
Dark Night in Narutoverse

In the dark night, a kunoichi who opened her eyes to the cruality and hypocrisy of the world made a promise to rise and become stronger whatever price it took. I only one the MC, all others belong to their respective owners.

Newler · Anime & Comics
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63 Chs

Chapter 37

Akira calmly analyzed the situation, first is her goal, capturing all of them without a trace or a sound, second transporting them to her previous but now clean hideout, third torturing them in order to extract all kinds of information about their clan's secret arts from them.

Slowing down her breath and canceling all trace of killing intent and restraining her chakra, Akira slowly come closer to their location, unlocking her passive sensing ability, she swiftly yet silently closed the distance between them.

She picked several, traps and warnings talismans, while Akira was quick in her movement, she knew the importance of vigilance in ambushing the enemy, lest you transform from the hunter to the prey.

Putting her attention on the surroundings and ensuring that no trap gets past her, she quickly made it to the location of the other ninjas.

Through her sensing ability, she piqued five advanced ninjas, seeing how they strengthened the cave, they should all be proficient in earth techniques.

Akira decided to put her new ability to see the pure world to the test, her goal is to knock them out in less than five seconds since she have reached the level of a shadow ninja, then silently winning against them in seconds should not be difficult.

To ensure that they will not make a sound Akira decided to use the lightning therapy technique, it's used by focusing lightning chakra in your finger and then targeting the nervous system of the body, causing several body reactions ranging from numbness to total paralysis, even inducing pain or pleasure.

The techniques could be deadly if the body's nervous system was overexcited and fried, but the result remains rundown as Akira didn't have enough people to make a full study.

Standing right in front of the wall that serves as a hidden gate, Akira meditated over all the previous information collected through her shadow clone, making different simulations in her mind before making her move.

As Akira stood in front of the hidden gate, she meticulously planned her approach. The knowledge acquired through her shadow clone's observations and her ability to see the pure world gave her a significant advantage. She was ready to execute her plan flawlessly and achieve her goals without leaving a trace.

With her chakra tightly restrained and her breath steady, Akira focused her attention on the five advanced ninjas inside the cave. She sensed their presence, their subtle movements, and even the earth techniques they had employed to strengthen their hideout. She knew she had to act swiftly and decisively.

As she gathered her resolve, Akira destroyed the gate, at the same time she unleashed her lightning therapy technique. Channeling lightning chakra into her finger, she targeted the nervous systems of her enemies, inducing various reactions from numbness to paralysis. She aimed to incapacitate them quickly, ensuring that they would make no sound or alert others to their presence.

With her enhanced perception, Akira predicted their movements and reactions. She moved with unparalleled speed and precision, striking each ninja with lightning-fast strikes, exploiting their vulnerabilities and rendering them unconscious within seconds. Her training as a shadow ninja had honed her combat skills to perfection, and coupled with her ability to see through the pure world, victory was practically assured.

As the dust settled, Akira stood alone in the cave, surrounded by defeated foes. She had accomplished her primary goal of neutralizing the enemy without raising an alarm. The advanced ninjas lay motionless, completely unaware of her presence until it was too late.

Now that the immediate threat had been dealt with, Akira turned her attention to her secondary objective. She began the process of transporting the captured ninjas to her hidden, clean hideout. With calculated movements and careful concealment, she ensured that no trace of their presence would be left behind.

Once the prisoners were secured in her new hideout, Akira prepared to extract valuable information from them. She intended to learn the secrets of their clan's arts, uncover hidden techniques, and gain insights that would further her own power and understanding. She knew that the path she had chosen required her to be ruthless and unyielding.

With determination burning in her eyes, Akira set about interrogating her captives, using any means necessary to extract the knowledge she sought. The echoes of her outrage at the village's betrayal fueled her actions.

Akira didn't forget to completely seal their chakra and at the same time fully undress them, setting them naked as the day they were born.

She made a humorous remark in her mind about how she likes to strip people's clothes, in the future if she builds a village who is she going to strip, the nation's lord?

While doing that she took away all the poison that they had canceled in their mouths, throats, and even stomachs.

' The Root Ninjas are indeed ruthless, not to mention the seal of secret in their mouth. '

Akira pondered for a second about the feasibility of destroying the seal while observing the four men and two women in their cells.