
Danmachi: My Adventure With a High Fairy Queen

Synopsis: In this untold romantic epic, Riveria Ljos Alf's interest in Bell Cranel shifts from academic to romantic, transforming her from a stuffy executive to a lovestruck elf maiden. But the entire world's fate depends on her bond with Bell Cranel: the ancient monster Medusa has been reborn as the Xenos Demon Lord and threatens to engulf the world in darkness. Riveria and Bell, and the so-called Wives of Bell Cranel, must clear Medusa's Fortress of Nightmares, Cor Vilgium, and save the world. But what sacrifices will they have to make?

C_Jones_6669 · Anime & Comics
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35 Chs

The Legacy of Perseus

Bell sat in his room, his head bowed and his heart heavy with grief. Asfi's death weighed heavily on his mind, the memory of her sacrifice playing over and over again in his thoughts.

A knock at the door startled him from his reverie, and he looked up to see Zatrona standing in the doorway, her face solemn and her eyes filled with sympathy.

"I have something for you," she said, her voice soft and gentle. "It's from Asfi."

Bell's eyes widened in surprise as Zatrona handed him a letter, the parchment worn and creased from frequent handling. He took it with trembling hands, his heart racing as he unfolded the paper and began to read.

"Dear Bell," the letter began, the words written in Asfi's familiar hand. "If you are reading this, then the worst has happened to me, and Medusa has gotten to me first. Do not grieve for me: I would make the same choice again in a heartbeat. I have decided to pass the legacy of Perseus onto you."

"It is your fate to destroy Medusa. The Light Bond Shield between you and Nine Hell is the one thing Medusa fears. Honestly, you and Nine Hell were the last people that I thought would ever end up together, but surprisingly, you two make a great couple. Medusa was mistaken: it was not I, but she, of all people that brought you two finally together. Just whatever happened to the Sword Princess or Gale Wind, anyway?"

"I am so sorry that I have left you with this huge burden. But I have every confidence that you, under Nine Hell's guidance, will overcome it. The Light Bond Shield is rare gift between a high elf of royal blood and their human lover worthy to act as a vessel for their power. Use it in the final battle against Medusa to defeat her, once and for all, and save the world.

"Free the Xenos. Free the Vespyads. Free the Dungeon. and free Orario. I leave you with my magic items in the hope that they will aid you in your quest. Use them wisely, and remember me fondly."

Bell looked up at Zatrona, his eyes shining with tears. She smiled softly, her own eyes glistening with emotion.

"She believed in you, Bell," Zatrona said, her voice barely above a whisper. "She knew that you were the one who could defeat Medusa, who could save the world from her evil."

Bell nodded, his throat tight with emotion. He knew that he could not let Asfi down, that he had to honor her memory by continuing the fight, no matter the cost.

He stood up, his eyes burning with determination. "I will not fail her," he said, his voice strong and clear. "I will defeat Medusa, and I will do it for Asfi, and for all those who have fallen in the fight against darkness."

Zatrona nodded, her face set with resolve. "And I will stand with you," she said, her voice ringing out with conviction. "Together, we will see this through to the end."


Hermes sat in his office, his head bowed and his eyes closed as he struggled to come to terms with the loss of Asfi. She had been more than just a member of his familia - she had been a friend, a confidante, and a true hero in every sense of the word.

He could still remember the day she had joined his familia, her eyes shining with determination and purpose. She had always been driven by a desire to help others, to make the world a better place, no matter the cost. And in the end, that was exactly what she had done.

Hermes felt a hand on his shoulder and looked up to see Lulune Louie standing beside him, her face etched with grief and sorrow. She had been close to Asfi, had fought alongside her in countless battles and shared in her triumphs and defeats.

"She was a true hero," Lulune said, her voice barely above a whisper. "She gave her life to protect others, to save the world from Medusa's evil. We can never repay that debt."

Hermes nodded, his throat tight with emotion. "She was the best of us," he said, his voice hoarse and strained. "And we will honor her memory by continuing her fight, by standing against Medusa and all the darkness she represents."

