
Danmachi: Legend of Titania

"Live life to the fullest!" I heard that. I'm considered a side character in this life but if I had a chance to redo it all; I would be greater than the main character. A LEGEND! ÷×÷×÷×÷×÷×÷×÷×÷×÷×÷×÷× Writing Experience: 1/20 {Novice} Writing Style: 2/10 {Monochromatic} ÷×÷×÷×÷×÷×÷×÷×÷×÷×÷×÷× Warning ⚠️Yaoi but don't worry as it will not take most of the chapters and overtake the main topic of the story. Beware: I have a very monochromatic writing style so my choice of words may be dull or mundane. ÷×÷×÷×÷×÷×÷×÷×÷×÷×÷×÷× This is a Fast-Paced, Overpowered, Gay MC. It's your choice if you want to read or don't want to read it! ÷×÷×÷×÷×÷×÷×÷×÷×÷×÷×÷×

Apprentice_Writer · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

(6) Dungeon III

I now descended to the second floor of the dungeon, it's still the same size floor and blue-colored walls, but this time there are only a few goblins while the kobolds are greater in numbers.

There are some adventurers but mostly none, so I started to find my spot to hunt.


I'm a little bit away now from the entrance to floor two and I'm now scouting five kobolds and two goblins in the area -- I'm gonna try to surpass my limits this time and use my reflexes to my advantage.

I'm fourteen meters apart from them so I decided to leap on the ceiling spiderman style stealthily as I crawl upside down towards them.

I haven't tried this before but I think it's worth the risk.

I'm on top of them now as I drop slashing the head of one of the kobolds \Shuk\ the head fell and its companion looks at our position and shrieked as they saw me.

One by one they all came at me, one of the kobolds tried to smash their sticks at me but I evaded as I slash his head off.

One thing I realized between goblins and kobolds is the toughness of their skin, goblin skin is easier to cut while kobold's skin has a layer of toughness onto it.

I did the same for the others as my blade slashed the fourth kobolds head \krk\ suddenly I heard the sound of my blade breaking just as the last kobold is about to touch me, I quickly duck and using the handle left by my broken knife I use it as a protrusion coming off between my fingers then uppercutting the last kobold.

There are still two monsters: goblins -- one from the left and one from the right, I throw the knife handle at the one on the right knocking him down as I leaped to the goblin on the left going to his blind side and positioning to his back as I crack his head before the knocked down goblin can even stand I strangled him on the neck as he turned into dust.

I picked up the spike left by the goblin and I'm planning to move deeper down until level five.

'There's no way I'm going home this early! Right, Mavis?'

Mavis: 'Stubborn.'

Ignoring her I picked up my loots and continued StRoLlInG.

I killed kobolds and goblins in many different ways today, jumping from the ceiling, going to their blind slide, stabbing them on their hearts, ducking, and slashing, or sometimes using the leftover spikes to use as a javelin.

I descended as I see the scene: The same number of goblins and kobolds from floor two, and some red reptilian creatures also known as dungeon lizards. Normally, people won't see them as the dungeon lizard's attack method is ambushing people from the walls but I can see them with my heightened senses.

I slowly walk towards the center acting as I can't see them suddenly I hear five of them jumping down as I wait for a second as I leaped now slashing one of their companion's heads.

As they drop down, they suddenly saw one of their companions turn to dust but they don't know where the enemy is until one by one they all turned to dust.

This was just me hiding on their blindsides and using it to my advantage, though I lost three spikes just dealing with five of these lizards!

I only have seventeen spikes left now, turns out goblins are the only one who uses sharp weapons, kobolds uses a stick, while dungeon lizards use their claws, it would be really good to have a growth type weapon, sigh~

As I was picking up the magic stones I notice that there are red reptilian scales around.

