
The heirless king-the fall of a dynasty.

It was the year 1623 BC. The mighty king Thorinne has ruled over Kamingrad for one hundred and seven years now. Like so many of his predecessors before him, he has ruled the land with vigor and fervor, righteous and just to his people, cold and ruthless to those who would seek to overthrow the land. King Thorinne Evermore was loved by his people and his regime, even the animals had a certain kind of love for this one true king. He has always stood for strength in the name of honor, and Kamingrad has never lacked anything. He was blessed in riches and in might, in growth and in stance. The nobles worshipped him almost more than they did their tax collectors, and blessings and tributes poured in daily due to his perfect rule.

Sadly, King Thorinne had one tender fact that he dared not speak about. The kingdom knew it, he knew it, but he would never address it for the shame and misfortune that would befall him at the thought of it.

King Thorinne was heirless. He had no child, no son and no daughter who could rule the land when he falls. This was a heavy burden for the great king. A heavy thought rest on his ever-wandering mind: "Who would rule the land when I die? I have no heir, and the royal law concludes that a peasant or commoner may not be in line for the throne. Whatever will become of this kingdom?" This thought was a haunting enemy that lingered over his crown even when he turned to slumber. He knew he was growing older, and that his rule over this beautiful kingdom wouldn't last forever.

King Thorinne was to date one hundred and twenty-six years old, carrying his years with youth, by the grace of the forest elves, who carried allegiance to the kingdom of Kamingrad, and provided a fountain of youth for the great palace, which was known as Dunedin's fort or as the peasants called, King's Landing, in honor of all the royalty who has graced Kamingrad with their immortal presence. The secret of the fountain of youth was this: The fountain of youth was a secret that the elves have kept hidden for as long as they have existed. This fountain of youth may prolong your life by as much as one hundred years. A gift this powerful could be fatal in the wrong hands, therefore the elves kept it a holy secret among themselves and only provided this gift to the kings, as the Evermore Lineage has proven to be the most loyal and powerful leaders to their subjects across the history of Kamingrad. This fountain of youth however has not made anyone immortal, as immortality is a godly gift that only the elves were responsible enough to be given to.

King Thorinne woke up this particular morning with a cold sweat. Lately he has been dreaming a terrifying night vision. One that has never befallen him before, leaving him fearful and terrified, sweaty and breathless, and numb to his deepest core. More than once now he has suffered dream visions of his kingdom falling, innocent civilians being slaughtered, a brutal war, his castle being overrun by some unknown dark horrors, people screaming in agony while children are being taken captive by some kind of dark Lord, yet he could not see or feel his own presence in this vision of terror, and this scared him. He knew that now he was too old to bring forth an heir into this world. His wife, Queen Lithia, has been taken by the black plague many years ago, and his search over years never produced a suitable successor as queen of Kamingrad. Laying with a commoner would produce a bastard, who in any matter would never be recognized as an heir to the throne.

Upon waking up, he prepared himself to take a walk through the gardens of King's Landing in the crisp morning breeze, hoping that this would refresh his mind and his spirit before breakfast would be served by the kitchen maids. He dressed himself in his colorful robe of excellency. The finest materials were used in this robe, portraying colors that shined almost like a holy essence in the dense sunlight of Kamingrad. Legend has it that the robe has been blessed by the fairies of the old world, and that the robe brings eternal luck and riches to those who own the robe.

The unsettled king entered the gardens, and the sun shone upon him like a glorious halo from above. He felt the crisp breeze over his skin, as if the wind was greeting him with a tender and cold brush of the skin, making its presence known to the world, with the sun gently caressing his righteous statute in an act of recognition. As he entered the gardens from his royal chambers, the thought of the falling kingdom crossed his mind. It was a familiar and unsettling thought, and he wished that there was something that he could do. He sat down on the terrace in gazebo of roses and contemplated what it would be like if Lythia was still alive, how much more different his life and the kingdom would have been, but he knew that now there was no chance, and the beautiful kingdom of Kamingrad was in dire straits.