He stood up, his eyes scanning the room as he addressed his familia. "Lulune Louie will be our new captain," he said, his voice growing stronger with each word. "She has the strength, the courage, and the heart to lead us in these dark times."

Lulune bowed her head, accepting the responsibility with a heavy heart. She knew that she could never replace Asfi, but she would do everything in her power to live up to her legacy, to be the leader that her familia needed.

Falgor Batros stood in the corner of the room, his eyes downcast and his shoulders slumped. He had been offered the position of captain, but had turned it down, the weight of his guilt and shame too heavy to bear.

"It's my fault," he said, his voice barely audible. "I should have been there, should have protected her. I failed her, and I can never forgive myself for that."

Hermes approached him, placing a hand on his shoulder. "It's not your fault, Falgor," he said, his voice gentle but firm. "Asfi made her choice, and she would not want you to blame yourself for her actions. She believed in you, and so do I."

Falgor looked up, his eyes shining with unshed tears. He knew that Hermes was right, knew that he could not let his guilt consume him. He had to be strong, had to honor Asfi's memory by fighting alongside his familia, by standing against Medusa and all the evil she represented.

"We will join Bell on his quest," Hermes said, his voice ringing out with conviction. "We will stand with him, and fight until Medusa is defeated and the world is safe once more. For Asfi, and for all those who have fallen in the fight against darkness."

The familia nodded in agreement, their faces set with determination and purpose.


In the quiet solitude of her room, Ryuu Lion sat, her gaze lost in the flickering shadows cast by a solitary candle. Asfi Al Andromeda's fall at the hands of Medusa's forces had hit her like a physical blow, a sharp reminder of the fragility of life and the ever-present shadow of darkness that loomed over Orario.

As Ryuu mourned Asfi, her thoughts inevitably drifted to the past, to the days of the Astrea Familia and the comrades she had lost. The memories were sharp, each one a scar upon her heart. She remembered their laughter, their bravery, their determination to fight against the corruption and darkness that threatened their city. And she remembered their fall, a tragedy that had marked the end of an era and left her adrift in a world that suddenly seemed devoid of light.

Sitting across from her, Shakti Varma shared in the weight of Ryuu's sorrow. They spoke of Ardi, another friend lost to the darkness, a reminder of the cost of their ongoing battle against the forces that sought to engulf Orario. The pain of these losses was a heavy burden, a shared grief that connected them across the years.

"This feels like a return to the bad old days, doesn't it?" Ryuu said, her voice barely above a whisper. "The dark ages of Orario, when it seemed as though the darkness would swallow us whole."

Shakti nodded, her expression somber. "It does. But we've come through those times before. We've faced down the darkness and emerged stronger. We'll do it again, Ryuu. For Asfi, for Ardi, for all those we've lost."

Ryuu's gaze returned to the flickering candle, its light a fragile bulwark against the encroaching shadows. "You're right," she said, drawing a deep breath, finding a semblance of strength in Shakti's words. "We honor their memory not by succumbing to despair, but by continuing to fight. Asfi, Ardi, all of our fallen friends—they believed in a better future for Orario. It's up to us to make that future a reality."

In the silence that followed, a resolve settled over them, a silent vow to carry forward the legacy of those they had lost. They would stand against the darkness, against Medusa and her forces, with the strength of their convictions and the memories of their fallen comrades as their guide.

"We will not let their deaths be in vain," Ryuu declared, her voice imbued with determination. "We will honor them by standing strong in the light. We will defend Orario and all it represents."

Shakti nodded, her expression mirroring Ryuu's resolve. "To that end, we must unite those who are still willing to fight. Bell Cranel must not fall into Medusa's hands."

Ryuu's gaze hardened. "There will be resistance from some—from those who seek to appease Medusa's will by turning over Bell."

"Then we will have to be stronger. We must remain steadfast in our refusal to surrender Orario to Medusa."

"And what of Bell?" Ryuu asked, a note of concern in her voice. "His presence in Orario only makes him a target. We must find a way to keep him safe."

Shakti sighed. "I'm not sure if there's a way to protect him entirely. Not until Medusa has been defeated."

Ryuu nodded slowly, understanding Shakti's meaning.


