
Danmachi: Legend of Titania

"Live life to the fullest!" I heard that. I'm considered a side character in this life but if I had a chance to redo it all; I would be greater than the main character. A LEGEND! ÷×÷×÷×÷×÷×÷×÷×÷×÷×÷×÷× Writing Experience: 1/20 {Novice} Writing Style: 2/10 {Monochromatic} ÷×÷×÷×÷×÷×÷×÷×÷×÷×÷×÷× Warning ⚠️Yaoi but don't worry as it will not take most of the chapters and overtake the main topic of the story. Beware: I have a very monochromatic writing style so my choice of words may be dull or mundane. ÷×÷×÷×÷×÷×÷×÷×÷×÷×÷×÷× This is a Fast-Paced, Overpowered, Gay MC. It's your choice if you want to read or don't want to read it! ÷×÷×÷×÷×÷×÷×÷×÷×÷×÷×÷×

Apprentice_Writer · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

(8) Emotiō't Will

After I finished taking a bath I laid down on the same bed where we do our updates, with my top off. My wounds are gone now since I drank the potion when going here so not a single mark was left on my body.

"Ready?" -- Miach said as I nodded.

He pricked his pointer finger as his blood dripped on my back showing my status.

Miach: "Good job! 👍"

Mavis: "Cein Quinn

Level 1

STR I - 46 ---> STR G - 228

VIT I - 54 ---> VIT G - 232

DEX I - 49 ---> DEX G - 226

AGI I - 55 ---> AGI G -234

MAG I - 0 ---> MAG I - 0

Magic: {Emotiōt Will} <Eligible to Unlock>

Racial Magic: {Vampire Domain} <Locked>

Skills: [Psychologist] Sub: •Omniscient Eyes•, •Impart•. [Challenger], [Adapt], [Eclipse], [Duck's Luck] Sub: •Sure Intuition•, •Pure Mayhem•, •Precious Pond•.

Development Abilities: --"

Miach: "[Challenger] really is your ace skill! Now I don't need to worry about you as much with [Ducks Luck] as it's equivalent to divine protection." -- He said chuckling to himself.

"It seems my magic that came with [Psychologist] is eligible to be unlocked so I'll try it now" -- I said to Miach as he nodded.

'Mavis unlock [Emotiōt Will]'

Mavis: 'Sure, sure~'

Suddenly my head is hurting, and I feel very hot, and now very cold, my vision became blurry and suddenly everything blacked out.

I opened my eyes as I saw Naaza and Miach beside my bed.

Naaza: "How are you?" -- She said turning her attention to me.

"I'm fine I'll talk to Mavis for a sec." -- I said both her and Miach raising their eyebrows.

"My [Psychologist] skill" -- I said.

Me: 'Mavis?'

Mavis: 'Okay!!! {Emotiōt Will}: the user can create anything with enough emotion and will.'

Suddenly information about my magic began pouring onto me.

Now I understand; this skill can create anything skills, magic, and so on as long as I have enough devotion.

Miach: "So..?"

Me: "I'll tell you next week!"

Miach: "What? Why not now?"

"I'll train for now see you later!" -- I said waving goodbye to the both of them as I pick up my bone blade and headed towards my training area.

My plan this week is a long one: First I'll train heavier than yesterday, and create little things with {Emotiōt Will} to raise my magic stat then I'll create new skills fitted for me, then I'll go on an eight days dungeon dive to level up to level.

Yes, LEVEL 2! To get to level 2 I'll fight the Goliath, I'm sure I can cut one of its limbs which is enough to impress the Gods; as a level 1 defeating a monster equivalent to a level, 4 is monstrous. I'm sure even if I cut one of its limbs my life is not safe yet, so that's when the second component comes into action: Miach's blood.

Mavis confirmed that she can update me as long as I collected high-level excelia which in this situation is a level one going to the 17th floor and then cutting one of the Goliath's limbs.

Before I dungeon dive I'll ask Miach for his blood then I'll compress his blood with {Emotiōt Will} making it a blood bead little and handy enough for hard situations such as leveling up while fighting the Goliath.

Of course, I won't update without maxing my basic abilities, that's when [Challenger] and [Adapt] comes in. [Challenger] greatly increases my basic abilities when fighting stronger opponents ensuring that my basic abilities will be maxed out, while [Adapt] ensures my survivability with its extra effect on opponents that as long as I fought them for two minutes and survive I can foresee seventy percent of their incoming attacks if Mavis then announces that my basic abilities had been maxed out I'll crack the blood bead on my back signaling my level up.

I'm now on my usual training spot and there are only a few people here, some training with swords and some training in archery.

'Mavis, activate subskill [Omniscient Eyes], and also get rid I'm my five senses and create hallucinations inside my head to enhance my 'sixth sense.

Suddenly I saw the souls of the adventurers some bright some dim and some outright fading, I also know their recent memories or should be at their memories since they were born that they might not even know themselves, suddenly all of my five senses were gone but I can still feel the peoples souls and their memories.

This is the training path that I chose, brutal.

Then I chanted the can't for {Emotiōt Will}.

"I will for sticks to come into existence!" -- I repeated like a mantra.

I can't see it but I know a stick came out of existence, I will continuously do this even if I go mind down. I also adjusted my breathing to those of the demon slayer, I plan for the Demon Slayer breathing exercises to be my skill using {Emotiōt Will} but first I have to devote myself.

Suddenly I saw a person in front of me slashing at me. This must be Mavis's hallucination to me.

|Narrators Pov|

People stopped in their tracks in the training area as a beautiful young man with white hair with green, and yellow streaks were swinging his sword. But people didn't stop in their tracks because of the beautiful man's feminine features and his fairy-like body but because of his domineering stabs and slashes that splits the air, while at the same time wooden sticks came into existence in front of him parrying his sword slashes but cease to exist as the sword halves them into two. They can't stop but wonder how a tiny body can fit such a power, sure they might be level 2 or 3 right now but if they look at their past as a level 1 is their strength the same as the young man when they were level 1.

it's been eight hours now and people left and new people came, and the boy was still slashing as sticks came into existence. The boy who was slashing suddenly stopped and sat on a lotus position seeming like meditating.

Suddenly the beautiful man mumbled:

"I will, as I achieve: Total Concentration: Constant!"

"I will, as I achieve: Sixth Sense!"

Mavis: 'New skill [Total Concentration: Constant] achieved. Effects: Five times faster regeneration, and a ten percent boost in all stats. Probable development ability: Sixth Sense Achieve, due to the vampire race's heightened senses, the five heightened senses, in turn, turned into a probable development ability: [Five Heightened Senses] which will make your senses greater than the vampire race's normal heightened senses, as it is a development ability it can still be upgraded. Due to probable development ability [Sixth Sense], merging is possible. Merging [Sixth Sense] with [Five Heightened Senses] to the probable development ability [Immortals Sense].

[Immortals Sense] at I - grade can enhance the user's senses ten times, [Immortals Sense] also lets the user have an inhumane 'sixth sense' '

"My hard work did pay off!" -- mumbled the young man as he left the training grounds as people look at his sweating body.


A/N: Sorry for the information dump, and slow update! I got kinda sick.