

The peace we have known for 100 years has come to a brutal end. The witch king marched his assembled legions of undead through the land. Our home, our country, the great Kamingrad has been desecrated by dark perverted forces that our people did not understand. In an instant the once beautiful Kamingrad has fallen to darkness, its beauty violated and torn apart by a legion of horrors. For a hundred years we have known peace, we have had no need for war, or a military force. Our people in Kamingrad have been living in peace for a hundred years, forging a path of democracy among themselves.

The witch king has taken it upon himself to conquer the defenseless lands and claim them for himself. His foul gaze, inspired by the intention of the abyss, has been settled on the entire middle earth. his thirst for conquest and bloodshed have driven him and his undead minions to madness. There were very few willing to oppose his rule. None had the military experience, the strength or the courage to face a horror of this note, nor did they wish to subject their families to this kind of death. Yet in the hands of the witch king such a fate was inevitable. Death was imminent and unavoidable to all who even thought of opposing this creature of horror. Once a mortal, this horrid creature of unending torture has succumbed to the abyss. He marches across middle earth, turning the peaceful kingdom to his foul deeds, and using their undead corpses to do his bidding.

His reign of terror has continued for 10 years now, and who knows for how long this will continue. Even more so, will it ever end?... Only time will tell.

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