
Dark Sorcerer Lord

He comes from the abandoned underground world, where survival follows the rules of the strong. He is a seeker of truth and a wizard exploring the edge between reason and madness. When myths are shattered, order collapses, and power becomes the only governing rule. Not all dark places require light.

darian_lucania · Fantasy
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73 Chs

 Chapter 3 Counterattack

  After leaving Master Mosido's laboratory, Sain walked straight through the vast buildings of the Dark Magic Academy in Mosobla City and headed towards his own dormitory.

  The Dark Magic Academy was a huge institution, and the Dark Magicians and Dark Magic Apprentices did not live in the same area.

  As Sain walked back to his dormitory through the towering academic buildings, he encountered many Dark Magic Apprentices.

  However, like Sain, they all looked hurried and there was little time for small talk.

  The rules of the Dark Magic Academy were very cold, and aside from those in a master-servant relationship, there was only hostility between magic apprentices, and there were rarely any so-called "friends".

  The last leg of Sain's journey home was through the forest of White Ravens, where he encountered an obstacle.

  "Hehehe, Sain, Scarface Joque was right. You really are badly injured," a sharp, cold laugh came from ahead.

  "Instead of suffering in pain from your injuries, I can relieve you now!"

  Suddenly, a Dark Magic Apprentice wearing a black robe and a white mask jumped out from the White Raven Forest on either side of the road.

  This apprentice was almost as tall as Sain, but unlike Sain's enviable golden short hair, the apprentice's hair was gray and white.

  There were also disputes between Dark Magic Apprentices. The conflict between Sain and Yilke, the apprentice in front of him, stemmed from when Sain first arrived in the Shadowy Territory ten years ago.

  In order to fight for a bite to eat and avoid starving to death, Sain once knocked out a same-aged child who had been abducted to the underworld with him.

  Unfortunately, that child happened to be Yilke's younger brother.

  Ten years had passed, and the human child who had once been powerless in the Shadowy Territory had now grown into a low-level Dark Magic Apprentice.

  However, because there wasn't enough food back then and he was knocked out by Sain, Yilke's younger brother did not survive to the point when the Dark Magic Academy sent people to test for initial spiritual power.

  Although that child may not have met the standards to become a Dark Magic Apprentice even if he had not died of starvation, Yilke clearly held a grudge against Sain.

  As for why Yilke didn't seek revenge on Sain back then, it was probably because Sain's strength and performance surpassed that of an ordinary child, and he scared Yilke.

  In the ten years since, Sain and Yilke had fought each other more than a dozen times at the Dark Magic Academy in Mosobla City.

  Among them, there were even two times where they almost killed each other.

  The accumulated hatred had driven the two sides to a point of no return.

  Conflicts between apprentices like Sain and Yilke were common in Mosobla City.

  Interestingly, the Dark Magicians, who held a higher status, did not intervene or stop the fights, but instead watched the youngsters fight to the death with great interest.

  Perhaps for the Dark Magicians, it was just an entertaining program to watch during their spare time.

  If this continues for too long, it may attract the interference of the Academy Overseer and other Dark Magic Apprentices.

  Therefore, after mocking Sain coldly, Yilke immediately attacked him.

  Unlike Sain, who had partially mastered fire magic, Yilke was skilled in plant magic.

  Due to his outstanding performance in the academy's plantation of dark magic, he even received a low-level magical tool, the Pale Mask, as a reward.

  It could be seen from this that without enough strength, one would not even be qualified to be Sain's opponent.

  Under Yilke's low chanting, three Green Edge Arrows were released from in front of him. The normal Green Edge Arrows magic only had two arrows, but Yilke was now able to release three, which indicated that he was close to the level of an intermediate apprentice like Sain.

  Facing Yilke's aggressive attack, Sain remained still from start to finish.

  The three Green Edge Arrows were aimed at Sain's head, heart, and lower body, as if they were going to strike him dead with one blow.

  Just returning from a mission, Sain's depleted mental power and dry Magic Spring made it difficult for him to use his most powerful move, the Minor Fireball Spell.

  Even his heavily injured body made it impossible for him to evade these three fierce green arrows in time.

  Under the shot of Yilke's three Green Edge Arrows, a slight smile appeared on the face of the masked Yilke.

  As apprentices, due to their limited mental power and Magic Spring, the spells they could master and use were extremely strict. For example, in their peak state, Sain and Yilke, as low-level apprentices, could only release two Green Edge Arrows or Minor Fireball Spells at most.

  However, three Green Edge Arrows were enough to kill Sain, and perhaps even one arrow could blast his head.

  Yilke's smile under the mask gradually stiffened as Sain drew out his Magic Short Wand from his bosom, and with the last bit of his mental power, the Corrosive Acid stored inside the wand was instantly fired!

  Impressive, this is the ceremonial face master gift entrusted to Sain by the renowned Dark Magician Mosido.

  Even though it's just a trinket made in Mosido's alchemical experiment, it's enough to let Sain with his Magic short wand take on any intermediate-level apprentice.

  In addition to the advanced magic Corrosive Acid, this Magic short wand also has the function of slowly replenishing magic and restoring spiritual power.

  Sain has been clutching the wand in his arms since leaving Mosido's laboratory earlier.

  Although his Magic Spring and spiritual power haven't fully recovered, they are enough to cope with any sudden situation that might occur in the Black Magic Academy.

  The advanced magic Corrosive Acid and the low-level magic Green Edge Arrows are simply not on the same level.

  Whether in terms of power, release speed, or precision of attack. The three previously formidable Green Edge Arrows turned into a wisp of smoke in the yellow light of Corrosive Acid.

  This advanced magic hit Yilke's body with unabated force, during which Yilke couldn't even release a second spell or dodge.

  "Ah!" A painful scream immediately sounded.

  The hissing sound of corrosion made people's skin tighten.

  Soon, Yilke's voice gradually weakened. When Sain approached, except for Yilke's head being relatively intact, his lower body had turned into a blackened puddle.

  There was a foul smell in the air.

  The scene of murder in front of him did not change Sain's expression too much.

  There were already movements coming from around, indicating that other Dark Magic Apprentices or Academy Overseers had discovered what had happened here.

  At this time, Sain calmly began to collect his spoils.

  The low-level magic item Pale Mask was the first to be removed by Sain from the ugly head at his feet.

  As a low-level magic item, the Pale Mask only depicted a low-level magic - Clarity Spell, which could allow people to see more clearly in the dark.

  Although its value was far from the short wand in Sain's hand, for Sain, it was a harvest that was worth his attention.