The news of Asfi's sacrifice spread through Orario like wildfire, a shockwave of grief and horror that left the city reeling. Everywhere, people spoke of the brave adventurer who had given her life to save others, their voices hushed with sorrow and awe.

Under the gentle light of the dawn, the city of Orario gathered to bid farewell to a fallen hero. The funeral of Asfi Al Andromeda, known to many as Perseus, was a somber affair that brought together adventurers, gods, and citizens alike.

The ceremony took place in a tranquil grove just outside the city walls, a place of natural beauty that mirrored Asfi's own grace and strength. A soft breeze rustled through the leaves, carrying with it the whispered prayers and memories of those who had come to pay their respects.

Flowers, offerings, and notes of gratitude adorned the altar, a testament to the impact she had on the lives of those around her.

One by one, those who had known Asfi, fought alongside her, or been inspired by her deeds, came forward to share their memories. Stories of her bravery, her kindness, and her unwavering commitment to Orario were shared, painting a picture of a woman whose legacy was as vast as the Dungeon she had braved.

Her comrades from Hermes Familia stood at the forefront of the crowd, sharing stories of her dedication and talent as an adventurer. Asfi's patron god, Hermes, recounted tales of her early adventures and spoke of his pride in the woman she had become. "Asfi was more than a follower; she was a daughter, a friend, and a hero in the truest sense of the word," he said, his voice imbued with a profound loss. "Her journey was one of sacrifice, but also of hope. She believed in a brighter future for Orario, and it is up to us to carry forward that vision. To honor her memory and to strive for a world where no one ever has to make the choice that she did."

Amidst the grief and sorrow that permeated the air, there was also a sense of purpose. Of striving to live up to Asfi's ideals and honor her sacrifice. To dedicate themselves to becoming better adventurers, better people, and building a stronger community that she could be proud of.

The people of Orario left the grove with heavy hearts but also with a renewed sense of purpose. Asfi's sacrifice had united them in grief, but it had also strengthened their resolve to stand against the darkness, to protect the city and the future she had believed in.

Asfi Al Andromeda's legacy would live on, not just in the stories of her bravery but in the actions of those she had inspired. Orario would remember her not as a victim of the darkness but as a hero who had dared to challenge it, a hero who had given everything for the city she loved.

The people of Orario, united in their grief and their determination to honor Asfi's memory, would fight together, for their city and its future. They would face the darkness, unbroken, standing strong in the light of a hero's sacrifice.

And in doing so, they would ensure that Orario, and all who inhabited it, would shine ever brighter, a beacon of hope against the encroaching gloom. Bell wept, his eyes hollow and empty.

"Asfi... Asfi! You were such a hero. I'm sorry I couldn't save you. But your sacrifice will never be forgotten, and we will avenge you. I promise."

He had seen death before, had lost friends and comrades in the heat of battle. But this was different, a pain that cut deeper than any blade.

Asfi had been more than just another adventurer, more than just a skilled warrior. She had been a symbol of hope, a beacon of courage in a world that often seemed so dark and cruel.

And now she was gone, her light extinguished forever. Bell felt as if a part of him had died with her, as if the world had suddenly become a colder, harsher place.

Ryuu Lion had been an old, and close friend of Asfi. She spoke of their time together, sharing stories of Asfi's strength, determination, and generosity.

"She was my oldest and dearest friend. The world will be a darker place without her, but her spirit will live on in each of us. In our memories, in our deeds, in our commitment to preserving the light she believed in. I will carry her in my heart, always. We all will. For her."

As the funeral rites were read, as the mourners paid their final respects, Bell could feel the despair welling up inside him, a black tide of hopelessness and grief. How could they go on, in the face of such loss? How could they find the strength to keep fighting, when the darkness seemed so vast and all-consuming?


Ryuu stood at the edge of the cemetery, her eyes fixed on the freshly dug grave before her. The headstone was simple, a plain slab of granite bearing Asfi's name and the emblem of the Hermes Familia.

But to Ryuu, it was so much more. It was a reminder of all that she had lost, of all the friends and comrades who had fallen in the line of duty.

