
Danmachi: Rise of The Rampart

Dying a guy from our world ends up reborn in Danmachi. A world filled with gods, monsters, and heroes. Just what kind of legend will he create now that he lives in such a place? Read and find out. Warning: This fiction will not be all sunshine and rainbows it will contain dark themes. Such as murder, thoughts of suicide and graphic content. You have been warned so read at your own risk.

ArifuretaForever · Anime & Comics
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154 Chs

Chapter 101: An Unforgettable Gift*

(3rd Person: POV)

To say Morax was stunned would be an understatement.

Ryuu and Rose are standing before him, saying they are about to have a threesome.

To say he hasn't dreamed of such a moment since he started forming his harem would be an utter lie.

Every man dreams of a situation like this.

But Morax didn't press the issue.

Especially with how Ryuu told him way back she would never share a bed with another woman.

But it looks like her opinion has changed a little.

"I am not dreaming right?" Morax questioned.

"Not at all. This is really happening." Rose spoke.

"Y-yes." Ryuu stammered.

"So, whose idea was this, just curious?" Morax asked.

As he did so Rose looked at Ryuu who got a small blush on her face.

Meanwhile Morax brain was filled with the blue exe. screen and then crashed and started rebooting.

Since he never would've thought Ryuu of all people to suggest a threesome.

She's only ever naughty with him and no one else.

Once again this just proves to Morax it really is the quiet ones who are the kinkiest between the sheets.

"I wanted to give you a gift you would enjoy from the bottom of your heart." Ryuu explained.

"I see. Thank you." Morax said. "You as well Rose."

"Don't thank us yet. We haven't even given you the gift." Rose spoke. "So enough talk, let's start."

"Right." Ryuu said.

She then went over to the desk and pulled out a vial filled with light pink liquid.

It was an aphrodisiac she had asked Echidna to buy for her for this night.

Since Ryuu is still too pure to publicly do something like that.

Thus she relied on her perverted friend.

Removing the top of the vial Ryuu returned to Rose and Morax and explained to Morax what she was holding.

Since Rose knew about the aphrodisiac already. She was the one who suggested it in the first place.

After she agreed to this birthday threesome weeks earlier when Ryuu came to see her.

Morax nodded his head at the explanation. "Understood. I'm fine with it." He said.

Ryuu nodded.

She then took a sip of the aphrodisiac before giving some to Morax and finally the last bit to Rose.

At first nothing happened.

But then all of a sudden everything changed.


All three of them let out moans of immense pleasure and Morax dick started go get hard almost instantly.

That is because the particular aphrodisiac the three had just ingested was one of the most potent on the market.

One that would increase both ones libido and sensitivity by 5x normal times.

It is normally used by adventurers looking for some really intense fun.

Though Ryuu didn't know this.

Echidna did of course. So she got it for her friend so she could have a really good time.

Before even a minute passed Morax was rock hard and pre-cum was already leaking from the tip of his dick.

Seeing this Ryuu licked her lips like a hungry beast.

Unable to hold back she dropped to her knees in front of Morax and took his entire length into her mouth without any hesitation.

*Slrp Slrp Slrp*

Sucking like a vacuum hose Ryuu gobbled up Morax and didn't come up for air.

As she started leaking juices between her legs she began playing with herself while continuing to suck Morax off. Moaning in intense pleasure as she did so.

Not wanting to be left out Rose climbed up the bed and moved to place Morax head in her lap.

She then smashed her breasts atop his face and started playing with his nipples.

"Mhmm!" Moaning in pleasure Morax senses were in overloaded as Ryuu sucked his cock and Rose teased his nipples in-between her fingers.

As for him he sucked on Rose breasts, giving them light bites as he did so.

The three of them began drowning in pleasure.

Continuing to suck Morax off Ryuu's mouth became filled with a mixture of both saliva and pre-cum.

Feeling his pressure build Morax began bucking his hips.

Seeing this Rose got a naughty idea.

Removing her hands from Morax nipples she moved them to the top of Ryuu's head and shoved her all the way down on their shared lovers dick.

As Morax tip touched the back of Ryuu's throat he couldn't hold back any longer.

