
Danmachi: Legend of Titania

"Live life to the fullest!" I heard that. I'm considered a side character in this life but if I had a chance to redo it all; I would be greater than the main character. A LEGEND! ÷×÷×÷×÷×÷×÷×÷×÷×÷×÷×÷× Writing Experience: 1/20 {Novice} Writing Style: 2/10 {Monochromatic} ÷×÷×÷×÷×÷×÷×÷×÷×÷×÷×÷× Warning ⚠️Yaoi but don't worry as it will not take most of the chapters and overtake the main topic of the story. Beware: I have a very monochromatic writing style so my choice of words may be dull or mundane. ÷×÷×÷×÷×÷×÷×÷×÷×÷×÷×÷× This is a Fast-Paced, Overpowered, Gay MC. It's your choice if you want to read or don't want to read it! ÷×÷×÷×÷×÷×÷×÷×÷×÷×÷×÷×

Apprentice_Writer · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

(1) Ryuu Lion

\Beep!!!\ \Beep!!!!!\

???: 'My time's finally up, huh! 😑'

Thought the young man who's in the hospital bed as his vital sign monitor turned red from green.

This young man has been in a coma for two years now as his parents won't let him go. It's been a long time since then and he heard a lot in the hospital: who's pregnant, who's cheating with whom, and so forth.

All he wishes now is to rest.

|Mc Pov|

???: 'Sigh, I hoped to have become Harley Quinn and now... I'm dying.

Voice of the World: 'Creating a male body reference to Harley Quinn, Granted. Unique Skill [Psychologist] has been acquired'

???: 'Ehh!? I'm dying and someone's pranking me, fu*k you. Tsk! I will definitely challenge you to a fight in my next life.

Voice of the World: 'Ability, [Challenger] acquired'

???: 'Fu*k, it's getting hot -- and cold...'

Voice of the World: 'Ability, [Adapt] granted'

I can't think now... but I can feel something talking...

Voice of the World: 'Reincarnating in Tensura; Failed. Reincarnating in Tensura; Failed. Reincarnating in Tensura; Failed. Reincarnating in Tensura; Failed. Reincarnating in Tensura; Failed. Solution, reincarnate to Danmachi ---------------Successful!'

???: 'The fuck?! Danmachi, Tensura?! Wait... VOICE OF THE WORLD!...'


Me: 'So bright, ehh?'

Me: 'Am I in heaven now?!'

I'm laid down and what I saw was a tree -- beside it was a wall made of stone or something...

Then, an old man in armor suddenly popped into my view.

Old man: "Young man, don't beg in front of the entrance many people are waiting in the line."

Me: "😃, Ehh?!"

I quickly got up and look around me; people in my back are all arranged in a line queueing to get to the entrance, I look at the front and saw a large city with a huge tower in the center.

Me: 'Is this! Is this Danmachi!!!'

Suddenly I remember the voices in my head -- I was supposed to be reincarnated in Tensura instead I got reincarnated to Danmachi due to some problems.

Some people saw me spacing out and wore a grunt on their faces. Suddenly a blond-haired girl with sky blue eyes came closer to the knight and said:

"Just let him in, I'll pay for it."

She said as the others who's qued up behind me pushed me inside.

I know the blond girl she's Ryuu! I don't know why she's outside Orario but she looks exactly like in the anime so I guess I'm not too far from the original timeline.

|Narrator Pov|

Ryuu entered the gate ignoring him, the boy quickly bowed --

Mc: "Thank you, Ryuu-san."

Mc: 'Oops! 😬'

Ryuu has widened eyes, she has never revealed her full name even when she was •Gale•. surname maybe but first name, no.

As she turned to ask the kid, he was not there anymore.

|Mc Pov|

When I quickly messed up I decided to run for my life as to not get interrogated, I've been running for a while now, how long has it been?

???: 'Eyaa~ 'been four minutes master!'

Me: "Ehh?! Who are you" -- He said warily

???: 'I'm your skill Psychologist, Master!' -- It said excitedly.

I quickly understood. Voice of the World, Skills, Abilities, and Reincarnation.

Me: "Explain all my skills, ehh Mavis"

Mavis: "Mavis, huh got it. [Psychologist] is like [Great Sage] hence a weaker version of it as we are in Danmachi. [Psychologist] doesn't need to learn emotions like [Great Sage], rather it needs to learn to be emotionless. Many may argue that being emotionless isn't part of emotions but it is, as being emotionless is just the absence of emotions. [Psychologist] Gives you the subskill [Omniscient Eye] to see the souls and memories of people, and [Omniscient Eye] also gives you the ability to predict attacks as long as you've been fighting an individual for two seconds. [Psychologist] also has subskill [Impart] which can let you impart magic or even skills to other people as long as they pass the 'qualifications'.

The [Psychologist] skill also gives you protection from charm or anything that can make your mind go into disarray.

[Challenger] lets you grow faster when fighting stronger opponents, just like [Liaris Freese]

[Addapt] lets you adapt to things faster and also learn faster."

Mc: "Great!!!"

|Mc Pov|

Hearing Mavis says those opportunities to get stronger I felt happy. In my past life, I can be treated as cannon fodder, a side character, basic. But now I can change and be the strongest!

I even died a gay virgin.

From now on I should be called Cein Quinn!!!