
Danmachi: My Adventure With a High Fairy Queen

Synopsis: In this untold romantic epic, Riveria Ljos Alf's interest in Bell Cranel shifts from academic to romantic, transforming her from a stuffy executive to a lovestruck elf maiden. But the entire world's fate depends on her bond with Bell Cranel: the ancient monster Medusa has been reborn as the Xenos Demon Lord and threatens to engulf the world in darkness. Riveria and Bell, and the so-called Wives of Bell Cranel, must clear Medusa's Fortress of Nightmares, Cor Vilgium, and save the world. But what sacrifices will they have to make?

C_Jones_6669 · Anime & Comics
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35 Chs

Preparations for the Expedition

The grand banquet hall of the Twilight Manor buzzed with excitement and merriment. Adventurers from various familias mingled, their laughter and chatter filling the air. Amidst the sea of smiling faces, Riveria stood apart, her expression stern and unyielding. She surveyed the room, her eyes narrowing as they fell upon a certain adventurer.

Bell sat at a table surrounded by a group of eager admirers. The young man fidgeted nervously, his smile strained as he nodded along to the excited conversations.

Tiona bounded over to Bell, her eyes sparkling with mischief. Her sister followed, attempting to rein in her boisterous sibling's antics. Bete, meanwhile, gave Bell an apathetic glare before turning his back.

"Little Argonaut-kun!" Tiona cried as she threw an arm around his shoulder.

"T-Tiona-san!" Bell stuttered as he leaned away.

"Gahahaha! Relax, Argonaut!" The young Amazon guffawed and flashed him a big grin.

The sight of Bell squirming under Tiona's arm prompted Tione to offer him a sympathetic smile. "Just ignore her, Perseus! She's nothing but a giant child."

"O-oh, um...it's alright..." Bell attempted a smile of his own, his body going rigid as the young Amazonian sisters chattered happily beside him.

Riveria's eyebrows twitched. "...She'll be a problem," she said with a sigh, crossing her arms as she glared at the girl.

Finn watched the group from a distance with amusement in his eyes.

"Hey Argonaut-kun, we're gonna make our own heroic tale!" Tiona said, wrapping her arm around Bell's shoulder once more.


"Yep! We're gonna show that snake lady who's boss!" The Amazon's eyes sparkled with excitement.

Bell's cheeks flushed pink, his lips curling upward into a hesitant smile.

The celebration was in full swing when the adventurers began sharing their tales and comparing notes on the Dungeon expedition. Lefiya and the others watched in silence as Tiona animatedly regaled Bell with tales of her recent exploits.

"Hee-hee! We're finally gonna have our own adventure, Argonaut-kun!" She winked at Bell, causing the young man to blush crimson. "You and Riveria seem to be great friends now, too! Isn't this amazing?"

Riveria watched the scene with a dour expression, a flurry of emotions stirring within her.

"I, uh, well, you see..." Bell stammered, his voice pitched higher than usual.

Tiona leaned in closer, her lips curling into a playful smirk. "C'mon, Argonaut-kun. You and me—let's fight!"

"R-Right now???" Bell practically leaped out of his chair, his shoulders shuddering nervously as he stared back at the Amazon.

Bete snorted and turned away from the display, while the onlookers whispered and giggled among themselves.

Tiona, meanwhile, gave him a predatory smile.

"Yep! And if you win, I'll give you something very special!" she said, a certain gleam in her eyes.

"M-something special...?" Bell blinked. "W-Well, then what do I get if I lose...?"

Tiona tapped her chin in thought, a mysterious smile playing on her lips as she met the boy's gaze.

"Then you have to do whatever I want!"


Bell squirmed under Tiona's attention, his discomfort palpable. He glanced around the room, desperate for an escape, but found only curious stares and amused grins.

Across the hall, Riveria's frown deepened. She watched as Tiona continued to dote on the hapless Bell, her teasing growing more and more outrageous with each passing moment. The elf's fingers tightened around the stem of her wine glass, her knuckles turning white.

"Mama Riveria! You look positively dour!" Loki sidled up to her, a mischievous glint in her eye. "What's the matter? Could it be that you're..."

Riveria spun around, a single eyebrow raised in confusion as she regarded the trickster goddess. "That I'm what, exactly?"


"Hmph!" Riveria harrumphed, her green ponytail swishing behind her as she turned away. "And why would I be jealous? That boy is just a—"

Her eyes widened as she watched Tiona grab Bell's face with both hands. She shot her goddess a withering glare. "I fail to see the point of this frivolity," she sniffed. "We have a mission to prepare for, and yet here we are, wasting time with idle chatter and foolish games."

Loki chuckled, unfazed by Riveria's icy demeanor. "Now, now, Riveria! Lighten up! Let the children have their fun while they still can."


"This isn't just a celebration, ya know. It's also a chance for them to decompress and build camaraderie." Loki smiled. "You can't expect to fight together if you're not comfortable with one another!"

