
Danmachi The reincarnation of the menace

This is the story of a man who died and reincarnated as Bell Cranel and fused with his soul, with his awareness of the plot, the new Bell will change the storyline to one that he approves of.

zack_364 · Anime & Comics
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26 Chs

Chapter 7

It's been a whole month since I started exploring the outside world, there are lots of things that I have done in this time first thing is I bought a map, not a map like the paper one but a passive map in my head it recorded every place I have been into so far very handy so I don't lose directions again.

I have been into numerous villages and a handful of cities but haven't gotten into a kingdom yet I marked some of them but didn't go inside, today I'm inside I found on the west side I don't have any disguise on me as I didn't enter the city from its entrance, I usually just roam around trying food and seeing what kind unique product each city, village, and town have and buy it and see what it could be used for.

I'm trying some skewers from a stall in the streets of course he is not the only one here it's quite packed actually, but thanks to the dragon slayer's magic I have a strong sense of smell and it had led me here.

And boy let me tell you these are some treats although a bit spicy for me they are still good I praised the aunt who was cooking them and she added three extra skewers for me, ah my god bless your kind soul.

As I was walking around while eating I sensed a gaze on me, it wasn't hostile but it was weird to describe, I don't know anyone here and the only people that know me are in the village I live in, I haven't even interacted with the merchant that got in the village so who could it be, let's led them somewhere I can meet them easily.

As I started going to a less populated area I can still feel the gaze on me even more than before, it kind hold some grief and sadness in it hmm weird.

I took a sharp turn in an alley and waited there to see who it was and it didn't take long for them to get in here.

"So what got you interested in me so much that you would follow me here?"

the person was wearing a big robe hiding both his figure and face I can't tell if it was a man or a woman.

"You have the same hair as her....who is Meteria to you," a female voice asked under the hood.

This time I was surprised that I opened my eyes a bit wider.

"You know my mother? who are yo..wait there are not many people that know Mother her Familia has been wiped out and her sister, Aunty Alfia and Uncle Zald are in Orario. you…you're my grandma right?"

As I said that the woman started taking her robe off exposing a normal-looking woman but then her appearance started changing into that of a tall, statuesque, and busty Goddess, she has light skin, long curly blond hair, and violet eyes, and most importantly a god aura.

"GRANDMA HERA" I started running to her it made her surprised but she reacted quickly and took me into an embrace.

"It's really you, Meteria child…. her miracle, I'm so glad I can see you."

"My name is Bell grandma, it's the name Mother choose what do you think of it? I always wanted to meet you, grandpa told me a lot about you"

"What a lovely name as expected of my favorite child, I wanted to meet you as well..wait what did that old fart say about me he better have not said anything bad about me"

"No, he was always praising you for being smart and very honest and loyal and how beautiful you are, Aunty Floria told me men talk a lot about the person they miss, I think he misses you, Grandma can you please come and live with us."

"m-me he said i-i'm beautiful and he m-MISS me whaaat?!, live together with him together….I don't think I ca-"

"eh as I thought you don't like me at all do you, everyone I call family just wants to be far away from me, even Aunty Alfia and Uncle Zald don't want to be with me at all, they weren't there even when I was born, as I thought I'm really hated." as I said this with tears in my eyes.

"W-what are you talking about Bell, of course I like you don't say stuff like this again okay"

"Why don't you want to live with us then and what about Aunty Alfia and Uncle Zald"

"O-of course they like you too they are just busy with their life and can't visit you, as for living together… fine I will but I need to do some stuff first okay it will take some time so come back tomorrow I will be here at the same place is that okay?"

"YES!! I can wait a day as long as your living with us hehe"

"haa what am going to do with you, silly child" Although she said that she was smiling

"Don't wander around here so much go to your grandpa now I will be back here tomorrow" she said that and she started wearing the robe back and waved at me.

I wandered around a bit more then returned home and started making dinner, Grandpa came back and we started eating as I was eating I started giggling every now and then it was hard to keep it.

"what's up bell, looks like your up to something huh"

"hehe don't worry about it Grandpa it's just a surprise, you will find out tomorrow hehe"

"looks like you're not going to tell me, fine I will play with your rules and wait"

We finished eating and went to sleep well again training for me I woke up in the morning trained a bit outside then teleported back to the town I found Grandma and started waiting at our meeting place.

"Hello bell, I hope you didn't wait for me that long"

"It's fine grandma let's get goi-…. what is this behind you" As I turned around thrilled about her living with us I found myself shocked at what she was holding behind her, it was one of those oversized bags that supporters carry around when going to the dungeon.

