
3 Years Later (Part-1)

Little Itachi and little Sasuke were sitting in the family yard.

Sasuke was pouting. While Itachi was trying to soothe the boy.

"Why?", Sasuke finally muttered


"Why do you have to be so good at everything? Why does everyone compare me to you"

Itachi smiled gently and poked Sasuke's head, "I am always going to be there for you brother, even if it is only as an obstacle for you to overcome, you and I have to live together, even if it means hating each other, that... is what big brothers are for"


On the lake; Gai, Okami, and Kisame, Itachi stare at each other.

"Kisame, Let me have that boy, You deal with Gai san", Itachi said seriously

Kisame grinned, "He will make good prey for my sharks"

"Let's get started", Itachi said as he gets ready too.

"Physical path"

"Third Gate, the gate of Life... AAAARRRGGHHHH", Gai's skin changed into red color his pupils disappearing, the hair standing on end and bulging veins all over his body.

Everything around Okami started moving in slow motion, Gai sensei was moving slowly as well. Okami looked at the ever calm Itachi standing as Okami disappeared in the blink of an eye.


He suddenly appeared behind Itachi's back. And slashed his sword at him.

Itachi dodged it by ducking.

Okami grinned, 'He actually dodged, To think he was moving before I even begin to make a move... awesome, He is so freaking awesome'

Kisame grit his teeth as he looked at Okami who suddenly appeared behind Itachi.

"Your Opponent is me", Gai came as he punched towards Kisame

"Tch", Kisame had no choice but to block with his sword.


Okami's hand blurred as he cleaved down on Itachi vertically. Only to be blocked yet again..!!


Itachi's hand was covered in red/Orange skeleton hand. As it stopped the attack.

'What the hell is this now...'

Itachi's other hand covered in red/Orange Skeleton hand as well. Itachi's skeleton hand stretched. As he punches Okami right in the guts.


With blood spraying, Okami went flying as he got tossed around in the water.

A huge splash formed as Okami was on his knees with blood flowing from his mouth as he Kneeled on the surface of the water.

'He knew I was faster, He extended the reach of that hand, He attacked me at the very moment I couldn't move. He is countering my attacks before I even make a move. He is calculating everything, He is predicting my next attack... I can't beat him like this... If I beat you in close range, How about a Long-range battle'

Okami grit his teeth as he extended his finger, "Pressure Thrust"

Okami's brilliant mastery of untamed and wild Winds has granted him the ability to cast Wind Jutsus without hand signs, as Okami creates small bullet that pushes through his finger and through the air with very pressured energy.

The bullet, in a fraction of a second, reached Uchiha Itachi, as splash forms on the water.


From the water splashes, the eye of Uchiha Itachi showed, as ribs appeared around his other side.

Okami gritted his teeth. "What the heck is this Jutsu"



Itachi never said anything as two hands appeared out of the water as they caught Okami's leg.



The blast happened, the clones detonated and the splash formed as Okami's figure disappeared in the midst of those splashes...


Okami jumped out of the water behind Itachi, He was in the air on all his hands and legs.

He looked sideways at Itachi, as he rolled in the air and slashed his sword at thin air, "Kenjutsu Ninja art: Infinity slash"


Blocked... The half-backed skeleton blocked the attack yet again.

'What the heck is that thing?'

Okami grit his teeth. As he fell on the surface of water and with a splash disappeared yet again.

He moved with the speed of light, he was practically flying through the air. As the time slowed around Okami, as he watched the open space around Itachi that is his head.

If Okami actually paid attention, He could see that Itachi's head was already moving back in slow motion.

He slashed to Itachi's head.


He dodged it by moving his head backward.



Okami's eyes closed in pain; as his spiritual energy is taking a heavy load with all this rapid use of the Physical path.

Itachi never stopped moving, he backflipped and kicked Okami with Orange/Red energy covering his leg


Okami jaw was nearly broken.


Another leg hit to his face. And Okami was thrown yet again after throwing some blood.


Itachi covered his bloody eyes, Using Susanoo despite not using it fully was taking a heavy dose on his already near-blind eyes.

Okami who was rolling on the water surface used the friction force and damage his hand a bit in order to jump roll in the air.

Through some fast and extreme flips in the air. Okami finally falls on the water surface.

Itachi, sense the Konoha shinobis coming at this location.



They stare at each other.

"Next time, Don't meddle your nose where it does not belong."

"Is arrogance your family trait or something"

They kept staring at each other, as two warriors talk using their eyes.


"Forbidden Secret Art: Absorbing Dark Cloak"

A black dark aura started emitting from Okami. As the aura acts as a parasite and ate all the chakra of Okami. without Chakra, Tsukuyomi failed.

This secret technique would have called for the death of anyone; Right now, Okami is only alive because of his spiritual reserves. But without chakra, Even Okami won't live for long, He has to finish this fight very quickly.

"Your chakra is fully gone, How are you still alive?"

Okami's eyes gradually changed. He was angry.

He raised his hands to make the blurry hand signs.

"Dark Release: Midnight Terror"


The weather changed, The world started covering in pure darkness and day turned to night in the blink of an eye.

"Embrace the moon, that shines in the darkness... Dark release: Moon Embrace"

The ever calmed Itachi finally frowned. As he looked up to see the shining moon coming up in the dark night.

"Come, my partner"


A huge black wolf with red eyes came.

"It's an excellent Jutsu, you created a barrier that turned day to night, on one side you created the atmosphere for your signature wolves, and on another, this barrier is sucking our chakra at an incredible rate... brilliant"

Okami smirked angrily, he never wanted to defeat someone so much than he wants to defeat this Eternally Calm Uchiha, "Accept defeat"

Itachi's emotion didn't change, "It was a brilliant combination of Jutsus... But you made a single mistake"


"I don't know anything about your dark release, Just like, You don't know anything about my Sharingan"



The Orange/Red half-backed skeleton turned into a massive form of energy.


Okami gulped, as he took a step back, this energy, this pressure, he never felt it before. As he fell on his ass.

As the huge thing swing its sword.


The entire Barrier was sealed in its gourd... The dark barrier was gone just like that.

The Night turned into the morning and the wolf disappeared.

[T/N: Okami: Dark wolf I summon you...

Itachi: Trap card activate: Uno reverse card]

"That was Susanoo, Remember that name"


The Huge thing, swing its sword and Okami was thrown back yet again while spraying the blood.

He lost his conscious. The fully gone chakra is taking its effect.

All throughout the battle, Itachi Uchiha didn't take single damage.

Itachi and Kisame left just in a hurry...

As many Shinobis appear at the lack.