"Don't mind me—just a miserable, stodgy old fart."

"It's precisely because you're such a hard-ass that you need to take a lesson or two from our Loki Familia famed Trickster Goddess herself!" Loki grinned and held up her hand to her forehead in a salute.

Riveria's gaze drifted back to Bell, who was now attempting to fend off Tiona's enthusiastic embrace. A flicker of something - concern, perhaps, or annoyance - crossed her face, but it was gone in an instant, replaced by her usual mask of cool indifference.

Loki was right; she was being too harsh on the adventurers. But they would have a lot of work cut out for them once the expedition began in earnest. She simply couldn't afford to let her guard down.

She had a duty to fulfill and a promise to keep.

Riveria heaved a tired sigh and shook her head. "Honestly...you are incorrigible."

"Heh," Loki chuckled. "Aren't I a stinker? Still, it's a good look for you, Riveria. This whole protective-mother act suits ya."

"Oh, please," Riveria scoffed. "You must be even more intoxicated than usual if you think I give a damn about some whelp who can't even speak in complete sentences."

"Hmm...That's not what I heard. I think ya love the kid dearly, and he loves you. How sweet!"

Riveria frowned. "Have you been spying on us again?"

"Spying is such a strong word," Loki replied with a grin. "Let's just say I'm keeping a close eye on my adorable little kohai!"

Riveria rolled her eyes, clearly exasperated by Loki's antics.

"Just what are you getting at, Loki? Speak plainly, if you please."

"Hey now, don't go gettin' all worked up! I just think it's cute how much you care about the boy." Loki shrugged and grinned at the elf. "You're a big ol' softy at heart, aren't ya? Must be hard for someone as sweet as you to hide your true feelings all the time."

"Preposterous," Riveria replied coldly. "And I know you have something to say to me. So spit it out!"

"I just want to make sure you're not about to do something foolish," she said, her voice uncharacteristically serious.

Riveria scoffed. "I don't know what you're talking about."

"Don't you?" Loki pushed off the doorframe and strode into the room, her gaze locked on Riveria's. "I've seen the way you look at that boy, Riveria. Like he's some sort of puzzle you can't quite solve."

Riveria stiffened, her fingers curling into fists at her sides. "Bell Cranel is a fool—nothing more. I do not give a damn about him or his companions."

"Aha! So you admit there's something between you two!" Loki cackled with delight. "You can't fool me, Riveria. I know you too well for that."

She stepped closer, her hand coming to rest on Riveria's shoulder. "Listen to me," she said, her voice low and urgent. "I know you feel responsible for the boy. I know you want to protect him. But you can't throw your life away in the process."

Riveria jerked away from Loki's touch, her eyes flashing with anger. "I am not throwing my life away," she snapped. "I am doing my duty—the same duty you entrusted to me when you recruited me into your familia."

Loki sighed, her shoulders slumping in defeat. "Just be careful, Riveria," she said, her voice soft. "Don't let your feelings cloud your judgment. You're not the only one who cares about that boy."

"Hmph," Riveria snorted, her expression impassive once more. "Save your concern for those who actually need it. I am perfectly capable of taking care of myself."

"It's not just me whom is concerned. A certain boy has been asking about you a lot, ya know."

"..." Riveria's eyes widened, and her gaze darted back to Bell, who was currently struggling to avoid being kissed by Tiona. Her chest tightened at the sight of the hapless boy.

"Mama Riveria, have you ever thought of becoming an actual mama?" Loki asked, her tone light and playful once more.

"I'm afraid I don't follow. And just who are you calling mama?"

"I mean, have you considered ever having a baby?"

Riveria scoffed. "Me? Motherhood? What kind of inane question is that?"

"Oh, come now, don't be like that. It's just a question!" Loki laughed, her eyes sparkling with mischief. "After all, Aiz is all grown up now. You ever thought of having a baby of your own now?"

"Now, just wait a minute..."

Riveria scowled, her cheeks flushed with indignation. She opened her mouth to respond, but no words came out. The room suddenly felt far too hot and stuffy for comfort.

"Just theoretically, if you were to have a baby, would you throw your life away with such reckless abandon?"

Riveria's expression grew stormy, her lips pressed into a thin line as she considered Loki's question. For the longest time, she believed the idea of motherhood was ludicrous, but that all changed after raising Aiz, and yet she couldn't shake the feeling that it might not be so bad if...

No, she scolded herself. Such foolishness is unbecoming of me. I must focus on my duty above all else.

She sighed, her gaze drifting back to Bell. Her lips curled upward into a reluctant smile as she watched the boy.

"I see. You've already chosen the father of your future child."

"W-What the—? That is not what I—!"

"Is that so?" Loki grinned. "Well then, in that case..." She paused, her eyes twinkling with mischief. "If you're not interested in him romantically, perhaps we could have our own little adventure instead."

