
Dark Sorcerer Lord

He comes from the abandoned underground world, where survival follows the rules of the strong. He is a seeker of truth and a wizard exploring the edge between reason and madness. When myths are shattered, order collapses, and power becomes the only governing rule. Not all dark places require light.

darian_lucania · Fantasy
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73 Chs

  Chapter 13 Cutting in Line

  In addition to maintaining a disciplined learning life under the guidance of Master Mosido, Sain also took some time to visit the public library of Dark Magic Academy.

  Sain had only a few academy points, which was due to the fact that he had not taken any academy tasks since becoming a disciple of Master Mosido, but instead had been devoted to studying.

  As for the academy points that Sain had accumulated in previous years, he had already used them to exchange for Minor Fireball Spell and other knowledge.

  Thinking back to why he chose Fireball Spell as his entry-level magic, it was because it was the most powerful of all entry-level spells, and combined with Sain's Constitution which was well-suited for Fire Elemental, he made this choice.

  Returning to the public library once again, Sain came this time to test his Mental Power and Magic Spring values.

  In fact, there was a crystal ball in Master Mosido's place that could directly test this, but recently the Master and the senior apprentice were busy with a certain experimental project, and Sain had not seen his Master for several days, so he did not want to disturb him.

  The public library of Dark Magic Academy was very large, a huge building with five floors.

  It contained numerous and diverse books on various kinds of magic.

  The first time Sain came to the library, he exclaimed, wondering if he could ever finish reading so many books in his lifetime.

  Since the public classes of the academy had not yet started, there were still many apprentices appearing in the library.

  If Black Street was a place where fighting was prohibited, then the library in front of him was a zone where even magic was not allowed to be used.

  If anyone were to start a battle in the library, no matter how powerful their background was, they would inevitably end up with the word "death".

  Although Dark Magicians were notoriously unruly and lacked a sense of morality, as practitioners, they at least maintained a consistent respect for knowledge.

  Countless Magic Runes were inscribed in various corners of the library.

  In addition to protecting the library, they could also eliminate threats in a timely manner when necessary.

  In the quiet library, there was hardly any sound. Sain walked straight towards the eastern corridor of the library.

  At the end of the corridor, there were about twenty apprentices waiting in line.

  At the front of the line was a transparent crystal ball about the size of a human face, embedded in a special wooden frame.

  Sain's arrival caused a stir among the twenty or so apprentices waiting in line.

  Although there was no extra sound, the ten or so apprentices in the back half of the line instinctively took a step back to make way for Sain.

  At Dark Magic Academy, fairness was a foreign concept.

  These apprentices who made way for Sain were all beginners who had been at Dark Magic Academy for less than three years.

  After a few years of learning, these little ones who were clearly younger than Sain knew the survival rules of Dark Magic Academy.

  Those who didn't know better were eliminated in the first year or two, either killed by Dark Magicians with bad tempers or beaten by stronger apprentices.

  In the corners of Dark Magic Academy, one could often see corpses or body parts.

  By the way, there was an unwritten rule in the academy: as long as you weren't seen by the Overseers lurking around the academy when you made a move, then you weren't violating academy regulations.

  This cold and bloody reality exemplified the law of the jungle in the dark forest where strength was everything.

  Facing the ten or so beginner apprentices who made way for him, Sain calmly cut in line and went to the front.

  There was no concept of giving way, and if Sain really did, he might scare the beginner apprentices into thinking he had some ulterior motive.

  The bullying of lower level apprentices by higher level apprentices was practically a norm in Dark Magic Academy, especially for female apprentices who were already disadvantaged by their gender.

  Many newcomers to Mosobla City, just like Sain ten years ago, were only six or seven years old and barely had any strength.

  But many of the wicked and despicable people liked this kind of atmosphere.

  Not only female apprentices, sometimes even male apprentices would be targeted.

  With Sain's handsome appearance and luxurious golden hair, if it weren't for Lena protecting him in time and declaring "sovereignty", he might have suffered the same fate.

  Passing by a dozen trembling little guys who were not even as tall as his chin, Sain arrived at the middle front of the queue.

  There were a total of eight people in front of him, including two intermediate apprentices and six low-level apprentices.

  Sain's appearance made the low-level apprentice in front of him unable to help but turn his head and take a glance.

  It was this glance that made the low-level apprentice tremble and quickly bow his head, taking the initiative to move behind Sain.

  In fact, the strength and status between apprentices of the same level are not so clear-cut.

  Sain didn't intend to drive the other party to the back, but he didn't expect this guy to be so proactive.

  The low-level apprentice who gave way to Sain was named Kosla.

  He knew Sain. Half a month ago, this low-level apprentice was actually present when Sain killed Yilke.

  However, what really made Kosla so proactive was Sain's deeds of killing multiple intermediate apprentices including Scar-Face Joque in Black Street not long after killing Yilke.

  Sain didn't receive much punishment for doing such a big thing, and now he appeared in the public library in a grand manner.

  Obviously, he is not someone that Kosla can provoke.

  The apprentices who can survive for a few years at the Dark Magic Academy are all shrewd people, and Kosla doesn't want to provoke anyone over such a small matter like queuing.

  Sain himself is not so petty, but there are more than one or two petty apprentices at the Dark Magic Academy.

  Therefore, Sain can only silently accept it.

  What surprised Sain was that after Kosla set an example, Sain's queue position quickly moved forward.

  In less than half a minute, he had already reached the second place.

  The efficiency was so high that it was enough to make people sigh, this is the benefit of power and strength.

  An intermediate apprentice who had finished the crystal ball test had already left the queue.

  When he noticed Sain, this dark-skinned apprentice couldn't help but take a few more glances at him.

  The guy in front of Sain was also feeling a bit uneasy.

  He had already placed his palm on the crystal ball, and it wasn't convenient for him to step back now.

  Besides, as a mid-level apprentice, giving way to Sain, who was still at the low-level apprentice stage, would be detrimental to his reputation.

  In Dark Magic Academy, reputation was sometimes a matter of life and death.

  You had to show more toughness and aggressiveness than others, so that they wouldn't dare to bully you.

  Fortunately, Sain didn't say anything throughout the crystal ball test.

  After it was hastily over, the guy in front of him quickly left. Sain didn't know if he had seen his score or not.

  Ignoring the departing mid-level apprentice, Sain walked up to the transparent crystal ball, took a deep breath, and then extended his right palm forward.