
Danmachi The reincarnation of the menace

This is the story of a man who died and reincarnated as Bell Cranel and fused with his soul, with his awareness of the plot, the new Bell will change the storyline to one that he approves of.

zack_364 · Anime & Comics
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26 Chs

Chapter 6

Under a tree, a small boy was sitting there in a lotus pose, if you are far from him you can't see anything abnormal about him, but the same couldn't be said if you get closer to him.

He was surrounded by different colored auras each of them representing an element, if you look closer to his face and body you can see that he has a blue marking in them like a tribe mark or a tattoo.

That boy was none other than Bell himself.

After three years of training, I managed to gain more than I expected, in terms of star magic I'm an intermediate mage close to advance level in almost every element I only need to gain experience outside like fighting monsters and adventurers, some reasons were contributing into my fast improvement one is I was buying a lot of resources from the shop to help me with cultivation, the second reason is the stars in my system don't resist me that much I don't know the reason why but they tend to be happy when lending me a hand.

I could force my way to advance mage level but I want a strong foundation so I wouldn't have problems in the future.

as for dragon slayer, magic I have only trained it for a year I can tell it was advancing at a fast rate but it still can't beat the star magic I probably need to hunt dragon-type monsters to advance faster, there is dragon valley the black dragon is no longer there I could use this to hunt wyverns even if they aren't a dragon they still relate to them even for a little bit.

Now for the last improvement the money-making art hehe, its the best thing ever I managed to attain mainly in alchemy and talisman I still have a hard time with array and weapon making, I mean I tried making them using the space system mostly that's why I failed, I succeeded at the end but it was still was not as much as my alchemy.

At first, I was a bit troubled with money but then found some hidden magic stones in Grandpa's stuff I sold some of them from money in the shop with allowed me to buy some cheap herbs there, I tried making some easy pills at first my success was only 6 out of 10 of course that was considered good but I had limited amount of money I needed to get every worth I can get from the herbs I get, so I kept training while focusing on any mistake that made me lose pills, slowly I started getting better and make fewer mistakes, after that, I started training my control with making talisman with space magic and oh boy wasn't it a broken thing, I was training my control that will benefit with everything that was related to manipulating magic power but not only that I could train my magic as well because I can store my spells inside the talisman which need me to invoke the spell first before storing it, with that I was hitting two birds with one stone.

the products I made can be sold at the shop, and that money was used to buy more materializes for either training or making more stuff.

my alchemy attainment was quite big as I already had the compendium of cultivation in my head I only needed to master it and I will not have any trouble advancing to higher-level pills although the only thing stopping me from making high-end pills is that I'm not strong enough yet that's why I'm sticking with the pills I can make with no problem.

I even stored some interesting pills like beauty nourishing pill I think the name itself says it all and it even last for 40 years there is a stronger version of this one, it's called innate beauty nourishing pill this one is even more formidable as it can keep you young for your whole life not to mention it regenerate your skin and enhance your beauty, I even have one that can make women breast or butt bigger with different sizes and one that enhances the figure, a pill that can make you're genital bigger, I'm not a pervert okay this ones sells for quite a lot.

Of course, I didn't make just this

A Fasting pill that allows one to not eat food for a month but immediately feel starved after the month ends.

A Mind Returning pill After consuming it, the mind one has exhausted will begin to rapidly recover.

A Blood replacement pill heals injuries and recovers stamina.

And my proudest pill is the Nurturing Pill, this one makes the Exilia gain faster for lower-level adventurers I only was able to make it when I observed the weird energy that comes out of monsters when they day, interestingly enough I found that it was not just monsters alone it comes out from almost everything when you cut trees, break stones, dig a hole and even when people do a heavy exercise just the amount that's being produced differ from one to another.

I didn't know what it was until I remembered how status work and found out that it was Exilia and succeded in making the pill.

If you are wondering how I can see Exilia, well it's thanks to Acnologia Power he was an arcane dragon so being able to sense it is now a big surprise.

The last pill is gonna be popular I can tell and it's so easy to make I already stocked up a lot in my space pocket.

Now that this is out of the way now is time for a small adventure of course I can't stay away from Grandpa that much that's why I will purchase a skill I had my eyes on for quite a while now.

It's the Flying Thunder God Technique from Minato, I can set a point near the house and outside the village and go further and set another point there, and when the time comes I will just continue where I left off.

I purchased the skill I wanted it was around 6 mil points, I had around 86 mils left now, I will purchase mo fan pendant now it will help my training, hmm I have options, it says the final upgraded one is 50 mil and the first form is 3 mil, let's just get the last one the stronger I get the more money I make.

with that, I started making my way outside the village and started running and using wind magic to accelerate my speed.

I ran for hours using the blood replacement pill to regain my stamina and I started seeing a village in the distance, let's use the transformation spell from the compendium of cultivation and go ask the villagers for directions.

I changed into an average-looking uncle and went to ask some people I saw at the entrance, they kindly told me about the direction to the closes cities other and they even offered me to stay the night here but I refuse of course.

I started running in the direction of the closest city not Orario obviously after running for hours I still can't see anything in the distance I guess this is gonna take some time, I marked the area I was around, and teleported back to the village and went back to the house and started prepared dinner as grandpa was still at work, I will continue exploring tomorrow.

While I was cooking dinner I was thinking that I'm old enough now so I probably can start training with the saber I tried to do it before and let me tell you I'm glad that nobody saw it, though I think I still need to wait a bit not for my age this time but for me to get more money and buy a strong saber technique, I can buy a decent one but it isn't going to take me very far and at that point, it's gonna be late to train a new technique, sigh I have a lot of things to train and they are only going to get harder and harder.