Riveria's face flushed crimson as she shot the trickster goddess a withering glare.

"Relax! Relax! Tis' a little joke!" Loki laughed, holding up her hands in mock surrender. "Geez, ya'd think I just told ya to go have an orgy with the whole familia."

"Good grief...you really are impossible."

Riveria rubbed her temples, the tips of her ears bright red as she willed herself to regain her composure. Just as she was spacing out, a sudden commotion erupted.

The banquet hall was alive with laughter and merriment as the Wives of Bell Cranel surrounded their beloved, each vying for his attention. Tiona, ever the mischievous one, leaned in close to Bell, batting her eyelashes and grinning from ear to ear.

"Come on, Argonaut-kun! If you won't tell me, then at least let me give you a kiss!"

Bell gulped, his cheeks flushing a deep shade of red. "N-No! I'm telling you, there's no one!" he stammered, his eyes darting around the room in search of an escape.

Tiona's eyebrows arched upward in feigned shock. "Not even Lady Riveria? Surely you jest!"

Bell's blush deepened. "Ugh...w-well, we are friends, yes..."

Lefiya watched the scene unfold from her table across the room, her lips curling into a pout as the other girls surrounded the hapless rabbit.

"Bell Cranel...blessed with the love of the Ladies," she muttered, crossing her arms and tapping her foot. "How filthy! How obscene!"

Beside her, Tione had a mischievous gleam in her eye.

"Quite," she replied dryly, an amused smile on her face. "He really does have a way with women, doesn't he?"

"He's just a shameful lady killer who pulled down Riveria-sama's pants in front everyone!" Lefiya fumed, her face turning beet red at the memory. "Humiliating a high elf in that manner is punishable by death! Kill, destroy, exterminate the rabbit!!!!"

Tione chuckled, her amusement growing as Lefiya's rant grew more and more incoherent. "Now, now, Lefiya. Don't let yourself get carried away."

"Carried away?" Lefiya snorted. "The only one who is getting carried away is that shameless rabbit, in a body bag, when I'm done with him!"

Tione laughed, her shoulders shaking with mirth. "Calm yourself, Lefiya. There's no need to be jealous."

"Jealous??? As if! Me, jealous of that simpering, bumbling fool? You must be joking! That rabbit will pay for this!!!!"

And just like that, she made a beeline straight for Bell.

Bell's eyes widened in surprise, his mouth opening and closing like a fish out of water. The other girls stared at Lefiya with matching expressions of disbelief as she stormed through the banquet hall and seized Bell by the collar.

"You shameless rabbit!" she shouted, her eyes blazing with fury as she hauled him out of his seat.

Tiona pouted, her lower lip jutting out in an exaggerated frown. "Hey, no fair!" she whined, tugging on Bell's other arm. "I saw him first!"

The other girls chimed in as well, each declaring their claim to the blushing Bell.

Riveria sighed and shook her head, turning her attention back to the increasingly loud argument breaking out between Lefiya and the rest of Bell's admirers.

As the two girls bickered back and forth, Lili and Haruhime exchanged uneasy glances, both clearly unsure about what to do.

"Get your hands off Master Bell!!!!"

"Bell-sama, are you alright?"

"I-I'm sorry! I'm so sorry!" Bell cried out, desperately trying to placate the infuriated girls. His pleas fell on deaf ears as Lefiya and Tiona continued their shouting match, their faces mere inches apart.

Bete, meanwhile, had a wicked grin on his face as he watched the drama unfold. "Oh, this is rich," he drawled, clearly enjoying the spectacle. "The shrimp and the flat-chested Amazon going toe-to-toe over who gets to claim the virgin rabbit! This is the best entertainment I've had in ages!"

Aiz stared blankly at the scene before her, her mind struggling to comprehend what was happening.

Riveria shook her head once more. But if one looked closely, they might have seen the faintest hint of a smile tugging at the corners of her mouth.

The banquet hall erupted into a flurry of activity as the Wives of Bell Cranel descended upon their beloved, each eager to show their affection in their own unique way.

Tiona, ever the playful one, snatched a plate of delicacies from a passing waiter and plopped herself down beside Bell. "Open wide, Cecilia!" she sang, holding a forkful of succulent roast beef to his lips. "Here comes the magic carpet!"

Bell's eyes widened in surprise, but before he could protest, Tiona had shoved the morsel into his mouth, grinning from ear to ear as she watched him chew.

Not to be outdone, Lefiya grabbed a napkin and dabbed daintily at the corners of Bell's mouth. "Really, Tiona," she chided, her voice dripping with mock disapproval. "You're making a mess of our poor Cecilia. Here, let me."

She leaned in close, her breath warm against Bell's ear as she whispered, "Don't worry, my dear. I'll take care of you."

Bell squirmed in his seat, his cheeks burning with embarrassment as Lefiya continued to fuss over him like a mother hen.