She remembered Alise, the brave and beautiful warrior who had been like a sister to her. She remembered Kaguya, the gentle healer who had always been there with a kind word and a comforting touch.

Ryuu recalled Ardi Varma, the devoted and unwavering ally from Ganesha Familia who had remained faithfully at her side during the bleakest periods in the chronicles of Orario.

They were all gone now, their lives cut short by the cruelty and violence of this world. And now Asfi had joined them, another victim of the monsters that lurked in the shadows.

Ryuu felt a surge of anger and grief wash over her, a tide of emotion that threatened to sweep her away. How many more would have to die before this nightmare ended? How many more friends and loved ones would she have to bury before the world was finally at peace?

She clenched her fists, her nails digging into her palms until they drew blood. She would not let Asfi's death be in vain. She would not let Medusa and her minions go unpunished.

"I swear to you, Asfi," she whispered, her voice trembling with rage and sorrow. "I will make them pay for what they've done. I will hunt them down and destroy them, no matter what it takes."

She reached out and laid a hand on the headstone, her fingers tracing the letters of Asfi's name. "Rest in peace, my friend," she murmured. "Your sacrifice will not be forgotten."

The dark flame in her heart lit up once again.


The gods of Orario gathered in the grand hall of the Babel, their faces grave and their eyes heavy with sorrow. They had come to discuss the fate of the city, to decide what must be done in the wake of Asfi's sacrifice and Medusa's growing threat.

Hermes stood before them, his usually playful demeanor replaced by a solemn determination. He cleared his throat and began to speak, his voice ringing out clear and strong.

"My fellow gods," he said, "we stand at a crossroads. The power of Medusa growing, as is her evil, and our city is in grave danger. We must act now, before it is too late."

He paused for a moment, letting his words sink in. Then he continued, his gaze sweeping over the assembled deities.

"I propose that we name Bell Cranel as the heir to Perseus. He has proven himself time and again, both in battle and in character. He is brave, selfless, and true, a hero in every sense of the word."

A murmur of surprise rippled through the crowd, and Hermes held up a hand to silence it. "We have already seen what he is capable of, how his mere presence inspires and strengthens those around him. He is exactly the kind of leader we need in these dark times."

There were nods of agreement from some of the deities, but there were also dissenting voices. Loki stepped forward, her red hair billowing behind her, and narrowed her eyes at Hermes.

"Are you sure about this, Hermes?" she asked, her tone skeptical. "I'm not sure that the kid can handle it. He's strong, yeah, but he's still only human. He's going to break sooner or later."

Hermes shook his head, his expression unwavering. "Bell Cranel is stronger than you think," he said. "He's endured more than anyone could have imagined and survived. He will endure this, too."

There were more nods of agreement from the crowd, but Loki was not convinced. She folded her arms across her chest and arched an eyebrow at Hermes.

"Maybe so," she said. "But is he strong enough to lead? To carry the weight of all that responsibility on his shoulders?"

Hermes did not hesitate. "He won't be alone." He turned to the other gods, his eyes filled with conviction. "The Light Bond Shield has been forged between him and Nine Hell."

"Just what is this Light Bond Shield thingy, anyway?" Loki asked, her gaze still suspicious.

"You were there. You saw what it did. It weakened Medusa. It nullified her power."

Loki raised an eyebrow. "Bullshit. You're full of it! I didn't see anything."

Hermes gave a small smile, his eyes twinkling with amusement. "Are you jealous of Bell and his bond with Nine Hell?"

Loki looked away and huffed, "No!"

Hermes took her hesitation as a yes. He would use it as a reason to convince the others. "The Light Bond Shield can only be activated in the case of a union between a high elf of royal blood and a human with a pure and noble heart. That's what my research has led me to believe."

"You actually believe that nonsense?" Loki asked incredulously.

Hermes simply shrugged his shoulders and smiled.

"How else do you explain the light that drove back Medusa that was emanating from their bodies when they embraced?" Hermes challenged. "The Light Bond Shield's secret art is something that shouldn't even exist in this world, and yet it does. And it's powerful enough to drive back Medusa."

Loki let out a sigh, knowing that she couldn't argue with Hermes' logic.

