

After narrowly escaping Voldemort's resurrection in the graveyard, Harry begins to look at those around him through a new lens of scepticism. With his newfound determination, Harry finally leaves the Dursleys only to find himself wrapped in a new adventure. Meanwhile, Draco Malfoy, shaken by witnessing Cedric Diggory's death, begins to question his upbringing. When circumstances force Harry and Draco to spend the summer together under Severus Snape's watchful eye at Spinner's End, they unwittingly embark on a journey of self-discovery. As they navigate their turbulent summer, they anticipate a quieter year at Hogwarts, only to find themselves entangled in dark forces that threaten to disrupt their fifth year.

MFANGirl · Book&Literature
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10 Chs

Have Sympathy for The Devil

Trigger Alert: Homophobic slurs, abuse, violence & implied depression 

"The prince of darkness is a gentleman!" William Shakespeare


Severus would have killed for a life where he would avoid unnecessary complications, ones that added layers of chaos atop his already meticulously structured daily routines, be it his full-time teaching at Hogwarts, the demanding clients of his commissioned work or the ever-so-consuming pursuit of new potions inventions.

He was fully aware that his past mistakes made in the naivety of his youth, were the decisions that paved the trajectory of his life today, and yet, in his own way, Severus wanted to believe that he already paid enough prices to atone the sins of his past. 

The loss of a best friend, a beacon of morality had marked the beginning of a path paved with deception, conspiracy and political propaganda, a path that led him to a type of solitaire as exile - a punishment, that should have redeemed him, it should have set him free… 

Yet despite his efforts, Severus found himself ensnarled in the thick weeds of a power struggle between the forces of Light and Dark. And not too different to the Devil's Snare, Severus found himself more entangled in his role as a pawn in this never-ending chess game. 

Now, confronted with the unexpected display of such magical power by a certain fourteen-year-old, Severus found himself at a crossroads of sorts. Decisively, despite the fragility of the situation, he sought out the boy's godfather, knocking on his bedroom door at Grimmauld Place and entering without so much of a hint of invitation. 

It didn't surprise Severus when the mutt seized his black robes with frantic urgency upon his entrance. "Is he safe?" Black desperately inquired, tinged with a hint of panic that threatened to unlead the infamous Black Mania, had Severus not provided a reassuring response. "Where is he? I trust you've hidden him where Dumbledore can't find." 

"I am not stupid, Black" Severus retorted firmly, pushing the other man away to reclaim his personal space. "He is at my private residence, protected by the wards that permit only a select few," he stated, arms crossed in defiance. "He is safe, at least for now." 

A smirk crept over the mutt's face, his eyes sparkling with instant amusement. "Oh, Severus, you've gone to such lengths just to inform me. How thoughtful!" 

The potion master's lips curled in disgust. "Don't be a fool, Black," he snapped. "I have no interest in coddling your fragile mind." His words were sharp but they only fueled the ridiculous grin on the mutt's face. 

"What brings you here, to my shithole, then?" Black reclined on his bed and crossed his legs dramatically as he gestured theatrically around the room in a flamboyant flare that fuelled Severus' temper further. 

Severus paused while considering his concerns about the boy. The diagnoses parchment weighing heavily in his pockets was only the tip of the iceberg when it came to the enigma that was Harry Potter.

"You will keep calm about this…" Severus warned before relaying the recent events regarding the boy to his godfather. As he finished, Black's jovial demeanour was fully gone. He slouched on his bed, burdened by the weight of his godson's suffering. 

Cradling his head in his bony tattoed fingers, the convict murmured, "You have to take me with you."

"Absolutely not." Severus blurted out. 

"I have to see him," the mutt insisted.

"I care not, I am not taking you to my private residence," Severus asserted firmly as he took a few steps backwards to build the distance between him and the mutt. 

"Oh come on! Why would you disclose all of this to me if it wasn't your intention to help in the first place." Black protested.

"I am helping. Potter is safe in my house. As a responsible teacher, I am informing the only parental figure in my pupil's life who is thinking beyond their selfish agenda." Severus retorted, proud of his restraint in the face of the mutt's much-insistent provocation. 

"Cut the bullshit, Snape. Your pupil? HAH! You never cared about Harry until I intervened" 

Severus hissed in frustration. "You know nothing of what I've been tasked to do for that boy."

A heavy silence ruled the room, diffusing the previous tension before Black muttered grimly, "Dumbledore?" 


The prevalent influence of the old wizard over the two men in that room was undeniable. Severus was a firm believer that his snarling in this convoluted web of schemes woven with such intricacy that its true design was beyond his understanding. He knew deep inside that the convict before him shared the same sentiment all the while trying to paddle against a stream in hopes to save that one person that mattered to him the most. 

Severus understood that in the grand scheme of things, neither side of this long-winded war could claim innocence entirely. And removing Potter from this dichotomy, as Black proposed, would shift everything. To commit to this, Severus would need to betray Dumbledore completely… if he hadn't already. 

"Isn't it funny how time reshapes our principles, ideologies, and even our trust in others until we are stripped naked and vulnerable… transformed entirely into this new being that is scarcely recognisable," Black's voice interrupted Severus from his thoughts. 