Across the room, Riveria watched the scene unfold, her eyes narrowing with each passing moment. She clenched her fists at her sides, her nails digging into her palms as she fought to keep her composure.

"Enough!" she barked, her voice cutting through the chatter like a knife. "Bell Cranel is not a child to be coddled and pampered. He is a warrior, and he deserves to be treated as such."

The room fell silent as all eyes turned to Riveria, who stood tall and proud, her gaze fixed upon the startled faces of Tiona and Lefiya.

"B-but Riveria," Tiona stammered, her lower lip quivering. "We were just having a bit of fun. Cecilia doesn't mind, do you, Cecilia?"

She turned to Bell, her eyes wide and pleading, but the young man could only shake his head mutely, his face still flushed with embarrassment.

Riveria strode forward, her steps measured and deliberate. She came to a stop before Bell, her eyes locking with his as she spoke.

"Bell Cranel," she said, her voice low and intense. "You are a member of my team, and I will not have you treated as anything less than the capable adventurer that you are. Do you understand?"

Bell nodded, his throat bobbing as he swallowed hard. "Y-yes, Riveria," he whispered, his voice hoarse.

Riveria held his gaze for a moment longer, her expression unreadable. Then, with a curt nod, she turned on her heel and strode from the room, leaving behind a stunned silence in her wake.


Finn Deimne approached Bell Cranel as the banquet wound down, his eyes serious and his expression grave. The usual twinkle of mirth in the Pallum's gaze was notably absent, replaced by a solemn intensity that sent a shiver down Bell's spine. "Bell Cranel," he said, his voice low and urgent, barely audible above the din of the crowd. "Can I speak with you in private for a moment? There's something of the utmost importance I need to discuss with you."

Bell nodded, his brow furrowing in concern as he followed Finn to a secluded corner of the room, away from prying eyes and curious ears. The Pallum leader turned to face him, his shoulders slumping as if a great weight had settled upon them, the burden of leadership and responsibility etched into the lines of his face.

"Bell Cranel," Finn began, his voice trembling slightly, a rare display of vulnerability from the normally composed and confident captain. "I need your help. It's about Riveria. I fear for her safety and well-being on this upcoming mission."

Bell's eyes widened in surprise, a jolt of adrenaline surging through his veins at the mention of the High Elf's name. "Riveria?" he repeated, his heart beginning to race, pounding against his ribcage like a caged bird desperate for freedom. "What's wrong? Is she in danger? Has something happened to her?"

Finn shook his head, a sad smile tugging at his lips, a flicker of pain dancing in his eyes. "Not yet," he said softly, his voice barely a whisper. "But I fear she plans on sacrificing herself on this mission. She intends to sacrifice her life in order to protect the rest of us—to protect you."

Bell's jaw dropped open in shock, his mind reeling with the implications of Finn's words. "W-what?"

"Effectively, she's dying, Bell Cranel, slowly but surely." Finn let out a weary sigh, the weight of his burden pressing down upon him once more. "I've tried reasoning with her, but she's too stubborn and proud to listen to reason. I can't get through to her."

Bell's lips pressed into a thin line as he considered the situation. He was torn between feeling touched and horrified that Riveria would consider such a drastic measure to save his life—to save all their lives. It was a selfless and noble act, but also a hopelessly reckless and senseless one.

"Why?" Bell blurted out. "Why would she do that?"

Finn chuckled softly, a wry smile on his lips. "Because she cares for you," he replied, his tone heavy with resignation. "And because she feels a sense of duty to protect those she cares about."

He looked up at Bell, his eyes shining with unshed tears, a silent plea for understanding and support. "Bell Cranel, I know I have no right to ask this of you, but...please. Promise me that you'll protect Riveria. That you'll keep her safe, no matter what. You're one of the few people I trust implicitly, and I know that you care for her as much as I do."

Bell stared at Finn, his mind reeling with the weight of the Pallum's words, the gravity of the situation sinking in like a stone in his gut. He thought of Riveria, of her strength and her courage, of the way she had taken him under her wing and trained him to be the warrior he was today. She was more than just a mentor to him - she was a friend, a confidante, someone he respected and admired deeply.

And in that moment, he knew that he would do anything to keep her safe, to ensure that she returned from this mission unscathed and whole.

"I promise," he said quietly, his voice strong and steady with conviction. "I will do everything in my power to keep Riveria safe. You have my word."

Finn placed his hand on Bell's shoulder and gave it a gentle squeeze of gratitude, relief flooding his features.

Finn's shoulders sagged with relief, a weight lifting from his soul as he reached out to clasp Bell's hand in his own, his grip firm and unwavering. "Thank you," he whispered, his voice thick with emotion, a single tear sliding down his cheek. "Thank you, Bell Cranel. I know I can count on you. With you by her side, I have faith that Riveria will make it through this ordeal in one piece."

Bell nodded, his jaw set with determination, a fire burning in his crimson eyes. "I won't let you down," he said fiercely. "I'll do whatever it takes to keep her safe."