"I have to do something, Maybe I should host a tournament of nobles, and bring forth the best knights in the kingdom. That way I could at least find a nobleman who would have valour and integrity, and would live for the kingdom of Kamingrad. I believe it is the only option I have left now, there is nothing else to it. I must do this."

As he was resting underneath the gazebo, the head maid, Eulodia, approached with breakfast. She always knew where to find him if he was not seen in the banquet hall or his usual places of roaming. The breakfast was not the usual feast, as she knew that the ageing king did not have much of an appetite anymore. "Your majesty, I have brought you some food, please try to eat something, your well-being is clearly deteriorating and the entire palace is worried about you my liege." She looked at him with care in her eyes and the gentle smile she was known for around the palace. "I do believe you are right my dear, The burdens are weighing me down. I do not know and I cannot fathom what will become of this kingdom my dear Eulodia, I fear for our people, who will lead this beautiful kingdom when my time comes?" She smiled softly: "My Lord, I understand that this is the heaviest burden on you, and that the crown is an endless burden to bare, but please do not neglect your health for these reasons. You must build your strength, please eat." Thorinne nodded gently and slowly started to prod his food as Eulodia headed back to the castle...

King Thorinne stood up from breakfast and proceeded to his chambers to rest once more, when the head guard and announcer, Bastille approached the corridor and called out "my lord, your presence is requested at the throne!" The king gave a tired sigh. "I will be there in 10 minutes, let me prepare." He knew what this was about, there was always a hearing when people were involved and requested his presence, so he put on his judgement robe, made of splendid gold and black linen, bearing the seal of Kamingrad, which was the mocking-jay, a proud and illustrious bird that was found around Kamingrad. He exit his chamber and proceeded down the corridor to the throne room, preparing himself mentally for what was to come.

"ENTER, KING THORINNE!! ALL HAIL THE KING!!" It was Bastille who announced the entry of the king, his voice booming across the throne room like a loud roar of thunder, and rolling like a storm across. "ALL HAIL" The citizens of Kamingrad announced with pride as King Thorinne passed them to be seated at the throne. He greeted them with grace as he sat down and prepared to hear them. Bastille stepped forward with the scroll of notice: "My liege our people are here to request attendance to matters of the kingdom, do you adhere?" King Thorinne picked up the golden sceptre and lifted it, indicating that he agreed to the notion, in a sense of formality. All the citizens present, about 13 set, bowed down in respect, thanking the king with a courtesy.

Bastille opened the scroll and announced: " My liege, the first matter at hand is that of Mr Eobard Hogbottem and Mr Theodore Liffentuck. Mr Hoggbottem has accused Mr liffentuck of poultry theft and wishes that something be done about the matter. What is your response my Liege?" King Thorinne studdied them as they stepped forward: "Mr Liffentuck, you stand with a claim against you, state your story please." The short and rigid little man stepped forward, his sharp nose standing proud as he lifted his head to the throne. "My Lord, this is true. I am guilty of poultry theft, but please hear my reason." King Thorinne nodded for him to proceed. "My siblings have abandoned our family, I have a wife and three children, I have been chased from the farm by farmer baggons in his drunken condition. He wanted to lay with my wife and I would not let him, he then beat me and I returned in such a beating to him. In doing so he refuses me to return to work. I have nothing for my family to eat, my liege, the children are hungry, my wife is hungry, we have not eaten a crumb for the last two weeks and we have been drinking water just to get by, I have sadly taken 2 fouls from Mr Hoggbottem, of which I truly regret. I am truly sorry Mr. Hoggbottem, I hope that you understand. If you were in my position would you not do the same?" Mr Hoggbottem looked at him and responded only with silence, for everyone knew that an argument would not be tolerated in the throne room, as there would be heavy punishment by the king's guard for the disrespect.

