
Danmachi x FNAF: Ghost in the dark age

Michael Afton thought that after the simulation pizzeria, during the fire everything would end, that he could finally rest and reunite with his brothers or pay for his sins in hell. But apparently, for the greatest of the Afton, there is no rest. He is now in a fantasy world that is going through a very dark age. This story consists of the anime "Danmachi" with elements of "Five Nights at Freddy's" Disclaimer: I do not own Danmachi, nor the other materials used

Paxkun · Anime & Comics
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14 Chs

Intermission: What happened? Part 2

POV Change – Charlie Emily. – Dungeon: Floor 19-24.

To say that I, Charlie Emily was frustrated was a huge and utter understatement. A few minutes ago she woke up in an area that looked like the inside of a tree. Since the walls, floor, and ceiling were made of wood, it was also surrounded by greenery and radiant mosses that grew from the ground and emitted a blue light.

The whole place looked like a Large Tree labyrinth.

Not to mention that I had to fight with a lot of insect-like monsters that wanted to kill me for some reason (I was puzzled the first time she saw the size of these insects). I didn't want to hurt the bugs but I was forced to kill them when they got in my way.

At first, I felt pity for the creatures of nature, but then it turned into annoyance. Then when the damned things came in swarms and wouldn't stop attacking me, that's when my annoyance turned to rage.

Even though these insect-type monsters were weak to me. The number of insect-like monsters coming from all sides began to frustrate me without further ado. To the point that I could feel the AGONY of my bubbling up inside of me. Fortunately the containment suit for Puppet. Called by its initials LEFTE (Lure encapsulate Fuse Transport and Extract) by my father and nicknamed Lefty by Michael. Lefty was made to fight other rogue animatronics while protecting the container inside, Puppet.

Lefty's suit was made of metal and resembled a dark gray-brown bear, its cheeks and knee pads were red. It had a red hat on its head and a red bowtie. It also has a gold star under its bowtie.

Lefty had a microphone in its left hand (the reason for the nickname) that worked to entertain children, but it got lost in the maze when I was fighting Scrap Baby.

After a while, only insect-type monsters stopped appearing, but other types of monsters appeared. A Troll. A bloody Troll, like those monster characters that appeared in the fairy tales that my father read to me.

I didn't swear much. I was daddy's princess, as well as being the kind and good-natured Charlie to others (or was before I became what I am now). I rarely cursed. But this situation I found myself in was ridiculous on levels beyond unbelievable.

"Why don't you stop getting in my way you fucking monsters?" I said in frustration as I dodged an attack from one monster and slashed at another with the claws that came with Lefty's suit.

I was aware that I wouldn't have lasted long with these monsters even in Lefty's outfit. Maybe if I just handled Puppet I could fly away (although I wasn't sure because of all the flying-type monsters) from this damned place of death.

I wasn't as cunning as Michael (unlike Michael's power. My supernatural powers weren't made for combat) or as powerful and elusive as Cassidy and Evan. Therefore, I knew that he wouldn't last long against a large swarm of monsters. Instead, I was able to do it.

But I noticed something. I moved much faster and was much stronger as if I had been empowered with a superpower. With an animatronic suit like Lefty's, it shouldn't be possible to move at inhuman speeds and have enough strength to rip the head off the monster I know as a Troll with a single blow. Not to mention the fact that the head was propelled at tremendous speed towards the wooden ceiling of this area with blood splattering everywhere, before the Troll's body collapsed and continued to bleed on the floor.

I felt strong. But even with my new strength and speed, I was having a hard time dodging all the killing intent attacks from the monsters around me. I didn't know how many monsters had been killed so far but I was sure it was a large amount (for some strange reason some monsters turned to ash).

When I noticed that the monsters gave me a break. I sighed in relief, letting the tension in my ghostly shoulders melt away.

Lefty's suit cuffs clenched together making a nasty metallic crackle.

Weren't we supposed to be free? That we were finally going to be able to rest and end the damn nightmare?

My father and Mikey made a meticulous and fully calculated plan so that no one could escape from the maze-like prison, including me. And the only way out was guarded by bloody Michael Afton. The night guard who caused us so much trouble in the past. It was obvious that no one could escape the place with Michael guarding the exit.

