
Dark Night in Narutoverse

In the dark night, a kunoichi who opened her eyes to the cruality and hypocrisy of the world made a promise to rise and become stronger whatever price it took. I only one the MC, all others belong to their respective owners.

Newler · Anime & Comics
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63 Chs

Chapter 15

As the man continues on his rambling, Akira thinks of different ways that make men captivated in life, money, health, and women.

That was denied quickly in her mind as long as it came.

She can't give him money, what is he even going to do with it in his situation, buy his freedoms? She might as well scream to everyone that she is doing human experiments on villagers.

For health, in a way, he is as healthy as a horse, but she highly doubts that he appreciates it.

As for women, she has no plan for starting a prostitution program now, and even if women were captured, she had a lot of use for them, and being a prostitute isn't on the list.

Moreover, the only woman here now is her, and that can bloom some dangerous thoughts in their mind.

Akira stopped her reflection suddenly, a bold bad plan was formulated in her mind. She remembered that most popular stories are men going against the noble or whatever higher-up they had to take the woman and live happily ever after. But to do this they need strength otherwise they will die at the front door, either that or luck against the sky.

Now she plays the part of the oppressor, as long as they have the ambitions to become stronger than her and take revenge against her then they will support all kinds of torture that they may receive.

But for that, a visible rise in strength is needed. Strong enough that it may create the illusion that they can win, then they will fantasize about all kinds of things that they will do to her once free and she shackled.

As a visible script is formed, Akira makes a subtle yet wicked smile that would have made people feel a chill in their spine.

peaking at the despairing man, she cast another illusion, one that will give him a reason to transform his despair into anger against the oppressor.

However seconds before she finished the cast she came to a halt wondering if this will have been too fake.

Akira never expected them to be successful, but there is a chance that they may shoot themselves in the foot.

At that time, the idea of success will be extinguished once some of them figure out that they never had a chance.

After all, for people who didn't train their chakra even if she made full body enhancement, a peak middle-level ninja is their limit.

Now she needs a viable reason for their chance of success, one in which she let her guard down and they can be close to her.

Then she remembered the nobility and their hidden secrets, the slaves, and with that, the new script is refined.

The prisoners are constantly tortured by the tyrant witch looking to break free while the witch is making them her slaves. a fight between freedom or submission for each one who submitted is being rewarded after his torture.

Akira's smile is brighter luck the coming of spring yet the feeling is so chilling that makes one wonder if winter is truly coming.

As Akira's plan takes shape, her heart begins to descend into darkness, consumed by a twisted sense of power and manipulation. The once flickering ember of compassion is overshadowed by a cold, calculating ruthlessness.

With each passing moment, her smile becomes more sinister, revealing the depths of her malevolence. It sends shivers down the spines of anyone who witnesses it, a palpable manifestation of the darkness that now resides within her. Her eyes, once filled with a spark of humanity, now gleam with an icy determination, reflecting her sinister intentions.

As she delves deeper into her scheme, the light within Akira's heart dims further. Her empathy erodes, replaced by a callous disregard for the well-being of others. The shadows within her grow, fueling her desire for control and dominance. She embraces her role as the oppressor, reveling in the power it affords her over those she torments.

The weight of her actions does not burden her; instead, it empowers her. Each decision to inflict suffering on others only serves to fuel the darkness within her heart. She becomes intoxicated by the twisted pleasure of her own sadistic machinations, relishing the pain she inflicts on her victims.

Gone is any trace of remorse or hesitation. Akira embraces the darkness that consumes her, allowing it to shape her every thought and action. Her heart, once capable of empathy and compassion, is now a vessel of malevolence and cruelty.

In the depths of her darkness, Akira finds a perverse satisfaction. The growing shadows within her heart cast an ominous pallor over her soul, leaving her perpetually cloaked in a sense of foreboding. The once vibrant light that resided within her has been snuffed out, replaced by an all-encompassing darkness that mirrors the depths of her corrupted spirit.

In a cave in the land rain, where no eyes see and no ears hear, a demon is born.