The room went quiet for a moment, the other gods thinking carefully about Hermes' proposal. Then, at last, Ganesha spoke up, his voice booming through the hall.

"I support this nomination," Ganesha declared, his gaze fixed on Hermes.

"Remember, it will only activate when certain conditions are met, and will drain both of all their Mind. It's a dangerous thing they are using," Hermes added.

"Nine Hell will be in control, and Bell will simply be along for the ride," Hestia replied.

"Whether or not the light works again remains to be seen," Loki pointed out.

"Plus I don't like the idea of those two together!" Hestia fumed. "They're obviously not meant to be! I mean, she's soooooo old!!!"

"You're literally many millennia old, Hestia." Hermes retorted. "Nine Hell is spring chicken compared to you."

"That's beside the point!" Hestia shot back. "She's a stinkly, wrinkly, crinkly old hag!"

The others knew Hestia had a soft spot for Bell, and was unwilling to concede that Nine Hell could possibly have any sort of romantic interest in him.

"What did ya just say, shrimp?" Loki's eye twitched in anger. "My Riveria is the most beautiful woman on Earth! She's perfect in every way, unlike you who's short with titanic tits! You look like you swallowed the sun!"

Hestia's face turned beet red with anger. "Excuse me, tiny tits!" Hestia hissed, her voice dripping with venom.

"Anyway, let's get back to the issue at hand, shall we?" Hermes interjected, hoping to defuse the situation before things got out of hand. "We need to decide what to do about Bell Cranel."

"Let's put it to a vote," Ganesha suggested. "By the way, I AM GANESHA!!!"

One by one, they raised their hands in assent, their votes unanimous and unwavering.

"Any objections?" Hermes asked, looking around the room. When no one spoke up, he nodded in satisfaction. "Then it's settled."

Bell Cranel would become the new Perseus, the hero who would save Orario from the clutches of darkness.

A murmur of agreement rippled through the crowd, heads nodding and whispers of assent filling the air.

"But," Hermes went on, his voice growing more serious, "this is not enough. Bell must also go on an expedition to slay Medusa, to put an end to her reign of terror once and for all."

The gods fell silent, the weight of his words hanging heavy in the air. They knew the risks, the dangers that such a quest would entail. But they also knew that there was no other choice.

As the meeting adjourned, the gods filed out of the hall. Bell stood outside of Babel, his heart racing with a mixture of fear and excitement. He had heard the news, had learned of his new destiny as the heir to Perseus.

The one-time Little Rookie and Rabbit Foot was now Perseus.


Bell stood outside the Babel, his mind still reeling from the news of his new destiny. He was to become the heir to Perseus, to lead an expedition against Medusa and save Orario from her evil. It was a daunting task, one that filled him with both fear and determination.

As he stood there, lost in thought, a familiar voice called out to him. "Bell!"

He turned to see Riveria, Aiz, Tiona, and Lefiya approaching, their faces a mix of pride and concern. Riveria stepped forward, her eyes shining with a fierce determination.

"Riveria-sama! Aiz-san! How are your wounds healing?" Bell asked, immediately concerned for her well-being.

Riveria smiled and shook her head. "Our ego was more wounded than anything, Bell Cranel." She looked at him with admiration. "I am proud to fight alongside someone as courageous and noble as you. Congratulations, Perseus, I have watched a boy grow into a man."

Aiz nodded in agreement, her hand resting on the hilt of her sword. "Bell... good luck," she said quietly, her eyes meeting his. "I have a request: take me with you."

Tiona grinned, her usual playful demeanor replaced by a steely resolve. "Yeah, you can count on me too, Argonaut!" she said, punching him lightly on the arm. "We'll show that snake lady what happens when you mess with Orario!"

Lefiya, however, looked less enthusiastic. She shuffled her feet, her eyes downcast. "I suppose I'll come too," she muttered, her voice barely audible. "Someone has to keep an eye on this disgraceful rabbit,and make sure he doesn't do anything weird to Miss Riveria or Miss Aiz!"

"Bell Cranel, would you care to join me on an adventure?" Riveria asked.

