
dark web ( moved to a new link)

Slap!!!Another was felt even more brutal than the anothers.Tears were already pooling out of my eyes as I didn't think that I could handle the pain anymore.When the most painful spank was applied I couldn't take it anymore and burst out into loud sobs. "Jett please why are you doing this, I thought that this was supposed to be pleasurable." At this point I didn't even care what rubbish was coming out of my mouth as long as I got him to stop.Finally after five more brutal spanks he stopped.I was so grateful but sore from all that spanking,not even my mother's beatings were that hard. "You are telling me now what happened in that apartment or so help me I'll spank you so hard you won't even be able to sit for a whole damn week."

Likhona_Sibisu · Urban
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28 Chs

Chapter ten

Ava's point of view

Thank God I've finally knocked off.As much as I love working here for now, the job is so tiring.It's now 3pm and I already feel like a walking Zombie.As I walked towards our apartment I kept on thinking about the mystery god like creature.

Yes I won't lie the other two caught my eye but not as much as my mysterious god. I could feel myself smiling everytime I thought about him. I didn't even notice that I was already by our apartment door as thoughts about him kept me busy. I heard loud music coming from inside the apartment and immediately I knew that Sophie is home.

I walked in through the front door ignoring Sophie as I went straight into my bedroom. I changed out of my work clothes and pulled out my most comfortable ones with consisted of a dress t-shirt and my favourite pink Bunny slippers.

Minutes later Sophie walked into my room looking at the floor and not at me.Good she should feel bad.

"I'm sorry Ava."

"About what."

I knew very well for what but I just wanted her to work for my forgiveness.

"About allowing Derek to bring his best friend over without informing you."

"It doesn't matter what's done is done let's just get it over with."

Out of nowhere Sophie jumped on me and started kissing me everywhere on my face pinning me underneath her.

"Thank you,thank you,your the best friend anyone could ever ask for."

"Yeah,yeah I know.Just go order pizza and I'll be there "

Sophie got off of me and skipped out of my room into the kitchen.I then decided to use this opportunity to text my mysterious god.I quickly typed the words and waited for a reply.


*Hi it's the waiter from the cafe.

Not even a second later, there was a reply from him.

*I thought I said call me not text me Kittie.We are already off to a very bad start.


I had no idea what to say and right there and there I had a feeling that I was involving myself with something I wanted no part off,but I guess the adrenaline pumping through my veins at the thought of finally doing something daring was what kept me going.


 *Use your words Kittie.                                                            


Honestly I had no idea what to say and sorry seemed like something very reasonable to say.

*So obedient,you and I will get along very well.Don't you think.


Shit!!What on earth did I get myself into.

*Sure.Thats what friends are for right.


*So you think that this is a friendship,let me leg you know Kittie,I don't befriend girls.

To say I was shocked was an understatement.

*Why not?


 My heart started thumbing loudly as I waited for his reply.

*Not only are you emotional but because I simply don't trust females.

Doesn't trust females what on earth is he saying or rather trying to say.I could feel my anger levels rising and soon enough I burst letting my anger fuel me.

*But I am a female and yet here we are talking as friends.

Well I sure as hell hope he won't agree with me,I don't think I'll survive just being his friend as every second the only thing I'll be thinking about is strangling him.

*Who said we are friends.

*Well we are not dating or anything soo..                               


O started stressing out when 5minutes passed and he still hadn't replied,maybe he was busy with something.A few minutes afterwards a text appeared on my phone's screen.

*Then next week Friday we are going out , I'll pick you up.


O.M.G I'm pretty sure that I stopped breathing.I started jumping around my room forgetting that Sophie was just a few feet away. I didn't even notice her entering my room until she spoke.

"Hey Ava what's wrong."

"Nothing,nothing at all."

I said whilst grinning and curling my toes in the process.

"Right anyways I just wanted to tell you that Derek and his friend have arrived."

Boom. That's what happened inside my head when Sophie announced the arrival of her boyfriend and his companion.My first thought was what if my mysterious god starts thinking that I'm already cheating on him.

Oh no.What if he dumps me on our first date.God I'm so screwed.Wait he didn't even ask me to be his girlfriend so that means I mean nothing to him.Jesus Christ snap out of it Ava.He practically gave you 200 dollars,his number and he's taking you out on a date.What more did you want woman.

"Umm Ava are you okay."

"Wait,what happened."

"You zoned out for like 5minutes."

"Oh sorry."

"Come into the living room once your done."

"Sure no problem."

"And don't be late."

As soon as Sophie closed the door I felt my phone vibrating.Shit. I forgot about my sexy god.I quickly opened my phone only to find a message from him.

*You still alive Kittie?


  *Yes sorry I ws b-busy with something. 

*Greet be ready on Friday at eight on sharp.

Wait that's it.No goodnight nothing.Before I could text him my phone pinged showing me that I received a message from Soph.Whats wrong this time.  



"You said you were coming Ava hurry up."


Great,guess it's time to put on a great show then.Can't wait to get this over and done with.