
Dark Night in Narutoverse

In the dark night, a kunoichi who opened her eyes to the cruality and hypocrisy of the world made a promise to rise and become stronger whatever price it took. I only one the MC, all others belong to their respective owners.

Newler · Anime & Comics
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63 Chs

Chapter 39

It barely took three days for them to break, they spotted all kinds of information, from what they knew about Danzo, to all kinds of operations and secret techniques even their own clan secrets arts before they become a part of the root.

Akira didn't expect that such a mental torment will be so effective, that they will sell themselves for freedom, but with a little reflection, she figured out that they end up this way because of the so-called root ninja training.

Akira admitted that Danzo was insane, but his success rate was quite weak, he didn't destroy their emotions but just made them so suppressed that they become nearly inexistent.

Now that she understood the process, all she needs to do next is bring out their trauma and fears, then they will break.

People who suppress their emotions will find out that their dams will break under greater pressure sooner or later.

Akira was elated by several news; first, the hidden leaf village doesn't know her state or location yet; second, the root ninja has enough resources to last them six months; third, their mission was to act as rock ninjas before hiding themselves for six months; and last, there's a Yamanaka and other lower clan members of Konoha in their squad, each having a special technique that can be considered as Kekai Genkai, but because it's weaker and doesn't need a bloodline limit, it's not that looked upon in the village.

Looking at the information in her hands, Akira was quite puzzled by why the village not using these pieces of information to train its own specialists.

These techniques may be hard to train for civilian kids but not impossible, then she remembered the hidden rules of the village, the inheritance of the clan remains in the clan till the clan dies.

Akira didn't keep her thoughts here but rather focused on the fact that she can train these secrets arts, besides the yamanka's ability to switch consciousness and understanding of the mindscape, she has a different technique for meditation that gives her two times the results of the own she usually use, and four other techniques that helps in body control.

Akira was patient enough that she revised all the techniques and through constant interrogation, she understood everything about it and was assured that no trap exists.

Akira sat cross-legged in a quiet room, her eyes closed as she delved deep into her mind. The Yamanaka technique had allowed her to explore the vast expanse of her own consciousness, and she was determined to unlock the potential within her. With each breath, she delved further, seeking to find her true self.

Yamanaka's technique consists of unlocking your mindscape and using the power of the mind to manipulate spiritual energy. Years of practice allowed the descendant to have an easier time practicing this technique.

As she unlocked her mindscape, she discovered a seed buried within her. That seed was close to her in feeling, as she probed it with her spiritual energy, she immediately knew what it was and how it come to be. It didn't take long for her to know what she had to do.

Looking at the seed of desire buried deep within her, she ventured into her mindscape, finding herself surrounded by ethereal landscapes, memories floating like whispers in the air. She navigated through them with ease, her mind sharpened by her meditation technique. Memories of her past trials and challenges flickered before her, and she seized upon them as opportunities to feed her own seed of desire.

After all, the seed of desire is the source of her whims, born from her hatred and determination to live, so she will review her whole life and grow from it.

As Akira delved deeper into her mindscape, she was met with a cascade of memories, each one a painful reminder of the hardships she had endured. She saw herself as a young child, living in the hidden leaf village during the tumultuous years of the Second Ninja War. The village, once her home, had become a place of betrayal and isolation.

Her participation in the war had not gone unnoticed by the village elders, and they had secretly isolated her within the Anbu, using her as a tool to further their own agendas. It was during this time that she discovered the true extent of the village's betrayal. People she had cared for, friends and mentors alike, had been sacrificed in the name of political gain and power.

Her heart ached as she realized the depth of her loneliness. She had been left to fend for herself, with no one to rely on or trust. The hidden leaf village, once her protector, had become her greatest enemy.

But amidst the pain and sorrow, a flame of determination ignited within her. Akira refused to be broken by the cruelty of the world around her. She vowed to rise above the betrayals and carve her own path, fueled by her own strength and resilience.

With each memory, she embraced the pain and harnessed it as fuel for her growth. The trials she had faced had molded her into a warrior, a survivor. She would no longer be a pawn in the village's twisted game.

As the narrative unfolded, Akira's resolve grew stronger. The memories of loss and betrayal became stepping stones on her path to greatness. She would use her newfound abilities and the knowledge she had gained to forge a future that defied the village's hidden rules and expectations.

With each trial she had endured, Akira discovered a wellspring of strength within herself. The seed of desire within her, fueled by her hatred and determination to live, grew into an unyielding force. She would no longer be bound by the chains of the hidden leaf village. Instead, she would rise above and claim her own destiny.

As the training montage continued, Akira honed her skills, pushing herself to the limits and beyond. She explored her own mind, unlocking the full potential of the Yamanaka technique. With each passing day, she grew stronger, both mentally and physically.

Akira knew that her journey was far from over. The challenges that lay ahead would be daunting, and the hidden leaf village would undoubtedly seek to bring her down. But she was no longer the same person who had been broken by their betrayal. She was a force to be reckoned with, a warrior who would fight for her own freedom and the truth.

With her past as a driving force and her newfound abilities as her arsenal, Akira was ready to face whatever the future held. The hidden leaf village had underestimated her, but they would soon realize that they had created a formidable adversary. She would prove that she was not just a survivor but a force that would reshape the destiny of the shinobi world.