
Danmachi: Rise of The Rampart

Dying a guy from our world ends up reborn in Danmachi. A world filled with gods, monsters, and heroes. Just what kind of legend will he create now that he lives in such a place? Read and find out. Warning: This fiction will not be all sunshine and rainbows it will contain dark themes. Such as murder, thoughts of suicide and graphic content. You have been warned so read at your own risk.

ArifuretaForever · Anime & Comics
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154 Chs

Chapter 74: The Great Feud (Part 8)

(3rd Person: POV)

At the same time the raid on the Evilus base's was taking place Athena was in her personal room at her familia home, Owl House, looking out her bedroom window.

A dreadful sense of foreboding and worry flooding her entirely.

No matter what, the goddess couldn't shake the feeling that something horrible was about to happen.

"Morax, everyone, please stay safe." Athena said.

Right after she did so she noticed several explosions and pillars of smoke appear all throughout Orario.

Seeing this Athena realized her bad feeling was spot on.

In the next moment she didn't hesitate to act.

Moving to her closet she grabbed her personal spear and circle shield and then headed down to the main floor of her familia home.

A look of determination and anger on her face.

Just as Athena reached the main floor, so did everyone else in the house.

Including Ariane and Reina.

"Athena, what is happening?" Leontmichelli asked.

"It looks like Morax was right. Evilus had something up their sleeves. Multiple explosions are going off across the entire city. I saw it. Prepare for battle." Athena instructed.

"Yes, goddess!" The familia members answered.

As the others rushed off to retrieve their gear and weapons Athena turned to Reina and Ariane. "Both of you, do not leave my side no matter what happens." She instructed them.

The two of them nodded.

Reina because she had known Athena for years and trusted her. Given all she had done for her and her son.

While Ariane did so because the Athena familia had not only saved her but also taken care of her without asking for anything in return. But also because as a warrior Ariane was feeling entranced by the commanding aura Athena is excluding at the moment.

It is stirring something inside of her.

'So this is a a warrior god huh.' Ariane thought.

As she did so the others quickly returned, completely geared up and stocked up on potions and elixirs.

"Follow me." Athena said.

She and everyone then exited the Owl House and headed out into the chaos.


As Athenas' group moved through the streets of Orario they noticed people fleeing in utter terror.

Running away especially from people who exploded while laughing in joy.

"A god. It's Athena, kill her!" Several deranged individuals said.

They then all started converging on Athena's group.

But before they could even get close William put arrows in their heads.

And those that avoided his shots were cut down without hesitation by Millhiore and Leonmitchelli.

"Our goddess has no time to deal with filth the likes of you. So back off!" Leonmitchelli shouted in anger.

As she and Millhiore worked to clear the front, Echidna and Gaul covered their rear.

The group continued progressing, protecting people as they did so.

Until eventually they ran into two familiar faces.

Astraea and Hermes.

"Astraea, Hermes, what's happening?" Athena asked her fellow gods.

"Evilus got us good." Hermes said. But his voice was sad and filled with anger, not with his usual playfulness. Which told everyone the situation was that bad. "Apparently they used the bombs they made to destroy the bases we set up to attack to today. Not only that but Evilus members have turned themselves into living bombs and are killing everyone they can." He explained.

Hearing this Athena's group felt their blood run cold.

Specifically in worry for their fellow familia members who were part of the group attacking the Evilus bases.

"Everyone don't despair." Athena called. Sensing the change in the group after Hermes relayed his information. "Have faith in the others. I can feel they were not amongst the dead. And even if by some chance I am wrong, then that only gives up more reason not to give up. We must fight for that is what they would want us to do."

Hearing Athena's words the others nodded.

"Yes, we mustn't give up." Leonmitchelli spoke. "If we do and the others come back, how would we face them?"

"Well said, both of you." Astraea spoke. "Now then, we are forming a camp in the middle of the city. Please instruct anyone you see to head there."

Athena and the others nodded at her information.

"Well then, I'll be off." Astraea said. "There are still many more who need assistance."

"Just be careful." Athena told her old friend.

"Don't worry. I will. Hermes has agreed to be my bodyguard after all." Astraea spoke.

"I see." Athena mused. She then looked at Hermes. "Hey, don't let anything happen to her. Also, take care of yourself as well."

"Always." Hermes said, tipping his hat.

Right after he did so he and Astraea headed off to continue relaying the information about the camp.

Meanwhile Athena and her group started heading towards the center of Orario.

Working to save as many people along the way as they could.

Cutting down any enemies they say, Athena's group directed civilians to the center of the city. As well as any adventurers they came across.

While also heading their themselves.

Dodging a sword strike from an Evilus member Athena bashed her shield into their head and then stabbed them through the neck using her spear, a cold look on her eyes.

Since she had no mercy or compassion for such scum.

As the dead Evilus member fell to the ground her group continued onward.

Only to stop when several blasts of magic came towards me.

Stepping in front of Ariane and Reina, Athena raised her shield and did her best to deflect the magic blasts.

As she did so the magic casters who attacked her group got ready to attack again.

But Echidna was faster.

{Pierce, destroy, rip apart. Hunt them down no matter where they may run or hide. Obliterate!}


As soon as Echidna finished chanting the tip of Gloom glowed and several rays of heat, moved and killed the enemy magic users.

Just as this happened a group of civilians started running towards Athena's group.

"Quickly, come this way!" Gaul shouted. Waving his hand in their direction.

Seeing this, the civilians ran towards them.