Finn smiled sadly and released Bell's hand, his own falling limply to his side, exhaustion written plainly on his face.


The sun had barely begun to peek over the horizon, casting a soft, golden glow across the streets of Orario as the adventurers gathered outside Babel. They were a motley crew united by a common purpose: to destroy the evil that threatened their world, to put an end to Medusa's reign of terror once and for all.

At the head of the group stood the gods and goddesses of Orario, their divine presence lending an air of solemnity and gravity to the proceedings. Hestia, goddess of the hearth, stepped forward, her expression uncharacteristically serious as she surveyed the gathering of adventurers.

"Thank you all for coming," she said, her voice clear and strong. "Today, we embark on a journey to reclaim what was once ours: the safety and security of our city, our home. Today, you embark on a journey into the unknown," she declared, her gaze sweeping over the assembled adventurers. "Medusa has proven herself to be a formidable opponent, and you will face many trials and dangers on your quest. But know that you do not travel alone—you are joined by some of the strongest and most skilled adventurers in Orario."

Hermes, god of travelers and neutrality, nodded in agreement, a wry smile playing at the corners of his mouth. "Indeed," he said, his tone light and conversational despite the somber atmosphere. "And I'd just like to say that it's been an honor to have worked alongside such brave and courageous souls."

Loki, goddess of mischief, grinned fiercely, her red eyes glinting with barely contained excitement. "Give 'em hell, kids," she crowed, pumping her fist in the air. "Show that snake-haired bitch what happens when you mess with Orario!"

The crowd of adventurers erupted into cheers and shouts of encouragement, their spirits bolstered by the presence of their deities. Hestia smiled fondly at her familia before turning to address the crowd once more.

Hephaestus, god of the forge, stepped forward, his scarred face solemn and resolute. "Your weapons are honed to a keen edge, your armor strong and true," he rumbled, his deep voice echoing across the square. "They will serve you well in the battles to come. Fight with honor and courage, and may your blades never falter."

Bell Cranel stood at the forefront of the adventurers, donned in golden armor, looking every part the hero, with Harpe and Lampas at his side. Bell Cranel's golden armor, designed for his quest to slay Medusa, was a striking ensemble. Its golden color complimented his eyes perfectly and served as a symbol of his determination and resolve to complete his mission.

Bell's hands wrapped around Harpe's hilt as he glanced at the assembled adventurers, his expression impassive. The sleek, griffon-shaped helmet adorned with crimson feathers further enhanced the heroic image he presented. The morning sun gleamed off his armor, giving him an ethereal appearance.

Riveria scanned the crowd, her gaze finally falling upon the young man who had come to occupy such an important place in her life. As their eyes met, her expression softened, a warm smile tugging at her lips as she nodded at Bell in acknowledgement.

Bell Cranel nodded back at Riveria, returning her smile with one of his own before turning his stood at its center. She watched as Bell raised his arm and held the legendary sword aloft, its brilliant blade shimmering in the light.

"This is Harpe," he called out, his voice carrying across the crowd. "It is said to be the holy sword wielded by the gods themselves. And with it, I swear I will return and bring back with me victory!"

Cheers erupted from the gathered adventurers as they roared their approval, their excitement palpable in the air.

Loki grinned and leaned over to whisper in Hestia's ear, her tone conspiratorial. "I've got twenty gold pieces that says the kid is gonna score big with mama Riveria after this."

Hestia's eyebrows shot up in surprise, her cheeks flushing pink at the thought. "Over my dead body!" she hissed, glancing around nervously to make sure no one had overheard.

Loki chuckled and straightened up, flashing Hestia a mischievous wink before turning her attention back to Bell.

But Hestia's eyes narrowed as she turned to face Riveria, her voice low and accusatory. "Miss High Elf," she began, her tone sharp and biting, "I need to have a word with you before you set out."

Riveria raised an eyebrow, surprised by the goddess's sudden hostility. "Of course, Lady Hestia," she replied, her voice calm and even. "What seems to be the problem?"

Hestia took a deep breath, her hands clenched into fists at her sides. "I don't trust you," she said bluntly, her words hanging heavy in the air between them. "Not after what happened during the last war game with Freya Familia."

Riveria's eyes widened, a flicker of confusion crossing her face. "I'm afraid I don't understand," she said slowly, her brow furrowed. "What exactly are you referring to?"

Hestia's lips twisted into a bitter smile. "Don't play dumb with me, you nasty old crone!" she snapped, her voice rising with each word. "You know exactly what I'm talking about. When Freya's forces were beating down on my children, when they were being decimated, where were you? Where was the mighty Loki Familia when we needed you most? Bell could have died."

Riveria's face paled, her eyes darting away from Hestia's accusing gaze. "I... I had my reasons," she stammered, her voice barely above a whisper. "It was a complicated situation, and I couldn't just-"

"Couldn't just what?" Hestia interrupted, her voice dripping with sarcasm. "Couldn't just do the right thing? Couldn't just stand up for what was right? How can I trust someone like that with the lives of my children? How can I trust you?"

