
Danmachi: My Adventure With a High Fairy Queen

Synopsis: In this untold romantic epic, Riveria Ljos Alf's interest in Bell Cranel shifts from academic to romantic, transforming her from a stuffy executive to a lovestruck elf maiden. But the entire world's fate depends on her bond with Bell Cranel: the ancient monster Medusa has been reborn as the Xenos Demon Lord and threatens to engulf the world in darkness. Riveria and Bell, and the so-called Wives of Bell Cranel, must clear Medusa's Fortress of Nightmares, Cor Vilgium, and save the world. But what sacrifices will they have to make?

C_Jones_6669 · Anime & Comics
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35 Chs

Prologue - Riveria Ljos Alf, A Story of Love and Sacrifice

It was all on me.

She's dying because of my mistakes.

The most powerful mage in Orario is now vegetative because of my weakness. She used a forbidden ability, the Light Bond Shield, sacrificing herself to bring me back from the brink of death. Despite its immense power, using this ability depletes her life force and will eventually take her life. I let my guard down and was killed by a monstrous aberration created out of Asfi Al Andromeda's memories. Riveria used the Light Bond Shield to save us both. She was beautiful, wise, powerful, and beloved, and she sacrificed herself to save me, someone inconsequential.

I am her husband, and it was my duty to protect her.

But I couldn't even do that.

How worthless.

She shouldn't have saved me.

If only I had been stronger, stronger than anything, she wouldn't have had to use such an ability. She wouldn't be dying, and I could have prevented all of this. I never deserved her as a wife. How could I ever have been worthy of her love?


I can't face this reality.

This is like a nightmare, only worse.

But how could this have happened? What's going on? Riveria is going to die soon and I have no idea how to save her.

It makes no sense.

But you're probably wondering right now how Riveria and I ever got married. It's a pretty interesting story and one of my most cherished memories. But as much as I would love to reminisce right now, this is not the time to get lost in my memories.

So here's the abridged version:

I, Bell Cranel, and Riveria Ljos Alf, the Nine Hell, married in a secret ceremony in the hidden city of Luminastra. The virtuous maiden spirits, the Vespyads, officiated the wedding. Unfortunately, our happiness was short-lived as the evil Xenos Queen Medusa, now known as Tyratryx, found and destroyed the city. She leads an inexhaustible army of monsters, the Gorgon-Spawn, and poses a great threat to the world. Medusa's cruelty and ambitions have caused chaos and destruction wherever she goes. We are facing a battle that we cannot afford to lose.

Medusa will do whatever it takes to reshape the world according to her whims, and it is the sworn duty of every adventurer in Orario to put an end to her. This is where Riveria and I come in. The Light Bond Shield is the only thing effective against her, and only Riveria can use it, and only I can awaken it. The stronger our bond, the more potent the Light Bond Shield becomes, but it also takes a more significant toll on Riveria's body. We couldn't rely on the Light Bond Shield to defeat Medusa. Riveria had to use it as a last resort to save me, the only person who could awaken the Light Bond Shield's full power.

Now, the love of my life is dying, and there is nothing I can do about it.

I've failed her in every way possible. And we're nowhere close to uncovering Medusa's stronghold, Cor Vilgium, the Fortress of Nightmares, concealed by a powerful artifact called the Eye. The expedition failed before it even began. It seemed like all hope was lost... until now.

The Night Lotus.

A legend, a myth, only spoken of in whispers by the most ancient of elves. A flower that supposedly blooms in the heart of the Dark Forest in the unexplored regions of the Dungeon, possessing unparalleled healing properties. If there is any hope of saving Riveria, it lies with this flower.

I turned to my companions, who were just as devastated as I was.

"Do you really think this flower will help her?" Lefiya said, her voice trembling. "This is just a legend. Maybe it doesn't exist."

Ais, the Sword Princess, stood with her Durandal blade, Desperate, gripped tightly in her hand. "I won't give up. I'll search the entire forest if I have to. This is the only chance we have."

Lefiya, her staff clutched tightly, looked up at me with fear and hope. "But, Riveria-san is already...she's..."

I couldn't bear to see her cry, so I grabbed Lefiya's hand and gently squeezed it.

"We should go," Ais said.

I nodded in agreement.

