

I got scammed and died while playing ds 3 and got reincarnated. now I got the power to gain power by killing monsters in the ds3 world... WARNING: THIS FIC WILL ALSO HAVE SOME HOT R 18 WITH THE YOU KNOW WHO IT IS.

givemeC · Video Games
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21 Chs

chapter 3 (ravenous crystal lizard)


*thump *thump

suddenly a heart beat could be heard in a middle of a cemetery.

Inside of a grave a young man rose up without any clothes on. The young man is equipped with a club and a wooden shield. The young man has his eyes close as if he is still sleeping.


Suddenly the young man breathed in loudly as he opens his eyes.

*cough cough

after coughing he looks around to check where he is.

"I'm so addicted to that game to the point of me having nightmares about it..." he concluded, since his surrounding looks just like dark souls 3's starting point.

he checks his weapon and felt pretty confident that he can do it.

"I'm a Deprived...." He mutters while thinking to himself how hard it would be to fight ludex gundyr.

-mc pov-

Shaking my head I decided to walk down the path that I am so familiar with. I look far ahead and saw the same enemy that gave me a hard time when I first started playing dark souls 3. The excitement in my heart won`t stop as I anticipate my next move. As I`m about to approach my first enemy, I started to think about the consequences when I die in this game. 'Will I die? or WIll I respawn just like in game?' such thoughts starts to came out of my head.

'fuck it.....' I mutter while shaking from facing the possibility that I might die. I run towards it and started swinging my sword. but just as I was about to get close to it. I felt a sharp pain behind me, I look back and saw a grave warden looking at my eye after slashing my back. It was painful for a moment, but I couldn`t feel the pain anymore.

I immediately try to run away, but it was too late as the one that I was about to attack slashed me. My head fell down the floor as I see my beheaded body falling down. My surrounding got dark and I felt the same burning sensation towards my chest. Opening my eyes I was back to my grave again.

I decided to be more careful and slaughtered the one that I didn`t notice before. Smashing its skull, a white line started running towards me. I was shocked for a moment then I remembered that I consume souls. As soon as it enters my body I started to feel more alive.

'what is this strange feeling?' I said to myself and decided to kill every single one of the grave warden in this cemetery. As I was slaughtering them I remembered one mini boss here, that was so hard to kill back then until I found out about the method to kill it.

I walk towards it and then seen it standing up while looking at a corpse.

'is it mourning it`s death?' I thought to myself while looking at it`s sad expression. I slowly approach behind it trying to get that back stab bonus damage, but to my expectation it sensed me and started to roll towards me.

"fuck! it`s fast!" I yelled while looking at it. I start rolling so fast that nobody will keep up wtih me. I roll and roll until Im able to get to the hill and I can time my roll so that this guy will fall down. The only thing is that this glitch might not work here.

I try to endure the tiredness from my body and starts to run away from it. and we are already in the tight space, so I waited for it to roll so that it fell down the cliff. But as I'm waiting for it to roll it shoots out a spike and hit my arm, cutting it off.

"AHHHHHHHHHHH!" I yell out in pain, I look at it in horror, it screeches then rolls towards me. I dodge it's attack then drinks a flux, my arm starts to grow back like a magic.

Suddenly a rush of power wells inside of me. I went towards the next bonfire and suddenly an item drops on my head leaving me with only a slither of my health. I pick it up, obviously then went to the bonfire to save myself.

I sat down in front of it and starts to gain all of my health. As soon as I gain my health back I lost consciousness.




The bright sun starts to sip into my eyes as I slowly open it. I sat down on my bed and gaze at the floor while thinking about what just happened. I look at my hand, since I felt a strong amount of strength coming out of it.

I decided to go outside and decided to test my strenght with a dummy in the knight's training room.

going inside the training room, a lot of knights are watching me while showing their respect to me.

"what made the young master to visit our training room?" a knight said while putting a fist over his left chest(the heart).

"I just want to try punching some dummies to test my strength" I said while showing a uppercut in front of him. The knight was confused, but didn't ask any question to me. He is probably confused since punching a dummy to test your strength is kind of unpractical, since it is used to practice sword skills

"please don't hold back young master" He said while still looking at me with confusion. Well it doesn't matter what he thinks, so I ready myself and puches it as hard as I could.


As soon as I punch the dummy, a gust of strong wind starts to surround the training room. I was able to destroy the dummy with a punch. I didnt know I was this strong after being inside of the best game I've played.




a/n: I decided to turn this into a fan fiction, please support this fic by voting with power stones