Okami take care of her father with a smile.

She could see her father's eyes were getting softer towards him.


That night, they gave the entire room to Hirokoto with the bed in it.

As Tenten And Okami slept in the next room.

"Sorry for the lack of space", Tenten apologized as she prepared two futons in the same room.

Okami shrugged, he didn't really care, He grew up in slums anyway. This room is far better than that.


(That night at 3 a.m.)

Tenten was sleeping peacefully when she felt something picking, her eyes furrowed as she begrudgingly opened her eyes... she saw a hand loosely wrapped around her.

She was only thinking of seeing whose hand it was. When it poked again.

This time she felt it clearly. Her face stiffened and entirely red as she slowly used her hand to feel and find what was pocking from behind her. All of a sudden, Tenten froze. She felt something hard… large… and erect… pressing into her back lower abdomen, right into her crack even twitching a little. it feels little sticky

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

She stiffly looked back to see Okami sleeping right behind her loosely wrapping his hand around her waist.

At the time, she shifted, Okami paranoia kicked in. as his eyes quickly opened.



Once again two shrill shrieks rang out simultaneously, and the two who had been pressed tightly together suddenly flew apart like they had been shocked by lightning.

"Y-Y-Y-You PERVERT", She covered her chest with hand and used the other hand to shakingly point at him..!!

"What happened", Came the voice from another room.

Hirokoto could not walk on his own right now, Okami looked at her pleadingly.

She grit her teeth, "Its nothing dad, Just some dream... You go back to sleep"

Hirokoto sighed...

She looked at Okami.

He was not here. She looked here and there. He just vanished into the thin air.

Tenten's lovely face turned red and white, and she said angrily: "Okami, I know you are here. Come out here now!"

"No way... I didn't do anything! You were the one who woke me up!", The voice echoed all around the room.

She grit her teeth.

"My lady, It really wasn't my intention, It's normal for boys you know, I am not made of stone or anything... You can't really be asking me to... to... you know, not to be hard---"

Her red face was even angrier.


(Next Morning)

Hirokoto ate the breakfast made by Okami, Tenten was gone for her daily missions/ Training.

Okami sighed as he washes the dishes.

"What did you do to her yesterday?"


"I-I didn't do anything... S-She really had a Nightmare"


"S-Sir, I really didn't do it on purpose, It was truly really a mistake"

"I know"

"It wa... wait.!! You know?"

Hirokoto chuckled, "I was young once you know, Tenten's mother was my girlfriend back then... I know everything..."


"Forget it, Take me to my workshop, I need to make weapons again, we are in need of money. You are a shinobi, go and train"

"But sir"

He raised his hand, "Do as I say, boy, Tenten is a shinobi, I know it's important for you guys to train hard daily"

Okami nodded.


Okami stood in the field, thinking of his battle against Itachi.

That thing... Susanoo, it practically stopped everything. The physical path couldn't touch Itachi at all.

He couldn't beat Itachi because he was not training hard enough...

If only the Elemental path was mastered, he could have beaten that Susanoo or whatever. If only Physical path was mastered, He could have made time to stop moving. Itachi wouldn't have the chance to even react, let alone countering. Just like that famous Flying thunder god.

He needs to get strong enough to unlock the third path. The enlightenment path. His mastery over the winds is not high enough as well.

"Let's forget everything and start anew, This time, let's just focus on four paths and Wind mastery"


He visited Lee during these days, Train with team 8, Visited and spent time with Kurenai sensei... Team 7 and naruto is doing good as well...

Sasuke is getting jealous of naruto's speed of improvement as well.

Naruto is the son of once in a lifetime genius Minato Namikaze, and brilliant Kushina Uzumaki.

How could their son be mediocre? Just because no one taught him that's why he was weak at the start. But now that Jiraiya is training him, He is getting better and better.

Naruto was an Unknown Prodigy. Sasuke is good too, but Naruto was too lacking that's why his speed of progress is visible to naked eyes.

Sasuke doesn't know that. And his jealousy is rising up and up. With the way, Naruto is growing, he will leave behind Sasuke in the dust.