King Thorinne turned to Mr Hoggbottem. "Mr Hoggbottem, State your story please." Hoggbottem stepped forward: "My lord, I was tending to my farm, this morning when I saw This miscreant sneaking into my poultry yard, he callously chased down two of my fouls, stuck them in a bag, and snuck out, thinking that nobody is seeing him. Well I saw him your Highness, and I fetched him right away, and here we are. He must be reprimanded for this criminal act." King Thorinne sat looking at the two of them, rubbing his chin in thought: " Mr Hoggbottem, You are aware of WHY this man did it correct? knowing his situation, still you could not understand, which says to me that you must be a rather selfish person, which does not sit well with me." Hoggbottem sagged his head in humiliation as the king continued. : "I do not say that what you did was right Mr Liffentuck. You should have approached our diplomatic chamber for assistance, the kingdom knows that every citizen is truly valuable, and that I will never turn down any family who is suffering in this kingdom." The king beckoned to Arturo to come closer. Arturo was the enforcer of the king's decree. "Take two of our finest fouls and give them to Mr hoggbottem for his loss. Due to his act of selfishness he is to be taxed an additional 3 percent on his levies for the next 2 months. Mr Liffentuck and his family are to be brought to the palace to be fed and clothed, and a food parcel is to be prepared for them. Mr Liffentuck, you will serve in the courtyard as a servant and you and your family will be taken care of in every way. You may go now, Arturo will liaise with you further." Liffentuck and Hoggbottem curtsied the king and left.

"Next matter! Your highness, we have Eurathia Flagmore and Erabor Rufius. Mrs Flagmore has accused Mr Rufius of his son, Magnar, sexually assaulting her daughter Blythia. Blythia appears to be with child and the Rufius family denies any responsibility or involvement in this matter. Please step forward, the king will see you now." King Thorinne raised an eyebrow in disgust at this matter surveying both parties, leaning to one side of the marble throne. "lady Flagmore, goodmorning." She curtsied the king. "This is a big accusation. Please tell me your story." She stepped forward. "Well my king, our daughter Blythia was working in the barn about a month and 3 moons ago. She came home one day and she was very distraught, yet she would portray her tears to me. I thought she was feeling under the weather, so I put her to bed and made her some of my famous guinea fowl soup. That was the end of it. Three days ago she had started feeling under the weather, and had started throwing up more than once. I had then taken her to do the test with milk and urine, and we found out that our Blythia is with child. That is when she burst out in tears and told me the tale of how she was disgraced by Magnar in the barn while she was working the cows. I had then approached Mr Rufius and they, together with their son deny this and claim this is a false accusation. My lord, our Blythia is only 14 years old, she has been defiled! Who will marry her now? Who will raise this child as a father? I am ashamed my lord!" The king looked at Mr Rufius. "Is this true Mr Rufius?" He looked at the king shuddering in fear, the punishment for rape could be quite severe, even punishable by death. "My Lord, I do not know what the truth is. My son has denied this, and I believe him. More than that I cannot offer you my lord." The king looked back at Mrs Flagmore. "Where is your barn? what region?" Mrs flagmore nodded: "It is outside Furnia near the Mistpeak mountains, we reside there my lord." King Thorinne tapped his fingers on the throne. "Belthazar, summon Aragon for me please. Tell him that this is an urgent matter he must come immediately." Belthazar Sent for Aragon right away, within minutes Aragon walked in with his majestic robe, speaking tales of many years of fighting for the kingdom, and being victorious in doing so. "My king, the holy light of wisdom blesses you today, you have summoned me, my liege?" King Thorinne stood up from the throne and walked up to the two parties. He looked at Aragon: "Tell me General, was there a troop dispatched on patrol towards the mistpeak mountains on the day of Nocturnia, about one month and 3 moons ago, to patrol the marigore slope in Furnia?" The general pulled out his schedule scroll and read it. "Hmmm, Let me see, yes there was, for the entire day and night, the usual patrols. However, there was a ruccus that was reported during the evening at a barn nearby. The report states that a young man about the age of 23 was approached after a physical assault of a local young girl, he was approached and reprimanded. That is where it is, the description says he was of finure statute, light brown hair and sodden clothes, and appeared to be under the influence of strong spirits, possibly moonshine." The king nodded. "I see, that to me sounds like the event that is being stated here." Both your families, return home, and bring the children to me. I would like to see them regarding this matter too. This must be done as soon as possible!" Both families nodded and exit the hall.