He came.

As cum traveled down Ryuu's throat she couldn't swallow it all and had to remove her head from his dick.

When she did Morax continued to ejaculate, showering her with cum.

Until finally he stopped.

But but then Ryuu chest, thighs, and arms were painted white.

Breathing heavily Ryuu scooped up all the cum and began eating it and swallowing it.

Seeing this Morax got hard again instantly.

"Now it's my turn." Rose spoke.

Pulling Morax fully onto the bed she then position her pussy over his dick. As her juices dropped down onto his length he stared into her eyes, giving her a pleading look to hurry up and let him cum again.

Seeing this Rose entire body shuddered.

She then dropped herself onto Morax, taking his entire length inside in one go.

"Fuck!" Rose screamed at the top of her lungs.

Ignoring this Morax began thrusting like a piston.

Stirring Roses insides he rocked his hips without stopping.

As he did so the red-headed werewolf tongue hung out of her mouth like a dog in heat.

Seeing she was being left out Ryuu climbed atop the bed to rejoin the fun.

Bringing Morax face up to her own she gave him a wet and sloppy kiss, their tongues fighting for dominance as saliva leaked out of their mouths.

"Mua~ Slrp Ma❤❤"

The kiss between Ryuu and Morax only got deeper and hotter.

Meanwhile Rose lost herself in riding Mora. dick, her juices flooding out of her pussy onto it.

Which only increased Morax pleasure by another fold.

Taking her hands Rose leaned forward and tasked her nails across Morax chest.

Drawing the smallest bit of blood.

But this only made him pound her pussy faster.

"Yes, keep going. Mess me up. Give me more!" Rose cried.

Her pussy getting tighter and turning into a vice-grip.

Feeling himself close Morax got an idea.


He tore the rope binding his wrist with ease and then grabbed Roses' tail and pulled.

"No, no my tail!" Rose cried.

She then unleashed wave after wave of orgasm onto Morax dick.

This in turn caused him to fun hard.

He sent shot after shot of cum deep into Rose.

As the two orgasmed in unison Morax moaned into Ryuu's mouth which gave her her first orgasm of the night.

From the all pleasure she got Roses mind eventually went blank.

She fell off of Morax dick, twitching as cum leaked out of her pussy.

Seeing this Ryuu attempted to move to get to it.

Only for Morax to grab hold of her wrist and stop her from doing so.

Due to this Ryuu started panting heavily, her entire body shuddering.

Seeing this Morax sadistic side started coming out in full force.

Taking two fingers he stuck them into Ryuu's mouth. "Suck." He ordered.

Complying Ryuu ran her tongue all along Morax fingers.

As she did so she never took her eyes off the fun leaking out of Rose.

Eventually Morax removed his fingers from her mouth

Immediately after he did so he stuck then in her sobbing wet pussy and used them to stir her job

Leaving love bites all over her body as well.

"Na! Yes. More~"

Ryuu moaned in pleasure.

Before long her body was covered in red marks and her hair was stuck to her face with sweat.

Seeing this Morax knew she was ready.

And so was he since he was rock hard once more.

Pulling Ryuu onto the bed Morax placed her on all fours and got behind her.

He then gave her ass a slap.



Ryuu moaned, cunning instantly.

Taking his dick Morax placed it between her ass cheeks and started grinding.

Falling flat on her face, Ryuu had a hazy look in her eyes.

"Please....give it..." She managed to spout.

"Well since you've been so good. Ok." Morax said.

He then slammed himself into Ryuu's asshole.

Not giving her anytime to adjust he started thrusting as hard and as fast as he could.

Picking up Rose he started playing with her pussy and sucking on her breasts, despite the fact she was still slightly out of it.

Enjoying his two women with all he had Morax felt his body heat up and go over the edge.

Just as he came in Ryuu he stuck his fingers up Rose pussy, causing her to cum once more as well.


As his two lovers moaned in pleasure due to their mutual orgasms Morax wondered just how many more times he could make them do so before the night was over.

Thus he gave them a ten minute rest before all three started again.

Doing almost every position and drowning in pleasure until the morning sun came over the horizon.