
Danmachi: Legend of Titania

"Live life to the fullest!" I heard that. I'm considered a side character in this life but if I had a chance to redo it all; I would be greater than the main character. A LEGEND! ÷×÷×÷×÷×÷×÷×÷×÷×÷×÷×÷× Writing Experience: 1/20 {Novice} Writing Style: 2/10 {Monochromatic} ÷×÷×÷×÷×÷×÷×÷×÷×÷×÷×÷× Warning ⚠️Yaoi but don't worry as it will not take most of the chapters and overtake the main topic of the story. Beware: I have a very monochromatic writing style so my choice of words may be dull or mundane. ÷×÷×÷×÷×÷×÷×÷×÷×÷×÷×÷× This is a Fast-Paced, Overpowered, Gay MC. It's your choice if you want to read or don't want to read it! ÷×÷×÷×÷×÷×÷×÷×÷×÷×÷×÷×

Apprentice_Writer · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

(5) Dungeon II

I stealthily walked towards them but failed as they quickly noticed me.

'This is my first fight without any advantages, I should be careful.'

They all came running at me, one jumped, the others dashed towards me, I quickly back away to avoid the one who jumped then at the exact time I stabbed my knife into the air just enough for the goblin that jumped to be killed turning to dust.

The three goblins surrounded me but I leaped into the air kicking the one in front of me and stabbing the other one at its head.

I was able to kill the one that I stabbed and I also managed to push back the other one; just enough for a one-on-one with this other guy.

I quickly dashed towards him aiming my knife at his chest, when my knife was close already I saw a little bit of 'shine' and danger so I backed away from him. Then I saw that he has a hidden spike! 'If I wasn't careful I would have been dead already!' I thought as I quickly save this moment in my heart.

We stood one meter apart warily observing each other suddenly the goblin dashed to me aiming the spike at my chest which I parried, overpowering him and him stumbling I quickly took my chance and slash at his chest \Slhk\, his body was cut in half and turned to dust.

Suddenly I smelled the kicked goblin on my back and I also heard him jumping I quickly slash at my back without even looking \Bugh\ he turned to dust.

I also noticed that three of these goblins gave their drops. "Seems I'm pretty lucky!"


I was continuing smoothly for a while now only two to three goblins showing up which I can take care of.

But now I'm outnumbered one to ten and encircled, I quickly maximize my senses and tried to sense how many of them have weapons.

Me: 'What do you think Mavis?'

Mavis: 'Probably four have weapons, take caution master!'

I nodded and quickly leaped out trying to get out of the encirclement, I wasn't able to as they blocked it perfectly, I slash at the one in front of me that was blocking my way and my knife went smoothly through his body, I got out of the encirclement and now only one to nine.

I quickly thought of hiding and ambushing them afterward, but I quickly dismissed the idea as [Challenger's] effect doesn't just work if a person's strength is stronger than me but also if a situation is overpowering me, so this opportunity can quickly raise some of my parameters.

The three goblins closest to me dashed at me slashing their claws at me but it was useless as I cut off their hands. Kicking one, I slash my knife at the other one and stab the one beside it on its chest. The two turning to dust I look at the others and mumbled: "Seven more~"

I dashed at the six as the other one was still lying down from my kick, three of them took out spikes trying to slash me but I evaded them as I backflip towards their back, slashing them. This was a trick I learned a while before as I also realize that I have quite a flexible body.

I killed two with that slash, I quickly moved towards the other armed goblin as I slash at him only for him to parry my blow, we fought for domination as I overpower him splitting his body into two. I quickly sensed someone raising their hands to tear apart my head but I quickly ducked as I elbowed his ribs turning him to dust.

Two dashed at me while the one I kicked before leaped at me holding a spike with two hands aiming at my head, seeing that, I quickly kicked the one in front of me and slashed the other one on its neck like butter as he turned to dust, I wasted no time and did a c-turn going at the back of my past position, the goblin landed at my past position as I slash at its nape turning it to dust.

I walk slowly to the unconscious goblin and stab \Shk\ at its forehead turning it to dust.

I also noticed that I don't just have magic stones but frequent drops too.

'What time is it now Mavis?'

Mavis: "Probably, twelve-thirty in the afternoon"

'I'll rest for a while!'

I took a quick bite at the "macaroons" and it tastes like heaven this must be bought from culinary-type familias, I also tried the different colored macaroons and realized that they have different flavors, smores, chocolate, something like strawberry but not close enough to strawberry to be that good, and a sweet mango-tasting one that's so refreshing.

I drank my water and stretched up, I'm now going to the second floor!

This time I'm gonna fight not only goblins but kobolds and dungeon lizards!