
Danmachi: Rise of The Rampart

Dying a guy from our world ends up reborn in Danmachi. A world filled with gods, monsters, and heroes. Just what kind of legend will he create now that he lives in such a place? Read and find out. Warning: This fiction will not be all sunshine and rainbows it will contain dark themes. Such as murder, thoughts of suicide and graphic content. You have been warned so read at your own risk.

ArifuretaForever · Anime & Comics
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154 Chs

Chapter 75: The Great Feud (Part 9)

(3rd Person: POV)

As Ryuus' painful cries rang through the air the others in her familia weren't doing any better.

"Dammit!" Ryner shouted. Punching the ground repeatedly after he did so.

After all Morax was his best friend, and he just let him die. Being able to do nothing about it.

"If only I were stronger." Ryner muttered.

Getting dark looks in on their faces' Rogue and Diluc were feeling the exact same thing Ryner was.

Morax as their friend and captain, yet when it came down to it they couldn't do anything to save his life.

"No, no!!" Ryuu shouted, tearing starting to stream down her face.

She then ran towards the destroyed Evilus base and started clawing at the rubble.

"They can't be..he can't be..."Ryuu muttered as she worked to clear the rubble in front of her. Not caring that her gloves were ripping and her hands were getting small cuts on them.

She just couldn't accept that Ardi and Morax were dead.

Seeing her act this way Diluc decided to stop her.

Moving her to Ryuu he gently placed a hand on her shoulder.

"Ryuu, that's enough." He gently said.

But Ryuu continued digging through the rubble.

"Ryuu, listen to me!" Diluc shouted. "That's enough. They're-"

Diluc stopped his words immediately when he heard a sound coming from the rubble.

Looking its direction along with Ryuu and everyone else, they suddenly saw a portion of the rubble explode and a stone platform rise up from it. A dome-shell sitting atop it.

A moment after this happened the dome-shell broke, revealing Ardi and Morax.

Both alive and unharmed.

When Morax saw the building was collapsing and there was no way for him and Ardi to get clear in time he used his magic [Geo Force] and created a reinforce earth dome around them to protect them from the debris.

Then once he was sure the explosions were over he used his magic once more to lift them out of the debris and now here they are.

Taking in the fresh air Morax and Ardi both coughed a bit.

But otherwise they were fine.

Standing to their feet they both stretched.

Then right after they did so...


Morax delivered a slap right to Ardis' face.

Right after this happened Ardi looked at Morax with a stunned expression but he didn't care. He simply looked at her with a dead gaze and slapped her once more.

"You fucking idiot!" Morax shouted at her. "Were you trying to end up dead earlier huh!? Huh?!" He asked. "If I didn't act when I did that girl would've killed you!"

"But I just wanted to help her." Ardi protested.

"It's Evilus Ardi. Fucking Evilus!" Morax shouted. "Yet you let your guard down completely and utterly. Don't ever do that again. You seem to have forgotten who these bastards are we are dealing with, so let me remind you. They are animals who have no issues turning children into killers. If you wanted to help that girl the first thing you should've done is helped yourself. Because you have people who care about you. Me, my familia, the girls in the Astraea familia, your familia, and most of all your sister. Do you get how sad Shakti would've been if you died?"

"I.." Ardi trailed off. Realizing Morax was right. She had messed up big time, and if he hadn't saved her at the last moment she would've been dead.

Then Shakti would've been devastated.

"I understand." Ardi said in a low voice.

"Good." Morax said. "As long as you understand." He spoke to her.

Happy that Ardi was alive and that her death had been avoided.

And if he had his way, it would stay that way.

Their discussion over Ardi and Morax finally realized all the gazes on them. Turning in their direction they saw their friends and familia members with looks of relief and happiness on their faces.

Ryuu and Shakti standing out of the most.

Climbing down from the stone pillar Ardi and Morax quickly reached everyone else.

As soon as they did so they were assaulted with hugs and congratulations.

