
Danmachi: Legend of Titania

"Live life to the fullest!" I heard that. I'm considered a side character in this life but if I had a chance to redo it all; I would be greater than the main character. A LEGEND! ÷×÷×÷×÷×÷×÷×÷×÷×÷×÷×÷× Writing Experience: 1/20 {Novice} Writing Style: 2/10 {Monochromatic} ÷×÷×÷×÷×÷×÷×÷×÷×÷×÷×÷× Warning ⚠️Yaoi but don't worry as it will not take most of the chapters and overtake the main topic of the story. Beware: I have a very monochromatic writing style so my choice of words may be dull or mundane. ÷×÷×÷×÷×÷×÷×÷×÷×÷×÷×÷× This is a Fast-Paced, Overpowered, Gay MC. It's your choice if you want to read or don't want to read it! ÷×÷×÷×÷×÷×÷×÷×÷×÷×÷×÷×

Apprentice_Writer · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

(10) Blue Papilio

I woke up at three forty-five in the morning, going down I saw Miach beside him was a table that was filled with the dungeon supplies.

Miach: "Here are your supplies, don't forget to store them in your •Precious Pond•. lay down as I will update your status." -- He said.

I took off my shirt as I laid down suddenly blood dripped on my back as a light shot out.

Mavis: "Cein Quinn

Level 1

STR G - 228 ---> STR G - 250

VIT G - 232 ---> VIT G - 246

DEX G - 226 ---> DEX G - 252

AGI G -234 ---> AGI G - 251

MAG I - 0 ---> MAG H - 111

Magic: {Emotiō't Will}

Racial Magic/Extra Magic: {Vampire Domain} <Locked>

Skills: [Psychologist] Sub: •Omniscient Eyes•, •Impart•. [Challenger], [Adapt], [Eclipse], [Duck's Luck] Sub: •Sure Intuition•, •Pure Mayhem•, •Precious Pond•, [Full Concentration: Constant].

Development Abilities: --"

Miach: "Don't hesitate to run if you think you can't survive a situation." -- He said to me seriously.

"No promises~" -- I said as I headed to the bathroom.

After I finish Miach was already gone probably doing some work in his office upstairs.

I quickly store the supplies in my [Precious Pond] as ripples like water on the table appeared while the items vanished.

I'm just wearing a dark blue shirt, black pants, and black boots right now as I locked the door of the pharmacy heading to the Hephaestus familia workshops.

Walking around, people had been looking at me regardless of gender, it must've been because I've had a little more weight now and not as bony as before that my figure truly shows.

I mean I can't blame them, silver hair with playful streaks on the sides, lean body, and feminine features, who wouldn't look. That's like an equivalent of a hot curvy blondie around the streets of New York.

After passing a lot of eyes I'm now in front of Tsubaki's workshop.

Knocking on the door as I heard: "It's open, come in" -- Following her orders, I opened the door and what I saw was heavenly!

On the stand was a beautiful black cuirass for my upper body, a black with a reddish tint pauldron for both of my shoulders, a white-bluish couter for my elbows, a black with the reddish color gauntlet, and a red poleyn protecting my knees. Then comes the beautiful maroon headgear, a maroon short cloak with a little Hephaestus familia symbol on the lower part of the cloak, while on both of the shoulders is a white emblem of the Miach familia. My sword also changed from white to a silver-white rapier with a very intricate guard design, its scabbard is dark blue.

My eyes are shining!!!

Tsubaki: "I'm telling you! if the drops don't have enough worth then you'll have to pay for all of this. Since it's me who made it it's gonna cost like a million valis, okay?"

"Yup!" -- With my [Duck's Luck] skill there shouldn't be any problem.

I wore the armor one by one as I grew happier by the second.

Me: "See you in eight days Tsubaki-san!" -- I said hugging her and waving goodbye.

|Narrators Pov|

Babel, Orario

A man with pale skin, silver hair, and purple eyes were walking as people's eyes were drawn to him; the man was walking in black armor with a maroon short cloak that made him majestic, coupled with his silver-white rapier.

People's eyes were looking at him then one person suddenly whispered within the crowd:

"That familia symbol on his shoulder seems like the Miach Familia!!"

"Now that I think about it!?" -- another one said.

But the young man was ignorant as he headed to the dungeon.

|Cein Pov|

I'm now rampaging through the fifth floor as kobolds and goblins attack me but I kept them back as I killed them one by one.

Seeing the entrance to the sixth floor where the frog shooters and war shadows live I kept my guard up as I dash in.

During this time I've also been chanting my {Emotiōt Will} concurrent chanting was tough at first but I've succeeded at it when training on the surface. Why I'm chanting {Emotiōt Will} is because I'm creating a skill that can help me with fighting the Goliath.

A war shadow 'blinked' before me as I stab at it but it vanish reappearing behind me but it was hit by the hilt of my rapier as I intended it to.

Suddenly a frog shooter's tongue was coming at me but I slice it in the middle as I swung my sword at a new war shadow killing it.

