
Dark Soul System(DxD)

Adrian Blake is a 60-year-old retired army vet. He lost his right leg in The Gulf War and unlike others loved his time as a soldier. But what did he get for it? A county that seems to hate his guts. He saved enough to live in his youth to spend his day. He spends it on anime and comics. Until he met her and his blood-filled adventure. (THIS IS A HAREM NOVEL)

BlackSwordman1234 · Anime & Comics
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60 Chs

Zombie King.

Adrian was flanked by his Abyss Knights who were slowly marching forward. The only sound that came from them was the sound of their feet trampling the ground. Their Chimera-like souls were pulsing with the hunger for more. Adrian could see that the zombies were being extra careful.

Adrian had the advantage in that he owned the sky while they only had a Satan class Archer and Mage along with many Ultimate class ones. Finally, the first to break under the pressure was the Zombie general. He raised his black blade and pointed it forward. A groan left his mouth causing the zombie army to charge forward.

"Theresia, Moxaura, acid barage."

Both giant manticores flew side by side as the four heads blasted giant streams of burning acid. Unlike dragons that breathed fire, Abyssal Manticores spat burning liquid acid that burned with Abyss fire. The Satan class Zombie mage and the Shielder knew that their regular mages could not block those.

They rushed forward and worked together to make a combined shield to block those deadly attacks. The moment those two rushed forward Adrian gave another order.


When both dragons flew forward their Dragon Hearts blazed as mana filled their mouths. Already some unique changes started to happen to their flames. Scorn's flames were green and were toxic, while Devestor's were bright blue and extra volatile.

Both tidal waves of fire fused into a concentrated beam that blasted right through the magic shield. The Shielder and Mage put more defenses toward the mage who the attack was going toward. Adrian raised his hand where his pyromancy flame appeared.

He drew on the near limitless magic of Amara who was glad to be of help. He used that mana to fuel his Pyromancy flame to take control of that beam.'

'Curve and condense.'

The giant beam turned into a fine point laser that contained the full force power of two Dragon Kings. The beam curved away from the hardest point of the shield and blasted through a weaker part. The laser blasted through the Satan Class Archer's head killing it.

<Satan Class Zombie Archer Soul Acquired.>


The attack did not stop there as the laser continued to any zombie in its path. All those souls joined his collection as the system made sure to collect Adrian's reward. The bodies however were a different story as they were cut apart by the laser-like fire.

When the General saw that he glared at Adrian who outsmarted him. He lost one of his elites in one move, because of trickery in his opinion. He ordered for the shields to be unfirm in thickness, but he too was hesitating to charge in.

His troops numbered 10,000 strong, but each Abyss Knight was equal to 10 zombies. Meaning it would take 10 Zombies Knights of any kind to match one Abyss Knight. They also did not look like mindless brutes and moved in a formation.

It would be impossible to separate just one in a frontal clash so he would lose many knights just to separate them. If that was not enough he had the army of Dragons to deal with. Seeing that he put the pressure on the General made Adrian grin.

'Not enough.'

Adrian raised his hand and pointed forward. All his flying creatures began a long barrage of fire and acid that rained down on the shields of the Zombie Army. The explosions did not stop shaking the entire field as a calamity descended on the Zombie army.

The Maulerfiend fired another salvo. Adrian saw how Hila kept bringing up the number of Zombies he was killing, but the Zombies were not going to stay still. The mages and Archers raised their staffs and bows to begin firing back. Ultimate CLass beings were strong enough to destroy whole cities so that barrage was deadly.

Both long-distance barrages began to show changes. Adrian had fewer numbers, but his individual troops were a level above the zombies. Adrian drew on Amara's near imitless magic as he raised his hand to the sky.

A giant barrier made of Abyss Fire began to block the attacks that made it past his garage. Adrian was bating out some of their secrets as he was itching to charge into the melee. However, he did not want to get caught unaware of some ploy.

He clenched his hand and turned the giant shield into giant meteors of Abyss Fire. He waved his hand forward and began to rain a third barrage on the zombies who knew they could not stay defensive.

