
Dark Designs: Tales of Demons & Gods (Bimonthy Updates)

Waking up in Tales of Demons & Gods, surviving is one thing Leroy can do. After living as Liang Yu in Star Martial God Technique, he is able to pass off as a decent person when in this type of Dimensional setting. When he feels like it that is. It is a slow process to change things but it has been done before. Can he build a Safe Heaven in time while making sure those he cares about gain the strength they need to come with him, or will they fail like the others before him did? This is a Fanfiction that will have elements that do not exist in the original series. Events will not take place the same as several interactions for Nie Li. Which makes since he is not the person the reader will follow most of the time. Conversation hat was not covered in the original will be shown with different outcomes than the original author/artist wrote. Because it is a fanfiction which should be kept in mind. If you want no "forced" content, read the original. No profit is made from this.

Magmatide · Anime & Comics
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125 Chs

Bring more into his Camp Part 2 Demon Beasts in the surroundings

*Kung!* Shen Yue carved a piece of the mountain out with his claws. Seeing him transform into the Flame Vortex Dragon mostly caused a few to wet themselves in unbelievable fear. On an instinctual level, most couldn't maintain their Demon Spiritualist transformation that scouted in the area.

"So much power..." Xiao Ninger had seen her fair share of cultivators and was more powerful than this before her death. Yet Shen Yue while still in the Legend Realm exuded more power than what was expected in it. "...some plans will need to be altered to keep a few from dying back in Glory City."

Those on the Plateau only felt small tremors thanks to the Metal Seed absorbing the shockwaves produced. It was exhausting to do this, but also gave additional training to his demon state. As the pressure beat against his bones pushing them higher.

*Kung! Kung! Kung!* Three more slashes and the whole areas to support lifts and platforms were made.

"Sir!" The 7th Officer alerted Shen Yue to trouble. "A group of Flying Demon Beasts are coming to the area! Lots of them!" The fock of With Birds were a sight to behold.

"Switch to defensive patterns, I will take care of them." Shen Yue stopped his work on the Plateau Mountain and moved to intercept the birds. With a shake, his body turned more into that of a dragon. The expansion of his wings cast a shadow on those down below. 'I need more meat anyway.'

Shen Yue's mouth gathered in power as he whipped his neck out. A torrent of fire left out sweeping the sky. Countless demon beasts fell from the sky roasted. The scouts snatching them up mid-air to prevent them from getting lost in the forest below.

As well as setting fire to the area.

*Caw!* A loud cry was issued out challenging. A Demon Beast that looked like a Hypogriffin came down from the clouds. The Wither Bird beasts surrounding it but not attacking. A type of communication seemed to be starting.

"Don't care for this." Shen Yue spread his Astral Sense out and powered it up with his spirit energy. Clawed flame hands started to wrap around the creature's throats. Fighting against caused burn marks to appear on each of them. "More meat, more resources!"

*Crack!* A simultaneous snapping echoed at once. A few in the area started to puke from the gut-wrenching sound. Pulling the Hypogriffin to him, Shen Yue checked it over for a Demon Spirit but didn't find one.

A leg was ripped off as he bit into it chewing on the flesh. Astral Sense circulating as more insights into beasts started to come out. Mostly improving that of the Black Star Tiger he consumed.

*Fwish! It was set ablaze before he tossed it into the Flame Vortex Core for refinement. The information would be useful for the area. A way to mark off hotspots and packs of Demon Beasts.

*Fwap!* A simple flex of his wings, lifted Shen Yue higher up. His Astral Sense picking up some members of the Dark Guild heading in their direction.

"RAAAAWWWR!" Shen Yue let out a beastial growl that carried in a single direction towards them. The manipulation of Sound was easiy to control. The tip of his tail pointed that direction as he compressed Fire and Lightning to it. 'I haven't used a sniper rifle in so damn long! I wish Hector crazy ass was here!'

*Pew! Pew! Pew! Pew!* Four shots went out in the blink of an eye. Covering the distance faster than the Dark Guild members could react. Each shot burning a hole in their legs. Terrified, thinking it was Demon Beast with Spiritual Wisdom, they took off despite the injuries to report back.

Shen Yue came back over to his people and the others. Pulling back his transformation. They knew he was Legend Realm now. Which was to be the last test for the Alchemy Association and a few others. If they spoke of this, well... that would not bode well for some of them and future business deals.

"I do hope you keep this to yourselves." Shen Yue placed his finger over his lips and winked. Seeing the adults dumbfounded nodding their heads brought a chuckle about. "Hehe, thanks for the cooperation."

"We will have the Wither Birds processed and the lift finished in a few hours." The 9th Officer said. Shen Yue nodded sending the man on his way. 'The patriarch is getting stronger every day. I am going to have to kick it up a notch.'


Plateau Folk-


They wore thick clothes for warmth. It was pretty chilly up top. The breeze that came into the valley could carry a chill depending on the time of year. The people were basically like vendors with all the stalls. A continuous bazaar-type setting.

With a river that spread out in three directions, little hamlets scattered about for the people. Demon beasts that resembled cows could be seen grazing. The place was absolutely beautiful and took one's breath away.

Seeing the look on Shen Yue's face as he started crying, those close to him didn't know how to act. Not only did the scenery trigger past memories, but his soul also stirred uncontrollably as memories from those consumed manifested.

The Heart Method was not needed to quell this. He needed this to help let go.

"Go and take care of work." The 2nd Officer instructed. "I will make sure he is protected."