I'm doing my acrobatics again as I backflipped around the area killing dozens as the number of my stabs ranges from two stabs per second to five stabs per second annihilating them. Every time that an Item drops I also quickly store them in •Precious Pond• as I don't bother to check them.

The fifth to the seventh-floor difficulty is a little different from the first to the fourth as here the birth rate is faster, goblins and kobolds still spawn and are stronger.

The monster coming at me seems endless but it's been over two minutes now triggering the effect of [Adapt] letting me foresee seventy percent of their attacks.

\Shk\ \Shlk\

Mavis: "Master, another probable development ability showed up [Swordsman], and [Mage]."

I ignored it as I keep leaping at the air and bending my body like the air as I kept stabbing and slashing at the monster's body as I reached the seventh floor.

Keeping at it as some adventurers look at me with unbelievable gazes.

I descend the floor as I reached the seventh floor home to the killer ants and needle rabbits.

I saw a red monster with four legs and two arms I knew what it is: a killer ant.

It has a high attack speed and a tough shell combined with its use of pheromones to attract its companions in a pinch it's known as a newbie killer.

But I had no problem as I kept my previous rhythm slaughtering my way to get down.

Just as when I was close to the eighth floor I saw hallucinations and knew what it was: Purple moths poison!

I had no choice but to fight but the killer ants coupled with the stealthy war shadows kept piling up.

In front of me are a hundred monsters and no adventurers as I was too far away now.

I use my flexible body to 'dance' around them as I slash my blade killing some but not enough as the hundred turns to hundreds (200 monsters). My hands are bleeding as I puke blood while blood drips from my nose.

I'm tired... but I got to keep going! \Shlk\ stab and stab and stab. I stab dancing around the enemies as I still kept the focus on my chanting.

Mavis: "Master, probable development ability [Hunter] is now changed to probable ability [Survivor]. Also, a new probable development ability called [Acrobat] showed up!"

Mavis's notifications reminded me why I wanted to become strong, I wanted to be the strong because I don't want to be a side character! A cannon fodder!

Going down from the protrusion and slashing with my rapier in a circle I was successful to kill a few in my range. There are only about fifty monsters now but the poison is taking a toll on me as my veins started to show up they weren't the normal green color but purple-colored as I watch them bulge from my arms.

'I need to escape!'

That's the only thing I thought if I don't bail now my whole body will be paralyzed and these ants can chomp me down.

Raising my rapier just above my shoulder I stabbed the war shadow behind me as I dashed towards a mini cave a killer ant was in front of me but I backflipped tabbing it in midair as I brush past the now dust killer ant.

Getting inside the mini cave I kicked its side and a huge chunk of stone fell then I proceeded to push it covering the entrance where I came from.

I lay down as I gasp for air, it was dark as the entrance was now covered with a boulder but suddenly something lighted up.

It's a blue butterfly with four see-through wings, Blue Papilio! Blue Papilio are known as rare monsters as they have no fighting abilities but the powder secreted from their wings can heal others.

Suddenly another two lighted up as I saw another two Blue Papilio! I just know what to do with them!

I put my hands in the air close to them as I use my subskill •Pure Mayhem•.

Mavis: "Eyy~ Three Blue Papilio are now your tamed monsters and are eligible to live in •Precious Pond•. As their master, you can command them to willingly secrete the powder from their wings to heal someone. One Papilio can heal twenty people a day from any poison but recovery time may range from the fatality of the poison."

'Sigh, I really can't understand if my [Duck's Luck] is bad considering I just faced a horde of monsters which normally shouldn't happen, or is it good that I won't be paralyzed and die from poison.'

'Secrete your powder on my body, my dear Papilio's!' -- I thought as the three Papilio secreted glowing blue powder on me.

I can clearly tell that I'm getting better as the purple veins are slowly returning to normal, and I don't feel that bad anymore but I still need to recover a bit. After the three of them are done I commanded them to live in •Precious Pond• as I summoned a potion from there.

Drinking the potion it tasted bitter like herbs which is what I'm expecting but still...

I still didn't stop chanting since entering the dungeon as I really needed this skill to fight off the Goliath.

The skill that I'm constructing is what I call [Aura] I want it to give a three hundred bonus on all stats when it's active, and it can do many moves combined with magic. Using [Aura] also allows you to manipulate magic power freely. For example, a ranged attack called sword slash lets slashes with a wave of magic power.

If paired up with an element for example is Ais's {Ariel} the sword slash will have the wind element imbued to it making it more versatile than the normal sword slash of [Aura] and magic. You can also use the combination of [Aura] and magic into a shockwave when you punch or kick making it a versatile skill.

Though it's powerful: giving three hundred bonus to all stats and having the ability to manipulate magic power more freely, I think there will be huge limitations if I actually manage to create this skill.


[A/N: Cein Quinn and his still sleeping sister Lily Quinn reference.]

[ ] This symbol is for skills and development abilities.

• • This symbol is for subskill.

{ } This one is for magic.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Apprentice_Writercreators' thoughts