
Danmachi: Rise of The Rampart

Dying a guy from our world ends up reborn in Danmachi. A world filled with gods, monsters, and heroes. Just what kind of legend will he create now that he lives in such a place? Read and find out. Warning: This fiction will not be all sunshine and rainbows it will contain dark themes. Such as murder, thoughts of suicide and graphic content. You have been warned so read at your own risk.

ArifuretaForever · Anime & Comics
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154 Chs

Chapter 102: We're Rich

(Morax: POV)


Hearing light groaning in my left ear I slowly but surely opened my eyes.

In doing so I found myself in quite a nice position.

I am in my bed lying on top of Rose, my head resting on her breasts like a pillow. Meanwhile Ryuu is lying on top of me, using me as her pillow.

The three of us are a sandwich and I am the meat between the two pieces of bread.

And being sandwiched between two such lovely pieces of bread is a memory I will always remember. Along with the sixteenth birthday present I got last night.

I will certainly never forget that even if I were to die and reincarnate again.

It was incredibly wonderful and special.

Even if I were to have another threesome in the future I think that one will always be number one on my list.

Speaking of, now that I know Ryuu and Rose are open to it I hope to have more fun like last night in the future.

I also need to check if Shakti would be open to the same in the future, and Riveria as well after I make her one of my woman.

Just thinking about such thing brings a smile to my face.

My other head seems to be in total agreement with such thoughts as well since it is standing at full attention.

However after my dick became fully erect I noticed a throbbing pain in my neither regions.

"Ow." I winced.

I then adjusted my position atop Rose and worked to get my erection to calm down.

Looks like even with my high level adventurer body after copious amounts of sex and cumming even I need time to recover properly.

After a few moments passed my erection finally calmed down and the pain disappeared.

Once it did so I looked out the window and noticed the moon slowly beginning to rise into the sky.

Seeing this I knew it meant the three of us slept the entire day, since I definitely remembering the sun being up when we finished our last round.

"We must've been pretty tired and spent to have slept the entire day." I mused.

Right after I did so I felt the urge to pee.

The moment this happened I slipped from atop Rose, and then carefully removed Ryuu from atop me and placed her back in the bed. Placing the covers over my two ladies before going to the bathroom to handle business.

Once I did so I decided to take a shower and get cleaned up, since I was sticky and sweaty all over.

After cleaning myself up I felt extremely hungry.

So I left the room and headed down to the kitchen.

Deciding to eat my fill, since our fridge is always fully stocked.

Once I was done I returned to my room and climbed back into bed, snuggling up with Ryuu and Rose.

Drifting back off to sleep, a content smile on my face.


Sitting at the main table in the dining hall I enjoyed some lunch with Ryuu, William, Ariane, and Gaul.

The five of us had just returned from a daily patrol of the city.

As we ate Ryuu attempted to feed me, not embarrassed in the slightest.

Two weeks have passed since my sixteenth birthday and ever since that night we shared with Rose, a change has taken place in her. She's a lot more open and affectionate now. Even when we are out in public.

Which I personally love.

Eating the food she offered me I fed her in the same manner, and she accepted it without hesitation.

"Hey, you two, stop showing off your love so openly. Be mindful to the feelings of others dammit!" William shouted.

"Quiet William, you are just salty since you don't have girlfriend." Gaul commented.

"Urk!" William groaned.

Then I'm pretty certain a giant red arrow pierced his body.

"I don't want to hear that from you Gaul. Since you don't have one either." William retorted. "Even that girl you told us about has vanished on you. Guess that means your luck with woman is just that bad." He said.

As he did so Gaul's brow twitched in anger.

Since bringing up Luniore around him is a no-no.

Gaul took my advice and tried to track her down since he wanted to figure out his feelings for her more. But after tracking down her home he found out she had disappeared one day and never returned.

Since then he hasn't been able to find any trace of her at all.

Which has had him a bit down in the dumbs.

Though I get why. A girl he potentially likes has just vanished. If I were in his position I would probably be feeling the same way.

However if things play out like they did in canon then Gaul and Luniore will meet at the Hostess of Fertility in the future when she starts working there.

I actually hope that is one part of the original story that stays the same.

"Say that again William, I dare you." Gaul spoke.

"What, didn't hear me the first time?" William questioned.