If twelve animatronics (including me and Golden Freddy) couldn't defeat him, then what chance did four animatronics have? Three animatronics were worn out and against him, the other animatronic was new but was in his favor (obviously it was me).

So what had gone wrong?

I felt it. When my Remnant and AGONY began to disappear due to the great high temperature that was consuming me while I was listening to my father's last words directed toward me.

"My daughter, if you can hear me, I knew you would return as well. It's in your nature to protect the innocent. I'm sorry that on that day, the day you were shut out and left to die, no one was there to lift you in their arms, the way you lifted others into yours. And then, what became of you, I should have known, you wouldn't be content to disappear. Not my daughter. I couldn't save you then."

I remembered crying with relief as my consciousness slipped away.

"So, let me save you now. It's time to rest, for you, and for those you have carried in your arms… This ends. For all of us. End communication."

I was happy that Michael and I could finally rest and meet again in the afterlife with the others.

THEN WHY WAS I STILL ALIVE? I thought angrily. I could feel my aura of AGONY starting to come out of Lefty's body. It didn't make sense, no matter what she thought. I wasn't supposed to be trapped in this damn Puppet.

Did that mean the others were alive too? Elizabeth, Michael, William, and my father?

I didn't know and I still haven't met anyone. I couldn't even feel the AGONY bond of my power. It was as if they had ceased to exist off the face of the earth. Worst of all, this damn place was starting to piss me off and I just wanted it all to burn down and cease to exist (I don't think I was serious, I was just mad at the time)

Lefty's single eye (which was gold in color) narrowed as it scanned the area around me. I did not know when he had ascended into this Large Tree labyrinth. But I went up three flights of stairs that weren't made of wood and something inside me told me that soon I was going to have my well-deserved rest.

Maybe if the monsters didn't want to kill me, I would have found this place very beautiful. I would have even laid back and relaxed while I thought of my next course of action. But unfortunately, I couldn't have those luxuries of relaxation.

Alright Charlie, don't think about it and try to get out of this horrible place I thought to myself. I don't think I can see vegetation in the same way, not even insects. Ugh...if I already hated them when I was alive, imagine now that I've managed to see these insect-like monsters.

I may not be very feminine anymore due to my unique circumstances, but sue me I was still a child despite everything. So I could still feel disgusted by certain things, like insects like worms or cockroaches for example.

Look at all the corpses around the area. Before snorting, that's what they got for messing with me. Never make a girl angry, especially when said girl is a Vengeful Ghost.

As I ascended the Large Tree Labyrinth. I remembered the day of my death. On my sixteenth birthday, August 4, 1984. I was in the restaurant of Fredbear Family Diner until some stupid kids lock me out of the restaurant because of a prank. Under the rain.

I remembered banging on the window, desperately asking to be let in. But no one helped me, and when William found me I thought was safe. I began to feel happy and hopeful (since Uncle William was a person I trusted with my life).

Only to feel betrayed. When William stabbed me twice in the abdomen and as if that wasn't enough, he grabbed me by the neck with his big hands until he choked me and squeezed the last moments of my life out of me.

Never in her life had she felt so betrayed by someone. I knew that William was a bit weird and cold, but I could never imagine that he was a psychopathic and ruthless person. I felt angry at my fate, sad for the people I had to leave, and finally envious of all the people who were alive.

I could have rested when I accepted my death, but I knew I would never forgive myself if other people got hurt because of William. Unfortunately, I couldn't get used to my new body fast enough to stop the murder of the other five children.

Depressed by my failure, I managed to unlock my supernatural gift. The power of Giving Gifts. It depends on how many AGONY I put into my power of gifts. I can do something as simple as speed up plant growth or Bind souls to inanimate objects.

Unfortunately. Binding souls to inanimate objects does not mean giving them full consciousness. Even though they were all aware in some ways. They weren't like Michael or me. Four of the five children were animal-like acting on instinct or their feelings. Cassidy dodged the bullet for Evan. If Evan's soul hadn't remained in Golden Freddy, then Cassidy would be like the other children, bloodthirsty animals, wanting the world to suffer what they suffered.