The General knew they could only fight in melee as Adrian was overwhelming them from a distance. He roared and pointed his sword forward. The horseback Calvery charged forward on zombie horses who were locked on the Abyss Knights.

They felt that the Dragons and Manticores would not attack while they were in melee range. Adrian smiled as he looked a Scorn with a nod. The Dragon blasted the Abyss Knights in his green flames causing them to feed on his flames. Their dark purple flames were tainted green and Adrian himself was already fireproof.


His Abyss Knights charged forward in silence as while they could make sounds they were silent right now. The sight of 500 giant 6 armed Demons would chill anyone to their bones, but the Zombies lost that fear. They kept riding forward until the Abyss Knights at the font charged with their large shields forward.

In the first clash, the horses along with their zombies were pushed back. Once the first zombie knights and their horses were shoved backward they caused the ones behind to fall with them. Once the Calvery was down, commenced the slaughter.

Every single Abyss Knight fought with the ice-cold discipline and never broke rank. Their 5 blades waved with order and discipline which was unlike the first generation of Abyss knights that Adrian made. He had perfected his craft and his knights were a true army.

Every single horse and Zombie in front of them was split in half in a single swing. If one survived, the two Demons at their sides would take care of it for them. As for Adrian, he was in the thick of it with his Knights.

His giant swords waved with the full dexterity of his body. He could move his limbs in ways that made it seem he had no bones. He was like a contortionist and Erebus was not just a horse. He was a living flame thrower of Abyss Fire that corrupted any Zombie around him.

Most of them died as direct contact with the Abyss Fire was far from safe for living beings. Adrian was charged by 10 Horseback Zombies, but he simply waved his Fume Knight greatsword that cut all of their heads.

As for their horses, his Knights took care of those. The Calvery contained 500 Zombie Knights and their mounts, but those were dead. Adrian knew it was time to charge into the melee.

Kalameet landed at his side as he had a use for the dragon. The cursed eye in the center of his head glanced into the Satan Class mage who was focused on the shields that were about to come down. Most of the army was going to charge as the range was deadly.

However, when he gazed into the eye of Kalameet he froze. He felt his mind was assaulted by agony and pain as Kalameet placed the mark of Calamity on him. Kalameet might not have entered the Dragon King class, but he was still a Dragon.

He was not far off from it as his Dragon Heart had awaked not long ago. That caused the mage's shields to collapse. In a battle of this scale, a single mistake was deadly.


Adrian ordered for the melee to begin and he was the first to charge In. He rose to his feet on the back of Erebus as the horse ran forward. He leaped into the air and was caught by Moxaura who threw him onto the back of Theresia.

Adrian's dragons and his Demons charged into the zombie army like a tidal wave of Scales and Metal. Theresia flew forward into the deepest part of the Zombie army without fear. She was hit by arrows and magic attacks, but those wounds were nothing.

She landed in the middle of the army and Adrian took that moment. He jumped off as he began to hack and slash everything around him. He knew that the zombies would have more than just him to deal with as his Abyss Knights were already fighting at the front.

However, it did not mean that he was not the main target. The Satan Class Zombie Rouge he had not seen appeared behind his back trying to stab his daggers into his neck. Just before that happened, Hannibal emerged and grabbed the dagger stopping the Rouge for a second.

In a flash, Adrian took his head with his longsword that burned in Abyss Fire.

<Satan Class Zombie Rouge Aquired>

Adrian made sure to store the body and the death of another one of the let's just make this easier. Adrian activated his soul ability combined with his Abyss Fire to create a burning miasma that turned most zombies it touched into ash. As for the ones that breathed it in, they were cursed and mutated into pseudo-Abyss Demons.

Theresia charged forward while her venom flowed from her Titanite-infused claws. Acid Fire rained from her three heads and was deadly in every category as she had weapons everywhere. Her claws, her teeth, her tails, her wings, and even her blood.

One Zombie stabbed his sword into her shoulder only to be melted by the blood that fell on him. As for the Pseudo Abyss Demons that were created from the zombies, they lacked any of the fine control that Adrian sought in his creation. They would be only useful as cannon fodder.

