
Dark Paradise (Tom Riddle)

The first book in The Orphic Chronicles Cordelia Lucretia Black was the textbook definition of a well-raised pureblood witch, she was spoilt, charismatic, conniving, and above all a Slytherin. Tom Riddle was an aspiring Dark Lord with a tendency to loath anything that threatened or disobeyed him. Each of them had ambitious plans for their sixth year, but it seems those plans had to be delayed due to a certain Triwizard's Tournament being brought to Hogwarts. As the snakes battle each other to gain the title of one of Hogwarts's champions, and above all the Triwizard Champion, buried secrets of their past and future are discovered. How can you hate someone who once was all you had? How can you love someone when you can't feel?

thatfanficwriter · Book&Literature
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Chapter Three: New Revelations.

The Earth had descended into a state of humble boldness as autumn swept its way through the streets and woodlands, leaving behind trails of nature's vibrant gifts wafting through the chilly breeze. The land took on a buoyant lack of subtly, the earthy greens and browns that provided a homely quilt to the Earth now covered in a storm of boisterous leaves descending like giant confetti.

Almost like the trees were paying homage to the season of the soul, one dedicated to the introverted beings who often wandered across the volcanic foliage, contemplating the harvest and prosperity surrounding them. Several of these students paused during their time at the Hogwarts fields, taking in the freshly calm air with that hint of an earthly aroma, the fragrance of homeliness, the aroma of autumn.

As the season of inner calm and kindly stoicism etched in memories of joy descended onto Hogwarts a sort of warmth wafted through the air. One specific student wasn't bothered by the chilly air and pleasant atmosphere, the spices and pumpkins reserved to the back of her mind as she contemplated a fellow snake. As she contemplated Tom Marvolo Riddle, or more specifically, his sudden absence in her life, Cordelia made her way across the dungeons.

It was quite normal to see a Slytherin walking the dungeons after hours, but what was queer about the current predicament was Cordelia's absence at the Slytherin gathering that night. After all, there weren't a lot of reasons why such an important snake would miss the weekly gathering/report.

He's been deliberately avoiding you. But why does it affect you so much?

The Black heir scowled at her inner thoughts, shrugging it off as missing their competitive rivalry. Sharp clicks resonated across the cold hallways as she continued thinking over young Riddle's ignorant behaviour. He had completely neglected Cordelia after their little argument, his aberrant behaviour drawing forth unwelcomed attention from the female Slytherins who sought out Tom's benevolent attention.

The first incident was in potions class after Slughorn's preamble regarding the Draught of Living Death. The two of them had been paired up ever since their evident pre-eminence at brewing Potions during the third year exam, the middle table on the front row dedicated two the exceptional pair.

Regardless of their rivalry, they would always communicate during the drew, splitting the preparation of ingredients and cauldron work between them. But when the sixth year Slytherins appeared for their double potions lesson, Riddle merely pushed the cutting board her way and started up the cauldron, only sneering at her when she purposefully delayed the last ingredient.

In fact, the only time he had so much as glanced at her was at the end of Transfiguration that day. While everyone packed up their belongings and trickled out the bustling classroom, professor Dumbledore requested Cordelia stayed back. That was when Riddle pinched her wrist as a warning and sent her a glare, the message clear: don't snitch or you'll have consequences. Obviously, she hadn't ratted out the insubordinate golden boy but chose to play with his mind for the remainder of the day.

Their ongoing game of cat and mouse (neither sure of which position they held) was brought to another level as Lia entered the Potions classroom, spotting a lean figure clad in Slytherin robes near the front of the class. The revelation of his identity and snarky greeting was why the Black heir was pleasantly surprised to find Tom Riddle waiting for Slughorn. Apparently, she hadn't been the only student summoned to the classroom right before lunch, as requested by the potions master.

Riddle's gaze snapped to hers for a mere second too long, a scornful look in his eyes, before once again turning to the front.

So he still doubts the little conservation Dumbledore and I shared.

"Ah Miss Black, I was worried you wouldn't show."

"I'm sorry for the delay professor, Ignatius required assistance with his homework and I lost track of time."

"No worries, it's always nice to see Slytherins helping one another."

Cordelia nodded, continuing to the front of the classroom and choosing to lean onto Riddle and her desk rather than taking her seat beside him.

"Tom, Cordelia, two of my best potioneers! You must be wondering why I requested an audience with the two of you."

The pot-bellied potions master filed away the homework he had been grading with a flick of his wand, giving the two Slytherins his undivided attention.

"Let us move past the formalities and onto the reason behind my decision to delay your lunch. You are both entering the Triwizard Tournament, are you not?"


"Yes, professor."

Lia spared a glance over her shoulder, her blue eyes meeting a hickory set already glancing her way, both of them choosing to turn back to the professor as their gaze met.

"Good. Well, you see the exam will feature a difficult potion, one that will take up the better part of a day and will require an almost perfect state to ensure a spot as one of the lucky twenty. This is confidential information, but each of you holds a position of great importance and I shall give you every advantage available. Thus I have decided to schedule our extra potions lessons earlier on than usual."

Ever since Riddle and Lia made their keen interest in Potions evident, Slughorn had taken them under his wing, teaching them at least four complex potions each year and grading their performance. The lessons provided both of them with advanced potions, an abundance of knowledge, and access to the restricted section of the library to further study particular potions (ones they were forbidden to brew but allowed to study).

The two snakes often exploited the last privilege over the previous three years, each of them indulging in their own interests, but the idyllic philanthropist never suspected his hold on their limits, handing out house points for each new discovery and successful potion they brewed.

"I have decided to test your skills on a more complex potion, one that will take up a good portion of your time while also pushing your limits."