I shuddered. Fortunately, because they knew that I gave them the gift of semi-consciousness, they listened to me most of the time in exchange for seeking revenge on their murderer William Afton.

I just watched with indifference and apathy as the children killed night watch after night watch, I even killed some, to my shame and guilt.

Now that I thought about it, I was much calmer, much saner than before. I didn't have that constant little voice in my head telling me to kill every person that came my way.

One memory, in particular, caught my attention. The '87 bite, when I thought I had caught one of the day guards off guard, particularly the one he called Fritz Smith (He was Michael Afton at the time though I didn't know it) But when I thought Mangle was going to rip him off the head from a bite (Fritz had a supernatural and strange presence, so I didn't want to risk it with him) another day security guard pushed him and took the bite right in the frontal lobe.

The guy's name was Jeremy Fitzgerald. He didn't survive. I recognized him because he was the night guard who fended off eleven animatronics if you include me twelve over six nights. At the time I thought it was lucky that the annoying guy died. But now that I think about it, I couldn't help but feel guilty and ashamed.

Because of that, Michael suffered another blow to his mind. Because of that, the relationship I had with Michael at the end was intense and uncomfortable. It was very obvious that he didn't trust me. (Every time I tried to enter the guard room at the pizzeria in the room, he would block the ventilation shaft that I used to enter the security room. Whether it was because of his survival instincts or because he was mad at me though, I wouldn't know)

Not to mention that I tried to kill him when I worked as a night security guard on Sunday, November 13, 1987. Due to his supernatural presence (later I found out that he gave off that aura because he had died and refused to rest) the spirits of the children and the Toys, got very aggressive. Made every possible attempt to kill him, but in the end, none managed to hurt him.

It was only after 6:00 AM. When Michael stopped winding the music box, I took him by surprise by lunging at him and trying to choke him with all my might. Guess what happened? Yep... That didn't work, I only received a massive electroshock that nearly fried Puppet's systems.

When I couldn't move, Michael tried to break the animatronics, but was found in the act and then fired. That day I was puzzled as to how Fritz was not hanged by my robotic hands. But it would make sense if Michael was already dead by then, therefore he wouldn't need to breathe.

Making it obvious that cutting off his breath wouldn't work for murdering someone already dead.

I just shook my head in Lefty's suit sadly. Michael and I were the best of friends since we were little, so how did we get to climb so much with each other? I knew that I could never have the same relationship that I had with Michael. Not after trying to kill him on two different occasions.

"I just hope he can forgive me" I murmured in a whisper. Lefty's chilling voice echoed through the area.

I kept walking through this Large Tree labyrinth. I noticed that no monsters had spawned around the area and everything was eerily quiet.

My ghostly lips pursed into a confused frown. "Strange. Shouldn't there be more monsters in this place or do I kill them all?" Lefty's jaw widened so Puppet's eyes (my eyes?) could scan the area around me.

A shout echoed around the entire Large Tree labyrinth area. Before they appeared a huge monster. This monster had a large serpentine tail that bears shades of blue and a female humanoid body, blue-colored hair, and even bat-like wings.

This monster seemed very different from normal ones, even exhibiting abnormal behavior. Its crimson eyes glowed fiercely with malicious intent and it exuded a great deal of bloodlust. But what made my jaw drop (even if I already had Lefty's jaw open to better observe with Puppet's eyes) was that it buried its hand from a monster's chest before forcibly pulling something out.

The monster that was pierced through the chest turned to ash to my surprise. The other monster, the one that looks like a lamia (although it wasn't one because of its wings) sack of the corpse, it was some kind of gem that shines with an unearthly force that I did not recognize. Then I was even more shocked when the monster ate the gem that it took from the chest of the slain monster.

The monster's aura grew bigger. To my chagrin, fortunately, thanks to my intelligence I quickly grasped what it meant to me.

These monsters get stronger by eating those stones and those stones on the monster's chest was what prevents the body from turning to ash. Therefore the body of the monsters could only exist if the gem within them fed them with energy. Once the gem left the monster's body, it would be unable to sustain itself and would completely vanish.

