

I got scammed and died while playing ds 3 and got reincarnated. now I got the power to gain power by killing monsters in the ds3 world... WARNING: THIS FIC WILL ALSO HAVE SOME HOT R 18 WITH THE YOU KNOW WHO IT IS.

givemeC · Video Games
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21 Chs

chapter 10

After getting a big soul like the swordmasters soul, I am curious of what weapon can be made with this. I immediately went towards the bonfire inside the shrine, I sat down expecting to get a panel inside of my head or some kind to teleport towards the high wall.

To my surprise, I suddenly felt someone touching my head.

"Where do you want to go ashen one?" The firekeeper said while touching my head. I open my eyes and look at her.

"what are the options?"

"high wall of lothric and limgrave, which onewould you like to go to?"


I never heard of such location in the dark soul world.

"teleport me to limgrave"

"Sorry, ashen one what are youtalking about?" she said with a confused tone.

"Didn't you said limgrave just now?"

"I didn't say such location....you are being weird, ashen one"

"okay, just teleport me to the high wall of lothric"

"be safe out there, ashen one" she said then suddenly I felt my mind going blank.





'help us tarnished'

A silky voice that I am unfamiliar with resounded inaide of my room. It was familiar to the voice that said 'limgrave'. I thought it was the firekeeper, but it's way different from her voice.

'who is it?'

I stood up, open the door then steps outside of this room. First I lit the bonfire and rested, since I am worried about how much time I spent sleeping inside of the cargo.

'tarnished, make sure to become stronger....'




"brother is sleeping soundly" She said while comforting her brother. Suddenly the sleeping eyes of her brother opens.


She got startled then puts a smile quickly.

"Good morning brother" She said then suddenly she felt something was different with her brother. His eyes looks empty and he seems to be full of blood lust. Her legs starts to shake, the bodyguards that should be guarding them are shaking unconsciously as if there is a threat near them.



They waited and waited for the upcoming attack, but it never came.

"good morning sister" he replied while confusingly looking at her shaking sister that is trying to be composed.

"b-brother did something bad happen inside of your dream? You look.....angry?"

'what is happening? why is she shaking and talking to me as if she is afraid of me?' He asks himself, but couldn't figure it out but as soon as he heard the soldier talking about a blood lust coming from somewhere. He figured out that it was his bloodlust to kill was still inside of his head. So he cleared his mind by closing his eyes and focusing to calm his mind down.

a/n: short chapter, I haven't uploaded for a while since I've been busy with a lot of things....work, work, and work. I am not adding any romance.....I am excited to write my ideas in the near future but I need to focus on writing better