Until eventually their most important people got a chance.

Rushing towards Morax after everyone else moved back Ryuu enveloped him and then gave him the tightest hug she ever had.

Shakti doing the same for Ardi.

"You're alive. I'm so glad." Ryuu muttered.

Saying nothing Morax simply put his arms around Ryuu and embraced her as well.

Since he knew from his previous life memories just what sort of person she truly was.

Although Ryuu was a strong warrior she was emotionally delicate, more so than most. Like in canon when everyone but her in the Astraea familia died during the Juggernaut she blamed herself, even though the others willingly sacrificed themselves for her.

Yes, Morax knew the true Ryuu Lion very well. More so now since they became lovers.

While this happened Shakti couldn't stop embracing her little sister. She was so grateful she was alive, and that Morax had done what she couldn't and saved her.

During the battle Shakti too noticed Ardi's actions but couldn't reach her in time.

That's why she was thankful Morax did.

Because the alternative is not something she wants to think about.

While the two pairs continued to hug, the moment was suddenly interrupted as nine pillars of light appeared all across Orario.

This immediately ruined the mood and caused everyone to get serious.

Since they all knew the nine pillars of light in the sky were nine gods being returned to heaven.

Though everyone in the area knew that the gods returned to heaven just now weren't any of there since they all still had their falna.

Even so, the situation was getting worse by the second.

"Everyone let's move!" Morax shouted.

His familia members and even the others all nodded in agreement.

They all then left the area to assess the situation of Orario as a whole.


(Morax: POV)

Opening the doors to the Owl House I entered inside first. Everyone else following behind me.

All of us mentally and physically exhausted.

After leaving the Evilus base we ran across some fellow adventurers and learned about the situation in the city at large.

The moment we did so we all went our separate ways and went to work handling the matter. Evacuating civilians to the camps set up.

No matter how much they cursed us and the like.

Given the situation I didn't blame them. When tensions are high even the most composed person will break down.

So we just listened to their complaints and protected them.

Eventually we reached the camp in the center in the city and make contact with the others. Learning about their ordeal, and what happened to Millhiore.

To think or usually sweet an kind Millhiore could be capable of something like that.

It just once again shows me how far these Evilus fuckers can push people.

Thankfully despite all the injuries she received Millhiore going to make a fully recovery.

Looking over at her bandaged form in Diluc's arms I smiled.

The [Beastification] really took a lot out of her. Combine that with the stress of today's events and she won't be up and about until tomorrow at the latest.

But she's alive and that's all that matters to us.

Once we re-grouped we all decided to head home.

Now here we are.

Turning towards us Athena gave out orders.

"Diluc, William and Ryner. Take the first watch. Everyone else go rest up. I won't hear any arguments. Especially from you Ryuu and Leonmitchelli." Athena told them. Narrowing her eyes in their direction.

Because out of all of us those two have probably suffered the greatest mental strain today.

"Yes." The two of them said.

"Good. Oh and by the way I'll be coming by to update all your status's tonight." Athena spoke. "Any questions?" She asked.

No one said a word.

"Good, then get a move on." She said.

So we all did.

Including Ariane who has decided to stick with us.

Which none of us mind in the slightest.

Heading to my room I stripped of my clothes and then took a quick shower. Once that was completed I let down my hair and climbed into bed.

Ryuu entering my room and climbing into bed with me shortly later.

Wrapping her arms around my waist she hugged me tightly. Then whispered three words I didn't except to hear.

"I love you." Ryuu said.

"Me too." I said.

I then pulled her arms closer around me.

Letting her warmth evenlop me.


(3rd Person: POV)

As the Athena familia settled into some rest after the days terrible events, Athena went around updating all her children status.

Becoming shocked at some of the things she saw on them.

Still she was happy, since her children were growing to protect themselves and each other.

Athena also got on more surprise that night.

But honestly it wasn't one that she hadn't expected.