
Dark Night in Narutoverse

In the dark night, a kunoichi who opened her eyes to the cruality and hypocrisy of the world made a promise to rise and become stronger whatever price it took. I only one the MC, all others belong to their respective owners.

Newler · Anime & Comics
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63 Chs

Chapter 14

For three whole days, Akira was focused on dissecting the corpse of the prisoner, her founding coinciding with her theories, even more.

The body was of great help in further separating the degree of enhancements that all of the muscles can support.

She designed 5 degrees of enhancement, the first being the weakest and the fifth the strongest.

For the first degree, the enhancement will barely strengthen the everyday muscles, but for some rarely used muscles, it is a great help.

Her plan is easy, first, strengthen the whole body with the first stage, then the second stage til reaching the fifth stage.

Now that she had a feasible plan, she took one of the new prisoners and began a full enhancement

of the first degree.

It seems that the degree of pain is inferior to the previous one.

Still focused on the experiment, she separated a trace of chakra to check the full body, and it seems that his enhancement is going quite well. Ten full minutes later, his strength was raised by 1.5 percent.

Akira was amazed and elated by this, but she secretly captured a trace of despair from the eyes of the prisoner.

Quickly thinking of the cause and effect, she figured out that since the degree of pain is lower then his thought may not be interrupted like the previous ones, and room for other thoughts to be created could be formed, such as suicide.

But that's no good, the reason that this whole bunch of experiments was going well was that they didn't have a chance to think. With a simple mind illusion to help them focus on living, they experience pain then focus on living, repeating, and a single minded human being is made.

Akira didn't change much of her expression, but a need to confirm his thoughts has arisen, much more when she is quite close to success.

So while noting all his body data in her scroll, she quietly cast a series of illusions, one that will make him see her go out of the room, another that will make him tell all his thoughts out loud, while believing that he was silent all along.

Akira's strength has augmented thanks to all the knowledge that she figured out about the human body, enabling her to fine-tune certain techniques to suit her needs.

The illusion has quickly taken effect, and the trace of despair has become more and more prominent on his face.

The man's despair manifests as a palpable sense of hopelessness and anguish that permeates his entire being. As the illusion takes hold, his eyes widen with terror, betraying the depths of his distress. A deep furrow forms on his forehead, accentuating his creased brow, as his face contorts with an expression of sheer desperation.

His mouth quivers with unspoken words, as if straining against an invisible barrier that prevents him from vocalizing his torment. His lips tremble, occasionally parting slightly as if attempting to release the flood of thoughts and emotions swirling within. Yet, no sound escapes, intensifying his anguish and fueling a growing frustration.

His gaze once filled with a glimmer of fleeting hope, now reflects an abyss of despair. The light within his eyes dims, replaced by a hollow emptiness that mirrors the depths of his suffering. Shadows seem to pool around him, casting his features into sharp relief and lending an air of bleakness to his countenance.

His shoulders slump under the weight of his despair as if bearing an unbearable burden that threatens to crush him. Every movement he makes appears labored, as though the weight of his mental anguish has seeped into his very bones. His hands tremble uncontrollably, a visible testament to the turmoil consuming his soul.

Within his gaze, a flicker of resignation emerges, a resignation born out of the belief that escape from this torment is impossible. The spark of resilience that once lingered in his eyes has dimmed to a mere glimmer, on the verge of extinguishment.

Despair, palpable and suffocating, engulf him like a shroud, pervading his every thought and action. It is a torment that resonates deep within his being, as he grapples with the overwhelming weight of his helplessness and the bleak future that stretches before him.

The only words coming out of his mouth are his begging for the sweet realization of death, hoping to not end like the previous prisoners with missing limbs and deformed bodies, he was just a normal hunter, what had he ever done to deserve such a fate?

Tears of hopelessness and despair have fallen from his eyes. He didn't want to become a monster. He was just a normal hunter.

He continues on repeating his plea over and over again, like a broken recorder.

Akira was silent in front of such dead, not out of sympathy but to figure out how to deal with this. She still didn't figure it out, however, her mind and heart are slowly transforming to that of a demon.