"Women have a lot of necessities bell" She give a look that she wasn't going to leave anything behind, well not that I'm against it anyway let's just help her with the load.

"give it to me grandma I will store it"

"store it where? you're taking me to your house right it shouldn't be far away"

"no, it is far away just give it to me I will explain everything later"

Although she had suspected something a miss, she did pass me her bag, or should I say she put it to the ground and started looking at me, she knows it was heavy and thought I will give up soon but what I did next made her mind stop for a couple moment.

My eyes started shining in a sliver of light then a space pocket started opening and lift the bag with telekinesis and put it in the space pocket, when I was done I turned to her only to see her dumbfounded.

"W-What was that, where did the bag go?"

"Magic, my magic it allows me to control space, I can move objects and create space pockets to store items on them although the bag is heavy and big I can easily carry it in my space pocket and it will not affect me in the slightest"

"You can use magic!! and one that can control space at that, what level are you?"

"Grandma you can ask me these questions later let's go to the village I reside in first."

"A VILLAGE!! Bell stop! EXPLAIN TO M-" Before she could finish what she was saying I held her hand and activated the flying thunder god technique.

"E what's going on no- w-what? where are we?" she finished most of the other half when we got outside the village only to be shocked at what was ahead of her.

"We are now outside the village I and grandpa live in, you probably want to change your appearance and remove your god aura as we are introducing you as Grandpa's wife"

"…bell, I'm not going to ask anything now, but you better explain everything about it"

"only if you promise you won't think of me as a monster and flee from me."

I was never afraid of what people would think of me as I know one day I would turn into a dragon because of the dragon slaying magic, or a demon because of the demon element from Mo fan as I saw it in the shop, but I don't think I would handle it if the people close to me abandon me because of it, like if mom told me she doesn't like me because I'm not a human anymore I don't think I'm going to handle it well.

"haaa, I won't abandon you for something like this, you're still my grandson, plus the members of both my Familia and your grandpa were living monsters yet we lived with them happily"

as she said that she had her hand patting my head making me close my eyes from the comfort, yeah it feels good to be patted.

"fu fu you're more like a rabbit than a monster" she started smiling as she saw my reaction, I know that already OG Bell was always called that.

"now then my little rabbit led me to you- no our home, but before that let me speak to the village chief to notify him that I will live here and not tell Zeus about oh yeah tell me what is he calling himself now" as she said that she started changing her appearance to that of a middle age woman, while her godly aura disappeared.

"umm, Aunty Floria calls him Jupiter and why not go to him now?"

"Jupiter huh, alright you can call me Grandma Juno, as for why not now if Ido he will run away like a coward so don't tell him okay"

"..alright let's go to Grandpa Jerry he is the village chief he is a nice person he usually sits at the village entrance we are quite close to there"

"Okay led the way bell"

We found Grandpa Jerry sitting there I went to greet him and introduced Grandma to him after that she took over and started talking to him, she stated her reason for staying at the village and of course didn't forget that she wanted to surprise Grandpa so he shouldn't tell about her to him.

"ha ha ha young people are amazing, don't worry lady Juno, I will do as you said you can introduce yourself to others later don't worry about that part, just go and settle in your new home, I would love to guide you but I can see that bell is almost too excited to guide you around so I won't impose my self on you two"

I led Grandma to our house while telling her the name of our neighbors when we got to the house I showed her around and then took out her bag from my storage and helped her a bit with organizing some stuff and resting she did it on her own as they are mostly beauty products and clothes.

Because today is a special day we have a grandma in the house I decided to go all out for dinner, I even purchased some cooking skills and recipes from the shop, tonight is going to be a feast baby.

As I was cooking it seems Grandma was attracted by the smell and was surprised that I can cook, she asked me what I was cooking but I told her it was a surprise so look forward to it, which earned me a pat on the head, nice I should always demand a pat in the head as a payment for my hard work, though cooking is just enjoyable thing to do.

I purchased a high-quality wine from the shop for Grandpa and Grandma it will probably help them relax, if they asked where I got it I will just say my skill, they think it's from a town or city I went to with my teleportation, while I hide the fact about the shop wait I think I can lie about the shop too, it's considered a part from my past life, yeah let's just do that.

I finished cooking dinner now I just waiting for the pie to cool down and will start setting the table, oh looks like Grandpa is back I can sense him coming this way, I should probably set a sound barrier in case they start screaming at each other.

"Bell, I'm home," Grandpa said as he got inside.