"It would be an absolute privilege, Riveria-sama," Bell replied with a bright smile.

Bell felt a surge of gratitude and affection for his friends, even as his apprehension grew. He knew they were strong and capable, but the thought of putting them in danger made his heart ache. Still, he knew he would need all the help he could get if he was going to have any hope of defeating Medusa and saving Orario.


In the quiet of the early evening, Riveria Ljos Alf found Bell Cranel sitting alone, staring off into the distance with a troubled expression. The events of the past days weighed heavily on him, the burdens of battle and loss etching deep lines of concern across his young face. Riveria approached gently, her steps soft upon the grass.

"Bell," she began, her voice calm and soothing, "I know these are trying times, and the weight you carry is more than anyone should bear alone."

Bell looked up, startled from his reverie. The presence of the High Elf, with her aura of wisdom and serenity, was a balm to his frayed nerves. "Riveria," he replied, his voice tinged with the weariness of his trials, "I just... I feel like no matter how hard we fight, the darkness keeps coming."

Riveria took a seat beside him, her gaze kind but firm. "It is the nature of darkness to persist, Bell. But it is the nature of light to push back, to keep fighting. And you, more than anyone, embody that relentless light."

Bell shook his head, his self-doubt a heavy chain. "But what if it's not enough? What if I fail?"

"The fact that you worry about failing shows your heart is in the right place," Riveria said, turning to face him. "You have a strength, Bell, that goes beyond your skill with a sword. You inspire those around you, rallying them against the darkness. That is no small feat."

She paused, allowing her words to sink in, then continued, "Remember, Bell, no hero stands alone. You have allies, friends, and the strength of their belief in you. Together, there is no darkness you cannot overcome."

Bell listened, Riveria's words a soothing melody that began to ease the turmoil within him. The high elf's wisdom, honed through decades of experience, offered a perspective he hadn't considered, a reminder of the collective strength that surrounded him.

Riveria stood, her elegant figure backlit by the setting sun. "Walk with me, Bell. Let us talk of strategies and hopes, of fears and how to face them. For in sharing our burdens, we lighten them." She placed a hand on his shoulder, her gaze boring into his.

"Bell," she said, her voice low and intense. "I know you are worried about us. But we are adventurers, just like you. We have chosen this path, and we will not be swayed from it."

She paused for a moment, her grip tightening on his shoulder. "You have been chosen for a reason, Bell. You have the strength, the courage, and the heart to lead us to victory. But you must also have faith in yourself, and in us."

Bell swallowed hard, his throat tight with emotion. He knew Riveria was right, knew that he could not let his fears hold him back. He had to be strong, had to believe in himself and in his friends.

He took a deep breath and nodded, his eyes shining with determination. "With you at my side," he said, his voice steady and clear. "I feel like I can accomplish anything."

As they walked, Bell felt the weight on his shoulders lessen. Riveria's presence, her calm assurance, reminded him that he was not alone in his fight. The path ahead might be fraught with peril, but with allies like Riveria and the rest of his friends, there was hope. In her own way, Riveria had rekindled the flame of determination within him, a beacon to guide him through the darkest of times.

The conversation between Bell and Riveria, meandering through topics grave and light, was more than mere words. It was a reaffirmation of their shared commitment to protect Orario, a vow made not in the heat of battle but in the quiet moments between. And for Bell, it was a reminder of the strength found in unity, in the shared resolve of those who stood by his side.

In Riveria, Bell found an ally, a mentor, and a friend. Through her compassion and her wisdom, she empowered him to face his fears and the challenges ahead with renewed purpose. Her gentle words and her steady presence gave him hope and strength, a reassurance that there was light to be found even in the darkest of times.

Whether he knows it or not, Bell has been blessed by Riveria's speech.

"Lady Riveria," Bell said gratefully as they finished their walk. "Thank you."

The elven sorceress smiled. "Think nothing of it, Bell," she replied softly. "I am honored to walk beside you."

As night fell on Orario, its citizens found themselves at a crossroads. The city teetered on the brink of disaster, facing an enemy whose reach seemed limitless. Medusa's forces threatened from without, while dark whispers of dissent and betrayal simmered within.