Riveria flinched at Hestia's harsh words, guilt and shame washing over her like a tidal wave. "You don't understand," she said through gritted teeth, her voice shaking with barely contained fury. "It wasn't as simple as you make it out to be. I had my own motives, my own reasons for doing what I did."

"Oh, I'm sure you did," Hestia sneered, her eyes narrowing. "You've always had your own agenda, your own selfish ambitions. And even now you have the nerve to make a move on Bell after you betrayed him. After you betrayed all of us."

Riveria's head snapped up, her eyes blazing with righteous indignation as she stared down at Hestia. "How dare you," she snarled, her voice trembling with rage. "How dare you accuse me of such things when it was you who threw him so recklessly into that war game. You and your foolish pride. The Guild had me over a barrel, and I was forced to make a choice between two evils. What would you have had me do?"

Hestia scoffed, shaking her head in disgust. "Save your excuses," she spat, turning away from Riveria. "I don't want to hear them. All I know is that when my children needed help, you were nowhere to be found. And now you expect me to trust you with their lives once again?"

"How dare you?!!!! How dare you?!!!!" Riveria fired back. "If I didn't know any better, I'd say you're just jealous of my bond with Bell."

Hestia's eyes widened in disbelief, her cheeks flushing crimson with anger and embarrassment. "Jealous?" she spluttered, her voice rising with each word. "Don't flatter yourself, you cold-hearted bitch! I've got nothing to be jealous of. In fact, I pity you. You don't care about Bell in the slightest. All you care about is using him to further your own agenda—whatever that may be. You're just stringing him along!"

Riveria took a step forward, her hands balled into fists at her sides. "That's not true!" she exclaimed, her voice rising to match Hestia's. "I care for Bell deeply. More than you'll ever know."

Hestia laughed coldly, a hollow, bitter sound. "For your sake," she said quietly, her voice cold and unyielding, "I hope that's true. Because if anything happens to my children on this mission, if any harm comes to them because of your actions or inactions... I'll make you wish you'd never been born."

Riveria stiffened, her blood turning to ice in her veins as Hestia's words struck home. She stared at the goddess, her eyes burning with fury and resolve, her voice dangerously low as she spoke.

"Lady Hestia," she began, her tone clipped and formal. "I will do everything in my power to ensure Bell Cranel's safe return from this mission. You have my word."

Hestia nodded curtly, her eyes narrowed. "See that you do," she replied, her voice equally formal. "I'm holding you personally responsible for the well-being of Bell. If anything happens to him, I will hold you accountable."

Riveria returned Hestia's glare with one of her own. "Nothing will happen to him," she vowed, her voice heavy with conviction.

"Hmm, I sense no intent to deceive on your part." Hestia smirked victoriously. "There'll be hell to pay if anything happens to him. Never trifle with a goddess in love. That's your only warning. No, it's not a warning, it's a promise!"

With those ominous words hanging in the air, Hestia turned and strode away, leaving Riveria standing alone, her heart heavy with guilt and trepidation.

As the adventurers began to file out of the gates of Babel, their faces set with grim determination, Riveria caught sight of Bell, his crimson eyes meeting hers for a brief moment. She made her way over to him, her steps slow and measured, as if weighed down by the burden of Hestia's accusations.

"Bell," she said softly, placing a hand on his shoulder. "I... I need you to know something."

Bell turned to face her, his eyes wide and questioning beneath the delicate veil that obscured his features. "What is it, Riveria?" he asked, his voice barely above a whisper.

Riveria took a deep breath, steeling herself for what she was about to say. "I know I haven't always been there for you," she began, her words halting and uncertain. "And I know that I've made mistakes in the past, but I want you to know that...that I care for you, Bell. I care for you deeply."

Bell's eyes widened in surprise as Riveria's words sank in.

"And I need you to know that I will do everything in my power to keep you safe," she continued, her voice trembling with emotion. "You are very important to me, and I couldn't bear it if anything were to happen to you."

Bell's lips curled upward into a warm smile, his eyes shining with affection and understanding. "I know," he said quietly, reaching out to take Riveria's hand in his own. "I know you care about me, Riveria. And I care about you, too."

Riveria felt a lump form in her throat, her eyes stinging with unshed tears. "Thank you, Bell," she whispered, squeezing his hand tightly. "That means more to me than you could ever know."

As they set out on their journey, the adventurers marching in tight formation through the winding streets of Orario, Riveria couldn't shake the feeling of unease that had settled in the pit of her stomach. Hestia's words echoed in her mind, a constant reminder of the weight of responsibility that rested on her shoulders.