So I had an idea. What would happen if he absorbed the energy of the stones? Would I get stronger or would it just be a waste of time? For the moment it didn't matter.

The first thing he would do is kill this irregular monster and then I would try to absorb the energy from its stone to see what would happen. If it didn't work then I was going to destroy all the stones left over from the corpses around me, so that another irregular monster wouldn't spawn again.

Although I wasn't afraid, I stopped being afraid a long time ago. There can come all the irregular monsters their want, and in the end, would be the winner. After all... you can't kill someone already dead.

Lefty's jaw returned to its original position and my vision once again shifted from the Puppet to Lefty's. Its claws came out of its fingers as I positioned myself in attack mode.

A desolate soul that shouldn't be in the world of the living, against a High Level 3 irregular monster destined to kill something impossible to kill. A battle between two beings that should not exist.

Lefty gave a scream that sounded static and metallic like a damaged robot, El Vouivre irregularly responded with a scream of rage and feminine. Before they both lunged at each other.

The result? Well... It's obvious, isn't it?


Confidential information:

Charlie Emily. Vengeful Ghost. - Puppet (Lefty) High Level 3.



Information was given by the author:

Charlie Emily: Emily's eldest daughter of one of the founders of the Fredbear Family Diner. Henry Emily. She was a curious and outgoing child by nature.

Henry is a friend of William. He introduces Charlie to William's son. Michael Afton. These quickly become best friends and they make a friendship that makes many people envious.

Charlie as opposed to Michael. She received all the love from her parents, including her aunt Jen Emily. She had a lot of friends at school, and being the people person that she was she made a lot of friends and didn't let anyone get left alone.

She always sought to defend defenseless people. Usually, those who were being bullied. Despite her kind and kind nature, she had a strong temper when she was angry.

In her teens, her friendship with Michael waned for reasons Charlie couldn't understand. The arguments between them started when Elizabeth (who was friends with her younger brother Sammy Emily) disappeared and then the arguments got worse Michael started bullying Evan.

Charlie, seeing Michael's stubbornness, stopped talking to him. And she focused on cheering up her younger brother Sammy who was saddened by Elizabeth's disappearance.

A mistake Charlie would regret years later.

Evan Afton died at the hands of her best friend in a prank that went completely out of his control. Even though she tries to help Michael in any way possible. He takes her away from him and distances himself completely from her.

Charlie, unable to help his youngest friend, became depressed. But on the outside, she didn't let it show and tried to keep up her positivity. Two months later she learned that Michael's mother had committed suicide, leading to Michael's rupture and social isolation from the world.

Charlie felt useless when she couldn't help his best friend. She also did not know how to help him since she never experienced such losses and she was not as attached to Evan and Mrs. Afton as Michael.

Charlie tried to invite Michael to her sixteenth birthday party, but he didn't show up. Without her joy or in a decent state of mind, Charlie was tricked by some children thus taking her out of the restaurant and leading her to the event of her death.

Charlie became aware after her father Henry Emily. He injects Puppet with AGONY indirectly and unconsciously, thus tying Charlie's soul that refused to rest to an inanimate object and pulling her out of limbo.

One year after her death. The incident of the five children murdered once again by William occurred. Charlie, seeing this, blames herself for her failure, thus coming to unlock her supernatural power. The power of the gift. She thus ties the souls of the children into different animatronics so that they could help her stop William. Although not everything went as Charlie wanted.

The children began murdering the night guards out of revenge and she only joined after Cassidy and Evan convinced her.

After deceiving and murdering William in the year 1993. She was wandering for +30 years until he was caught by the containment suit called Lefty.

After her father explained to her the plan that he and Michael had made to stop the nightmare of the desolate souls. Siege to work with them. Helping in the Capture of the animatronics Scrap and Molten Freddy.

Despite Charlie's attempts to become Michael's best friend again. It was already too late. Michael was very uncomfortable with her and with a lot of distrust towards her due to all his experiences.

Charlie would regret breaking off the relationship she had with Michael for the rest of her life. Including because she... MISTAKE ... from Michael.