He paused, cleaning his glasses and placing them onto his nose before continuing. "You will brew Veratisium together, that is if the two of you agree to the challenge."

"A fantastic idea sir, I would be honoured to brew the potion under your guidance."

Ever the ass-kisser Riddle immediately retorted to flattery, leaving the two males to glance at Cordelia.

"Thank you for the gracious offer professor, I'd love to brew such a complex potion."

"Wonderful! The two of you shall be tested on your accuracy and how compelled the victim is. As always you will be given a day to research the potion and its ingredients and will conduct the brew throughout your usual Potions classes. Now move along, we wouldn't want to be late for lunch."

Cordelia wasn't surprised to hear the subtle pitter-patter of footsteps behind her as she walked up the staircases, neither was she surprised when Riddle yanked onto her elbow and dragged her into a side passage.

"If you ever thought about-"

He began his threat, eager to intimidate her in any way possible.

"Funny how a supposed wise boy turns into a vacuous coward over a mere exchange of words."

The glare sent her way was one of ice and fire, his malevolent ways evident.

"I swear to Merlin Black-"

Once again Cordelia cut off the impatient boy, smirking at the scornful sneer plastered onto his face.

"Calm yourself, we merely discussed my prowess in a special magical art."

His eyebrows furrowed as pale digits clutched her wrist, eyes boring straight through her soul. Or rather her mind, for he was attempting to practice his Legilimency on her.

"Dumbledore's teaching you Occlumency."

The tone indicated the new revelation was a fact rather than a question, a smirk adorning the Black heir's face as she shook her head.

"He already taught me that branch of mind based magic last year. This year's lesson is based on Legilimency."

A frown coated his lips, for he hadn't yet mastered Occlumency whereas she had mastered it and moved onto its brother. His mind drifted onto other matters as the hold on her wrist tightened, warning her she was swimming in dangerous waters.

"The stunt you pulled last week was admittedly brave, but repeating it yesterday night was beyond stupid and showcased your perilous attitude perfectly. When will you learn reckless actions have consequences, Black?"

"When will you learn not to throw around threats you can't fulfil?" Her quick retort did not draw the reaction she was hoping for, painting a cynical smile onto Riddle's face rather than a sneer or frown.

"I might not be able to hurt you personally, but I wonder how many Crucio's it would take for Orion to crack."

At this Cordelia whipped out her wand, pivoting on her heel while yanking Riddle forward, causing his back to crash onto the stone wall as the tip of her wand pressed into his chest.

"Hurt him and I'll exsanguinate you and then feed your heart to the Forbidden Forest's creatures."

Riddle smirked at this, making Cordelia realize her mistake at exposing her soft spot for her younger brother. Nonetheless, she stood her ground, for she would be damned if she allowed Riddle to hurt her brother.

"Stay away from my plans and your brother shall prevail, bother my group and I shall make him beg you to retrace your steps."

"I swear to Merlin I'll chop off your-"

Her sentence was cut short as Riddle drew his arms around her waist, resting his head beside her ear. Cordelia's first instinct was to curse him right there and leave for the Great Hall, but her train of thoughts halted as a series of clicks grew louder, stopping right at the entrance of the passage as its owner emitted a soft 'oh'.

There, clad in an atrocious set of orange robes, was Professor Merrythought. A middle-aged woman who had a pedophilic affinity for Tom Riddle, her preposterous advances over the past year making her interests evident.

"What are the two of you doing down there?"

Tom pulled away from his position, smirking at her before turning towards the professor, acting surprised and bashful. Lia was aware their current position hid her wand from view, and if it weren't for that little detail she would have pulled away from him before he could utter 'Slytherin'. With a horrified puff, she realised the dim lighting in the hallway, as well as the position of his head, must have painted a picture of two snakes kissing in the dark.

I swear to Salazar I'll hex his arse until he bleeds.

"Sorry for the inconvenience Professor, we promise it shall not occur again." Tom continued with his manipulative speech, ignoring the vexatious glare sent towards Cordelia from the older female as well as the stinging jinx aimed straight for his chest.

"Oh it's quite alright Tom, but you both should hurry up to lunch. We wouldn't want Miss. Black to intake limited sustenance."

He quietly snickered as he turned towards the aforementioned female, once again lowering his head towards her ear.

"Snoop again and I'll kill your precious cat."

With that said he removed one of his arms from her waist, leaving the other loosely placed around her form as they walked past the Professor, continuing the romantic image he had painted.

A growl cut through the quiet air as Cordelia pushed his arm away, walking towards the Great Hall's gates before sending a glare at Tom's amused figure.

"Hurt Nix and I'll paint your dorms with Nagini's blood."

A scowl replaced his grin as Riddle advanced towards her, no doubt ready to continue their battle of insults. Cordelia however simply slipped into the Hall, walking towards the snake pit and lacing herself beside Theodore.

"Ignatius and I are officially going out, you missed the big announcement!" Aurora pouted as she keenly glanced at Cordelia, seeking an answer to the girl's delay.

"Your relationship doesn't matter much since the two of you are betrothed."

"Yes but at least now we're together by choice."

Aurora scowled at Cordelia's reply, quipping out her response defensively.

"What if your relationship goes sideways? You'll have to live with and marry an ex you no longer like." Theo retorted, smiling at Aurora's offended scowl.

"You're just jealous you barely know Yaxley."

The little argument continued as Cordelia gazed at Riddle and his gang seated at the end of the table. A sharp pain hit her forehead as Riddle's gaze met hers, a message following right after.

Restricted section, tomorrow afternoon during our free lesson.

She didn't bother with a reply, instead turning back to her meal and pondering his intentions.

They didn't need the restricted section to research Veratisium, so why does he need that sort of privacy as well as information?