"Last matter for the day! Mr Applebard, you may step forward!" The king looked at him as he stepped forward and acknowledged him with respect. "Mr Applebard, what is your query today?" He folded his hands together as he looked down to the ground. "My lord, a strange event has happened last night, I fear it may be an omen." King Thorinne lifted his head and eyebrow with a peaked interest. "In my dream a black raven had entered my room, it was blind and it's beak was covered in blood. It sat looking at me, and started pecking at the map of Kamingrad Violently." The king sat up straight with his attention fully focused." I woke up in a cold sweat, and saw the same raven sitting in my window. I immediately went to the shaman, and he gave me feral ale to calm me down. I explained this to him and he said that I must come and see you and tell you what I had seen." The king had no response, yet he could feel the omen in the air, he had been feeling it for a while now, yet he could not put his finger on it. "Thank you Mr Applebard, I have noted this, I will speak with you again, you may go now Mr Applebard."

Later that evening the king met with Xerxes, his adviser about what was troubling him. He laid it all out on the table, and listened to what Xerxes had to say. "my Lord, I believe that indeed this is a troublesome event, however, there is unfortunately nothing that we can do. The kingdom of Kamingrad will remain strong. A solution will provide its-self, it always has and always will come out on top. Your family has made sure of that my king, your ancestors and the gods will look after this beautiful Kingdom for as long as they possibly can, I do believe that. There is another pressing matter at hand my liege. I see that you are growing weak. You must be weary, I see that an enemy lurks in the shadows, and it waits for you to look away, it waits to strike while you blindly roam like a lamb to the slaughter my king, you cannot slack, you must be weary of this." The king looked at Xerxes tiredly. "what will I do Xerxes?"

The shaman was about to pour them some Catalan tea when they heard a ruckus in the distance. "My Lord please! My Lord!" one of the station guards came running up to the shamanic residence. "Master Xerxes, I was told king Thorinne is here. I need to see him urgently, it is a matter of life or death!" King Thorinne stepped out: "Why all the noise young man, what is the problem?" The soldier had visible wounds as he bowed down in front of King Thorinne. "My Liege, We have a problem! Orcs, came out of nowhere, ambush, all the men dead." The King raised the soldier to his feet, securing the panting, indicating that this soldier had run a long way."Did you say orcs?, how is that possible, we haven't seen orcs for three hundred years. They have been dormant ever-since the Albian war, They all went underground after the bloodshed, accepting their fate."

The soldier, catching his breathe said: "My Lord, these orcs are different, it is like they have become more intelligent, almost like they are being led as one by some unseen force. They ambushed us, but there was no chaos, they executed everything perfectly. they killed everybody, some of our finest men sir." The king studied him: "How is it that they let you live then young man?" The soldier looked the king dead in the eye. "They sent me with a message my liege...They said to tell you, that the prophesy is coming, that no man will possibly be able to defeat them and that we cannot stop what's coming. They said that the time of man is over, and they said this...Enak'turo edra miniss scektor yakhti."

King Thorinne's eyes grew wide with an unsettling fear. "Xerxes, you must prepare your men at once, the civilians must be protected." He looked to the soldier: "what is your name son??" The soldier replied: "My name is Rupert Evermore sir." I am from Leopards peak battle station sir..." The king snuck a breathe. "You're...You're an evermore?" Rupert replied: "Yes sir...I am an evermore..."