The two of them then started glaring daggers at each other.

But before things could progress any further Athena and Leonmitchelli entered.

"You two, that's enough." Athena spoke. Leveling a glare at the two of them.

When she did they both backed down.

But just as this happened something else took place.

"Hahaha! Finally, it's finally complete Hahaha!!"

Echidna came running into the dining room, a crazed expression on her face.

Seeing this I sighed. "Well it looks like Echidna has finally snapped." I mused.

"Yep." Gaul agreed.

"I'm surprised it took this long." William added.

"Well we all knew this would happen eventually." Leonmitchelli spoke.

"I know you guys are just trying to mess with me but those comments still hurt you know." Echidna explained. "And just for the record I have not gone crazy. I'm just so excited I have finally completed a project I have been working on the past two years."

"And what project might that be?" Ariane asked.

A proud grin on her face Echidna placed a book standing up on the table for all of us to see.

"Why, I just completed creating my first fully functioning grimoire." She said.

As she did so all of us turned to Echidna and got shocked expressions on our faces.

I have never asked her what she works on in that lab of hers since its her own personal space, but to think one of her projects was creating a grimoire.


Very nice.

The number of people who can create Grimoire in Orario can be counted on only one of my hands. To accomplish such a task one needs both the Mage and Mystery developmental abilities. Obtaining the first is relatively easy, but as to the requirements of obtaining the second. Well it's a complete and utter mystery.

No pun intended.

Besides Fels, Echidna is the only person I know for certain who has both the Mage and Mystery developmental abilities. Not even the Loki and Freya familia with all their members has a person with such abilities.

Which makes a Echidna a super-rare gem.

And now that she can actively create Grimoire it means our familia members can gain magic anytime they want. Not only that, we can sell her Grimoire and bring in the cash.

Since I hear all the time how the Hermes familia gets tons of money for selling Asfis' magic items.

This is a double boon for us.

"Echidna. Not to be rude, but how can you be so sure your Grimoire works?" Ryuu questioned.

"I can do that right now." Athena said.

She then took the Grimoire from Echidna and started reading it.

Because when gods read a Grimoire nothing happen. There Arcanum while sealed prevents such a thing from happening.

In less than five minutes Athena finished reading the Grimoire and then put a smile on her face.

"I can confirm it's a true Grimoire." She spoke.

"We're rich!" William shouted. He then realized what he said and got a slight blush of embarrassment on his face. "Sorry. I got carried away."

"It's fine." Echidna said. "I intended to use my Grimoire to help the familia anyway, so yes. In a sense we are rich. Of course I will be taking half of all profits made from the sale of any Grimoire I create for myself." She said. "I need money for the materials and such. And those things aren't cheap."

"I'm fine with that." Athena spoke.

"As are the rest of us." I said.

Everyone else nodded in agreement.

"Alright, now that that matter is settled. Let's start thinking about who our first customer should be." Athena said.

She's right.

We aren't just going to sell the Grimoire Echidna creates to anybody.

There's also the fact that once it gets out she can create Grimoire several gods will start eyeing her and our familia. Though that's not to say I am too worried.

Most of those people will simply be pebbles. Our familia is strong, and we have allies in both the Ganesha and Astraea familia's. So trying messing with us is not something many would do.

Even so I know there will be idiots who will try.

Thinking about that and various other details for a moment I suddenly got a brilliant idea.

As I did so I couldn't help but put a grin on my face.

"Uh oh, Morax has that scary smile on his face." Gaul commented.

"Looks like our captain has another crazy idea in his head." William said.

"Captain, please take it easy on this time." Ariane asked.

"You guys, have some more faith in your captain. Not all my ideas are crazy." I spoke.

"Yeah, but generally when you that grin your face they are." Ryuu spoke.

"No comment." I said.

"So you aren't denying it?" Leonmitchelli questioned.

I chose the best option, which was not to respond.

Instead I went ahead and told them all my idea.

After I did so Athena put a grin on her face exactly like mine. As did Echidna.

"Oh no, they're all smiling the same way." William said. "It means this idea is going to be our plan whether we like it or not." He said.

The others nodding their heads in agreement.

But Athena, Echidna, and I chose to ignore them and instead discussed the details of the plan I just proposed.

Since if it works out we will be getting more than just money.

A lot more.