

I got scammed and died while playing ds 3 and got reincarnated. now I got the power to gain power by killing monsters in the ds3 world... WARNING: THIS FIC WILL ALSO HAVE SOME HOT R 18 WITH THE YOU KNOW WHO IT IS.

givemeC · Video Games
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21 Chs

chapter 9

"quick brother! We are gonna be late for school!" My sister yells out with excitement written all over her face.

"Sorry for making you wait"

"hehe, It's okay I'm just excited to be back to school with you"

As I'm about to go in christine grabs my hand and looks at me worriedly.

"Y-Young master please be careful of your enemies in the school" she said while looking worried.

"You don't need to worry about them, I can take care of them" I said with confidence to make her stop worrying while I'm not by her.

"Christine, you should be more confident on young master's strength....." Baldur said while looking at me with admiration, I could tell his opinions on me changed.





'There is no way our young master's monstrous strength will be defeated by them' Baldur thought while looking at Reo.

"If they dare to hurt you badly again I will personally go for them!" Christine said with murderous look.

This made Reo happy, since there are people who are worried about him. It made his heart warm and those experience of dying over and over again was worth it to strengthen himself.

"good bye christine, goodbye everyone!"




"Baldur, How are you so confident of him?" suddenly the king stated after noticing baldur's confidence towards his young master.

"well, I just felt like he changed and he seems more matured..." baldur explains, but the king doubts his reason since baldur is not someone who trust people out of nothing.

'if those bastards does something again.....I wont be able to hold myself back anymore' he said inwardly while balling his fist.





Nothing much has happened, It seems like it's gonna be a relaxing travel. It will take us 3 to 4 days just to get to the city of acil.

"brother, don't worry all the strong knights are here to protect us"

"yeah, I believe in their strength"

I say that I believe in their strength, but if its the dark souls world.....They can't compete against the lothric soldiers. If they are thrown in that world they would immediately die from the hoards of enemy going after you.

Just imagining the journey that I need to go through just to kill the soul of cinder is making my heart fluster.

"Brother? Are you okay? You are shaking...."

"I-I am okay.....I should probably sleep more"

She worries a lot about me, I shouldn't make her worry. I close my eyes and fell asleep.





The smell of things has changed, I opened my eyes and in front of me is the firekeeper.

I woke up in front of the fire keeper, she seems to be watching me for a long time.

"ashen one, you're finally awake!" she said with a smile on her face.

"I will go now..." I said nonchalantly and decided that this time I will defeat the swordmaster.

I start walking towards him, but first I need to take something first. It's the east west shield right before the swordmaster.

I took and unequip my plank shield. Iwth this I should have more chance to winning against him.

I look at him then he looks at me after letting out a huge sigh.

"I thought I drove you away from here, since I've been waiting for so long!" He said then took his usual stance. He slowly approaches me while looking at every single move that I make.

I readied my club to strike, I waited for him to get in my range then as soon as he gets closer I will overpower him.


I swing my club towards him but he was able to block it. He uses his feet then pushed my club away. He just parried my attack. It felt like the time is moving slowly then suddenly I could see my headless body.

"I will defeat you until you get sick of my face!" I said before my surrounding darkens.

"try it! Ashen one!"




Im back inside the firelink shrine, This is so messed up....I can't even put up a fight against him, but I'm never giving up!

I stood up and got myself readied again.





I probably already died to him a thousand times already, but my reflection are getting better and better. I also improved my battle intelligence. I've hurt him several times, but not severe enough to kill him.

"You're back again! Ashen one! I am pretty sure you have gotten sick of fighting me! How about you give up and just let this world sink, huh? This madness of a world, the gods had left for us to survive on! Dozens of hollows roam the world!"

Ive hesrd him telling me to give uo for thousands of times, but the drive inside of me won't die.

"NEVER! I WILL SAVE THIS WORLD!" i yelled out with determination, since that is my duty. I found it strange that my drive is so strong towards killing the lord of cinders.

"Very well! I just need to make you give up then!" He said then rushed towards me.


he slash towards me, but I was able to parrt it. He is caught off guard, I swing my big club towards him. Crushing him to the ground, but he immediately stood up.

"You've improved a lot...." he compliments me while wiping the blood off his nose.

"thanks" I said then swung the club towards him.

He tried to parry it, but my real attack is a kick on his stomach.


He fell down on his butt andimmediately used his sword to protect himself. I swung my club down, but immediately changed the direction to his side which is unprotected.

With my level 50 strength he flew away and fell down the map.



uchigatana obtained!

master's attire obtained!

Sould of the swordmaster!


"soul of the swordmaster? strange, I don't remember getting this before.

a/n: short chapter, but I have good news. I finally finished dark souls 3 😁 I am so happy but Im confused about the ending. I heard there are three ending and I got the one where my character sits on the bonfire alone