Tiona and Tione, the boisterous Amazon twins, stepped forward.

"Hey! Wait for us!" Tiona shouted, her twin jutte blades in hand.

"We're going too!" Tione said, her daggers clutched tightly.

And Asfi, the once-proud Perseus, is now our ally in this desperate quest. Her cloak billowing in the wind, she said, "You can count on me. I owe it to Riveria."

Every one of them are willing to fight and possibly die for Riveria.

I took a deep breath, and then exhaled, my resolve unwavering.

"Alright. Let's do this!" I exclaimed, a newfound determination filling my heart.

Lefiya wiped the tears from her eyes.

Ais stepped forward, her golden eyes locking with mine. "Bell, I..." Her voice trailed off as she struggled to find the right words. "Please, save her," she begged. "Bring back Riveria... for all of us."

I nodded solemnly, my resolve unwavering. Lefiya nodded, her voice trembling slightly. "I know we can save her... and we will."

Tiona grinned, slapping me on the back. "Count us in, little Argonaut! We Amazons never back down from a fight, especially for someone we care about." Tione cracked her knuckles, a fierce smile on her face. "Medusa's gonna regret the day she messed with Loki Familia. Let's show her what happens when you mess with the wrong adventurers." Asfi adjusted her glasses, but there was a slight smirk on her lips. "I'm afraid I don't have much to say on the matter, but if you're asking for my help, I'd be glad to give it."

"Oh yeah!" Tiona cheered, a broad grin on her face. "We'll just pound anything that gets in our way to mush!" Tione rolled her eyes, muttering something about how reckless Tiona was.

Asfi remained silent, her eyes downcast. I knew the guilt of her past actions weighed heavily on her, but I also knew she was determined to make amends. "Asfi," I said softly, touching her shoulder. "Riveria wouldn't blame you for what happened. She knows you were just under Medusa's control. None of this is your fault."

"I know," she whispered, her voice strained with emotion. "But I need to do this. Not just for Riveria, but for myself as well."

I nodded confidently, feeling a surge of pride in my comrades. "Thank you, Asfi. I know this will be difficult, but we can do it."

With that, we set off into the depths of the Dungeon in search of the Night Lotus, the cure for Riveria's ailment. As the others dispersed to prepare, I found myself alone with my thoughts. I closed my eyes, picturing Riveria's face, voice, and scent. I silently vowed to bring her back, no matter what it took. I would not let her die. I would save her, even if it cost me my life.

The path to the Dark Forest was dangerous, full of danger at every turn. The Gorgon-Spawn, creations of Medusa, were monstrous snake-like abominations that lurked in the shadows, ready to strike. Even more fearsome were the Militispes, a new form of Gorgon-Spawn equipped with weapons and encased in robust locomotive armatures, making them a formidable threat.

I sat alone in the dark, my thoughts consumed by guilt and regret. The weight of Riveria's sacrifice bore down on me, crushing my spirit. I had failed her as a husband, as a protector, and as a hero.

How could I have been so weak? So careless? I should have been the one to take the blow, not her. She had so much more to live for, so much more to give to the world. And yet, here she lay, her life force slowly ebbing away because of my inadequacy.

Tears streamed down my face as I clenched my fists in frustration. I had always dreamed of being a hero, of protecting those I loved and defeating evil. But when it mattered most, I had faltered. I had let Riveria down.

I thought back to our secret wedding, the joy and love that had filled my heart as we exchanged vows beneath the gentle glow of the Vespyads' luminescent city. I had promised to cherish and protect her, to stand by her side through all of life's trials. And yet, I had crumbled at the first test of my resolve.

Self-doubt gnawed at my mind, whispering cruel truths I couldn't ignore. Perhaps I was never meant to be a hero. Maybe I was just a foolish boy playing at adventure, unworthy of the power and responsibility thrust upon me.

I looked down at my calloused hands, which had been used in countless battles and training sessions. These hands had failed to protect the person who mattered most to me. How could I ever trust them again?

But even as despair threatened to consume me, a small voice within whispered words of hope. Riveria had believed in me. She had seen something in me worth saving, worth sacrificing for. I couldn't let her faith be in vain.

I had to be stronger, not just for myself but for her, for all those who counted on me. I had to rise above my failings and insecurities and become the hero they needed me to be.

