
Danmachi: Legend of Titania

"Live life to the fullest!" I heard that. I'm considered a side character in this life but if I had a chance to redo it all; I would be greater than the main character. A LEGEND! ÷×÷×÷×÷×÷×÷×÷×÷×÷×÷×÷× Writing Experience: 1/20 {Novice} Writing Style: 2/10 {Monochromatic} ÷×÷×÷×÷×÷×÷×÷×÷×÷×÷×÷× Warning ⚠️Yaoi but don't worry as it will not take most of the chapters and overtake the main topic of the story. Beware: I have a very monochromatic writing style so my choice of words may be dull or mundane. ÷×÷×÷×÷×÷×÷×÷×÷×÷×÷×÷× This is a Fast-Paced, Overpowered, Gay MC. It's your choice if you want to read or don't want to read it! ÷×÷×÷×÷×÷×÷×÷×÷×÷×÷×÷×

Apprentice_Writer · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

(2) Miach Familia

| A/N: Sorry if the last chapter was too fast! I'll try to slow it down as slowly as I can. Mc isn't going into Bell's pants don't worry! |

I watched Danmachi, Fairy Tail, and Tensura before I got coma so I know Danmachi's Specific, I even go to Danmachi wiki like it's my home.

As I was a pretty basic guy before I will join Miach Familia. Miach Familia is hated by Dian Cecht and also a run and down familia. This is gonna be the start of my legend!

I should go there first of course.

"Wait, what timeline am I in Mavis?"

Mavis: "Three weeks before Bell Cranel enters Orario, Master"

"Okay, also show me the way to Miach Familia and tell me about me"

He said as Mavis showed the Orario map from the wikis in his memories the way to Blue Pharmacy (Miach Familia) Mavis also started --

"Master, you are 26 years old, a high vampire which is great in fighting, and has a great talent for magic that is not inferior to high elves, nor spirits, You also have heightened senses as a vampire. Two vampires can only be born in a thousand-year in which the social standing is unknown (vampire or high vampire). High vampires are stronger and more talented than ordinary vampires. It is also said that if the two vampires are born siblings it is to change fates. For example you, my master, and the lady."

Cein: "Wow... What lady?!"

Mavis: "It seems to be that if siblings are born the younger one is to recuperate in the older one's soul... This is not stated in the Diary at all!" -- she said quite excited, actually not quite. She's really excited.

Cein: "Diary?!"

Mavis: "Ehem, the diary is the memories of the past six primordial vampires, ancient magic, and so forth. It also gives you the extra-magic [Vampire Domain] which doesn't consume one of your magic slots, for now, it is locked. I didn't put the info of the diary into your brain yet as it would only damage your foundation, and also when the lady is awakened I shall do it for her too"

Cein: "When can I awaken her Mavis?"

Mavis: "It should be when you're level 4 master."

Cein: "Welp, I have a long way to go!"

Mavis: "Master, Vampires are also Immortal and cannot die of old age." (Old age only, he can still die if his head is cut off or too much blood loss)

Cein: "Dang, what position did my parents in my past life did for me to be this lucky!"

Mavis: "Missionary." -- She said nonchalantly which made Cein almost spit blood.

Cein: "Wait, is it possible that there are other vampires beside me and my sister?"

Mavis: "I don't think so. They all died battling with the monsters from the dungeon, and the most prominent primordial is from the last thousand years that trained Albert Waldstein. Who died to save Albert from the one-eyed black dragon, not knowing that his pupil didn't run and fought instead.

Actually, most of the dragon scales in the Edas village were cut off by that primordial."

Cein: "Dang!!!"

Without realizing it they are already in front of the Blue Pharmacy.

It's a small pharmacy and looks like those old basic ones. There, Miach is. long dark blue hair and dark blue eyes. He wears a black robe, a tan brown stole that reaches down past his shoulders. He is as beautiful as the wiki says, but he's not his type at all.

|Miach Pov|

I was counting the pharmacy's inventory when the door opened revealing a sixteen-year-old young man with a lean and bony body, he has dust all over his body and he has rugged clothes, his eyes light, and sparkling purple and his silver hair has been tainted brown.