Okami sighed when he watched Sakura, who wasn't growing up. Naruto and Sasuke have left her behind. Right now, Team 7 is not a team anymore...

Naruto and Sasuke are only focusing on competing with each other. Civilian Sakura Haruno is left in the shadows of those two.

Kakashi is not teaching Sakura properly either. Okami sighed, with the things that are going on, She will only be depending on those two.

Team 8 and team 10 is making great progress, Shikamaru is a pure Genius whose potential is undoubtedly worthy of S-rank. Okami smiled while training with them, Team 10 definitely has the strongest bond.

Team 8, He mainly trains with Hinata, who is showing great progress, Okami and Hinata come to the conclusion that it's not she is not talented, but Hyuuga stiff style is not a good fit for her.

She is gentle. Unlike the ruthless Hyuuga arts. She is very flexible. And from then on, Okami trained her on her flexibility.

Just like Naruto. Her progress is incredibly fast as well. So fast that it's visible to the naked eyes.


2 Weeks Later, Hirokoto is able to move on his own again. Konoha is rebuilt. The old man has made a Pitch black Katana for Okami. This sword is made by Hirokoto's lifetime's knowledge of Blacksmithing. It might not be completed yet, But it's still his best work till now.

The sword is very powerful.


Okami went back to his house to live with Naruto again.

Teams go out and do the missions. He stayed in Konoha refusing every Job given to him, trying to master the winds and the two paths... while, also trying to unlock the third Path.


(1 Month Later)

"So, you are going to leave", Lee asked with plaster on his leg sitting on Hospital bed.

Okami nodded, "There are too many questions that need to be answered and... I can't grow stronger inside Konoha anymore"

"I understand, your yout--

Okami suddenly hugged him.

"Don't ever change Lee, And don't ever forget that you are my best friend. I am sure, One day, you will show everyone that you can be a splendid ninja even without ninjutsu or genjutsu. One day, you will show it to everyone, and on that day, I will be there... watching"

"Okami Kun..!! You are such a youthful friend", Lee cried and snorted in Okami's cloth.


This was gross. Okami sighed, he needs to burn these clothes.

Okami left his hug. seeing the sincere Lee, Okami gently smiled

"When I am back, We will fight again"

He went back to his house and took a shower yet again.


"When will you return?", Kurenai sensei asked

Okami sighed, "There is something that is going on sensei, yet I am not sure what is it, But Jinchiruki's are a definite part of it... I will not return till I find answers"

Kurenai took a deep breath. "And How will you find those answers?"

"Head on attack on Akatsuki"


"I have been told that it's an organization that is made of S-rank shinobis, Their exact number of members is unknown, But they all are S-ranks"

"You can not fight S-ranks"

Okami nodded, "That's why I need to get stronger..."

Kurenai sensei sighed. "Achieving an S-rank is not easy"

Okami hugged her


"I will be fine sensei, I will eat plentifully, and take a daily bath"

Kurenai sensei sighed. and hugged him back, "Don't you dare forget that"

"Would you have become pregnant with Asuma sensei's Baby when I am back?"

"IDIOT", She punched him on the head.


"So, you might never back ever again?", Tenten asked as she finished her daily training with him.

Okami smiled, "I didn't say that I just need to get some answers"

"But you might never come back", she said with sadness


He always felt that. But this time he clearly saw it.


"Huh?", he got startled

"Will you come back?"

Okami gently smiled and hugged her, "One day, I will return, No matter what, I am and will always be Konoha's Dark wolf"


"I will not tell you to stop, I will only say to come back one day", Hirokoto said as he finishes his Pitch Black Katana.

"This is my gift to you... A sword I made with all my hard work and knowledge of weapons of a life-time.

"Thank you Uncle", Okami bowed to him.


He treats ramen to Naruto and Team 7. He bowed to Kakashi sensei who took care of him since childhood.

He hugged Naruto and party all night.


Next Day, Jonin Okami of Leaf village left Konoha to start his journey.