Indeed… And the thought of aligning with anything Black would propose… 

Azkaban changed to Black. Beyond the obvious physical changes – the starved frame that was still in its recovery, the dark, intricate runes tattooed across his translucent skin, sharp lines of weariness etched forever etched on his face framed by once-lustrous black locks – Severus recognised a profound darkness lurking within the wizard. No longer the heedless teen that cared only as far as his next prank, Black, now a shell of a man, wore a forced mirth of a facade on the surface, concealing a dark cynicism that resonated with Severus all too well. 

"Trouble in paradise with Lupin, Black?" Severus aimed to provoke, hoping to steer the conversation back to the familiar territory of taunting and disagreement. He couldn't deny the strangeness that was the evolution of understanding and compassion he started feeling toward Black. It further unsettled him when his taunt was met with a sombre smile.

"Remus is a wonderful, wonderful man," Black responded, his voice carrying a hint of tenderness when he spoke of the werewolf. Yet, in the blink of an eye, Severus witnessed a shadow take over Black's demeanour as he continued, "But he is devoted with unbreakable loyalty to Dumbledore." 

It was a logical deduction. Lupin's attendance at Hogwarts had been heavily influenced by Dumbledore, rendering the werewolf forever indebted to the old wizard of the Light.

"That alone makes him untrustable when it comes to the life and wellbeing of my godson," Black added grimly. 

"So that's where your allegiance is, then. Against Dumbledore."

"Isn't yours?" Black's blunt response caught Severus off guard. Their oddly civil truce had begun with a favour that went against Dumbledore's schemes. What he didn't anticipate was Black's direct challenge. 

"I heard from Andromeda that her estranged sister reached out to her after so many years," Black continued contemplatively. "She sought help not unlike mine, regarding the wellbeing of her son… who, I assume, will be a fine roommate to my godson. Perhaps they can even sort out their differences." 

Shit… Severus underestimated Black's perceptiveness once again. Wasn't he the one who had uncovered Severus' fixation on Lupin's lycanthropy, leading him into a deadly trap at the age of sixteen? 

"Oh, don't be offended…" the mutt waved a dismissive hand. "I am just surprised how, at the ripe age of thirty-five, I've managed to find a common ground with you, Severus… imagine if our sixteen-year-old selves could see us right now." Despite his words, there was no mockery in Black's tone. He simply regarded Severus with a withered look that seemed to say 'We need to handle this like adults.'

And the worst part was that Severus couldn't disagree. 

With an exasperated sigh, Severus buried his face in his slander hands, speaking into his palms, "Let's say you come with me. Then what? We barely know the details of Dumbledore's grand game." 

On another day, Severus would have despised the slow smirk spreading across Black's face accompanied by a mischievous glint in his eyes. He would have done anything to wipe it away. But in that moment, he couldn't help but feel it was the beginning of a new path paved in his life… 

"But at least we know it involves Harry and Horcruxes," Black interjected

…A path that could lead to his freedom. 




Accompanied by the quiet hum of Elton John in the background, Harry pondered in his thoughts as he busied himself with breakfast. He almost forgot his dilemma and anxieties in the comfortable hymns of the song he started humming to when a ripple of disturbance he recognised as another magical presence approaching this townhouse disrupted his short peace.

I could have escaped… he mused silently.  I could have escaped and no one would have known… 

But Harry didn't. Perhaps deep inside, the fourteen-year-old wanted to trust in Snape's unexpected comfort and healing, which paired with the lack of his internal voice that often warded him in dangerous cases, was an assurance enough. 

Yet, with that, Harry also knew old habits died hard. 

Ingrained in Harry was the long-term learning from early on not to trust the adults in his life. So when the telltale presence of magic signalled Snape's arrival, Harry defaulted to his usual stance he often resided to with Dursleys. He braced himself for the rough encounter, all the while hoping this meeting wouldn't end in disappointment like so many before. 

Be obedient… 

Don't be a nuisance… 

Be good… 

Don't be a freak… 

"Potter, pray tell, why in Merlin's name, are you cooking?" Snape's nasal voice pierced Harry's already cluttered thoughts, causing him to falter in his task of egg frying. He shakily lifted his gaze to take a look at his Potion Master, only to realise the presence behind him, sending chills down his spine and rending his frail body immobile. 

Harry remained quiet while allowing his mind to get consumed by the emotions and moments of longing he felt as long as the summer after his third year. He often dreamt of this moment, yearning for the man before him to rescue Harry from his life at the Dursleys and soar away with him into the night sky on a flying motorcycle. 

Harry dared not move, fearing that if he did, the dreamy image before him would dissolve and in its wake, the haunting moments that plagued his nightmares would take over – the graveyard, Voldemort's malevolent visage, the grotesque visage of lifeless bodies of his loved ones. Clinging to this moment of short solace, Harry willed himself to remain motionless, just so he could prolong this moment of happiness for a little longer. 

Perhaps with this, I can cast Patronus easier… the boy thought while holding onto this fragile moment of hope. 

Then, Sirius spoke, "Hello, pup," his voice quavering with emotion, "Sorry I took this long…" The apology from his godfather sent another shiver past Harry. Tears traced a warm path down his cheeks, yet still, Harry remained motionless. Standing there, Harry only savoured the internalised joy, tempered by a layer of scepticism well beyond his years.

drawing nearer until his hands rested gently upon Harry's shoulders. Only then did Harry release the tension coiled within him, allowing himself to finally let go.

"Harry… I am so, so sorry…" His godfather came closer until his hands rested gently on Harry's shoulders. Only then, did the fourteen-year-old release the tension in him, allowing himself to let go.