Mavis: 'Master, you've gained a skill called [Duck's Luck] it gives you great luck and great drop luck. its subskills are: [Sure Intuition] it lets you see a part of the future as long as you're sure about your intuition if you're wrong you can't use this ability for two months. Can only be used once a week. The second subskill is called [Pure Mayhem] it lets you tame monsters that have no fighting abilities. The last subskill is called [Precious Pond] this subskill let you store any non-living things besides your tamed monster.


This is a great and useful skill, not even bell's [Luck] can do this.

I got over the shock with time as I ramage my way through with my broken spikes to get to the fourth floor.

As I got to the fourth floor I manage to get a drop of sharp bone from a dungeon lizard.

'Are you sure my [Duck's Luck] ain't activated, Mavis?'

Mavis: 'Yup, don't you remember that you need to get updated first to have the effect of the skills working, but on certain occasions, the power of the skills leaks through the falna'

I nodded as I saw the fourth floor: no more goblins just great numbers of kobolds and SOME dungeon lizards, there are a lot of them and are just hiding.

There are also a few adventurers here and there and not as ghostly as the third floor.


It's been two to three hours since I've been on the fourth floor and all I can say is that the sharp bone I got from the lizard is turning blunt and has a few cracks already.

The fourth floor has gone quite ghostly as I think it's already dark outside.

Suddenly I felt a chill, I duck subconsciously this is all a too familiar feeling when I got kicked to my side by the goblin on the first floor.

From, where I stood, there is now a tongue! FROG SHOOTERS! HOW! They're SUPPOSED TO BE ON THE FIFTH FLOOR!

Mavis: 'Some escaping lunatics must have brought them here. Be the careful master!'

I nod as I felt another chill I leaped up and saw from where I duck is another tongue.

I scanned my surroundings using my heightened senses to my advantage as I felt two frog shooters and eight dungeon lizards.

I decided to take out at least one of the frog shooters before the others or else I'm dead.

I hang on to the protruded stones from the ceiling as I sway stone to stone avoiding the swaying claws of the dungeon lizards while also evading the frog shooters' tongue, It wasn't easy but I had to do it. When I was three meters apart from one of the frog shooters I drop down and let it catch me when I was close enough I tried to cut off its tongue but it was too sticky, I'm so close to being eaten but I did what every desperate person would do; I held my blunt blade and stab it from the roof of its mouth it didn't penetrate it but I stabbed again, harder this time as it penetrated through the frog's eye and him turning to dust as leaped back just enough tor me to avoid the other frog shooters tongue.

But that wasn't enough as I was too focused on the two frog shooters that one of the dungeon lizards' claws dug through my back, gladly I had armor so only my lower back was clawed.

I backflipped to his back as I slash his head to two, I saw the upcoming frog shooters tongue as I backflipped away from it and leaped up, seeing a dungeon lizard I swayed to its blindside stabbing it to the chest but it didn't penetrate enough as I had to stab it again to end him giving time for two of his "friends" to claw me at my shoulders, I jump away from them as I threw the blade up in the air distracting them then dashing towards them as I extended my legs slamming my feet onto one of the lizard's chin like an uppercut except with my feet. Before the blade can even drop, I got onto the shoulder of the other dungeon lizard and twisted his head as I struggle but got it done, I caught my blade, and using the lizard that was about to turn to dust I was able to leap to one of the protruded stone from the ceiling avoiding the frog shooters tongue once again. I jumped from the protrusion on the ceiling and rolled like a wheel in the air swiftly appearing in front of the frog shooter's face as I slashed it three times with my blade turning it to dust.

I lay down as five shadows of dungeon lizards loom at me.

Me: "Tch, if you think you're the first one to surround me then get buried!!!" -- I leaped as I move like air stabbing each one of them continuously.

After a while, the sound of five monsters turning to dust sounded. The sounds of battle were replaced by someone gasping for air.

Soon the breathless boy stops wildly gasping for air and maniacally laughs, saying: "Time to see how much MONEY I GOT~"

He stood up, clinging to his bag on his shoulder as he looked for the way up.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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