Seeing this I came closer to check on him, suddenly he blurted out --

"I'll join your familia!" -- he said to me, his tone wasn't asking if he can, but he's ordering to join.

"You see... We really are broke and a down familia so..."


The boy: "I don't care, I may not know much about potions but I'll make this familia the strongest and the riches of 'em all"

The boy said, which put a smile on my face. I was about to accept him and tell him to take a shower when Naaza's sleepy voice invaded my ear.

"Mi.ach.-sama. We can't take strays anymore. we can accept members who will give us something. So, please..."

|Cein Pov|

I understand Naaza as Miach selflessly put their familia's money just for her prosthesis, she even dilutes the potion she gives to Bell just to lift their familia on four legs.

Me: "Don't worry I won't be a dead weight! If ever that you see my skills unworthy of lifting this familia and stitching it you can kick me out of here." -- I said as I look at them.

Miach did the puppy eyes to Naaza which Naaza just gleefully sighed.

Miach: "The bathroom's just down the hallway and -Miach goes to the cabinet and picked up clothes and put it onto my hands- take this. After that, I'll give you my falna."

I nodded and walked towards the bathroom.

|Naaza Pov|

'Sigh, I really don't know what this God is doing'

|Narrators Pov|

After finishing the bath Cein looked at himself in the mirror. Pale white skin, lean and bony body, silver hair with green streaks from the left, and yellow streaks from the right, he has light sparkly purple eyes.

He left the bathroom and goes to where Miach is.

Miach: "Here" -- Miach said as he pointed at one of the beds. Cein took off his top and laid down.

Miach: "It will sting a bit." -- Miach said as his blood dripped from his finger onto Cein's back, hieroglyphs appeared and showed his stats.

Miach's mouth was drooped open as he saw his stats. His parameters are normal but his skills surely aren't.

Cein Quinn

Level 1

STR I - 10

VIT I - 12

DEX I - 10

AGI I - 15

MAG I - 0

Magic: Vampire Domain [Locked]

Skills: [Psychologist] is a skill equal to having two minds, it also lets you have a very clear mind in any situation and gives you protection in any mind straining damage affected to the user. [Psychologist] also lets you reign over emotions this magic is locked for now. This skill also gives you the subskill [Omniscient Eyes]. [Omniscient Eyes] gives you the ability to see through a person's soul; abling you to see/know their memories and also their intentions. [Psychologist] also gives you another subskill called [Impart] which let you impart your magic or skills to others as long as they pass the 'qualifications'.

[Challenger] is a skill that lets you grow stronger when fighting stronger opponents than you. This skill also lets you break through the rank S of any basic abilities.

[Adapt] lets you adapt to anything faster. When fighting opponents for over two minutes the user can have a seventy percent chance to foresee an opponent's attack.

[Eclipse] lets you change into your bat form or vise versa

Development Abilities: --

Miach was shocked as three skills to a newbie is amazing -- he struck gold, no diamond!!!

Miach then gave a copy of it to Cein.

Cein: "I don't really need it as my [Psychologist] skill can talk to me and explain my skills." -- Cein said shrugging putting the paper beside him

Miach was shocked -- as this is the first time that a skill can communicate with the owner.

"Okay, let's get to business Miach-sama. I'll go to the dungeon tomorrow, I know Naaza-san can't accompany me so I'll be careful --he says while pointing at his eyes-- ill take my leave for now to train, can we skip the tour?"

Miach was actually about to ask what happened to him but seems that he avoids it so he doesn't continue.

"Okay, just don't look at people's memories without permission." -- he said bitter taste leaving his mouth as he remembered Naaza's trauma to monsters.

"No promises~" -- He said leaving, only the trail of his voice left.

Suddenly, Naaza came down from the second floor.

"Is he really worth it, Miach-sama?" -- Naaza asked seriously.

Miach didn't reply and just gave her his status sheet -- turning around to go back to work.

Naaza's agape mouth was seen.

She look again at piece of paper in front her and burned it.

Naaza: "This is it!"

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

I'm so sorry for the bad writing style. But honestly, I'm getting better.

Apprentice_Writercreators' thoughts