With a deep breath, I stood up, wiping away my tears. The path ahead was uncertain, fraught with danger and challenges I could scarcely imagine. But I would face them head-on, armed with the love and trust of those who believed in me.

I couldn't afford to hesitate again for Riveria, my friends, and the world in desperate need of rescue.

I stood at the precipice of the Dark Forest, an uncharted territory within the Dungeon. My heart raced as I peered into the inky blackness ahead, the air heavy with an ominous stillness. Lefiya, Ais, Tiona, Tione, and Asfi stood by my side, their expressions a mixture of determination and apprehension.

"Remember," I reminded them, "we must locate the Night Lotus. It's our only chance to save Riveria."

Ais, her golden eyes filled with determination, nodded. "You can count on us, Bell." As my companions murmured their agreement, I took a deep breath and bravely ventured into the Dark Forest. The oppressive shadows enveloped us as the ancient, twisted trees seemed to guard a mysterious and forbidden secret.

We walked carefully through the forest, aware that danger could be close. The forest was filled with hidden creatures, and their eerie calls echoed in the darkness. It felt like many eyes were watching us, waiting patiently.

We quickly encountered our first challenge in the Dark Forest: a group of Gorgon-Spawn, sneaking through the thick underbrush with their snake-like bodies. I felt a surge of adrenaline as I tightened my grip on my sword.

"Stay back! I'll handle them." Ais shouted.

She charged forward, her Durandal blade Desperate flashing in the dim light.

As the Sword Princess clashed with the monsters, Tiona and Tione darted in to assist her.

"Let's give these snake-heads a taste of Amazons!" Tiona cried gleefully as she slashed at the creatures with her Urga. Tione followed suit, her daggers flashing as she relentlessly attacked the enemy.

Meanwhile, Lefiya stood with her magic-imbued staff ready to unleash devastating spells at a moment's notice. Asfi held her weapon of choice, the Canoval Dagger, at the ready, prepared to fend off any attacks that may slip through.

I fought with all my strength; my Holy sword, Harpe, the blade of the gods entrusted by Hermes after I inherited the title Perseus, moved so fast it was a blur. My skill Argonaut was at full strength and I felt unstoppable.

Every strike reminded me of Riveria's sacrifice, driving me to keep fighting. With so much at stake, losing was not an option. We won the battle, but the Dark Forest was still a challenge. We continued our journey, going deeper into the heart of the dungeon.

As we ventured further, we encountered the Militispes, the new and more formidable generation of Gorgon-Spawn. Their armored forms towered over us, their weapons gleaming in the dim light. I could see the cold calculation in their eyes, the brutal intelligence that set them apart from their lesser brethren.

I knew underestimating them was not an option if we wanted to survive. We had to be smarter, faster, and stronger—the heroes Riveria believed we could be.

During our ongoing conflict, our fights became increasingly intense. We faced relentless groups of Militispes, and their large numbers seemed impossible to beat. On top of all that, we encountered horrifying creatures in battle with terrifying and twisted appearances. We also had to navigate dangerous terrain, each step full of unknown hazards and risks.

Through it all, I could feel the power of the Lux Nexus Aegis growing within me, fueled by my bond with Riveria. It was a beacon of hope in the darkness, a reminder of what I was fighting for. As we delved deeper into the dungeon, I couldn't help but feel a growing sense of unease. The Eye of the Gorgon, the key to finding Medusa's lair, was said to be hidden within these unexplored regions. I knew we couldn't afford to let it fall into the wrong hands, not if we wanted to stop Medusa and her evil plans.

But for now, our focus remained on finding the Night Lotus. It was our only hope for saving Riveria, and I wouldn't rest until I had it.

We pressed on, our journey deeper into the Dark Forest's heart. The shadows seemed to close around us, the air thick with an eerie stillness. But we wouldn't be deterred, not when so much was at stake.

We would find the Night Lotus, and we would save Riveria. I wouldn't let her down, not again. No matter what it took, I would be the hero she needed me to be.

We fought through an endless barrage of monsters and obstacles, our strength and determination never wavering. Our unity and determination would keep us going when all hope seemed lost.

But despite our best efforts, we were unprepared for what awaited us in the depths of the Dark Forest.