They moved out seeing as this was the best course of action. Shen Xiu was hard-pressed to do so but in the end, she did so. Even Yang Xin felt a slight desire to comfort him but let it go in the end. The Black Star Tiger cubs gathered around him though.

Lu Ning took a seat next to him pulling out some booze.

"You are defintely not normal Shen Yue." The old man said. He gave a small glance towards the 2nd Officer who did her best to keep control of her emotions. "My family is tied in with your lot. I cannot listen to the whispers of others and believe you are a child like my son. Your thoughts, your appearance, and even this tell me that is a not right."

The Connection shared with Lu Ning was stronger than ever. He damn near considers Shen Yue a sworn brother with all the times they talked and had drinks together. Especially when Lu Ning snuck out of the house when his wife was acting up. Which left Lu Piao to feel the brunt of it.

"You are that Liang Yu fellow going around doing things aren't you?"

"Yes.. yes I am." Shen Yue muttered. "Even with my current appearance, people treat me like a child. Yet I am older than everyone in Glory City."

"I see." Lu Ning took another drink pouring some more instantly. "My Lu Family has grown in reputation as the best builders thanks to you. Shame you and my son aren't closer but that is alright. If the Heavens didn't want you here, then you would already be gone."

"The Demon Beast Horde is coming soon." Shen Yue looked up at the sun. "Children will be lost but that is life. Mothers and fathers killed. Yet, the more I think about it, the more I don't care. As long as my people are safe... it feels like that is all that matters."

"Nothing wrong with that." Lu Ning pulled out a book from his pouch. It was the medical guidelines. "What is stated in these books, you said are guidelines. Not something to live by. With the increase in status and money, my wife takes classes to become a doctor. Every day she comes home happy and excited to share what was covered. No longer having to work to the bone every day with me to keep the clan image up. Whenever she is not screeching anyway."

The last part was saidf in jest.

"Hmmm." Shen Yue said nothing as he talked.

"Lu Piao is working a little more than he did before. The younglings all have a bright future thanks to you." Lu Ning gestured for Shen Yue to drink with him. "People die. You are not a god. Just a man. Some things.. we just.. can't control. That doesn't mean we won't try of course."

The two talked with the 2nd Officer keeping watch over them. Finding just a little more about her Master's was enough to cause a change in her. She wanted to continue to walk with him and one day sit down and enjoy a drink with him like this.

The 2nd Officer's eyes shined once before returning to normal. The last traces of Rachel that inhabited her were pushed out. Hera would not allow her champion to interfere with Leroy anymore.

Lu Ning was happy to hear war stories and about some missionary work that he conducted. Shen Yue was able to determine that Lu Ning had some ambitions that were quite remarkable. He wanted to provide for people.

Mostly the downtrodden. Not seeing anything wrong with that, since he wouldn't have to stress over it, Lu Ning was given the position of head Archeiture. Responsible for reconstruction projects. Seeing the budget allocated for the reconstruction plans and reconnecting humanity in the Tiny World, his eyes almost bugged out.


The Exchange-


A young blond woman by the name of Yun Ling and her father Old Yun came over.

A Young man named Xiao Yang and his retinue of what looked to be guards came throguh as well. Word had gotten out.

Purple Smoke stones

"Well, the food will be provided competely to those who agree to the inspection." SHen Yue shook his head in dismay. "Best way to prevent any cheats. It is just gaining the name and a blood sample."

"Maybe just let them take the food." Yang Xin felt bad for the people. But Shen Yue was not budging.

"They agree.. or no food. AS well as medicince." Shen Yue gestured to the soldiers to stop. "I will not allow them to take advantage of the situation. You have nothing to lose by doing so. This is mostly for our benefit when moving forward."

"Then tell us what the blood is for."

"Haaaa," Shen Yue rubbed his temple exasparated. "..it is catalogging. Tracing who is related to who. Need to find if you have family members in the other locations. You don't have o kow if you do or not but I do."

"I am not giving nothing." A large burly man said. His name was Xiao Kuang and was basically just a stupid thug. Word got around that the visitors were all peaceful people with the soldiers mostly reacting to rabble rousers. "You foreigners are probably up to no good with our blood."

"Not so far. But I am starting to get pissed off enough." Shen Yue took a step forward pointing a finger right at the man. "I can get the blood by force if I want. Your consenst.. is not required but prefered."

"Come on now.." Yang Xin grabbed his shoulder trying to calm him down. "This is not the way to do so."

"But it is. Some people only understand force, I am very good at that. I am trying to help you brain dead fucks. You have know idea what genetic problems you may have and the damage for lving at this altitude all these years." Shen Yue's eyes flared with fire. "The food should not cause a problem but the medicine may."

A small argument broke out over everything before Shen Yue had enough.

"Dark Moon Family, you have your orders. Those who do not comply, don't asssit. If the other factions come over with any having issues do not assist." Shen Yue laid down the law walking away. "Set up the town near the lift. Switch to the 3rd setup instead. THey don't need our help now or in the future."

"Yes sir." The 5th Officer stated. "You heard him, let;s get the town ready! Teams 6 and 7 switch to patrols nearby! 9 and 10 go and check all the hunting grounds on the lists. Report back in 8 hours! We are starting the 3 shifts ahead of schedule!"

Status: Shen Yue Health 2700

Spirit Energy: 16,781,000

Power: 39 Defense: 43

Willpower: 38 Intellect: 41

Connection: 48

Laws: Lightning, Sound (Thunder), Metal

Flame Vortex Star Dragon: Legend Rank 4

Metal Seed: 7th tech level

Fire Body: 5th tech level

Astral Sense: 5th tech level

Sword Attainment: 2nd tech level

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