"Welcome back Grandpa, hehe are you ready for my surprise for you"

"alright little one show me the surprise you have been on since yesterday"

as I led to the living he saw a woman sitting there as if waiting for him, she had a thin smile on her face while looking at him.

"eh, hello there lady, do I perhaps know you from some, my name is Jupiter by the way"

"Oh you do know really well MR J.U.P.I.T.E.R," she said the last one in a chilling voice even I felt cold from it and it wasn't even directed at me, may god be with you Grandpa oh wait you are one.

".. hmm.. bell little help here," he asked me in a low voice, I should just tell him.

"No need to tell him a bell, I don't Blame you for not recognizing me like this.. Zeus"

As she said that she started transforming back to her true looks making Grandpa's face go pale and start sweating bullets.

"h-h-h-HERA w-w-wWHy are you h-HEre ??!!"

"Bell would be kind and go a set the table"

I nodded my head and started making my way to the dining room, Grandpa was looking at me with a desperate face I guess I should help him a bit.

"Hey, Grandpa…. good luck" When I called him out his eyes brightened a bit but when he heard what I said he lost all hope of escaping this time.

As soon I got in the kitchen I heard a door slapping, oh it's from Grandpa's room, yikes the screams are getting louder and louder I hope they don't fall with each other.

Well, I believe that Grandpa will comfort Grandma there, as much of scum and cheater he is, he is not one to let a woman suffer or cry, though I wonder what's the reason he always cheats on her, Grandma is already a beauty not to mention she has quiet the figure haaa I just can't comprehend what these gods think at all, let's just set the table I cooked a lot of different food tonight, let's use ice magic to cool the wine too… I should have used it to cool the pie instead of waiting… you learn from every mistake I guess.

I finished setting the table I saw both of them getting out of the room and sitting in their seats silently, that's awkward let's break the ice.

I started using space magic to put food on their plate making them both surprised.

"W-what's this bell?" Grandpa asked with a weird face.

"Even though you raised him for 3 years you still don't know about his magic and you call yourself his Grandpa" Grandma scoffed at Grandpa surprised making him feel bad about it.

"I was the one who didn't tell him about it, I only showed him another type of magic and it's related to dragons"


"Relax Hera Bell is fine I already checked"

"…fine but you need to tell us about thi-"

"I'm not saying anything while you two are in this state although you tried concealing it I can still feel the stiff air around you two, tonight we just celebrate our reunion together and I have the perfect thing for this"

As I said that I took out the wine bottle making them surprised but Grandma took it from me and said

"Your still young for stuff like this bell wait till you're older and then I will consider allowing you or not"

"….it's for you two to begin with the owner of the shop already told me that"


sigh I took the bottle back with telekinesis and started pouring it into a wine glass I purchased from the shop too it's very handy, they both started taking a sip which made them relax a bit, then finally they started noticing the food.

"You went all out today bell huh, it's the first time in the mortal world I see some of these dishes, my compliment to you" Grandpa praised my food which made me smile and giggle.

"Now that you mention the smell alone was inviting, I'm sure the taste is even more wonderful as it was made by our own Grandson's hands," Grandma said

Oh stop it you're going to make me embarrassed, I'm already giggling like an idiot making them laugh at me, at least they got out of that sour mood, we started eating before the food got colder, and oh boy I have outdone myself today, this is so good, looks like they both enjoyed the taste as I did.

As we ate Grandpa and Grandma started opening up a bit by bit, talking about what Grandpa was doing in the village, what Grandma was doing outside orario even what happened after I was born to some silly things as how I was acting when I was born and refused to be breastfed to my surprised made grandma explode from laughter while grandpa was grimacing at first but he just started laughing with her leaving my feeling awkward, grandma started getting drunk and grandpa although not drunk he is feeling a bit tipsy so he carried grandma to his room.

Heh, they are sleeping together I should probably set a sound barrier I can already predicate there is gonna be a sharp scream in the morning, I finished cleaning everything up thanks to space magic I started going to my room while thinking about today.

We were like a normal family, laughing with each other, and making fun of each the warm atmosphere was always there, and it made us all at ease, even in my past life I never felt something like this as I never had a family the only thing I was focused on is to succeed in my life and have a good job and pay.

In this life I will protect my family and my happiness at any cost, that's why I need to get stronger and stronger, as I do know only with strength you can protect the ones that are dear to you and nothing will manage to destroy or rob you of happiness.

Your opinion matters to me so feel free to comment about anything you like or dislike.

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