As they did so several Evilus members appeared, chasing them down.

"William, cover them!" Leontmichelli shouted.

"Right." William spoke.

He then notched several arrows and shot them at the Evilus members.

However almost all of them were dodged.

Seeing this Leonmitchelli drew her blade and sprinted forward. Millhiore doing the same thing, right beside her.

The two began blocking the path of the Evilus members pursuing the civilians.

Just as they did so a woman and a young girl ran out of a nearby alley.

Shortly after they did so an Evilus member closed the distance to them.

Seeing this the woman grabbed the girl in her arms and threw her with all her might.

"Mommy!" The girl screamed, but right after she did so her mother was engulfed in an explosion.

One which sent blood and guts flying all over the place. Some even hitting the little girl in the face.

As the girl felt what was certainly some of her mothers' blood hit her in the face she started falling to the ground, only for Leonmitchelli to move to catch her.

Grinding her teeth as she did so.

Her tail standing on end and her hair bristling she was getting angrier and angrier with each passing second.

Especially given what she just saw.

"How dare you." Leontmichelli seethed. "How fucking dare you, you monsters!" Leonmitchelli shouted in utter anger.

But the Evilus members ignored her, and some even giggled in delight.

'That's it. They're all dead.' Leonmitchelli thought.

She was going to slaughter all the pieces of shit in front of her.

But before she even had the chance.

One of them had their arm ripped off.

Looking down at his ripped off arm the Evilus member screamed in agony.

"Agh!!" Falling to his knees as blood sprayed out of his wound. He started to cry.

Only for a hand to enter through his chest, killing him.

The owner of the hand being Millhiore.

Focusing their gazes on her the Evilus members prepared to attack, only to notice the massive amount of bloodlust the pink-haired chieinthrope was admitting.

"Rabid animals." Millhiore said in a cold voice.

Different from her usual upbeat and cheerful tone.

"Die, all of you fucking mutts need to die." Millhiore said.

Her bloodlust increasing as she did so.

Then her body began to transform.

Being bigger, and gaining more fur Millhiore soon became the picture of a what a devil dog would look like.

[Image Here]

All of this was due to a skill she had obtained only reccently.


Except for werewolves, only a select few beast people are born with the skill [Beastification]. However by becoming adventurers some have the chance to obtain it, and Millhiore is one of those rare few who has.

However never before has she used the skill. Because to do so she had to become angry. So extremely angry she wanted to rip apart what was in front of her without any hesitation.

But Millhiore hardly ever gets truly angry.

Most of those in her familia have never seen her do so, and the only ones who have are Leonmitchelli and Gaul.

It was once a long time ago, and on that day the siblings made a note.

Never make Millhiore truly angry, because if that happens something terrible will occur.

Like right now.

"Rawwrr!!" Releasing an enraged scream Millhiore in her beastified form started swiftly attacking the remaning Evilus members.

Using her claws and fangs the ripped them apart limb from limb. Sending blood and entrails all over the place.

"Fucking monsters!" An Evilus mage shouted.

She then cast a spell and sent it towards Millhiore who simply took the attack head on and kept on moving.

Reaching the mage she used her jaws to rip off her right arm. Then dug her left front claws into her guts.

"Agh!" The mage screamed in horror.

But Millhiore cared not.

She just continued ripping the mage apart until all that was left of her were pieces scattered across the ground.

Seeing this Athena and the others were left speechless.

Most of all Leonmitchelli.

Looking at Millhiore in her beastified form she bit her bottom-lip, causing it to bleed.

"Stop." Leonmitchelli whispered.

Millihore ripped apart another Evilus member.

"Stop." Leonmitchelli whispered once more.

As Millhiore raked her claws across the chest of an Evilus member just before they exploded in front of her.

"Milli, just please. Stop." Leonmitchelli whispered.

Putting the girl in her arms on the ground she slowly stood up and started walking towards Millhiore.

"Sis, wait!" Gaul shouted.

Until Athena placed her spear in front of him.

"Gaul. It will be fine." Athena said. "Leave this to your sister." She said.

Gaul wanted to protest. But seeing as Athena wasn't worried he stood down.

"Rawwrr!" Releasing another enraged screamed Millhiore finished killing the last Evilus member of the group attacking her and her comrades.

Once she did so she turned around.

To see Leonmitchelli approaching her. Her arms outstretched.

"Milli, that's enough." Leonmitchelli said. Coming to stand in front of her sister in all but blood, she gently placed her arms around her neck and gave her a hug.

Ignoring all the blood Millhiore was covered in due to her rampage.

"It's over. That's enough. So please, go back to normal." Leonmitchelli almost pleaded.

Since she didn't like seeing Millhiore like this one bit.

She was the one who got angry and lost her temper, while Millhiore generally kept her calm.

Now it was the other way around.

Breathing heavily Millhiore looked at Leonmitchelli and the rage in her eyes slowly but surely disappeared.

Then shortly after this happened Millhiores' body reverted to normal.

She then hugged Leonmitchelli back and started to cry.

"Sorry, I just-"

"It's ok. I understand. No need to say anymore." Leonmithchelli spoke.

The two of them then went into a comfortable silence.

Just enjoying each other's embrace.

This lasted for a few moments before Millhiore passed out.

Once she did so Leonmitchelli picked her up gently in her arms and returned to the others.

As soon as they did so their group continued onward to the camp.

Swearing in their hearts to protect their friend and make sure Evilus paid for the crimes they had committed today.


A/N" Emotional drama!

Stay tuned in for more!