He left them to their own devices as they ramped into the army he did the same. He was nigh unstoppable as his every attack shook the field. Theresia did not help either as acid, venom and fire rained beside Adrian.

He raised his giant greatsword into the air and waved down launching a long wave of his special miasma that killed hundreds. While he was doing that, most of the Dragons had joined the melee. Their giant bodies crushed Zombies by the dozens.

Adrian even saw his Heldrake flying low with its wings cutting off heads. As for the Maulderfiend, it began to walk in the army as it was no slouch in melee combat. The Abyss Demon charged with keeping him fed kept feeding him.

Even as it fired he shoveled more metal into its mouth keeping the rate of fire going. Adrian noticed the Shielder Zombie was locked in a battle with over 10 Abyss Knights that attacked it like it was some kind of boss.

The Shielder felt he was fighting 50 foes as no matter how much he blocked they always got damage in. The battle was faster than the eye could see, but in the end, Demons were better than Zombies.

Adrian kept killing Zombies around him, but he managed to watch as one of his Abyss Knights cut off the Zombie's head.

<Satan Class Shielder Zombie Soul Acquired.>

The mage followed as it was launched into the air by Scorn and Devastator. Both Dragons grabbed one end of him and ripped him in half.

<Satan Class Mage Zombie Soul Aquired>

Adrian moved his greatsword behind his back as the General attacked him. He spun around to face his foe and he saw the pure rage in the Zombie General's gaze. Adrian charged in and stabbed his longsword forward, but it was blocked by the General's shield.

Just as he was going to do something else he watched the General stab his sword into his own heart. He did not know why he did that, but he just got a bad feeling.

<Hidden Requirments met. You have filled the Zombie race with hatred. Their suffering and hate have been enough to awaken their long-dead king. The sacrifice of the Noble General has met the requirements. New Challange, Kill the Zombie King.>


Adrian froze when he felt the threatening aura that emerged in the distance. He saw a lone figure dressed in a torn garb of a king. A black crown crusted with different bones and jewels was on the head of the king.

He even looked mostly human with pale skin. Adrian knew that aura was not in the Satan Class.

'Super Class Zombie.'

Adrian saw his Demons and his dragons all gathered together. That was a foe that numbers were not going to work against, but they knew that Amara would end this. Adrian however was not thinking of doing that.

He stored his Demons in his shadow and his creatures in his Dragon Realm. Amara who watched that raged and tried to get out of this place. She tried to rip the walls of the Dragon Realm as she felt fear for what that Zombie would do to her master.

The Demons in his shadow desperately tried to emerge to help their master. Amara knew her master was strong, but he could not fight something like that.


"Amara, you already are helping me. Watch your master."

"Are you done?"

Adrian heard the Zombie King speak and the voice sounded calm. Adrian was not one to speak much in battle, but this was interesting.

"I thought you would be mindless like the rest of these zombies?"

"We were not always mindless. At once my kingdom was a refuge to Zombie and undead kind, but that changed when those fools of the second floor found us. The Demons who you will have to face. Trust me, each floor is much harder than the one before it."

Adrian laughed.

"I knew it. Demons are better zombies."

That seemed to have pissed off the calm Zombie King who flared his aura to Adrian. It did not intimidate Adrian as he just started to tap into more of Amara's magic. He felt it flow into his soul and body like a flood. She was giving him as much as she could to keep him alive.

The Zombie King drew a black katana at his side that made Adrian want it for his collection.

"If you kill me, my soul is yours. Eat it or turn me into a Demon. If I kill you, you will wish you could stay dead."

Adrian ignored him as he channeled his mana to his swords. The Abyss began to turn his veins and eyes black His skin palled as the sludge of the Abyss leaked from his pores. Abyss fire burned on his with an intensity not seen before.

This was going to be Adrian's first real fight to the death. Khorne who was watching Adrian praised Adrian in his mind. A warrior should always be ready to fight a foe that can kill them. When Adrian came to the Warp, he planned to reward him if he survived.

Already his Manticore was causing a rampage in the Warp. More and more of Slaanesh's demons were being massacred. Khorne's power grew by the minute while his foe weaned. Khorne did not want to lose Adrian yet, he had more things he wanted to buy.