But as she looked out over the sea of determined faces, the glint of steel and the flutter of cloaks in the early morning breeze, she knew that she would do whatever it took to keep them safe. She had made a promise, not just to Hestia, but to herself, and she intended to keep it, no matter the cost.

Finn stood before the assembled adventurers, his eyes sharp and his stance resolute. The early morning sun glinted off his armor, casting a golden glow across his face as he surveyed the crowd before him.

"My friends," he began, his voice ringing out clear and strong across the gathered throng. "Today, we embark on a mission of the utmost importance. Our task is to locate the entrance to Medusa's fortress, Cor Vilgium, hidden somewhere within the depths of the Dungeon."

A murmur rippled through the crowd at his words, a mixture of excitement and trepidation. Finn smiled grimly and continued. "Medusa has proven herself to be a most dangerous adversary," he said, his eyes scanning the faces of his companions. "We must be prepared for anything—and I mean anything—that may await us in our quest. I don't expect everyone to make it."

Another murmur rippled through the group at Finn's somber words.

Finn raised a hand, silencing the whispers and drawing all eyes back to him. "I know that many of you are afraid," he said, his voice softening slightly. "And I don't blame you. This mission is unlike anything we've ever faced before. But Medusa must not win. Her evil will spread everywhere if she is not stopped. We now only have two choices: we fight, or face utter destruction. Which would you rather have? I for one will fight."

The adventurers regarded him silently, their expressions grim but resolute. Finn nodded in approval, his smile returning.

"Well spoken," he said, his gaze sweeping over the assembled adventurers, taking in their determined faces and the glint of steel in their eyes. "You are the best of the best," he continued, his voice rising with each word. "The bravest and most skilled warriors that Orario has to offer. And I have no doubt that together, Medusa will be in for the fight of her life!"

A cheer went up from the crowd, a roar of approval that echoed off the city walls and sent a shiver down Finn's spine. He grinned fiercely, his heart swelling with pride at the sight of his comrades, ready and willing to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

As the cheers died down, Bell stepped forward, deeply inspired by Finn's heroic speech. His eyes were bright with determination, his voice steady and clear as he spoke.

"We'll take her down together! As one! No matter what!"

"That's right, Bell Cranel!" Finn exclaimed, his smile widening as he placed a hand on the boy's shoulder. "We will find her fortress and destroy her once and for all. We will bring peace back to this land."

"That's right!" Raul Feinne chimed in, his hand resting on his sword hilt. "Medusa must be defeated!"

"Hell yeah!" Gareth Landrock roared, pounding his massive fist into his open palm. "I'm gonna crush that snake-haired witch into the ground!"

The other adventurers joined in, their voices raised in unison as they cried out in defiance of their nemesis, their enemy, their tormentor: Medusa.

"My friends, my fellow adventurers, my fellow heroes," Bell began. "We are in the makings of a new epic tale, one that will live in history, one that will never be forgotten. The battle of all battles is ahead of us, the mother of all quests. This is a battle between good and evil, where love must triumph over hate, where kindness must see off cruelty and oppression, just like in the stories our parents read to us when we were little children. We are about to become the heroes in our own story, one that future parents all over the world will read to their children, generation after generation, inspiring the rise of new heroes. Whatever hardships they will face, they will look back to this day to inspire their courage. We are the spark that will light the fire in their hearts!"

A cheer rang out through the crowd of adventurers as Bell's words ignited a flame of passion and determination in their hearts. The air was abuzz with excitement as they prepared for their grand adventure. Riveria could not be more proud of him

Bell stood before Hestia, his heart heavy with the weight of the task that lay ahead. He knew that this mission was unlike any he had faced before, that the dangers that awaited him in the depths of the Dungeon were beyond anything he had ever encountered. But he also knew that he had no choice but to go, to face those dangers head-on and do whatever it took to protect the people he loved.

Eina Tulle stood at the gates of Babel, her eyes red and puffy from crying, her face etched with worry as she watched the adventurers prepare to depart. She had spent the past few days in a state of near-constant anxiety, her mind plagued by visions of the horrors that awaited them in the depths of the Dungeon.

As Bell approached, his crimson eyes meeting hers with a reassuring smile, Eina felt her heart skip a beat. She had always cared for him, had always seen him as more than just another adventurer under her charge. But now, faced with the possibility of losing him forever, she realized just how deep those feelings ran.

"Bell-kun," she whispered, her voice hoarse with emotion as she reached out to take his hand. "Please, be careful out there. I... I don't know what I would do if anything happened to you."

Bell's smile softened, his eyes shining with warmth and affection as he squeezed her hand gently. "I will," he promised, his voice low and earnest. "I'll come back to you, Eina. I swear it."

Eina nodded, blinking back tears as she reluctantly released his hand. As Bell turned to join the other adventurers, she caught sight of Riveria standing nearby, watching them with an unreadable expression on her face.

Eina approached the high elf slowly, her steps hesitant and uncertain. "Riveria," she began, her voice trembling slightly. "I... I need to ask you something."

