
Danmachi: Harbinger of Thunder

Strength. It was a concept I never really needed. Until now I was desperate for it. Willing to sacrifice my arms, legs, head, or even my soul. Why? Because with strength, I wouldn't have to see the demise of Orario, alongside my Goddess and all those that I considered dear. After days of fighting and eventually killing the being that I detested the most whilst suffering unimaginable injuries an opportunity presented itself in front of me. Something that makes me able to change everything. A chance to go back to the past, and I would take it, no matter what dares to stand before me.

ThighLover · Anime & Comics
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2 Chs

[2] A Second Chance

{...} - monster speech

'...' - thoughts

"..." - speech

--- Chapter 2 ---

"...and that's all regarding the recent news circulating around Orario, Lord Ouranos."

A slightly chubby and small individual with long pointed ears, green eyes, and white hair, recited the words on the pile of papers before turning to look up at the person in front of him with respect.

The said man, who's appearance and expression was cloaked by a black hood, seemed to be in deep thought as silence covered the atmosphere between the two individuals.

"Hmm, is that so? Well then Royman, I hope-"

The calm and stoic voice resounding from Ouranos suddenly stopped midway through his speech, making the chubby elf flinch with slight trepidation wondering if he had done something wrong.

After what seemed to be like hours for the now fearful elf, Ouranos spoke once again.

"Hmm, interesting. What I wanted to say was that I hope you can continue working hard for the Guild, Royman."

The elf in question previously darted his eyes around the room and trembled occasionally before sighing with relief with the God's words.

The small man hurriedly tightened his grip on the papers and bowed politely before taking off. Not forgetting to leave courteous words to reassure his Lord that he wouldn't be slacking off.


The door that was opened by the elf beforehand, finally closed. Leaving Ouranos to his thoughts with the lingering silence surrounding the room.

The cloaked man suddenly turned his head toward a specific direction while his fingers, that rested comfortably on his stone throne, began tapping.

'It seems like a storm will be arriving in Orario soon...'

The God had felt something unusual whilst talking to his loyal attendant. Although he didn't know what had happened, he knew that something had changed, and his instincts as a top-tier God screamed that it wasn't a small change.

Whether that change was for the better or worse, only time will tell, and that wasn't something he lacked. Although, it didn't hurt to be wary towards the future.

The man who's fingers were tapping along with his thoughts suddenly stopped. The God slowly relaxed his back that was unconsciously stiffened before letting out a deep sigh.

'I think I might be too old for this...'

--- Bell PoV ---

The first thing I would have expected to greet me would have been the usual darkness - after losing my sight - or the afterlife.

What I didn't expect to see was a bright array of colours illuminating me to the point where I mometarily wished I could be blind again. Momentarily.

I patiently waited for my eyes to adjust to the lights before slowly sitting up and recollecting my thoughts.

'This shouldn't be possible...'

I frowned slightly as I began assessing my current body before coming to the conclusion that unfortunately only my soul had transferred, not my body that was capable of fighting toe-to-toe with the ancient dragon.

'Although this is good as well, with all my disabilities gone due to the Sword of Thunder, I can quickly regain my past strength and go even further in a shorter amount of time.'

My inner monologue finally ended and I began to instinctively stretch to keep my body in optimum condition.

'But still, it shouldn't have been possible to send me back in time, especially since there currently is no God in Gekai that can rewind Time after using their Arcanum...'

I shook my head and tried to not stress my mind the moment I got greeted with a second chance.

'However, I'm grateful towards the person who had sent me back in time.'

Because now he had a chance to unravel the regrets thag had burdened him during his life.

'I should quickly go to the dungeon and level up my Falna as soon as poss-...'

My thoughts that were centered on becoming stronger suddenly trailed off before realising that I don't have the familiar divinity of my Goddess running through my body.

'So I came back before I met Hestia?'

My face rapidly contorted in pain as I remembered how my Goddess had been killed while I was leisurely walking around Orario with Syr.

And she had been killed soon after too.

'It's funny how the good memories have been forgotten with the passage of time while the bad ones still linger around...'

My eyes suddenlybbecame unfocused as I began to reminisce about the past. Although, I quickly snapped out of it while remembering the goals and purpose in this life.

'I'll make sure that nothing goes wrong this time.'

I made a vow to kill those that had harmed Hestia in my previous life after finding out that she had been killed.

'You better prepare your necks for me, because I sure won't be merciful...'

My true enemies in this life aren't the monster's that wreaked havoc across the world, but the God's themselves.

My fist clenched tightly as I remembered the faces of the ten gods that awaited for the downfall of Orario.

'After sending you to Tenkai I will eventually find you and kill you in your own domain.'

After all that's what they deserve for abandoning Hestia while she risked her life for them, not knowing what hid under that facade.

My mind started coming up with various plans to torture them while my eyes sharpened.

'Although I'm not strong currently, I will be eventually...'

And when he was, he would find his way to the plane of God's: Deusdia, and slaughter them.

--- Orario ---

"Hmph, why does no one want to be in my Familia, Hephaestus?!"

A petite and beautiful girl with black hair styled into two twin-tails was currently hugging a gorgeous red haired woman with an eye-path over her eye.

The red haired woman, Hephaestus, have a tired sigh and quietly rubbed her friends head while listening to her cry about 'foolish adventurers'.

After a few minutes of excessive crying, Hephaestus clearly couldn't take it anymore and began try to coax her friend to stop whining.

"Hestia, I'm sure that an adevnturer will join your Familia soon enough. You just got to have some patience."

Hestia, that was crying in Hephaestus' arms quickly looked at her with swollen red eyes and began to moan about the unfairness of this world.

"Hephaestus! There are like around 20 adventurers begging to join your Familia every day and I can't even get a single one during a week! How is this fair!"

Hephaestus' hand that was patting Hestia froze for a solid second before continuing her speech.

"Hmm, maybe an adventurer better than all those that have asked me will join your Familia, Hestia."

The black haired girl that was bawling her eyes out had stopped her tears and looked up. Soon after an arrogant expression slowly etched itself on her face as she began to proclaim.

"Hehe, that's correct! Only the best adventurer can be part of my, Hestia's, Familia after all!"

The girl quickly began to smile and chuckle after her comment, somehow beginning to look forward to what awaits her in the future.