"Bell, I'm home" Oh looks like Grandpa is here.

"Welcome back Grandpa dinner is almost ready it's gonna be done in a bit"

"Alright, I will help set the table after I change my clothes" As he said that he gave a head pat ooh that feels good, I really like it when he does it.

"Alright, my little rabbit I will be back in a bit ha ha ha" Was I enjoying it too much and a rabbit? ah well, he is not wrong I'm aware that I look like one.

I went back to the kitchen, it didn't take long for dinner to get cooked and Grandpa already set the table, as we set together and started eating I asked him.

"hey Grandpa tell me more about my family and what happen to them, you said before you will tell me when I grow up right I'm already 3 now I have the right to know"

"You talk as 3 years old is old enough" he gave me a straight look when I shamelessly said I'm old enough.

"sigh, I suppose I can tell you about it, but promise me that you wouldn't get lost in hatred after hearing the story okay"

"Don't worry about it tell me tell me"

"Alright I will tell you after you finish your dinner, it's a long story after all..don't shove everything in your mouth eat slowly bell"

And that he did, I mean I already know about what happened at that time from the games and novels I didn't read it but I read the summary in the wiki but it's just imprecise.

"Before I already told you about gods and how they descended here in Genkai, now I will tell you about my story, well, My and your grandma's story as well because our Familias were always allied with each other."

"I and your grandma descended here about 1000 years ago after the battle of the Albert and the black dragon known as the 'the one-eyed dragon' now and the start of the age of gods here in Genkai"

"I'm not going to recount everything that happened in all of this time but I'm going to tell the main things that happened, my and your grandma Hera Familia were considered the top Familia in Orario"

"My Familia had a level 8 as a captain and your Grandma Familia had a level 9 as a captain, not only that we had a lot of levels 7 and 6 as our main force, even looking outside our main force our weakest member was able to beat to one shot any normal level 4 and talented level 3 easily"

"Both our Familia joined hands together to take on the 3 great quests I told you about before, we took 2 of them the first is Behemoth it was a huge monster it moved slowly and had a devastating attack power but that wasn't all as it had a powerful poison with no known antidote, thanks to your uncle Zald he devoured the flesh of behemoth a used to power up and defeated it in one blow, but not without a price as his body was poisoned and it was slowly rotting"

"The second one is Leviathan it was quite the powerful monster as well but the main problem with this one is that it was a water creature we couldn't fight it on the surface like Behemoth, but thanks to Poseidon Familia we managed to fight it, the one who dealt the finishing blow is non-other than you aunt Alfia, but the same as Zald she did pay a price as her disease got worst as she used her most powerful magic making"

"As we succeeded in finishing two of the three great quests we were at our peak so we went to finish the last quest and free the mortal world of all danger, although both Zald and Alfia are unable to battle we still had a lot of our members and we even borrowed children from Freya Familia...but alas we were wrong about something"

"The one-eyed black dragon is not just any monster, the behemoth, and leviathan were strong but they don't hold a candle to his strength, nothing we did manage to injure him at all, he was a true sign of despair, it wiped out everyone with no exception, the only survivor in our Familias were Zald and Alfii as they both didn't join the fight"

"sadly with their condition they don't have much to live, so they choose to retire but even then their head is only filled with concerns about the future generation and if anyone is going to be able to take down that monster haaa"

"Even I sometimes question if should have waited more and grew our Familia stronger before attacking, but would it make any dif-"

"Grandpa" I saw him getting distracted in his thought and pushing himself into depression I called him out in a calm voice gaining his attention.

"Grandpa you don't need to worry about it, you couldn't have known the power of the black dragon before so it's not really your fault, and I know you did it for us as you love mortals more than any god that descended here in our world"

"And Uncle Zald and Aunty Alfai don't need to worry about the future generation taking down the black dragon"

"what do you mean by that bell ?"

"is it not obvious, I alone will take it down did you forget my power that is related to dragons I know the name of it now"

"hmm you don't talk about your power much what could be the reason making you confident you can take the black dragon?" his eyes focused on me as I mentioned my powers, I don't talk about it much as for him not question me as I'm afraid some questions I will not have the ability to lie to him.

"It's called Dragon Slayer Magic Art, it changes my physic to one of a dragon gaining the ability to fight them, not only that I can even devour any magic attack and use it against my opponent, not to mention the ability to devour the dragons I defeat making me stronger and stronger, what do you think about it, of course, I have more abilities I will tell you about only if you stop getting depressed though he he"

Grandpa's eyes widened as I told him about my magic he is a god and can detect lies, so everything I told him is true, at first he was a bit shaken as he can tell this power is nothing ordinary it may even make the user insane, but when he heard the last sentence I said he burst out laughing with tears in his eyes, come on man not in my face even I will get embarrassed.

"don't make fun of me Grandpa"

"ha ha ha I'm not Bell hahaha, I'm just glad it's still you, alright then you said your going to defeat that dragon huh, then I will be the first one to believe that you will no matter how long that is going to take" as he said that with a bright smile in his face, he patted me in the head, yup it feels good as I thought I closed my eyes and enjoyed the pat.

"thank you bell, you're like Meteria always finding a way to cheer a person don't you"

"hehe I don't like it when a person close to me is sad after all"

"ha ha ha"

he pulled me into a hug we talked till night and went to sleep, well training for me, I will resume my exploration tomorrow.

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