Riveria regarded her silently for a moment, her eyes searching Eina's face as if looking for something. Finally, she nodded, gesturing for Eina to continue.

"You... you care for him too, don't you?" Eina asked softly, her voice barely above a whisper. "Bell, I mean."

Riveria's eyes widened slightly, a flicker of surprise crossing her face before she quickly schooled her features into a neutral expression. "I... I do," she admitted, her voice equally soft. "More than I ever thought possible."

Eina nodded, a sad smile tugging at the corners of her lips. "I thought so," she murmured, her gaze drifting back to where Bell stood among the other adventurers. "He has that effect on people, doesn't he? He just... he just has a way of making you feel like you're the most important person in the world."

Riveria followed her gaze, her own expression softening as she watched Bell laugh and joke with his companions. "He does," she agreed quietly, her voice tinged with a hint of wistfulness. "He truly is special."

Hestia also looked up at him, her eyes shimmering with unshed tears. She reached out and took his hand in hers, squeezing it tightly as if she never wanted to let go.

"Bell," she whispered, her voice trembling with emotion. "I... I don't want you to go. I'm scared for you, scared of what might happen if you..."

She trailed off, unable to finish the thought. Bell felt a lump form in his throat, his own eyes stinging with tears as he saw the fear and concern etched on Hestia's face.

"I know, Goddess," he said softly, reaching up to brush a strand of hair from her face. "I'm scared too. But I have to do this. I have to fight for what's right, for the people I care about. And that includes you."

Hestia sniffled, a single tear rolling down her cheek. "I know," she whispered, her voice barely audible. "I just... I can't bear the thought of losing you, Bell. You mean everything to me."

Bell felt his heart swell with emotion, a wave of love and gratitude washing over him. He pulled Hestia into a tight embrace, burying his face in her hair and breathing in her familiar scent.

"You won't lose me, Goddess," he murmured, his voice muffled by her shoulder. "I promise you, I will come back to you. No matter what happens, no matter what I have to face, I will always find my way back to you."

Hestia clung to him, her small frame shaking with silent sobs. They stayed like that for a long moment, holding each other close, drawing strength and comfort from each other's presence.

Finally, Bell pulled away, his eyes shining with determination. "I have to go now, Goddess," he said softly, his voice steady and sure. "But I want you to know that I love you, and I always will. No matter what happens, no matter where this journey takes me, you will always be in my heart."

Hestia nodded, a watery smile spreading across her face. "I love you too, Bell," she whispered, her voice thick with emotion. "Always and forever."

With one last squeeze of her hand, Bell turned and walked away, his heart heavy but his resolve unshakable. He knew that the road ahead would be long and difficult, but he also knew that with Hestia's love and support, he could face anything that lay in his path.

Bell stood before Hestia, his heart heavy with the weight of the task that lay ahead. He knew that this mission was unlike any he had faced before, that the dangers that awaited him in the depths of the Dungeon were beyond anything he had ever encountered. But he also knew that he had no choice but to go, to face those dangers head-on and do whatever it took to protect the people he loved.

Hestia looked up at him, her eyes shimmering with unshed tears. She reached out and took his hand in hers, squeezing it tightly as if she never wanted to let go.

"Bell," she whispered, her voice trembling with emotion. "I... I don't want you to go. I'm scared for you, scared of what might happen if you..."

She trailed off, unable to finish the thought. Bell felt a lump form in his throat, his own eyes stinging with tears as he saw the fear and concern etched on Hestia's face.

"I know, Goddess," he said softly, reaching up to brush a strand of hair from her face. "I'm scared too. But I have to do this. I have to fight for what's right, for the people I care about. And that includes you."

Hestia sniffled, a single tear rolling down her cheek. "I know," she whispered, her voice barely audible. "I just... I can't bear the thought of losing you, Bell. You mean everything to me."

Bell felt his heart swell with emotion, a wave of love and gratitude washing over him. He pulled Hestia into a tight embrace, burying his face in her hair and breathing in her familiar scent.

"You won't lose me, Goddess," he murmured, his voice muffled by her shoulder. "I promise you, I will come back to you. No matter what happens, no matter what I have to face, I will always find my way back to you."

Hestia clung to him, her small frame shaking with silent sobs. They stayed like that for a long moment, holding each other close, drawing strength and comfort from each other's presence.

Finally, Bell pulled away, his eyes shining with determination. "I have to go now, Goddess," he said softly, his voice steady and sure. "But I want you to know that I love you, and I always will. No matter what happens, no matter where this journey takes me, you will always be in my heart."

Hestia nodded, a watery smile spreading across her face. "I love you too, Bell," she whispered, her voice thick with emotion. "Always and forever."

With one last squeeze of her hand, Bell turned and walked away, his heart heavy but his resolve unshakable. He knew that the road ahead would be long and difficult, but he also knew that with Hestia's love and support, he could face anything that lay in his path.